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- Icon is a program language that looks superficially like Pascal,
- but which supports generators. It also include some very reasonable
- X11 support.
- The port has not yet been tested on all architectures. In particular,
- most will need coexpr support (see openbsd/${ARCH}_coexpr.c and
- openbsd/define.h), but we can probably steal that from an existing
- architecture.
- The graphics picture loader can also be improved to handle gifs, jpeg, png,
- tiff, along with xpm.
- The icon compiler is actually no longer supported by the icon project,
- though it is nice to have it along.
- The icon variant translators could be rather simply installed.
- There is a patch floating around for some unix functions support (sockets,
- mainly) that is crying to be adapted... and which has been integrated into
- unicon (which is still beta at the moment).
- There is a no_x11 flavor, that does not require X11 to run.