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- A program to allow the user to view a complete directory of X bitmaps
- and X pixmaps all in one go, and to perform user defined actions on
- these images. If you don't think this is useful, you have never dealt with
- a directory of small icon images.
- Copyright Ashley Roll and Anthony Thyssen
- Original Program: Ashley Roll ash@cit.gu.edu.au upto version 3.2
- Current Programmer: Anthony Thyssen anthony@cit.gu.edu.au version 4.0 on
- This program while available in the X11 Contrib Area, still belongs to
- the programmers. Permission is however given for you to freely copy,
- distribute and modify it on the condition that this and all other
- copyright notices remain unchanged in all distributions. Modifications
- should be forwarded to the Current Programmer (anthony) for inclusion into
- the next release.
- This software comes with NO warranty whatsoever and no responsibility for
- any damages, losses or problems that the program may cause will be taken.