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- Delaboratory is a color correction utility for digital images. It
- features:
- * Floating point precision (not 8-bit like Gimp, not 16-bit like most
- raw processors)
- * Native support for multiple colorspaces (sRGB, ProPhoto RGB, LAB,
- * Non-destructive editing (adjustment layers)
- * KISS design, realtime preview
- * Basic operations: CMYK curves, CMYK levels, RGB curves, RGB levels,
- white balance in LAB, saturation in LAB, LAB curves, BW curve, HSV
- equalizer, LCH equalizer, recover shadows/highlights, vignette, local
- contrast, LAB/BW/RGB/CMYK gradients
- * Expert operations: levels, curves, equalizer, exposure, saturation,
- white balance, fill, tone, local contrast, auto_dodge/auto_burn,
- sharpen, vignette, gradient, gaussian blur, recover highlights, recover
- shadows, channel mixer, high pass, c2g, copy
- * Many blend modes (multiply, screen, overlay, inverted overlay, dodge,
- burn, add, grain extract, grain merge, sub, difference, darken,
- lighten), color/luminosity blending for RGB and CMYK
- * RAW support (via dcraw), up to 5 color samplers, histograms and color
- matrices, etc.