patch-setup_py 1.7 KB

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-setup_py,v 2017/01/22 08:18:04 rpointel Exp $
  2. --- Thu Jul 21 21:02:40 2016
  3. +++ Thu Oct 13 22:33:14 2016
  4. @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class BuildExtCommand(build_ext):
  5. compiler = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler)
  6. self.define = self.configure_source_tree(compiler)
  7. - libtsk_path = "sleuthkit/tsk"
  8. + libtsk_path = "${LOCALBASE}/include/tsk"
  9. if not os.access("pytsk3.c", os.R_OK):
  10. # Generate the Python binding code (pytsk3.c).
  11. @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ class UpdateCommand(Command):
  12. with open("version.txt", "w") as fd:
  13. fd.write(self.version)
  14. - libtsk_path = "sleuthkit/tsk"
  15. + libtsk_path = "${LOCALBASE}/include/tsk"
  16. # Generate the Python binding code (pytsk3.c).
  17. libtsk_header_files = [
  18. @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ class ProjectBuilder(object):
  19. self._argv = argv
  20. # The path to the "tsk" directory.
  21. - self._libtsk_path = "sleuthkit/tsk"
  22. + self._libtsk_path = "${LOCALBASE}/include/tsk"
  23. # paths under the tsk/ directory which contain files we need to compile.
  24. self._sub_library_names = "auto base docs fs hashdb img vs".split()
  25. @@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ class ProjectBuilder(object):
  26. # The args for the extension builder.
  27. self.extension_args = dict(
  28. define_macros=[],
  29. - include_dirs=["talloc", "sleuthkit/tsk", "sleuthkit", "."],
  30. - library_dirs=[],
  31. - libraries=[],
  32. + include_dirs=[".", "${LOCALBASE}/include"],
  33. + library_dirs=["${LOCALBASE}/lib"],
  34. + libraries=["tsk", "talloc"],
  35. )
  36. # The sources to build.