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- $OpenBSD: patch-libraries_base_System_IO_hs,v 1.5 2014/11/22 20:23:23 kili Exp $
- --- libraries/base/System/IO.hs.orig Thu Jul 10 06:32:11 2014
- +++ libraries/base/System/IO.hs Sun Nov 2 21:50:32 2014
- @@ -174,7 +174,9 @@ module System.IO (
- -- on your system, which is also available as 'localeEncoding'.
- -- (GHC note: on Windows, we currently do not support double-byte
- -- encodings; if the console\'s code page is unsupported, then
- - -- 'localeEncoding' will be 'latin1'.)
- + -- 'localeEncoding' will be 'latin1'. On OpenBSD, the default
- + -- encoding is always 'latin1' but can be overridden with the
- + -- environment variable `HS_ENCODING')
- --
- -- Encoding and decoding errors are always detected and reported,
- -- except during lazy I/O ('hGetContents', 'getContents', and