patch-gcc_ada_gnatchop_adb 539 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-gcc_ada_gnatchop_adb,v 2011/11/14 13:00:57 pascal Exp $
  2. --- gcc/ada/gnatchop.adb.orig Mon Nov 14 13:40:36 2011
  3. +++ gcc/ada/gnatchop.adb Mon Nov 14 13:40:42 2011
  4. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ procedure Gnatchop is
  5. Config_File_Name : constant String_Access := new String'("gnat.adc");
  6. -- The name of the file holding the GNAT configuration pragmas
  7. - Gcc : String_Access := new String'("gcc");
  8. + Gcc : String_Access := new String'("egcc");
  9. -- May be modified by switch --GCC=
  10. Gcc_Set : Boolean := False;