patch-gcc_ada_g-calend_ads 592 B

  1. $OpenBSD: patch-gcc_ada_g-calend_ads,v 1.1 2014/02/07 01:27:21 tobiasu Exp $
  2. --- gcc/ada/ Sun Jan 19 06:14:19 2014
  3. +++ gcc/ada/ Sun Jan 19 06:17:58 2014
  4. @@ -129,7 +129,11 @@ private
  5. -- This is a dummy declaration that should be the largest possible timeval
  6. -- structure of all supported targets.
  7. - type timeval is array (1 .. 2) of Interfaces.C.long;
  8. + type timeval is
  9. + record
  10. + tv_sec : Long_Long_Integer;
  11. + tv_usec : Interfaces.C.long;
  12. + end record;
  13. function Julian_Day
  14. (Year : Ada.Calendar.Year_Number;