1.3 KB

Files ---------------------- * []( * [lignux.tar.gz](../data/hase/lignux.tar.gz) * [hase.opk](../data/hase/hase.opk) * [src.tar.gz](../data/hase/src.tar.gz)
Trisquel 7.0 ---------------------- Method A 1. Fetch the [LiGNUX install script]( 2. Run the script as root
Method B 1. Fetch the GNU/Linux [universal binary](../data/hase/lignux.tar.gz) 2. Extract the tarball (tar -zxvf lignux.tar.gz and cd into it 3. [Execute](../misc/script.html) the *hase* binary 4. Huzzah!
Parabola ---------------------- Method A 1. Fetch the Parabola [install script]( 2. Run the script as root Method B 1. Fetch the GNU/Linux [universal binary](../data/hase/lignux.tar.gz) 2. Extract the tarball (tar -zxvf lignux.tar.gz and cd into it 3. [Execute](../misc/script.html) the *hase* binary 4. Huzzah!
GCW Zero ---------------------- 1. Fetch the [OPK](../data/hase/hase.opk) 2. Install it 3. There you have it!