6.2 KB

all-trichord hexachords

all-interval twelve tone rows

link chords

micro-metric modulation

musical group theory

computer-assisted composition software

lilypond parsers

abcmusic parsers

miscellaneous readings

all the possible trichords belonging to SG1 (transposition is the binary operator)

prime form lilypond string interval-class vector
0 1 2 "c cs d" 210000
0 1 3 "c cs ds" 111000
0 2 3 "c d ds" 111000
0 1 4 "c cs e" 101100
0 3 4 "c ds e" 101100
0 1 5 "c cs f" 100110
0 4 5 "c e f" 100110
0 1 6 "c cs fs" 100011
0 5 6 "c f fs" 100011
0 2 4 "c d e" 020100
0 2 5 "c d f" 011010
0 3 5 "c ds f" 011010
0 2 6 "c d fs" 010101
0 4 6 "c e fs" 010101
0 2 7 "c d g" 010020
0 3 6 "c ds fs" 003000
0 3 7 "c ds g" 001110
0 4 7 "c e g" 001110
0 4 8 "c e gs" 000300

all the possible trichords belonging to SG2 (transposition and inversion are the binary operators)

prime form lilypond string interval-class vector
0 1 2 "c cs d" 210000
0 1 3 "c cs ds" 111000
0 1 4 "c cs e" 101100
0 1 5 "c cs f" 100110
0 1 6 "c cs fs" 100011
0 2 4 "c d e" 020100
0 2 5 "c d f" 011010
0 2 6 "c d fs" 010101
0 2 7 "c d g" 010020
0 3 6 "c ds fs" 003000
0 3 7 "c ds g" 001110
0 4 8 "c e gs" 000300