#19 Changes for Updating to CAT-SOOP 11

ادغام شده
jdkaplan 3 کامیت ادغام شده از adqm/catsoop_updates به jdkaplan/master 6 سال پیش

I think this is all of the necessary changes to make the queue work with CAT-SOOP 11. Two slight formatting changes, and a change to how submissions to checkoffs are handled.

I think this is all of the necessary changes to make the queue work with CAT-SOOP 11. Two slight formatting changes, and a change to how submissions to checkoffs are handled.
adam j hartz نظر 6 سال پیش

Worth noting: these are based on patches I applied for 6.01 and 6.009 this term, but I've not tested them on a local install.

Worth noting: these are based on patches I applied for 6.01 and 6.009 this term, but I've not tested them on a local install.
jdkaplan 6 سال پیش بسته شد
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