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- #!/bin/bash
- # the variable _ is the command that bash is executing now
- # $1 is the first argument to the command running now
- # $2 is the second argument to the command running now
- # echo ${_:5} will print the string from _ at position 5 to the end of the variable
- #if the directory the user entered is a valid directory,
- #then change to that directory
- if [ -d $1 ]
- then
- echo "$1 is a valid directory"
- echo "executing cd $1"
- cd $1
- echo "$(pwd)"
- #otherwise, save the current working directory
- #then cd to ~/, and test if the directory that the user entered,
- #is located at ~/ If so, change to that directory. If not,
- # then change to the current directory
- else
- echo 'you did not enter a valid directory...checking ~/'
- current_directory=$(pwd)
- cd /home/joshua/
- if [ -d $1 ]
- then
- cd $1
- else
- echo "$1 not a valid directory in ~/ either"
- cd $current_directory
- fi
- fi