endlessh-service.org 1.7 KB

I want to make this into a REALLY simple service!

Ideally, I would love an example service, that just starts a program. There is no configuration.

It just looks like:

(service some-service)

I should definitely try to use (define configuration).

However, most services in guix, have a configuration field or configuration file.

There is some documentation in the guix manual about this.

TODO things todo before I submit a patch to upstream issue # http://issues.guix.gnu.org/39136

  • State "TODO" from [2021-02-27 Sat 10:43]
  • :END:

Does endlessh's logging feature work? Should I enable this by default?

I can use "-vs". This is a TODO feature for later. I'm not too interested in setting up logging.

get endlessh using user "endlessh" instead of "root"

Currently I can try to run endlessh as "endlessh", but it does NOT run properly.

DONE make sure it is using principle of least authority

    Will it work after a reboot? maybe... CLOSED: [2021-02-27 Sat 13:04] :LOGBOOK:
  • State "DONE" from [2021-02-27 Sat 13:04]
  • :END:

It seems to be pretty doing this. This blog post talks more about it:

use the existing code found here:



Add documentation to it.

how to get endlessh to bind to ports less than 1024

## If you want Endlessh to bind on ports < 1024 ## 1) run: ## setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/bin/endlessh ## 2) uncomment following line #AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE ## 3) comment following line PrivateUsers=true