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  1. <!DOCTYPE html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" /><meta name="keywords" content="GNU, Emacs, Libre Software, Hurd, Guile, Guix" /><meta name="description" content=" is a website focusing on libre software projects, especially the GNU project." /><link type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate" title=" -- Feed" href="/feed.xml" /><a rel="me" href=""></a><link type="text/css" href="css/footer.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></link><link type="text/css" href="css/header.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></link><link type="text/css" href="css/main.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></link><title>Mentors are Fabulous —</title></head><body><header><nav><ul><li><a href="index.html"></a></li><li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li><li><a href="about.html">About</a></li><li><a href="business-ideas.html">Business-ideas</a></li></ul></nav></header><h1>Mentors are Fabulous</h1><main><section class="basic-section-padding"><article><h3>by Joshua Branson — October 31, 2020</h3><div><p><em>This is mostly a nerdy blog. However, this post is motivational and
  2. non-technical.</em></p><p>Recently I have been listening to &quot;I'm still here&quot;, which is Jim's theme from
  3. the movie <a href="">Treasure Planet</a>. It
  4. reminds me of uncertain times in my life, when I was struggling with self-worth
  5. and fearful of the future. I had all these big plans for my life, and I was not
  6. making any significant progress toward achieving them. However, many of my
  7. friends had married, started a family, landed their dream job and were happily
  8. living a life that seemed so far out of my reach. I would waste days just
  9. watching tv shows and online videos, and I felt lost and hopeless.</p><p>Has your life ever felt like walking through a hazy morning fog? Have you ever
  10. spent a day, knowing that the best portion of your day would begin when you feel
  11. asleep that night? I have been there, and it's not a fun place to be.</p><p>I am glad to say that I no longer live life with such a depressed attitude. It
  12. in large part has to do with a good friend and mentor, who has spent countless
  13. hours encouraging me and pointing out the good things that are <em>already present
  14. in my life.</em></p><p>I suppose the most significant practice that has helped me to stay positive is
  15. the teachings of <a href="">Dr. Joe Dispenza</a>, which
  16. encourages you to focus on the things, for which you are grateful, especially
  17. the things that you do not yet have. He teaches a type of meditation that
  18. imprints this on your brain. Just spending a few minutes in the morning
  19. meditating like this, drastically improved my mood. I would recommend that you
  20. watch a few videos of Dr. Joe Dispenza; it's worth your time.</p><p>Here's a short summary of what Dr. Joe might say:</p><blockquote><p>90% of the thoughts that you have today are the same thoughts that you had
  21. yesterday. The thoughts you think influence your emotions. Try it. Think
  22. about a happy thought, or a sad thought. What do you feel? If you spend
  23. five minutes re-living your proposal, then you would most likely feel joyous.</p><p>So, if your thoughts shape your mood, then your mood certainly shapes your
  24. actions. If you are angry, then you probably will not decide to act
  25. compassionately or generously. If you are joyous, then you will most likely
  26. do kind actions. The actions you do often are habits, and your habits
  27. predict your life.</p><p>thoughts --&gt; emotions --&gt; actions --&gt; habits --&gt; life</p><p>Therefore, your thoughts predict your life. Thoughts are things. If you
  28. begin to transform your thoughts, then you begin to transform your life.
  29. &quot;Change your personality to change your personal reality.&quot;</p></blockquote><p>If you are eager to start meditating now, try the following. Spend some time in
  30. a comfortable sitting position (if you meditate laying down, you may fall
  31. asleep). Set a timer for 10-40 minutes. Put on some meditating music. While
  32. you are sitting, try to focus on the generous present moment and also be
  33. thankful for the things that you do not yet have. Guided meditations may help
  34. you as well.</p></div></article></section></main><footer><p>© 2020 Joshua Branson. The text on this site is free culture under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International license.</p><p>This website is build with Haunt, a static site generator written in Guile Scheme. Source code is <a href="">available.</a></p><p>The color theme of this website is based off of the famous <a href="#3f3f3f" target="_blank">zenburn</a> theme.</p></footer></body>