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- <!DOCTYPE html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" /><meta name="keywords" content="GNU, Emacs, Libre Software, Hurd, Guile, Guix" /><meta name="description" content="GNUcode.me is a website focusing on libre software projects, especially the GNU project." /><link type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate" title="GNUcode.me -- Feed" href="/feed.xml" /><a rel="me" href="https://fosstodon.org/@thegnuguy"></a><link type="text/css" href="css/footer.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></link><link type="text/css" href="css/header.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></link><link type="text/css" href="css/main.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></link><title>Dual booting OpenBSD Guix System — GNUcode.me</title></head><body><header><nav><ul><li><a href="index.html">GNUcode.me</a></li><li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li><li><a href="about.html">About</a></li><li><a href="business-ideas.html">Business-ideas</a></li></ul></nav></header><h1>Dual booting OpenBSD Guix System</h1><main><section class="basic-section-padding"><article><h3>by Joshua Branson — July 19, 2021</h3><div><p>EDIT: This <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E9ga-CylWQ&t=563s">systematic review of OpenBSD security
- mitigations</a>
- points out some inaccuracies in the following blog.</p><p>I will be honest. I have a little crush on <a href="https://www.openbsd.org/">OpenBSD</a>.
- When I first learned about free/open operating systems, I knew that I wanted to
- use them. But in my early days of knowing nothing about computers, my limited
- research lead me to the conclusion that I could choose one of the *BSDs or a
- GNU/Linux distribution.</p><p>When I was making my decision about what free/open operating system that I
- wanted to run, I was intrigued by the code quality that FreeBSD, NetBSD,
- DragonFlyBSD, and particularly the insane <a href="https://lkml.org/lkml/2008/7/15/296">masturbating
- monkey</a> behavior that results from the
- impressive design goals of <a href="https://www.openbsd.org/goals.html">security, robustness, tracking and implement
- standards (ANSI, POSIX, parts of X/Open, etc.), and
- portability</a> of OpenBSD.</p><p>OpenBSD is known as being one of, if not the most secure, operating system in
- the world. It has pioneered many security related features, many of which have
- been ported to the other *BSDs
- <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenBSD_security_features">including</a>:</p><ul><li>W or X: you can either write or execute to a section of the hard
- drive but not both.</li><li>secure replacements for strcpy and strcat, namely strlcpy and
- strlcat</li><li>kernel randomization in that the linker randomly relinks the
- kernel at every reboot or halt (this is awesome)!</li><li>changes to malloc to use mmap, "which was modified to return
- random memory addresses…"</li><li>privilege separation/revocation and chrooting of common
- applications</li><li>remove-all of outdated/underused code. I read somewhere that
- they removed the bluetooth support and are actively removing
- old or outdated syscalls. OpenBSD has 300 some syscalls and
- the other *BSDs have 400 to 500, though I cannot currently
- provide a reference for this.</li></ul><p>Surprizingly, while openBSD is strives to be secure, security is
- not necessarily the central focus, as lead developer and founder
- Theo de Raadt <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/BSD/comments/af1itd/how_openbsd_is_secure_compared_to_other_operating/">explains</a> (I'm not certain if he actually said this):</p><blockquote><p>Many people think that is about security. It is not. Largely,
- those standards are about accountability in the face of
- threat. Which really isn't about making systems secure. It's about
- knowing when your system's security breaks down. Not quite the
- same thing. Please count the commercially deployed C, B, or even A
- systems which are actually being used by real people for real
- work, before foaming at the mouth about it all being "so
- great". On the other hand, I think we wil see if some parts of
- that picture actually start to show up in real systems, over
- time. By the way, I am surprised to see you list ACLs, which don't
- really have anything to do with B1 systems.</p><p>As to the second issue, I have no idea what a distributed kernel
- is, nor do I see how anything like that would improve security or
- quality of a system.</p></blockquote><p>The OpenBSD developers are also prolific software developers:
- <a href="https://www.opensmtpd.org/">opensmtpd</a>,
- <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/httpd.8">httpd</a>, <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/doas">doas</a>
- (<a href="https://flak.tedunangst.com/post/doas">why doas?</a>),
- <a href="https://sndio.org/">sndio</a> (a sound server), <a href="https://man.openbsd.org/mandoc.1">mandoc (manual page
- generator)</a>, and probably lots of other cool
- things. I currently am using opensmtpd as my
- <a href="https://gnucode.me/hosting-your-own-email-part-1.html">email</a>
- <a href="https://gnucode.me/hosting-your-own-email-part-2.html">server</a>, and it's pretty
- awesome!</p><p>Also, there is some renewed interested in creating an <a href="https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.en.html">FSF endorsed
- distribution</a> from the
- <a href="https://www.hyperbola.info/news/announcing-hyperbolabsd-roadmap/">hyperbolaBSD</a>
- <a href="https://itsfoss.com/hyperbola-linux-bsd/">project</a>. They probably picked
- OpenBSD because of it's amazing code quality and great documentation, BUT ALSO
- OpenBSD is almost an approved FSF operating system already. OpenBSD does NOT
- include proprietary code in the base install, because this is a massive security
- vulnerability. So basically, I am now dual booting Guix System and OpenBSD, and
- I have my eye on HyperbolaBSD. I hope they are successful!</p><p>P.S. The OpenBSD installer was breath-takingly easy and painless! If you've got
- an old-ish Thinkpad lying around, you might want to give it a try.</p></div></article></section></main><footer><p>© 2020 Joshua Branson. The text on this site is free culture under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International license.</p><p>This website is build with Haunt, a static site generator written in Guile Scheme. Source code is <a href="https://notabug.org/jbranso/gnucode.me">available.</a></p><p>The color theme of this website is based off of the famous <a href="#3f3f3f" target="_blank">zenburn</a> theme.</p></footer></body>