builder.scm 4.2 KB

  1. ;; (define-module (pages builder)
  2. ;; #:use-module (haunt utils)
  3. ;; #:use-module (haunt page)
  4. ;; #:export (site-builder))
  5. ;; (define (site-builder site posts)
  6. ;; ;;(flatten)
  7. ;; ;; the definition of flatten is here
  8. ;; ;;
  9. ;; (list
  10. ;; (home-builder)))
  11. ;; (define (home-builder)
  12. ;; "Return a haunt page representing the home page."
  13. ;; (make-page "index.html" home-t sxml->html))
  14. ;; (define home-t
  15. ;; `((doctype "html")
  16. ;; (html
  17. ;; (@ (lang "en"))
  18. ;; (body
  19. ;; ((head
  20. ;; (title "Greg's Bar"))
  21. ;; (header
  22. ;; (div
  23. ;; (img (@ (src "../images/cookie.svg") (alt "cookie") (width "60em")))
  24. ;; (p "Greg's Bar")
  25. ;; (img (@ (src "../images/cookie.svg") (alt "cookie") (width "60em")))
  26. ;; )
  27. ;; (nav
  28. ;; (ul
  29. ;; (li (a (@ (href "about")) "About"))
  30. ;; (li (a (@ (href "Contact")) "Contact"))
  31. ;; )))
  32. ;; (div (@ (class "background-image"))
  33. ;; (h1 "Welcome back!")
  34. ;; (p "Learn to dance you socks off.")
  35. ;; (img (@ (src "../images/cookie.svg") (alt "cookie") (width "60em")))
  36. ;; (img (@ (src "../images/cookie.svg") (alt "cookie") (width "60em")))
  37. ;; )
  38. ;; (div
  39. ;; (h3 "Salsa dance")
  40. ;; (h5 "hot and sweaty")
  41. ;; (p "learn how to salsa at this night. learn how to salsa at this
  42. ;; night. learn how to salsa at this night. learn how to salsa at this
  43. ;; night.
  44. ;; ")
  45. ;; (img (@ (src "../images/cookie.svg") (alt "salsa dancing") (width "60em"))))
  46. ;; (div
  47. ;; (h3 "Line dancing")
  48. ;; (h5 "classic and smooth")
  49. ;; (p "learn dancing is smooth and slow. learn dancing is smooth
  50. ;; and slow. learn dancing is smooth and slow. learn dancing is smooth
  51. ;; and slow.")
  52. ;; (img (@ (src "../images/cookie.svg") (alt "Line dancing") (width "60em"))))
  53. ;; (div
  54. ;; (h3 "street dancing")
  55. ;; (h5 "wild and free")
  56. ;; (p "Come listen to the hipster music. Come listen to the
  57. ;; hipster music. Come listen to the hipster music. Come listen to the
  58. ;; hipster music. ")
  59. ;; (img (@ (src "../images/cookie.svg") (alt "street dancing") (width "60em"))))
  60. ;; (button "Learn More")
  61. ;; (div
  62. ;; (h2 "Lorum Ipsum")
  63. ;; (h5 "HOURS")
  64. ;; (p "5-1pm
  65. ;; 5-1pm
  66. ;; 5-1pm")
  67. ;; (p "5-1pm
  68. ;; 5-1pm
  69. ;; 5-1pm")
  70. ;; (p "5-1pm
  71. ;; 5-1pm
  72. ;; 5-1pm")
  73. ;; (p "5-1pm
  74. ;; 5-1pm
  75. ;; 5-1pm")
  76. ;; )
  77. ;; (button "Learn more")
  78. ;; (h2 "Background")
  79. ;; (h5 "How we got started")
  80. ;; (p "emacs is soo cool!
  81. ;; emacs is soo cool!
  82. ;; emacs is soo cool!
  83. ;; emacs is soo cool!")
  84. ;; (p "emacs is soo cool!
  85. ;; emacs is soo cool!
  86. ;; emacs is soo cool!
  87. ;; emacs is soo cool!")
  88. ;; (p "emacs is soo cool!
  89. ;; emacs is soo cool!
  90. ;; emacs is soo cool!
  91. ;; emacs is soo cool!")
  92. ;; (p "emacs is soo cool!
  93. ;; emacs is soo cool!
  94. ;; emacs is soo cool!
  95. ;; emacs is soo cool!")
  96. ;; (button "Learn more")
  97. ;; (div "map")
  98. ;; (footer
  99. ;; (div
  100. ;; (h2 "Call us!")
  101. ;; (p "text text text"))
  102. ;; (form (@ (action "post.scm") (method "post"))
  103. ;; (label (@ (for "name")) "name")
  104. ;; (input (@ (type "email") (name "name") (placeholder "")))
  105. ;; (label (@ (for "email")) "email")
  106. ;; (input (@ (type "email") (name "email") (placeholder "")))
  107. ;; (label (@ (for "phone")) "phone")
  108. ;; (input (@ (type "phone") (name "phone") (placeholder "")))
  109. ;; (label (@ (for "address")) "address")
  110. ;; (input (@ (type "text") (name "address") (placeholder "")))
  111. ;; (label (@ (for "subject")) "subject")
  112. ;; (input (@ (type "email") (name "subject") (placeholder "")))
  113. ;; (label (@ (for "name")) "message")
  114. ;; (input (@ (type "email") (name "message") (placeholder "")))
  115. ;; )
  116. ;; (p "Copyright information")))))))