custom.el 3.9 KB

  1. (custom-set-variables
  2. ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  3. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  4. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  5. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
  6. '(canlock-password "d3f3ba365ea70b9a6ba083bd0ba1fb0761b5c688")
  7. '(confirm-kill-processes nil)
  8. '(custom-enabled-themes '(zenburn))
  9. '(custom-safe-themes
  10. '("c4cecd97a6b30d129971302fd8298c2ff56189db0a94570e7238bc95f9389cfb" "99bc178c2856c32505c514ac04bf25022eaa02e2fddc5e7cdb40271bc708de39" "190a9882bef28d7e944aa610aa68fe1ee34ecea6127239178c7ac848754992df" default))
  11. '(ede-project-directories
  12. '("/home/joshua/programming/c/ede/include" "/home/joshua/programming/c/ede/src" "/home/joshua/programming/c/ede" "/home/joshua/programming/c/ede/silly"))
  13. '(only-global-abbrevs t)
  14. '(package-selected-packages
  15. '(helm-bbdb helm-ag dashboard auto-compile spaceline-all-the-icons spaceline org-bullets parinfer eglot company-ebdb zenburn-theme emmet-mode web-mode dumb-jump js2-mode geiser paredit rainbow-delimiters gnuplot zpresent yasnippet-snippets wttrin which-key use-package suggest smart-mode-line-powerline-theme smart-comment scss-mode sass-mode restclient rainbow-mode pdf-tools org-plus-contrib org-mime ob-http nov nginx-mode markdown-mode magit lua-mode less-css-mode ledger-mode json-mode jabber helm-system-packages helm-swoop helm-projectile helm-flx golden-ratio gnus-desktop-notify gitignore-mode gitconfig-mode git-timemachine git-messenger fullframe flycheck-pos-tip evil-surround evil-goggles evil-args emms ebdb dired-icon diminish diff-hl debbugs css-eldoc company bug-hunter better-shell bbdb avy anzu all-the-icons-dired alert aggressive-indent))
  16. '(safe-local-variable-values
  17. '((eval let
  18. ((root-dir-unexpanded
  19. (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el")))
  20. (when root-dir-unexpanded
  21. (let*
  22. ((root-dir
  23. (expand-file-name root-dir-unexpanded))
  24. (root-dir*
  25. (directory-file-name root-dir)))
  26. (unless
  27. (boundp 'geiser-guile-load-path)
  28. (defvar geiser-guile-load-path 'nil))
  29. (make-local-variable 'geiser-guile-load-path)
  30. (require 'cl-lib)
  31. (cl-pushnew root-dir* geiser-guile-load-path :test #'string-equal))))
  32. (eval setq-local guix-directory
  33. (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el"))
  34. (eval let*
  35. ((root-dir
  36. (expand-file-name
  37. (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el")))
  38. (root-dir*
  39. (directory-file-name root-dir)))
  40. (unless
  41. (boundp 'geiser-guile-load-path)
  42. (defvar geiser-guile-load-path 'nil))
  43. (make-local-variable 'geiser-guile-load-path)
  44. (require 'cl-lib)
  45. (cl-pushnew root-dir* geiser-guile-load-path :test #'string-equal))
  46. (eval setq guix-directory
  47. (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el"))
  48. (projectile-project-compilation-dir . "c/")
  49. (projectile-project-compilation-dir . "~/programming/c/")
  50. (no-byte-compile t)
  51. (eval modify-syntax-entry 43 "'")
  52. (eval modify-syntax-entry 36 "'")
  53. (eval modify-syntax-entry 126 "'")))
  54. '(send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it))
  55. (custom-set-faces
  56. ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
  57. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  58. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  59. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
  60. '(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "#3F3F3F" :foreground "#DCDCCC" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 113 :width normal :foundry "SRC" :family "Hack"))))
  61. '(org-block ((t (:inherit shadow :family "Hack")))))