:PROPERTIES: :ID: c901c3d8-a46e-4b21-9105-482ab7b8ef16 :END:
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
:PROPERTIES: :ID: b1333b3c-9345-4d66-9454-2f18db07f4e9 :END:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun my/bbdb-create ()) #+END_SRC
(defun my/gtd ()
"This command opens ~/things_to_do.org"
(find-file "~/prog/org/gtd.org"))
(defun my/init.el ()
"init-file opens ~/.emacs"
(find-file "~/.config/emacs/init.el"))
(defun my/init-evil ()
"loads my viper initialization file"
(load "~/.config/emacs/lisp/init-evil.el")
(find-file "~/.config/emacs/lisp/init-evil.el"))
(defun rc.lua ()
"This command opens ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua"
(find-file "~/.config/awesome/rc.lua"))
(defun emacs.texi ()
"This command opens ~/manuals/cheatsheats/emacs.texi"
(find-file "~/manuals/cheatsheats/emacs.texi"))
(defun gawk.texi ()
"This command opens ~/manuals/cheatsheats/gawk.texi"
(find-file "~/manuals/cheatsheats/gawk.texi"))
(defun systemd.texi ()
"This command opens ~/manuals/systemd.texi"
(find-file "~/manuals/systemd.texi"))
(defun test-awesome ()
"this run /home/joshua/programming/bash/test-awesome.bash"
(start-process "testing-awesome" "test-of-awesome" "test-awesome.bash"))
(defun sudo-find-file ()
"Like find file, but opens the file as root."
(interactive "FSudo Find File: ")
(let ((tramp-file-name (concat "/sudo::" (expand-file-name file-name))))
(find-file tramp-file-name)))
(defun find-file-sudo (file-name)
"Like find file, but opens the file as root."
(defun view-hurd-file-in-browser ()
"View this file in the browser"
(let [file (buffer-file-name)]))
(defun save-this-buffer-to-portfolio-site ()
"Write this buffer to to my portfolio site"
;; Take the current file and save it on the live server
(setq current-directory
(s-chop-prefix "Directory " (pwd)))
(write-file "/ssh:jbranso_portfolio91@ssh.phx.nearlyfreespeech.net:/home/public/")
;;Take the current file and save it locally, that way, after I'm done saying the local file
;; to the server, pwd is still ~/programming/soihub
(write-file current-directory))
(defun purdue-delete-this-buffer-from-dev-server ()
"Remove this file to the purdue dev server."
(require 's)
(let (remote-file-path remote-dir local-file)
(setq local-file buffer-file-name)
(setq remote-dir "/ssh:jbranso@dev.www.purdue.edu:/var/www/html/root/honorscollege/")
(setq remote-file-path (concat
(s-chop-prefix "/home/joshua/honorscollege/" buffer-file-name)))
(delete-file remote-file-path)))
(defun purdue-deploy-to-dev-server ()
"Rsynce my project to purdue's dev server."
(let (remote-file remote-file-prefix)
(setq remote-file-prefix "/ssh:jbranso@dev.www.purdue.edu:/home/users/jbranso/HTML/honorscollege/")
(setq (concat remote-file (s-chop-prefix "/srv/http/honorscollege/" buffer-file-name)))
(print remote-file)
;; (write-file remote-file)
;;(write-file local-file)
;; (start-process "rsync-purdue" "*Purdue Deploy*" "rsync"
;; ;; be verbose
;; "-v "
;; ;; recursive into directories
;; "-r "
;; "/srv/http/honorscollege/"
;; "jbranso@dev.www.purdue.edu:/var/www/html/root/honorscollege/")
;; (let ((password (read-string "Enter your password: ")))
;; (process-send-string "rsync-purdue" password))
;; (split-window-below)
;; (windmove-down)
;; (switch-to-buffer "rsync-purdue")
(defun org-babel-strip-php-from-sql-block ()
"Cleans up a sql statement from
$sql = 'SELECT * ';
$sql .= 'FROM USERS ';
$sql .= 'WHERE 1';
;; let's first move to the top of the buffer
;; now move point forward to the first char in the buffer
(while (re-search-forward "\";" nil t)
(replace-match ""))
(while (re-search-forward "\$sql.*=.*?" nil t)
(replace-match ""))
(while (re-search-forward "\$sql.*\.=.*?" nil t)
(replace-match ""))
(while (re-search-forward "\$sql.*=.*\"" nil t)
(replace-match "")))
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (provide 'init-defuns) #+END_SRC