123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295 |
- /*
- * @File : jiafeimao.js
- * @Author : jade
- * @Date : 2024/1/24 9:15
- * @Email : jadehh@1ive.com
- * @Software : Samples
- * @Desc : 加菲猫 (已失效)
- */
- import {_, load} from '../lib/cat.js';
- import {VodDetail, VodShort} from "../lib/vod.js"
- import * as Utils from "../lib/utils.js";
- import {Spider} from "./spider.js";
- class JiaFeiMaoSpider extends Spider {
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.siteUrl = "https://jfmys.app"
- }
- getAppName() {
- return "加菲猫"
- }
- getName() {
- return `🐈┃加菲猫┃🐈`
- }
- getJSName() {
- return "jiafeimao"
- }
- getType() {
- return 3
- }
- getPic(url){
- if (url.indexOf("http:") > -1 || url.indexOf("https:") > -1){
- return url
- }else{
- return this.siteUrl + url
- }
- }
- parseVodShortFromElement($, element) {
- let vodShort = new VodShort()
- vodShort.vod_id = Utils.getStrByRegex(/id\/(.*?)\//,$(element).find("a")[0].attribs.href)
- vodShort.vod_name = $(element).find("a")[0].attribs.title
- vodShort.vod_pic = this.getPic($(element).find("img")[0].attribs["data-src"])
- vodShort.vod_remarks = $($(element).find("[class=\"v-tips\"]")).html()
- return vodShort
- }
- async parseVodShortListFromDoc($) {
- let vod_list = []
- let vodElements = $(".icon > .container").find("[class=\"imain clearfix\"]").find("li")
- for (const vodElement of vodElements) {
- let vodShort = this.parseVodShortFromElement($, vodElement)
- vod_list.push(vodShort)
- }
- return vod_list
- }
- async parseVodShortListFromDocByCategory($) {
- let vod_list = []
- let vodElements = $("[class=\"tv-list clearfix\"]").find("li")
- for (const vodElement of vodElements) {
- let vodShort = this.parseVodShortFromElement($, vodElement)
- vod_list.push(vodShort)
- }
- return vod_list
- }
- async parseVodDetailFromDoc($) {
- let vodDetail = new VodDetail()
- vodDetail.vod_name = $($("[class=\"iptit\"]").find("h3")).html().split(" ")[0]
- vodDetail.vod_content = $($("[class=\"idetail container\"]").find("[class=\"infor_intro\"]")).text()
- let vodPlayElements = $("[class=\"fjcon\"]")
- let vod_play_from_list = []
- let vod_play_list = []
- let playFormatElemets = $($(vodPlayElements).find("[class=\"fjtop clearfix\"]")).find("a")
- let playUrlElements = $(vodPlayElements).find("[class=\"xjn_ul play-list\"]")
- for (let i = 0; i < playFormatElemets.length; i++) {
- let playFormatElement = playFormatElemets[i]
- vod_play_from_list.push("线路" +( i+1).toString())
- let vodItems = []
- for (const playUrlElement of $(playUrlElements[i]).find("a")) {
- let episodeName = $(playUrlElement).text()
- let episodeUrl = playUrlElement.attribs.href
- vodItems.push(episodeName + "$" + episodeUrl)
- }
- vod_play_list.push(vodItems.join("#"))
- }
- vodDetail.vod_play_from = vod_play_from_list.join("$$$")
- vodDetail.vod_play_url = vod_play_list.join("$$$")
- return vodDetail
- }
- parseVodDetail(vod_data) {
- let vodDetail = new VodDetail()
- vodDetail.vod_name = vod_data["vod_name"]
- vodDetail.vod_pic = this.getPic(vod_data["vod_pic"])
- vodDetail.vod_remarks = vod_data["vod_remarks"]
- vodDetail.vod_area = vod_data["vod_area"]
- vodDetail.vod_year = vod_data["vod_year"]
- vodDetail.vod_actor = vod_data["vod_actor"]
- vodDetail.vod_director = vod_data["vod_director"]
- vodDetail.vod_content = vod_data["vod_content"].replaceAll("<p>","").replaceAll("</p>","")
- let vod_play_from = []
- for (let i = 0; i < vod_data["vod_play_from"].split("$$$").length; i++) {
- vod_play_from.push("线路"+(i+1).toString())
- }
- vodDetail.vod_play_from = vod_play_from.join("$$$")
- vodDetail.vod_play_url = vod_data["vod_play_url"]
- vodDetail.type_name = vod_data["type_name"]
- return vodDetail
- }
- async parseVodDetailfromJson(obj) {
- let vodDetail;
- let vod_data_list = obj["list"]
- if (vod_data_list.length > 0) {
- let vod_data = vod_data_list[0]
- vodDetail = this.parseVodDetail(vod_data)
- }
- return vodDetail
- }
- async parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($) {
- let vod_list = []
- let vodElements = $("[class=\"tv-bd search-list\"]").find("[class=\"item clearfix\"]")
- for (const vodElement of vodElements){
- let vodShort = new VodShort()
- vodShort.vod_id = Utils.getStrByRegex(/id\/(.*?).html/, $($(vodElement).find("[class=\"s_tit\"]")).find("a")[0].attribs.href)
- vodShort.vod_name = $($($(vodElement).find("[class=\"s_tit\"]")).find("a")).text()
- vodShort.vod_pic = this.getPic($(vodElement).find("img")[0].attribs.src)
- vodShort.vod_remarks = $($(vodElement).find("[class=\"s_score\"]")).text()
- vod_list.push(vodShort)
- }
- return vod_list
- }
- async setClasses() {
- let $ = await this.getHtml()
- let content = $($("[class=\"container\"]").find("script")).html()
- let navContent = Utils.getStrByRegex(/document.write\('(.*?);/, content)
- for (const navElement of $(navContent).find("a")) {
- let type_id = navElement.attribs["href"]
- let type_name = $(navElement).text()
- if (type_id !== "/" && type_name !== "专题" && type_name !== "站长模板") {
- this.classes.push(this.getTypeDic(type_name, Utils.getStrByRegex(/id\/(.*?).html/, type_id)))
- }
- }
- }
- async getFilter($) {
- let elements = $($("[class=\"container\"]").find("[class=\"select_list clearfix\"]")).find("li")
- let extend_list = []
- let key_value_dic = {
- "分类": /id\/(.*?).html/,
- "地区": /area\/(.*?)\//,
- "年份": /year\/(.*?).html/,
- "字母": /letter\/(.*?).html/,
- "排序": /by\/(.*?)\//,
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
- let element = elements[i]
- let name = $($($(element).find("[class=\"v-tit\"]"))).text().replaceAll(":", "")
- if (name !== "频道") {
- let extend_dic = {"key": (i + 1).toString(), "name": name, "value": []}
- for (const ele of $(element).find("a")) {
- let type_id = Utils.getStrByRegex(key_value_dic[name], ele.attribs.href)
- if (_.isEmpty(type_id)) {
- type_id = "/"
- }
- extend_dic["value"].push({"n": $(ele).text(), "v": decodeURIComponent(type_id)})
- }
- extend_list.push(extend_dic)
- }
- }
- let sortElments = $("[class=\"v-hd clearfix\"]")
- let extend_dic = {"key": (elements.length + 1).toString(), "name": "排序", "value": []}
- extend_dic["value"].push({"n": "全部", "v": "/"})
- for (const ele of $(sortElments).find("a")) {
- let type_id = Utils.getStrByRegex(key_value_dic["排序"], ele.attribs.href)
- if (_.isEmpty(type_id)) {
- type_id = "/"
- }
- extend_dic["value"].push({"n": $(ele).text(), "v": type_id})
- }
- extend_list.push(extend_dic)
- return extend_list
- }
- async setFilterObj() {
- for (const class_dic of this.classes) {
- let type_id = class_dic["type_id"]
- if (type_id !== "最近更新") {
- let $ = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + `/index.php/vod/show/id/${type_id}.html`)
- this.filterObj[type_id] = await this.getFilter($)
- }
- }
- }
- async setHomeVod() {
- let $ = await this.getHtml()
- this.homeVodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDoc($)
- }
- getExtend(extend, key, value) {
- if (extend[key] !== undefined && extend[key] !== "/") {
- return value + "/" + extend[key] + "/"
- } else {
- return ""
- }
- }
- async setCategory(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
- let area = this.getExtend(extend, "3", "area")
- let sort = this.getExtend(extend, "6", "by")
- let id = this.getExtend(extend, "2", "id")
- let letter = this.getExtend(extend, "5", "letter")
- let year = this.getExtend(extend, "4", "year")
- if (_.isEmpty(id)) {
- id = "id/" + tid + "/"
- }
- let url = this.siteUrl + `/index.php/vod/show/${area}${sort}${id}${letter}${year}page/${pg}.html`
- let $ = await this.getHtml(url)
- this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDocByCategory($)
- }
- async setDetail(id) {
- let content = await this.fetch(this.siteUrl + "/api.php/provide/vod", {
- "ac": "detail", "ids": id
- }, this.getHeader())
- this.vodDetail = await this.parseVodDetailfromJson(JSON.parse(content))
- }
- async setSearch(wd, quick) {
- let $ = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + "/index.php/vod/search.html?wd="+wd)
- this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($)
- }
- }
- let spider = new JiaFeiMaoSpider()
- async function init(cfg) {
- await spider.init(cfg)
- }
- async function home(filter) {
- return await spider.home(filter)
- }
- async function homeVod() {
- return await spider.homeVod()
- }
- async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
- return await spider.category(tid, pg, filter, extend)
- }
- async function detail(id) {
- return await spider.detail(id)
- }
- async function play(flag, id, flags) {
- return await spider.play(flag, id, flags)
- }
- async function search(wd, quick) {
- return await spider.search(wd, quick)
- }
- async function proxy(segments, headers) {
- return await spider.proxy(segments, headers)
- }
- export function __jsEvalReturn() {
- return {
- init: init,
- home: home,
- homeVod: homeVod,
- category: category,
- detail: detail,
- play: play,
- search: search,
- proxy: proxy
- };
- }
- export {spider}