123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322 |
- #coding=utf-8
- #!/usr/bin/python
- import sys
- import json
- import time
- from datetime import datetime
- from difflib import SequenceMatcher
- from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
- sys.path.append('..')
- from base.spider import Spider
- class Spider(Spider): # 元类 默认的元类 type
- def getName(self):
- return "B站番剧"
- def init(self, extend):
- try:
- self.extendDict = json.loads(extend)
- except:
- self.extendDict = {}
- def isVideoFormat(self, url):
- pass
- def manualVideoCheck(self):
- pass
- def homeContent(self, filter):
- result = {}
- cateManual = {
- "番剧": "1",
- "国创": "4",
- "电影": "2",
- "综艺": "7",
- "电视剧": "5",
- }
- classes = []
- for k in cateManual:
- classes.append({
- 'type_name': k,
- 'type_id': cateManual[k]
- })
- result['class'] = classes
- if filter:
- result['filters'] = self.config['filter']
- current_year = datetime.now().year
- for resultfilter in result['filters']:
- for rf in result['filters'][resultfilter]:
- yearList = []
- if rf['key'] == 'year':
- for rfv in rf['value']:
- if rfv['n'].isdigit():
- if int(rfv['n']) < current_year:
- pos = rf['value'].index(rfv)
- for year in range(current_year, int(rfv['n']), -1):
- yearList.append({'v': '[{},{})'.format(year, year+1), 'n': str(year)})
- rf['value'].insert(pos, yearList)
- break
- else:
- break
- elif rf['key'] == 'release_date':
- for rfv in rf['value']:
- if rfv['n'].isdigit():
- if int(rfv['n']) < current_year:
- pos = rf['value'].index(rfv)
- for year in range(current_year, int(rfv['n']), -1):
- yearList.append({'v': '[{}-01-01 00:00:00,{}-01-01 00:00:00)'.format(year, year + 1), 'n': str(year)})
- rf['value'].insert(pos, yearList)
- break
- else:
- break
- return result
- def homeVideoContent(self):
- return self.categoryContent('1', '1', False, {})
- def categoryContent(self, cid, page, filter, ext):
- page = int(page)
- result = {}
- videos = []
- cookie, _, _ = self.getCookie('{}')
- url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/season/index/result?order=2&sort=0&pagesize=20&type=1&st={}&season_type={}&page={}'.format(cid, cid, page)
- for key in ext:
- url = url + '&{}={}' .format(key, quote(ext[key]))
- r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=cookie, timeout=5)
- data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
- vodList = data['data']['list']
- for vod in vodList:
- aid = str(vod['season_id']).strip()
- title = self.removeHtmlTags(self.cleanText(vod['title']))
- img = vod['cover'].strip()
- remark = vod['index_show'].strip()
- videos.append({
- "vod_id": aid,
- "vod_name": title,
- "vod_pic": img,
- "vod_remarks": remark
- })
- lenvideos = len(videos)
- if data['data']['has_next'] == 1:
- pagecount = page + 1
- else:
- pagecount = page
- result['list'] = videos
- result['page'] = page
- result['pagecount'] = pagecount
- result['limit'] = lenvideos
- result['total'] = lenvideos
- return result
- def detailContent(self, did):
- did = did[0]
- url = "http://api.bilibili.com/pgc/view/web/season?season_id={0}".format(did)
- r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, timeout=10)
- data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
- vod = {
- "vod_id": did,
- "vod_name": self.removeHtmlTags(data['result']['title']),
- "vod_pic": data['result']['cover'],
- "type_name": data['result']['share_sub_title'],
- "vod_actor": data['result']['actors'].replace('\n', ','),
- "vod_content": self.removeHtmlTags(data['result']['evaluate'])
- }
- videoList = data['result']['episodes']
- playUrl = ''
- for video in videoList:
- eid = video['id']
- cid = video['cid']
- name = self.removeHtmlTags(video['share_copy']).replace("#", "-").replace('$', '*')
- remark = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(video['duration']/1000))
- if remark.startswith('00:'):
- remark = remark[3:]
- playUrl = playUrl + '[{}]/{}${}_{}#'.format(remark, name, eid, cid)
- vod['vod_play_from'] = 'B站番剧'
- vod['vod_play_url'] = playUrl.strip('#')
- result = {
- 'list': [
- vod
- ]
- }
- return result
- def searchContent(self, key, quick):
- return self.searchContentPage(key, quick, '1')
- def searchContentPage(self, key, quick, page):
- videos = []
- cookie = ''
- if 'cookie' in self.extendDict:
- cookie = self.extendDict['cookie']
- if 'json' in self.extendDict:
- r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10)
- if 'cookie' in r.json():
- cookie = r.json()['cookie']
- if cookie == '':
- cookie = '{}'
- elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'):
- cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip()
- try:
- if type(cookie) == dict:
- cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False)
- except:
- pass
- cookie, _, _ = self.getCookie(cookie)
- url = f'https://api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/search/type?search_type=media_bangumi&keyword={key}&page={page}'
- r = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=cookie, timeout=5)
- data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
- if 'result' not in data['data']:
- return {'list': videos}, 1
- vodList = data['data']['result']
- for vod in vodList:
- sid = str(vod['season_id']).strip()
- title = self.removeHtmlTags(self.cleanText(vod['title']))
- if SequenceMatcher(None, title, key).ratio() < 0.6 and key not in title:
- continue
- img = vod['eps'][0]['cover'].strip()
- remark = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['index_show']).strip()
- videos.append({
- "vod_id": sid,
- "vod_name": title,
- "vod_pic": img,
- "vod_remarks": remark
- })
- result = {
- 'list': videos
- }
- return result
- def playerContent(self, flag, pid, vipFlags):
- result = {}
- pidList = pid.split("_")
- aid = pidList[0]
- cid = pidList[1]
- url = 'https://api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl?ep_id={0}&cid={1}&qn=120&fnval=4048&fnver=0&fourk=1'.format(aid, cid)
- cookie = ''
- extendDict = self.extendDict
- if 'cookie' in extendDict:
- cookie = extendDict['cookie']
- if 'json' in extendDict:
- r = self.fetch(extendDict['json'], timeout=10)
- if 'cookie' in r.json():
- cookie = r.json()['cookie']
- if cookie == '':
- cookie = '{}'
- elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'):
- cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip()
- try:
- if type(cookie) == dict:
- cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False)
- except:
- pass
- cookiesDict, _, _ = self.getCookie(cookie)
- cookies = quote(json.dumps(cookiesDict))
- if 'thread' in extendDict:
- thread = str(extendDict['thread'])
- else:
- thread = '0'
- result["parse"] = '0'
- result["playUrl"] = ''
- result["url"] = f'{cookies}&url={quote(url)}&aid={aid}&cid={cid}&thread={thread}'
- result["header"] = self.header
- result['danmaku'] = 'https://api.bilibili.com/x/v1/dm/list.so?oid={}'.format(cid)
- result["format"] = 'application/dash+xml'
- return result
- def localProxy(self, params):
- if params['type'] == "mpd":
- print('localProxympd', params)
- return self.proxyMpd(params)
- if params['type'] == "media":
- print('localProxymedia', params)
- return self.proxyMedia(params)
- return None
- def proxyMpd(self, params):
- content, _, mediaType = self.getDash(params)
- if mediaType == 'mpd':
- action = {'url': '', 'header': self.header, 'param': '', 'type': 'string'}
- print('proxyMpd', action)
- return [200, "application/dash+xml", action, content]
- else:
- action = {'url': content, 'header': self.header, 'param': '', 'type': 'stream'}
- print('proxyMpd', action)
- return [200, "video/MP2T", action, '']
- def proxyMedia(self, params, forceRefresh=False):
- _, dashinfos, _ = self.getDash(params)
- if 'videoid' in params:
- videoid = int(params['videoid'])
- playurl = dashinfos['video'][videoid]['baseUrl']
- elif 'audioid' in params:
- audioid = int(params['audioid'])
- playurl = dashinfos['audio'][audioid]['baseUrl']
- else:
- return [404, "text/plain", {}, ""]
- # try:
- # r = self.fetch(playurl, headers=params['headers'], stream=True)
- # statusCode = r.status_code
- # except:
- # statusCode = 404
- # try:
- # r.close()
- # except:
- # pass
- # if statusCode != 200 and self.retry == 0:
- # self.retry += 1
- # self.proxyPlayurl(params, True)
- action = {'url': playurl, 'header': self.header, 'param': '', 'type': 'stream'}
- print('proxyMedia', action)
- return [200, "video/MP2T", action, '']
- def getDash(self, params, forceRefresh=False):
- aid = params['aid']
- cid = params['cid']
- url = unquote(params['url'])
- if 'thread' in params:
- thread = params['thread']
- else:
- thread = 0
- header = self.header.copy()
- cookieDict = json.loads(unquote(params['cookies']))
- key = 'bilimdmpdCache_{}_{}'.format(aid, cid)
- if not forceRefresh:
- data = self.getCache(key)
- print('getDash', data)
- if data:
- return data['content'], data['dashinfos'], data['type']
- cookies = cookieDict
- r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookies, headers=header, timeout=5)
- data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
- if data['code'] != 0:
- return '', {}, ''
- if not 'dash' in data['result']:
- purl = data['result']['durl'][0]['url']
- try:
- expiresAt = int(self.regStr(reg='deadline=(\d+)', src=purl).group(1)) - 60
- except:
- expiresAt = int(time.time()) + 600
- if int(thread) > 0:
- try:
- self.fetch('')
- except:
- self.fetch('')
- purl = f'{quote(purl)}&thread={thread}'
- self.setCache(key, {'content': purl, 'type': 'mp4', 'dashinfos': {}, 'expiresAt': expiresAt})
- return purl, {}, 'mp4'
- dashinfos = data['result']['dash']
- duration = dashinfos['duration']
- minBufferTime = dashinfos['minBufferTime']
- videoinfo = ''
- videoid = 0
- deadlineList = []
- # videoList = sorted(dashinfos['video'], key=lambda x: x['bandwidth'], reverse=True)
- for video in dashinfos['video']:
- try:
- deadline = int(self.regStr(reg='deadline=(\d+)', src=video['baseUrl']).group(1))
- except:
- deadline = int(time.time()) + 600
- deadlineList.append(deadline)
- codecs = vid