123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787 |
- /*
- * "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, mengapakah kamu mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak kamu kerjakan?
- * Amat besar kebencian di sisi Allah bahwa kamu mengatakan apa-apa yang tidak kamu kerjakan."
- * (QS ash-Shaff: 2-3).
- */
- const { decryptMedia } = require('@open-wa/wa-decrypt')
- const fs = require('fs-extra')
- const axios = require('axios')
- const moment = require('moment-timezone')
- const get = require('got')
- const fetch = require('node-fetch')
- const color = require('./lib/color')
- const { spawn, exec } = require('child_process')
- const nhentai = require('nhentai-js')
- const { API } = require('nhentai-api')
- const { liriklagu, quotemaker, randomNimek, fb, sleep, jadwalTv, ss } = require('./lib/functions')
- const { help, snk, info, donate, readme, listChannel } = require('./lib/help')
- const { stdout } = require('process')
- const nsfw_ = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./lib/NSFW.json'))
- const welkom = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./lib/welcome.json'))
- const { RemoveBgResult, removeBackgroundFromImageBase64, removeBackgroundFromImageFile } = require('remove.bg')
- moment.tz.setDefault('Asia/Jakarta').locale('id')
- module.exports = msgHandler = async (client, message) => {
- try {
- const { type, id, from, t, sender, isGroupMsg, chat, caption, isMedia, mimetype, quotedMsg, quotedMsgObj, mentionedJidList } = message
- let { body } = message
- const { name, formattedTitle } = chat
- let { pushname, verifiedName } = sender
- pushname = pushname || verifiedName
- const commands = caption || body || ''
- const command = commands.toLowerCase().split(' ')[0] || ''
- const args = commands.split(' ')
- const msgs = (message) => {
- if (command.startsWith('!')) {
- if (message.length >= 10){
- return `${message.substr(0, 15)}`
- }else{
- return `${message}`
- }
- }
- }
- const mess = {
- wait: '[ WAIT ] Sedang di proses⏳ silahkan tunggu sebentar',
- error: {
- St: '[❗] Kirim gambar dengan caption *!sticker* atau tag gambar yang sudah dikirim',
- Qm: '[❗] Terjadi kesalahan, mungkin themenya tidak tersedia!',
- Yt3: '[❗] Terjadi kesalahan, tidak dapat meng konversi ke mp3!',
- Yt4: '[❗] Terjadi kesalahan, mungkin error di sebabkan oleh sistem.',
- Ig: '[❗] Terjadi kesalahan, mungkin karena akunnya private',
- Ki: '[❗] Bot tidak bisa mengeluarkan admin group!',
- Ad: '[❗] Tidak dapat menambahkan target, mungkin karena di private',
- Iv: '[❗] Link yang anda kirim tidak valid!'
- }
- }
- const apiKey = 'API-KEY' // apikey you can get it at https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api
- const time = moment(t * 1000).format('DD/MM HH:mm:ss')
- const botNumber = await client.getHostNumber()
- const blockNumber = await client.getBlockedIds()
- const groupId = isGroupMsg ? chat.groupMetadata.id : ''
- const groupAdmins = isGroupMsg ? await client.getGroupAdmins(groupId) : ''
- const isGroupAdmins = isGroupMsg ? groupAdmins.includes(sender.id) : false
- const isBotGroupAdmins = isGroupMsg ? groupAdmins.includes(botNumber + '@c.us') : false
- const ownerNumber = ["628xxx@c.us","55xxxxx"] // replace with your whatsapp number
- const isOwner = ownerNumber.includes(sender.id)
- const isBlocked = blockNumber.includes(sender.id)
- const isNsfw = isGroupMsg ? nsfw_.includes(chat.id) : false
- const uaOverride = 'WhatsApp/2.2029.4 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36'
- const isUrl = new RegExp(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)/gi)
- if (!isGroupMsg && command.startsWith('!')) console.log('\x1b[1;31m~\x1b[1;37m>', '[\x1b[1;32mEXEC\x1b[1;37m]', time, color(msgs(command)), 'from', color(pushname))
- if (isGroupMsg && command.startsWith('!')) console.log('\x1b[1;31m~\x1b[1;37m>', '[\x1b[1;32mEXEC\x1b[1;37m]', time, color(msgs(command)), 'from', color(pushname), 'in', color(formattedTitle))
- //if (!isGroupMsg && !command.startsWith('!')) console.log('\x1b[1;33m~\x1b[1;37m>', '[\x1b[1;31mMSG\x1b[1;37m]', time, color(body), 'from', color(pushname))
- //if (isGroupMsg && !command.startsWith('!')) console.log('\x1b[1;33m~\x1b[1;37m>', '[\x1b[1;31mMSG\x1b[1;37m]', time, color(body), 'from', color(pushname), 'in', color(formattedTitle))
- if (isBlocked) return
- //if (!isOwner) return
- switch(command) {
- case '!sticker':
- case '!stiker':
- if (isMedia && type === 'image') {
- const mediaData = await decryptMedia(message, uaOverride)
- const imageBase64 = `data:${mimetype};base64,${mediaData.toString('base64')}`
- await client.sendImageAsSticker(from, imageBase64)
- } else if (quotedMsg && quotedMsg.type == 'image') {
- const mediaData = await decryptMedia(quotedMsg, uaOverride)
- const imageBase64 = `data:${quotedMsg.mimetype};base64,${mediaData.toString('base64')}`
- await client.sendImageAsSticker(from, imageBase64)
- } else if (args.length === 2) {
- const url = args[1]
- if (url.match(isUrl)) {
- await client.sendStickerfromUrl(from, url, { method: 'get' })
- .catch(err => console.log('Caught exception: ', err))
- } else {
- client.reply(from, mess.error.Iv, id)
- }
- } else {
- client.reply(from, mess.error.St, id)
- }
- break
- case '!stickergif':
- case '!stikergif':
- case '!sgif':
- if (isMedia) {
- if (mimetype === 'video/mp4' && message.duration < 10 || mimetype === 'image/gif' && message.duration < 10) {
- const mediaData = await decryptMedia(message, uaOverride)
- client.reply(from, '[WAIT] Sedang di proses⏳ silahkan tunggu ± 1 min!', id)
- const filename = `./media/aswu.${mimetype.split('/')[1]}`
- await fs.writeFileSync(filename, mediaData)
- await exec(`gify ${filename} ./media/output.gif --fps=30 --scale=240:240`, async function (error, stdout, stderr) {
- const gif = await fs.readFileSync('./media/output.gif', { encoding: "base64" })
- await client.sendImageAsSticker(from, `data:image/gif;base64,${gif.toString('base64')}`)
- })
- } else (
- client.reply(from, '[❗] Kirim video dengan caption *!stickerGif* max 10 sec!', id)
- )
- }
- break
- case '!stickernobg':
- case '!stikernobg':
- if (isMedia) {
- try {
- var mediaData = await decryptMedia(message, uaOverride)
- var imageBase64 = `data:${mimetype};base64,${mediaData.toString('base64')}`
- var base64img = imageBase64
- var outFile = './media/img/noBg.png'
- // untuk api key kalian bisa dapatkan pada website remove.bg
- var result = await removeBackgroundFromImageBase64({ base64img, apiKey: 'API-KEY', size: 'auto', type: 'auto', outFile })
- await fs.writeFile(outFile, result.base64img)
- await client.sendImageAsSticker(from, `data:${mimetype};base64,${result.base64img}`)
- } catch(err) {
- console.log(err)
- }
- }
- break
- case '!donasi':
- case '!donate':
- client.sendLinkWithAutoPreview(from, 'https://saweria.co/donate/mhankbarbar', donate)
- break
- case '!tts':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!tts [id, en, jp, ar] [teks]*, contoh *!tts id halo semua*')
- const ttsId = require('node-gtts')('id')
- const ttsEn = require('node-gtts')('en')
- const ttsJp = require('node-gtts')('ja')
- const ttsAr = require('node-gtts')('ar')
- const dataText = body.slice(8)
- if (dataText === '') return client.reply(from, 'Baka?', id)
- if (dataText.length > 500) return client.reply(from, 'Teks terlalu panjang!', id)
- var dataBhs = body.slice(5, 7)
- if (dataBhs == 'id') {
- ttsId.save('./media/tts/resId.mp3', dataText, function () {
- client.sendPtt(from, './media/tts/resId.mp3', id)
- })
- } else if (dataBhs == 'en') {
- ttsEn.save('./media/tts/resEn.mp3', dataText, function () {
- client.sendPtt(from, './media/tts/resEn.mp3', id)
- })
- } else if (dataBhs == 'jp') {
- ttsJp.save('./media/tts/resJp.mp3', dataText, function () {
- client.sendPtt(from, './media/tts/resJp.mp3', id)
- })
- } else if (dataBhs == 'ar') {
- ttsAr.save('./media/tts/resAr.mp3', dataText, function () {
- client.sendPtt(from, './media/tts/resAr.mp3', id)
- })
- } else {
- client.reply(from, 'Masukkan data bahasa : [id] untuk indonesia, [en] untuk inggris, [jp] untuk jepang, dan [ar] untuk arab', id)
- }
- break
- case '!nulis':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!nulis [teks]*', id)
- const nulis = encodeURIComponent(body.slice(7))
- client.reply(from, mess.wait, id)
- let urlnulis = `https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/nulis?text=${nulis}&apiKey=${apiKey}`
- await fetch(urlnulis, {method: "GET"})
- .then(res => res.json())
- .then(async (json) => {
- await client.sendFileFromUrl(from, json.result, 'Nulis.jpg', 'Nih anjim', id)
- }).catch(e => client.reply(from, "Error: "+ e));
- break
- case '!ytmp3':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!ytmp3 [linkYt]*, untuk contoh silahkan kirim perintah *!readme*')
- let isLinks = args[1].match(/(?:https?:\/{2})?(?:w{3}\.)?youtu(?:be)?\.(?:com|be)(?:\/watch\?v=|\/)([^\s&]+)/)
- if (!isLinks) return client.reply(from, mess.error.Iv, id)
- try {
- client.reply(from, mess.wait, id)
- const resp = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/yta?url=${args[1]}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (resp.error) {
- client.reply(from, resp.error, id)
- } else {
- const { title, thumb, filesize, result } = await resp
- if (Number(filesize.split(' MB')[0]) >= 30.00) return client.reply(from, 'Maaf durasi video sudah melebihi batas maksimal!', id)
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, thumb, 'thumb.jpg', `➸ *Title* : ${title}\n➸ *Filesize* : ${filesize}\n\nSilahkan tunggu sebentar proses pengiriman file membutuhkan waktu beberapa menit.`, id)
- await client.sendFileFromUrl(from, result, `${title}.mp3`, '', id).catch(() => client.reply(from, mess.error.Yt3, id))
- //await client.sendAudio(from, result, id)
- }
- } catch (err) {
- client.sendText(ownerNumber[0], 'Error ytmp3 : '+ err)
- client.reply(from, mess.error.Yt3, id)
- }
- break
- case '!ytmp4':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!ytmp4 [linkYt]*, untuk contoh silahkan kirim perintah *!readme*')
- let isLin = args[1].match(/(?:https?:\/{2})?(?:w{3}\.)?youtu(?:be)?\.(?:com|be)(?:\/watch\?v=|\/)([^\s&]+)/)
- if (!isLin) return client.reply(from, mess.error.Iv, id)
- try {
- client.reply(from, mess.wait, id)
- const ytv = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/ytv?url=${args[1]}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (ytv.error) {
- client.reply(from, ytv.error, id)
- } else {
- if (Number(ytv.filesize.split(' MB')[0]) > 40.00) return client.reply(from, 'Maaf durasi video sudah melebihi batas maksimal!', id)
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, ytv.thumb, 'thumb.jpg', `➸ *Title* : ${ytv.title}\n➸ *Filesize* : ${ytv.filesize}\n\nSilahkan tunggu sebentar proses pengiriman file membutuhkan waktu beberapa menit.`, id)
- await client.sendFileFromUrl(from, ytv.result, `${ytv.title}.mp4`, '', id).catch(() => client.reply(from, mess.error.Yt4, id))
- }
- } catch (er) {
- client.sendText(ownerNumber[0], 'Error ytmp4 : '+ er)
- client.reply(from, mess.error.Yt4, id)
- }
- break
- case '!wiki':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!wiki [query]*\nContoh : *!wiki asu*', id)
- const query_ = body.slice(6)
- const wiki = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/wiki?q=${query_}&lang=id&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (wiki.error) {
- client.reply(from, wiki.error, id)
- } else {
- client.reply(from, `➸ *Query* : ${query_}\n\n➸ *Result* : ${wiki.result}`, id)
- }
- break
- case '!cuaca':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!cuaca [tempat]*\nContoh : *!cuaca tangerang', id)
- const tempat = body.slice(7)
- const weather = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/cuaca?q=${tempat}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (weather.error) {
- client.reply(from, weather.error, id)
- } else {
- client.reply(from, `➸ Tempat : ${weather.result.tempat}\n\n➸ Angin : ${weather.result.angin}\n➸ Cuaca : ${weather.result.cuaca}\n➸ Deskripsi : ${weather.result.desk}\n➸ Kelembapan : ${weather.result.kelembapan}\n➸ Suhu : ${weather.result.suhu}\n➸ Udara : ${weather.result.udara}`, id)
- }
- break
- case '!fb':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!fb [linkFb]* untuk contoh silahkan kirim perintah *!readme*', id)
- if (!args[1].includes('facebook.com')) return client.reply(from, mess.error.Iv, id)
- client.reply(from, mess.wait, id)
- const epbe = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/epbe?url=${args[1]}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (epbe.error) return client.reply(from, epbe.error, id)
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, epbe.result, 'epbe.mp4', epbe.title, id)
- break
- case '!creator':
- client.sendContact(from, '6285892766102@c.us')
- break
- case '!ig':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!ig [linkIg]* untuk contoh silahkan kirim perintah *!readme*')
- if (!args[1].match(isUrl) && !args[1].includes('instagram.com')) return client.reply(from, mess.error.Iv, id)
- try {
- client.reply(from, mess.wait, id)
- const resp = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/ig?url=${args[1]}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (resp.result.includes('.mp4')) {
- var ext = '.mp4'
- } else {
- var ext = '.jpg'
- }
- await client.sendFileFromUrl(from, resp.result, `igeh${ext}`, '', id)
- } catch {
- client.reply(from, mess.error.Ig, id)
- }
- break
- case '!nsfw':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group!', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh Admin group!', id)
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Pilih enable atau disable!', id)
- if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'enable') {
- nsfw_.push(chat.id)
- fs.writeFileSync('./lib/NSFW.json', JSON.stringify(nsfw_))
- client.reply(from, 'NSWF Command berhasil di aktifkan di group ini! kirim perintah *!nsfwMenu* untuk mengetahui menu', id)
- } else if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'disable') {
- nsfw_.splice(chat.id, 1)
- fs.writeFileSync('./lib/NSFW.json', JSON.stringify(nsfw_))
- client.reply(from, 'NSFW Command berhasil di nonaktifkan di group ini!', id)
- } else {
- client.reply(from, 'Pilih enable atau disable udin!', id)
- }
- break
- case '!welcome':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group!', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh Admin group!', id)
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Pilih enable atau disable!', id)
- if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'enable') {
- welkom.push(chat.id)
- fs.writeFileSync('./lib/welcome.json', JSON.stringify(welkom))
- client.reply(from, 'Fitur welcome berhasil di aktifkan di group ini!', id)
- } else if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'disable') {
- welkom.splice(chat.id, 1)
- fs.writeFileSync('./lib/welcome.json', JSON.stringify(welkom))
- client.reply(from, 'Fitur welcome berhasil di nonaktifkan di group ini!', id)
- } else {
- client.reply(from, 'Pilih enable atau disable udin!', id)
- }
- break
- case '!nsfwmenu':
- if (!isNsfw) return
- client.reply(from, '1. !randomHentai\n2. !randomNsfwNeko', id)
- break
- case '!igstalk':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!igStalk @username*\nConntoh *!igStalk @duar_amjay*', id)
- const stalk = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/stalk?username=${args[1]}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (stalk.error) return client.reply(from, stalk.error, id)
- const { Biodata, Jumlah_Followers, Jumlah_Following, Jumlah_Post, Name, Username, Profile_pic } = stalk
- const caps = `➸ *Nama* : ${Name}\n➸ *Username* : ${Username}\n➸ *Jumlah Followers* : ${Jumlah_Followers}\n➸ *Jumlah Following* : ${Jumlah_Following}\n➸ *Jumlah Postingan* : ${Jumlah_Post}\n➸ *Biodata* : ${Biodata}`
- await client.sendFileFromUrl(from, Profile_pic, 'Profile.jpg', caps, id)
- break
- case '!infogempa':
- const bmkg = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/infogempa?apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- const { potensi, koordinat, lokasi, kedalaman, magnitude, waktu, map } = bmkg
- const hasil = `*${waktu}*\n📍 *Lokasi* : *${lokasi}*\n〽️ *Kedalaman* : *${kedalaman}*\n💢 *Magnitude* : *${magnitude}*\n🔘 *Potensi* : *${potensi}*\n📍 *Koordinat* : *${koordinat}*`
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, map, 'shakemap.jpg', hasil, id)
- break
- case '!anime':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!anime [query]*\nContoh : *!anime darling in the franxx*', id)
- const animek = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/kuso?q=${body.slice(7)}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (animek.error) return client.reply(from, animek.error, id)
- const res_animek = `Title: *${animek.title}*\n\n${animek.info}\n\nSinopsis: ${animek.sinopsis}\n\nLink Download:\n${animek.link_dl}`
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, animek.thumb, 'kusonime.jpg', res_animek, id)
- break
- case '!nh':
- //if (isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Sorry this command for private chat only!', id)
- if (args.length === 2) {
- const nuklir = body.split(' ')[1]
- client.reply(from, mess.wait, id)
- const cek = await nhentai.exists(nuklir)
- if (cek === true) {
- try {
- const api = new API()
- const pic = await api.getBook(nuklir).then(book => {
- return api.getImageURL(book.cover)
- })
- const dojin = await nhentai.getDoujin(nuklir)
- const { title, details, link } = dojin
- const { parodies, tags, artists, groups, languages, categories } = await details
- var teks = `*Title* : ${title}\n\n*Parodies* : ${parodies}\n\n*Tags* : ${tags.join(', ')}\n\n*Artists* : ${artists.join(', ')}\n\n*Groups* : ${groups.join(', ')}\n\n*Languages* : ${languages.join(', ')}\n\n*Categories* : ${categories}\n\n*Link* : ${link}`
- //exec('nhentai --id=' + nuklir + ` -P mantap.pdf -o ./hentong/${nuklir}.pdf --format `+ `${nuklir}.pdf`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, pic, 'hentod.jpg', teks, id)
- //client.sendFile(from, `./hentong/${nuklir}.pdf/${nuklir}.pdf.pdf`, then(() => `${title}.pdf`, '', id)).catch(() =>
- //client.sendFile(from, `./hentong/${nuklir}.pdf/${nuklir}.pdf.pdf`, `${title}.pdf`, '', id))
- /*if (error) {
- console.log('error : '+ error.message)
- return
- }
- if (stderr) {
- console.log('stderr : '+ stderr)
- return
- }
- console.log('stdout : '+ stdout)*/
- //})
- } catch (err) {
- client.reply(from, '[❗] Terjadi kesalahan, mungkin kode nuklir salah', id)
- }
- } else {
- client.reply(from, '[❗] Kode nuClear Salah!')
- }
- } else {
- client.reply(from, '[ WRONG ] Kirim perintah *!nh [nuClear]* untuk contoh kirim perintah *!readme*')
- }
- break
- case '!brainly':
- if (args.length >= 2){
- const BrainlySearch = require('./lib/brainly')
- let tanya = body.slice(9)
- let jum = Number(tanya.split('.')[1]) || 2
- if (jum > 10) return client.reply(from, 'Max 10!', id)
- if (Number(tanya[tanya.length-1])){
- tanya
- }
- client.reply(from, `➸ *Pertanyaan* : ${tanya.split('.')[0]}\n\n➸ *Jumlah jawaban* : ${Number(jum)}`, id)
- await BrainlySearch(tanya.split('.')[0],Number(jum), function(res){
- res.forEach(x=>{
- if (x.jawaban.fotoJawaban.length == 0) {
- client.reply(from, `➸ *Pertanyaan* : ${x.pertanyaan}\n\n➸ *Jawaban* : ${x.jawaban.judulJawaban}\n`, id)
- } else {
- client.reply(from, `➸ *Pertanyaan* : ${x.pertanyaan}\n\n➸ *Jawaban* : ${x.jawaban.judulJawaban}\n\n➸ *Link foto jawaban* : ${x.jawaban.fotoJawaban.join('\n')}`, id)
- }
- })
- })
- } else {
- client.reply(from, 'Usage :\n!brainly [pertanyaan] [.jumlah]\n\nEx : \n!brainly NKRI .2', id)
- }
- break
- case '!wait':
- if (isMedia && type === 'image' || quotedMsg && quotedMsg.type === 'image') {
- if (isMedia) {
- var mediaData = await decryptMedia(message, uaOverride)
- } else {
- var mediaData = await decryptMedia(quotedMsg, uaOverride)
- }
- const fetch = require('node-fetch')
- const imgBS4 = `data:${mimetype};base64,${mediaData.toString('base64')}`
- client.reply(from, 'Searching....', id)
- fetch('https://trace.moe/api/search', {
- method: 'POST',
- body: JSON.stringify({ image: imgBS4 }),
- headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
- })
- .then(respon => respon.json())
- .then(resolt => {
- if (resolt.docs && resolt.docs.length <= 0) {
- client.reply(from, 'Maaf, saya tidak tau ini anime apa', id)
- }
- const { is_adult, title, title_chinese, title_romaji, title_english, episode, similarity, filename, at, tokenthumb, anilist_id } = resolt.docs[0]
- teks = ''
- if (similarity < 0.92) {
- teks = '*Saya memiliki keyakinan rendah dalam hal ini* :\n\n'
- }
- teks += `➸ *Title Japanese* : ${title}\n➸ *Title chinese* : ${title_chinese}\n➸ *Title Romaji* : ${title_romaji}\n➸ *Title English* : ${title_english}\n`
- teks += `➸ *Ecchi* : ${is_adult}\n`
- teks += `➸ *Eps* : ${episode.toString()}\n`
- teks += `➸ *Kesamaan* : ${(similarity * 100).toFixed(1)}%\n`
- var video = `https://media.trace.moe/video/${anilist_id}/${encodeURIComponent(filename)}?t=${at}&token=${tokenthumb}`;
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, video, 'nimek.mp4', teks, id).catch(() => {
- client.reply(from, teks, id)
- })
- })
- .catch(() => {
- client.reply(from, 'Error !', id)
- })
- } else {
- client.sendFile(from, './media/img/tutod.jpg', 'Tutor.jpg', 'Neh contoh mhank!', id)
- }
- break
- case '!quotemaker':
- arg = body.trim().split('|')
- if (arg.length >= 4) {
- client.reply(from, mess.wait, id)
- const quotes = encodeURIComponent(arg[1])
- const author = encodeURIComponent(arg[2])
- const theme = encodeURIComponent(arg[3])
- await quotemaker(quotes, author, theme).then(amsu => {
- client.sendFile(from, amsu, 'quotesmaker.jpg','neh...').catch(() => {
- client.reply(from, mess.error.Qm, id)
- })
- })
- } else {
- client.reply(from, 'Usage: \n!quotemaker |teks|watermark|theme\n\nEx :\n!quotemaker |ini contoh|bicit|random', id)
- }
- break
- case '!linkgroup':
- if (!isBotGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan ketika bot menjadi admin', id)
- if (isGroupMsg) {
- const inviteLink = await client.getGroupInviteLink(groupId);
- client.sendLinkWithAutoPreview(from, inviteLink, `\nLink group *${name}*`)
- } else {
- client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group!', id)
- }
- break
- case '!bc':
- if (!isOwner) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya untuk Owner bot!', id)
- let msg = body.slice(4)
- const chatz = await client.getAllChatIds()
- for (let ids of chatz) {
- var cvk = await client.getChatById(ids)
- if (!cvk.isReadOnly) await client.sendText(ids, `[ Shinomiya Kaguya BOT Broadcast ]\n\n${msg}`)
- }
- client.reply(from, 'Broadcast Success!', id)
- break
- case '!adminlist':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group!', id)
- let mimin = ''
- for (let admon of groupAdmins) {
- mimin += `➸ @${admon.replace(/@c.us/g, '')}\n`
- }
- await client.sendTextWithMentions(from, mimin)
- break
- case '!ownergroup':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group!', id)
- const Owner_ = chat.groupMetadata.owner
- await client.sendTextWithMentions(from, `Owner Group : @${Owner_}`)
- break
- case '!mentionall':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group!', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh admin group', id)
- const groupMem = await client.getGroupMembers(groupId)
- let hehe = '╔══✪〘 Mention All 〙✪══\n'
- for (let i = 0; i < groupMem.length; i++) {
- hehe += '╠➥'
- hehe += ` @${groupMem[i].id.replace(/@c.us/g, '')}\n`
- }
- hehe += '╚═〘 Shinomiya Kaguya BOT 〙'
- await client.sendTextWithMentions(from, hehe)
- break
- case '!kickall':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group!', id)
- const isGroupOwner = sender.id === chat.groupMetadata.owner
- if (!isGroupOwner) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh Owner group', id)
- if (!isBotGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan ketika bot menjadi admin', id)
- const allMem = await client.getGroupMembers(groupId)
- for (let i = 0; i < allMem.length; i++) {
- if (groupAdmins.includes(allMem[i].id)) {
- console.log('Upss this is Admin group')
- } else {
- await client.removeParticipant(groupId, allMem[i].id)
- }
- }
- client.reply(from, 'Succes kick all member', id)
- break
- case '!leaveall':
- if (!isOwner) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya untuk Owner bot', id)
- const allChats = await client.getAllChatIds()
- const allGroups = await client.getAllGroups()
- for (let gclist of allGroups) {
- await client.sendText(gclist.contact.id, `Maaf bot sedang pembersihan, total chat aktif : ${allChats.length}`)
- await client.leaveGroup(gclist.contact.id)
- }
- client.reply(from, 'Succes leave all group!', id)
- break
- case '!clearall':
- if (!isOwner) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya untuk Owner bot', id)
- const allChatz = await client.getAllChats()
- for (let dchat of allChatz) {
- await client.deleteChat(dchat.id)
- }
- client.reply(from, 'Succes clear all chat!', id)
- break
- case '!add':
- const orang = args[1]
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group', id)
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Untuk menggunakan fitur ini, kirim perintah *!add* 628xxxxx', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh admin group', id)
- if (!isBotGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan ketika bot menjadi admin', id)
- try {
- await client.addParticipant(from,`${orang}@c.us`)
- } catch {
- client.reply(from, mess.error.Ad, id)
- }
- break
- case '!kick':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh admin group', id)
- if (!isBotGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan ketika bot menjadi admin', id)
- if (mentionedJidList.length === 0) return client.reply(from, 'Untuk menggunakan Perintah ini, kirim perintah *!kick* @tagmember', id)
- await client.sendText(from, `Perintah diterima, mengeluarkan:\n${mentionedJidList.join('\n')}`)
- for (let i = 0; i < mentionedJidList.length; i++) {
- if (groupAdmins.includes(mentionedJidList[i])) return client.reply(from, mess.error.Ki, id)
- await client.removeParticipant(groupId, mentionedJidList[i])
- }
- break
- case '!leave':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Perintah ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh admin group', id)
- await client.sendText(from,'Sayonara').then(() => client.leaveGroup(groupId))
- break
- case '!promote':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh admin group', id)
- if (!isBotGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan ketika bot menjadi admin', id)
- if (mentionedJidList.length === 0) return client.reply(from, 'Untuk menggunakan fitur ini, kirim perintah *!promote* @tagmember', id)
- if (mentionedJidList.length >= 2) return client.reply(from, 'Maaf, perintah ini hanya dapat digunakan kepada 1 user.', id)
- if (groupAdmins.includes(mentionedJidList[0])) return client.reply(from, 'Maaf, user tersebut sudah menjadi admin.', id)
- await client.promoteParticipant(groupId, mentionedJidList[0])
- await client.sendTextWithMentions(from, `Perintah diterima, menambahkan @${mentionedJidList[0]} sebagai admin.`)
- break
- case '!demote':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh admin group', id)
- if (!isBotGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan ketika bot menjadi admin', id)
- if (mentionedJidList.length === 0) return client.reply(from, 'Untuk menggunakan fitur ini, kirim perintah *!demote* @tagadmin', id)
- if (mentionedJidList.length >= 2) return client.reply(from, 'Maaf, perintah ini hanya dapat digunakan kepada 1 orang.', id)
- if (!groupAdmins.includes(mentionedJidList[0])) return client.reply(from, 'Maaf, user tersebut tidak menjadi admin.', id)
- await client.demoteParticipant(groupId, mentionedJidList[0])
- await client.sendTextWithMentions(from, `Perintah diterima, menghapus jabatan @${mentionedJidList[0]}.`)
- break
- case '!join':
- //return client.reply(from, 'Jika ingin meng-invite bot ke group anda, silahkan izin ke wa.me/6285892766102', id)
- if (args.length < 2) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!join linkgroup key*\n\nEx:\n!join https://chat.whatsapp.com/blablablablablabla abcde\nuntuk key kamu bisa mendapatkannya hanya dengan donasi 5k', id)
- const link = args[1]
- const key = args[2]
- const tGr = await client.getAllGroups()
- const minMem = 30
- const isLink = link.match(/(https:\/\/chat.whatsapp.com)/gi)
- if (key !== 'lGjYt4zA5SQlTDx9z9Ca') return client.reply(from, '*key* salah! silahkan chat owner bot unruk mendapatkan key yang valid', id)
- const check = await client.inviteInfo(link)
- if (!isLink) return client.reply(from, 'Ini link? 👊🤬', id)
- if (tGr.length > 15) return client.reply(from, 'Maaf jumlah group sudah maksimal!', id)
- if (check.size < minMem) return client.reply(from, 'Member group tidak melebihi 30, bot tidak bisa masuk', id)
- if (check.status === 200) {
- await client.joinGroupViaLink(link).then(() => client.reply(from, 'Bot akan segera masuk!'))
- } else {
- client.reply(from, 'Link group tidak valid!', id)
- }
- break
- case '!delete':
- if (!isGroupMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan dalam group', id)
- if (!isGroupAdmins) return client.reply(from, 'Fitur ini hanya bisa di gunakan oleh admin group', id)
- if (!quotedMsg) return client.reply(from, 'Salah!!, kirim perintah *!delete [tagpesanbot]*', id)
- if (!quotedMsgObj.fromMe) return client.reply(from, 'Salah!!, Bot tidak bisa mengahpus chat user lain!', id)
- client.deleteMessage(quotedMsgObj.chatId, quotedMsgObj.id, false)
- break
- case '!getses':
- const sesPic = await client.getSnapshot()
- client.sendFile(from, sesPic, 'session.png', 'Neh...', id)
- break
- case '!lirik':
- if (args.length == 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!lirik [optional]*, contoh *!lirik aku bukan boneka*', id)
- const lagu = body.slice(7)
- const lirik = await liriklagu(lagu)
- client.reply(from, lirik, id)
- break
- case '!chord':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!chord [query]*, contoh *!chord aku bukan boneka*', id)
- const query__ = body.slice(7)
- const chord = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbar.herokuapp.com/api/chord?q=${query__}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (chord.error) return client.reply(from, chord.error, id)
- client.reply(from, chord.result, id)
- break
- case '!listdaerah':
- const listDaerah = await get('https://mhankbarbar.herokuapp.com/daerah').json()
- client.reply(from, listDaerah.result, id)
- break
- case '!listblock':
- let hih = `This is list of blocked number\nTotal : ${blockNumber.length}\n`
- for (let i of blockNumber) {
- hih += `➸ @${i.replace(/@c.us/g,'')}\n`
- }
- client.sendTextWithMentions(from, hih, id)
- break
- case '!jadwalshalat':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, '[❗] Kirim perintah *!jadwalShalat [daerah]*\ncontoh : *!jadwalShalat Tangerang*\nUntuk list daerah kirim perintah *!listDaerah*')
- const daerah = body.slice(14)
- const jadwalShalat = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/jadwalshalat?daerah=${daerah}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (jadwalShalat.error) return client.reply(from, jadwalShalat.error, id)
- const { Imsyak, Subuh, Dhuha, Dzuhur, Ashar, Maghrib, Isya } = await jadwalShalat
- arrbulan = ["Januari","Februari","Maret","April","Mei","Juni","Juli","Agustus","September","Oktober","November","Desember"];
- tgl = new Date().getDate()
- bln = new Date().getMonth()
- thn = new Date().getFullYear()
- const resultJadwal = `Jadwal shalat di ${daerah}, ${tgl}-${arrbulan[bln]}-${thn}\n\nImsyak : ${Imsyak}\nSubuh : ${Subuh}\nDhuha : ${Dhuha}\nDzuhur : ${Dzuhur}\nAshar : ${Ashar}\nMaghrib : ${Maghrib}\nIsya : ${Isya}`
- client.reply(from, resultJadwal, id)
- break
- case '!listchannel':
- client.reply(from, listChannel, id)
- break
- case '!jadwaltv':
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!jadwalTv [channel]*', id)
- const query = body.slice(10).toLowerCase()
- const jadwal = await jadwalTv(query)
- client.reply(from, jadwal, id)
- break
- case '!jadwaltvnow':
- const jadwalNow = await get.get('https://api.haipbis.xyz/jadwaltvnow').json()
- client.reply(from, `Jam : ${jadwalNow.jam}\n\nJadwalTV : ${jadwalNow.jadwalTV}`, id)
- break
- case '!loli':
- const loli = await get.get('https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/randomloli').json()
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, loli.result, 'loli.jpeg', 'Lolinya om', id)
- break
- case '!waifu':
- const waifu = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/waifu?apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, waifu.image, 'Waifu.jpg', `➸ Name : ${waifu.name}\n➸ Description : ${waifu.desc}\n\n➸ Source : ${waifu.source}`, id)
- break
- case '!husbu':
- const diti = fs.readFileSync('./lib/husbu.json')
- const ditiJsin = JSON.parse(diti)
- const rindIndix = Math.floor(Math.random() * ditiJsin.length)
- const rindKiy = ditiJsin[rindIndix]
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, rindKiy.image, 'Husbu.jpg', rindKiy.teks, id)
- break
- case '!randomhentai':
- if (isGroupMsg) {
- if (!isNsfw) return client.reply(from, 'Command/Perintah NSFW belum di aktifkan di group ini!', id)
- const hentai = await randomNimek('hentai')
- if (hentai.endsWith('.png')) {
- var ext = '.png'
- } else {
- var ext = '.jpg'
- }
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, hentai, `Hentai${ext}`, 'Hentai!', id)
- break
- } else {
- const hentai = await randomNimek('hentai')
- if (hentai.endsWith('.png')) {
- var ext = '.png'
- } else {
- var ext = '.jpg'
- }
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, hentai, `Hentai${ext}`, 'Hentai!', id)
- }
- case '!randomnsfwneko':
- if (isGroupMsg) {
- if (!isNsfw) return client.reply(from, 'Command/Perintah NSFW belum di aktifkan di group ini!', id)
- const nsfwneko = await randomNimek('nsfw')
- if (nsfwneko.endsWith('.png')) {
- var ext = '.png'
- } else {
- var ext = '.jpg'
- }
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, nsfwneko, `nsfwNeko${ext}`, 'Nsfwneko!', id)
- } else {
- const nsfwneko = await randomNimek('nsfw')
- if (nsfwneko.endsWith('.png')) {
- var ext = '.png'
- } else {
- var ext = '.jpg'
- }
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, nsfwneko, `nsfwNeko${ext}`, 'Nsfwneko!', id)
- }
- break
- case '!randomnekonime':
- const nekonime = await get.get('https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/nekonime').json()
- if (nekonime.result.endsWith('.png')) {
- var ext = '.png'
- } else {
- var ext = '.jpg'
- }
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, nekonime.result, `Nekonime${ext}`, 'Nekonime!', id)
- break
- case '!randomtrapnime':
- const trap = await randomNimek('trap')
- if (trap.endsWith('.png')) {
- var ext = '.png'
- } else {
- var ext = '.jpg'
- }
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, trap, `trapnime${ext}`, 'Trapnime!', id)
- break
- case '!randomanime':
- const nime = await randomNimek('anime')
- if (nime.endsWith('.png')) {
- var ext = '.png'
- } else {
- var ext = '.jpg'
- }
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, nime, `Randomanime${ext}`, 'Randomanime!', id)
- break
- case '!inu':
- const list = 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- let kya = list[Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length)]
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, kya, 'Dog.jpeg', 'Inu')
- break
- case '!neko':
- q2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 900) + 300;
- q3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 900) + 300;
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, 'http://placekitten.com/'+q3+'/'+q2, 'neko.png','Neko ')
- break
- case '!sendto':
- client.sendFile(from, './msgHndlr.js', 'msgHndlr.js')
- break
- case '!url2img':
- const _query = body.slice(9)
- if (!_query.match(isUrl)) return client.reply(from, mess.error.Iv, id)
- if (args.length === 1) return client.reply(from, 'Kirim perintah *!url2img [web]*\nContoh *!url2img https://google.com*', id)
- const url2img = await get.get(`https://mhankbarbar.herokuapp.com/api/url2image?url=${_query}&apiKey=${apiKey}`).json()
- if (url2img.error) return client.reply(from, url2img.error, id)
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, url2img.result, 'kyaa.jpg', null, id)
- break
- case '!quote':
- case '!quotes':
- const quotes = await get.get('https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/randomquotes').json()
- client.reply(from, `➸ *Quotes* : ${quotes.quotes}\n➸ *Author* : ${quotes.author}`, id)
- break
- case '!quotesnime':
- const skya = await get.get('https://mhankbarbars.herokuapp.com/api/quotesnime/random').json()
- skya_ = skya.data
- client.reply(from, `➸ *Quotes* : ${skya_.quote}\n➸ *Character* : ${skya_.character}\n➸ *Anime* : ${skya_.anime}`, id)
- break
- case '!meme':
- const response = await axios.get('https://meme-api.herokuapp.com/gimme/wholesomeanimemes');
- const { postlink, title, subreddit, url, nsfw, spoiler } = response.data
- client.sendFileFromUrl(from, `${url}`, 'meme.jpg', `${title}`)
- break
- case '!help':
- client.sendText(from, help)
- break
- case '!readme':
- client.reply(from, readme, id)
- break
- case '!info':
- client.sendLinkWithAutoPreview(from, 'https://github.com/mhankbarbar/whatsapp-bot', info)
- break
- case '!snk':
- client.reply(from, snk, id)
- break
- }
- } catch (err) {
- console.log(color('[ERROR]', 'red'), err)
- //client.kill().then(a => console.log(a))
- }
- }