rainloop 1.8 KB

  1. ### Prepare
  2. Here is the prepare steps to configure mail server in Ajenti + RainLoop :
  3. 1. Make sure you already create new website in sub domain for rainloop, example: mail.yourdomain.com
  4. 2. Click manage on it, then on content tab, create PHP FastCGI >> Click Apply Changes
  5. 3. On advanced tab, at custom configuration paste this code
  6. ```
  7. location ^~ /data {
  8. deny all;
  9. }
  10. ```
  11. then click Apply Changes
  12. 4. Done
  13. ### Install IMAP + POP3 mail server
  14. 1. Install Ajenti IMAP + POP3 mail server
  15. ```
  16. apt-get install ajenti-v-mail -y
  17. apt-get install courier-pop -y
  18. ```
  19. 2. Don't forget to allow firewall for imap, pop3 and smtp port 25, 143, 465, 587, 993, 2525, 2526
  20. 3. Go to menu Mail then you will find DKIM, DMARC, and SPF configuration, if there is empty, you have to generate new.
  21. 4. Put the DKIM, DMARC and SPF on the DNS to avoid blacklist to your IP
  22. 5. Done
  23. ### Install RainLoop
  24. This step is require Terminal or SSH Putty :
  25. 1. Go inside folder rainloop, example: srv/mail.yourdomain.com
  26. ```
  27. cd /srv/mail.yourdomain.com
  28. ```
  29. 2. Install requirement library (note: we use php 7.2)
  30. ```
  31. apt-get install php7.2-cli php7.2-curl
  32. ```
  33. 3. Download and Install script rainloop
  34. ```
  35. wget -qO- http://repository.rainloop.net/installer.php | php
  36. find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
  37. find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
  38. chown -R www-data:www-data .
  39. ```
  40. 4. Done
  41. ### IMAP and SMTP Information
  42. ```
  43. Username: user@example.com
  44. Password: your_mailbox_password
  45. IMAP Server: panel.example.com
  46. IMAP Port: 143
  47. IMAP Encryption: STARTTLS (Accept all certificates)
  48. SMTP Server: panel.example.com
  49. SMTP Port: 25
  50. SMTP Encryption: None
  51. ```
  52. ### Configure RainLoop
  53. 1. Go to http://mail.yourdomain.com/?admin
  54. 2. Default login is admin:12345
  55. 3. Go to domain tab
  56. 4. Click Add new Domain
  57. 5. Fill the IMAP and SMTP information
  58. 6. Done, now you can logout and then login with your own email