20 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #
  3. # Mod by SL
  4. # ==================================================
  5. # initialisasi var
  6. export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
  7. OS=`uname -m`;
  8. MYIP=$(wget -qO-;
  9. MYIP2="s/xxxxxxxxx/$MYIP/g";
  10. ANU=$(ip -o $ANU -4 route show to default | awk '{print $5}');
  11. # banner
  12. #banner
  13. cat <<'korn77' > /etc/banner
  14. <br><font>
  15. <br><font>
  16. <br><font color='green'> <b> ░▒▓█ ☁️ Project Sakai ☁️ █▓▒░</b> </br></font>
  17. <br><font>
  18. <br><font color='#32CD32'>: : : ★ Happy Browsing!😊 </br></font>
  19. <br><font color='#32CD32'>: : : ★ This is FREE and Not for Sale! </br></font>
  20. <br><font color='#FDD017'>: : : ★ Project Lead: irwanmohi 🦊</br></font>
  21. <br><font>
  22. <br><font color='#32CD32'>: : : ★ STRICTLY NO ACCOUNT SHARING</br></font>
  23. <br><font color='#32CD32'>: : : ★ STRICTLY NO MULTI-LOGIN</br></font>
  24. <br><font color='#32CD32'>: : : ★ STRICTLY NO TORRENT</br></font>
  25. <br><font>
  26. <br><font color='#FF00FF'>░▒▓█ VIOLATORS WILL BE BAN!!!</br></font>
  27. <br><font>
  28. <br><font>
  29. korn77
  30. # root
  31. if [ "${EUID}" -ne 0 ]; then
  32. echo "You need to run this script as root"
  33. exit 1
  34. fi
  35. if [ "$(systemd-detect-virt)" == "openvz" ]; then
  36. echo "OpenVZ is not supported"
  37. exit 1
  38. fi
  39. red='\e[1;31m'
  40. green='\e[0;32m'
  41. NC='\e[0m'
  42. MYIP=$(wget -qO-;
  43. mkdir /var/lib/premium-script;
  44. echo "IP=" >> /var/lib/premium-script/ipvps.conf
  45. # ssh
  46. function InstSSH(){
  47. # Removing some duplicated sshd server configs
  48. rm -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  49. sleep 1
  50. # Creating a SSH server config using cat eof tricks
  51. cat <<'MySSHConfig' > /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  52. # Project FOG OpenSSH Server config
  53. # irwanmohi
  54. Port myPORT1
  55. Port myPORT2
  56. AddressFamily inet
  57. ListenAddress
  58. HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
  59. HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
  60. HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
  61. PermitRootLogin yes
  62. MaxSessions 1024
  63. PubkeyAuthentication yes
  64. PasswordAuthentication yes
  65. PermitEmptyPasswords no
  66. ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
  67. UsePAM yes
  68. X11Forwarding yes
  69. PrintMotd no
  70. ClientAliveInterval 300
  71. ClientAliveCountMax 2
  72. UseDNS no
  73. Banner /etc/banner
  74. AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
  75. Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
  76. MySSHConfig
  77. sleep 2
  78. # Now we'll put our ssh ports inside of sshd_config
  79. sed -i "s|myPORT1|$SSH_Port1|g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  80. sed -i "s|myPORT2|$SSH_Port2|g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  81. # MengInstall apt
  82. sudo apt-get install php7.3-fpm -y
  83. sudo apt-get install php7.3-cli -y
  84. sudo apt-get install libssh2-1 -y
  85. sudo apt-get install php-ssh2 -y
  86. sudo apt-get install libgeoip-dev -y
  87. sudo apt-get install uwsgi -y
  88. sudo apt-get install geoipupdate -y
  89. sudo apt-get install uwsgi-plugin-python -y
  90. sudo apt-get install --reinstall python-virtualenv -y
  91. sudo apt-get install --reinstall geoip-database-extra -y
  92. sudo apt-get install neofetch
  93. sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.3
  94. apt-get install php7.3-ssh2 php-ssh2-all-dev -y
  95. # MengInstall SSH
  96. export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
  97. MYIP=$(wget -qO-;
  98. MYIP2="s/xxxxxxxxx/$MYIP/g";
  99. NET=$(ip -o $ANU -4 route show to default | awk '{print $5}');
  100. source /etc/os-release
  101. ver=$VERSION_ID
  102. #detail nama perusahaan
  103. country=MY
  104. state=SELANGOR
  105. locality=GOMBAK
  106. organization=AIDAN-Tech
  107. organizationalunit=Platform
  108. commonname=aidan
  110. # simple password minimal
  111. wget -O /etc/pam.d/common-password ""
  112. chmod +x /etc/pam.d/common-password
  113. # go to root
  114. cd
  115. # Edit file /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service
  116. cat > /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service <<-END
  117. [Unit]
  118. Description=/etc/rc.local
  119. ConditionPathExists=/etc/rc.local
  120. [Service]
  121. Type=forking
  122. ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start
  123. TimeoutSec=0
  124. StandardOutput=tty
  125. RemainAfterExit=yes
  126. SysVStartPriority=99
  127. [Install]
  129. END
  130. # nano /etc/rc.local
  131. cat > /etc/rc.local <<-END
  132. #!/bin/sh -e
  133. # rc.local
  134. # By default this script does nothing.
  135. exit 0
  136. END
  137. # Ubah izin akses
  138. chmod +x /etc/rc.local
  139. # enable rc local
  140. systemctl enable rc-local
  141. systemctl start rc-local.service
  142. # disable ipv6
  143. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
  144. sed -i '$ i\echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6' /etc/rc.local
  145. #update
  146. apt update -y
  147. apt upgrade -y
  148. apt dist-upgrade -y
  149. apt-get remove --purge ufw firewalld -y
  150. apt-get remove --purge exim4 -y
  151. # install wget and curl
  152. apt -y install wget curl
  153. # set time GMT +7
  154. ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kuala_Lumpur /etc/localtime
  155. # set locale
  156. sed -i 's/AcceptEnv/#AcceptEnv/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  157. # install
  158. apt-get --reinstall --fix-missing install -y bzip2 gzip coreutils wget screen rsyslog iftop htop net-tools zip unzip wget net-tools curl nano sed screen gnupg gnupg1 bc apt-transport-https build-essential dirmngr libxml-parser-perl neofetch git lsof
  159. echo "clear" >> .profile
  160. echo "neofetch" >> .profile
  161. # install webserver
  162. apt -y install nginx
  163. cd
  164. rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
  165. rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
  166. wget -O /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ""
  167. mkdir -p /home/vps/public_html
  168. wget -O /etc/nginx/conf.d/vps.conf ""
  169. /etc/init.d/nginx restart
  170. # install badvpn
  171. cd
  172. wget -O /usr/bin/badvpn-udpgw ""
  173. chmod +x /usr/bin/badvpn-udpgw
  174. sed -i '$ i\screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500' /etc/rc.local
  175. sed -i '$ i\screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500' /etc/rc.local
  176. sed -i '$ i\screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500' /etc/rc.local
  177. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  178. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  179. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  180. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  181. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  182. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  183. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  184. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  185. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  186. # setting port ssh
  187. sed -i 's/Port 22/Port 22/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  188. sed -i '/#Port 22/a Port 143' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  189. sed -i '/#Port 22/a Port 90' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  190. sed -i 's/#Port 22/Port 222/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  191. /etc/init.d/ssh restart
  192. # install dropbear
  193. apt -y install dropbear
  194. sed -i 's/NO_START=1/NO_START=0/g' /etc/default/dropbear
  195. sed -i 's/DROPBEAR_PORT=22/DROPBEAR_PORT=143/g' /etc/default/dropbear
  196. sed -i 's/DROPBEAR_EXTRA_ARGS=/DROPBEAR_EXTRA_ARGS="-p 109"/g' /etc/default/dropbear
  197. echo "/bin/false" >> /etc/shells
  198. echo "/usr/sbin/nologin" >> /etc/shells
  199. /etc/init.d/dropbear restart
  200. # install squid
  201. cd
  202. apt -y install squid3
  203. wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf ""
  204. sed -i $MYIP2 /etc/squid/squid.conf
  205. # setting vnstat
  206. apt -y install vnstat
  207. /etc/init.d/vnstat restart
  208. apt -y install libsqlite3-dev
  209. wget
  210. tar zxvf vnstat-2.6.tar.gz
  211. cd vnstat-2.6
  212. ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && make && make install
  213. cd
  214. vnstat -u -i $NET
  215. sed -i 's/Interface "'""eth0""'"/Interface "'""$NET""'"/g' /etc/vnstat.conf
  216. chown vnstat:vnstat /var/lib/vnstat -R
  217. systemctl enable vnstat
  218. /etc/init.d/vnstat restart
  219. rm -f /root/vnstat-2.6.tar.gz
  220. rm -rf /root/vnstat-2.6
  221. # install stunnel
  222. apt install stunnel4 -y
  223. cat > /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf <<-END
  224. cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
  225. client = no
  226. socket = a:SO_REUSEADDR=1
  227. socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
  228. socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1
  229. [dropbear]
  230. accept = 443
  231. connect =
  232. [dropbear]
  233. accept = 777
  234. connect =
  235. [openvpn]
  236. accept = 442
  237. connect =
  238. END
  239. # make a certificate
  240. openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048
  241. openssl req -new -x509 -key key.pem -out cert.pem -days 1095 \
  242. -subj "/C=$country/ST=$state/L=$locality/O=$organization/OU=$organizationalunit/CN=$commonname/emailAddress=$email"
  243. cat key.pem cert.pem >> /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
  244. # konfigurasi stunnel
  245. sed -i 's/ENABLED=0/ENABLED=1/g' /etc/default/stunnel4
  246. /etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart
  247. #OpenVPN
  248. wget && chmod +x && ./
  249. # install fail2ban
  250. apt -y install fail2ban
  251. # Instal DDOS Flate
  252. if [ -d '/usr/local/ddos' ]; then
  253. echo; echo; echo "Please un-install the previous version first"
  254. exit 0
  255. else
  256. mkdir /usr/local/ddos
  257. fi
  258. clear
  259. echo; echo 'Installing DOS-Deflate 0.6'; echo
  260. echo; echo -n 'Downloading source files...'
  261. wget -q -O /usr/local/ddos/ddos.conf
  262. echo -n '.'
  263. wget -q -O /usr/local/ddos/LICENSE
  264. echo -n '.'
  265. wget -q -O /usr/local/ddos/ignore.ip.list
  266. echo -n '.'
  267. wget -q -O /usr/local/ddos/
  268. chmod 0755 /usr/local/ddos/
  269. cp -s /usr/local/ddos/ /usr/local/sbin/ddos
  270. echo '...done'
  271. echo; echo -n 'Creating cron to run script every minute.....(Default setting)'
  272. /usr/local/ddos/ --cron > /dev/null 2>&1
  273. echo '.....done'
  274. echo; echo 'Installation has completed.'
  275. echo 'Config file is at /usr/local/ddos/ddos.conf'
  276. echo 'Please send in your comments and/or suggestions to'
  277. # banner /etc/
  278. echo "Banner /etc/" >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config
  279. sed -i 's@DROPBEAR_BANNER=""@DROPBEAR_BANNER="/etc/"@g' /etc/default/dropbear
  280. # blockir torrent
  281. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --string "get_peers" --algo bm -j DROP
  282. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --string "announce_peer" --algo bm -j DROP
  283. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --string "find_node" --algo bm -j DROP
  284. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --algo bm --string "BitTorrent" -j DROP
  285. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --algo bm --string "BitTorrent protocol" -j DROP
  286. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --algo bm --string "peer_id=" -j DROP
  287. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --algo bm --string ".torrent" -j DROP
  288. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --algo bm --string "announce.php?passkey=" -j DROP
  289. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --algo bm --string "torrent" -j DROP
  290. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --algo bm --string "announce" -j DROP
  291. iptables -A FORWARD -m string --algo bm --string "info_hash" -j DROP
  292. iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules
  293. iptables-restore -t < /etc/iptables.up.rules
  294. netfilter-persistent save
  295. netfilter-persistent reload
  296. # download script
  297. cd /usr/bin
  298. wget -O add-host ""
  299. wget -O about ""
  300. wget -O menu ""
  301. wget -O usernew ""
  302. wget -O trial ""
  303. wget -O hapus ""
  304. wget -O member ""
  305. wget -O delete ""
  306. wget -O cek ""
  307. wget -O restart ""
  308. wget -O speedtest ""
  309. wget -O info ""
  310. wget -O ram ""
  311. wget -O renew ""
  312. wget -O autokill ""
  313. wget -O ceklim ""
  314. wget -O tendang ""
  315. wget -O clear-log ""
  316. wget -O change-port ""
  317. wget -O port-ovpn ""
  318. wget -O port-ssl ""
  319. wget -O port-wg ""
  320. wget -O port-tr ""
  321. wget -O port-sstp ""
  322. wget -O port-squid ""
  323. wget -O port-ws ""
  324. wget -O port-vless ""
  325. wget -O wbmn ""
  326. wget -O xp ""
  327. wget -O kernel-updt ""
  328. chmod +x add-host
  329. chmod +x menu
  330. chmod +x usernew
  331. chmod +x trial
  332. chmod +x hapus
  333. chmod +x member
  334. chmod +x delete
  335. chmod +x cek
  336. chmod +x restart
  337. chmod +x speedtest
  338. chmod +x info
  339. chmod +x about
  340. chmod +x autokill
  341. chmod +x tendang
  342. chmod +x ceklim
  343. chmod +x ram
  344. chmod +x renew
  345. chmod +x clear-log
  346. chmod +x change-port
  347. chmod +x port-ovpn
  348. chmod +x port-ssl
  349. chmod +x port-wg
  350. chmod +x port-sstp
  351. chmod +x port-tr
  352. chmod +x port-squid
  353. chmod +x port-ws
  354. chmod +x port-vless
  355. chmod +x wbmn
  356. chmod +x xp
  357. chmod +x kernel-updt
  358. echo "0 5 * * * root clear-log && reboot" >> /etc/crontab
  359. echo "0 0 * * * root xp" >> /etc/crontab
  360. # remove unnecessary files
  361. cd
  362. apt autoclean -y
  363. apt -y remove --purge unscd
  364. apt-get -y --purge remove samba*;
  365. apt-get -y --purge remove apache2*;
  366. apt-get -y --purge remove bind9*;
  367. apt-get -y remove sendmail*
  368. apt autoremove -y
  369. # finishing
  370. cd
  371. chown -R www-data:www-data /home/vps/public_html
  372. /etc/init.d/nginx restart
  373. /etc/init.d/openvpn restart
  374. /etc/init.d/cron restart
  375. /etc/init.d/ssh restart
  376. /etc/init.d/dropbear restart
  377. /etc/init.d/fail2ban restart
  378. /etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart
  379. /etc/init.d/vnstat restart
  380. /etc/init.d/squid restart
  381. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  382. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  383. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  384. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  385. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  386. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  387. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  388. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  389. screen -dmS badvpn badvpn-udpgw --listen-addr --max-clients 500
  390. history -c
  391. echo "unset HISTFILE" >> /etc/profile
  392. cd
  393. rm -f /root/key.pem
  394. rm -f /root/cert.pem
  395. rm -f /root/
  396. # finihsing
  397. clear
  398. mkdir /var/lib/premium-script;
  399. echo "IP=" >> /var/lib/premium-script/ipvps.conf
  400. wget && chmod +x && ./
  401. #install ssh ovpn
  402. wget && chmod +x && screen -S sstp ./
  403. #install ssr
  404. wget && chmod +x && screen -S ssr ./
  405. wget && chmod +x && screen -S ss ./
  406. #installwg
  407. wget && chmod +x && screen -S wg ./
  408. #install v2ray
  409. wget && chmod +x && screen -S v2ray ./
  410. #install L2TP
  411. wget && chmod +x && screen -S ipsec ./
  412. wget && chmod +x && ./
  413. #install edu
  414. wget && chmod +x && ./
  415. rm -f /root/
  416. rm -f /root/
  417. rm -f /root/
  418. rm -f /root/
  419. rm -f /root/
  420. rm -f /root/
  421. rm -f /root/
  422. rm -f /root/
  423. rm -f /root/
  424. cat <<EOF> /etc/systemd/system/autosett.service
  425. [Unit]
  426. Description=autosetting
  427. Documentation=
  428. [Service]
  429. Type=oneshot
  430. ExecStart=/bin/bash /etc/
  431. RemainAfterExit=yes
  432. [Install]
  434. EOF
  435. systemctl daemon-reload
  436. systemctl enable autosett
  437. wget -O /etc/ ""
  438. chmod +x /etc/
  439. history -c
  440. echo "1.2" > /home/ver
  441. clear
  442. echo " "
  443. echo "Installation has been completed!!"
  444. echo " "
  445. echo "=================================-Autoscript Premium-===========================" | tee -a log-install.txt
  446. echo "" | tee -a log-install.txt
  447. echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" | tee -a log-install.txt
  448. echo "" | tee -a log-install.txt
  449. echo " >>> Service & Port" | tee -a log-install.txt
  450. echo " - OpenSSH : 22" | tee -a log-install.txt
  451. echo " - OpenVPN : TCP 1194, UDP 2200, SSL 442" | tee -a log-install.txt
  452. echo " - Stunnel4 : 443, 777" | tee -a log-install.txt
  453. echo " - Dropbear : 109, 143" | tee -a log-install.txt
  454. echo " - Squid Proxy : 3128, 8080 (limit to IP Server)" | tee -a log-install.txt
  455. echo " - Badvpn : 7100, 7200, 7300" | tee -a log-install.txt
  456. echo " - Nginx : 81" | tee -a log-install.txt
  457. echo " - Wireguard : 7070" | tee -a log-install.txt
  458. echo " - L2TP/IPSEC VPN : 1701" | tee -a log-install.txt
  459. echo " - PPTP VPN : 1732" | tee -a log-install.txt
  460. echo " - SSTP VPN : 444" | tee -a log-install.txt
  461. echo " - Shadowsocks-R : 1443-1543" | tee -a log-install.txt
  462. echo " - SS-OBFS TLS : 2443-2543" | tee -a log-install.txt
  463. echo " - SS-OBFS HTTP : 3443-3543" | tee -a log-install.txt
  464. echo " - V2RAY Vmess TLS : 8443" | tee -a log-install.txt
  465. echo " - V2RAY Vmess None TLS : 80" | tee -a log-install.txt
  466. echo " - V2RAY Vless TLS : 2083" | tee -a log-install.txt
  467. echo " - V2RAY Vless None TLS : 8880" | tee -a log-install.txt
  468. echo " - Trojan : 2087" | tee -a log-install.txt
  469. echo "" | tee -a log-install.txt
  470. echo " >>> Server Information & Other Features" | tee -a log-install.txt
  471. echo " - Timezone : Asia/Kuala Lumpur (GMT +8)" | tee -a log-install.txt
  472. echo " - Fail2Ban : [ON]" | tee -a log-install.txt
  473. echo " - Dflate : [ON]" | tee -a log-install.txt
  474. echo " - IPtables : [ON]" | tee -a log-install.txt
  475. echo " - Auto-Reboot : [ON]" | tee -a log-install.txt
  476. echo " - IPv6 : [OFF]" | tee -a log-install.txt
  477. echo " - Autoreboot On 05.00 GMT +7" | tee -a log-install.txt
  478. echo " - Autobackup Data" | tee -a log-install.txt
  479. echo " - Restore Data" | tee -a log-install.txt
  480. echo " - Auto Delete Expired Account" | tee -a log-install.txt
  481. echo " - Full Orders For Various Services" | tee -a log-install.txt
  482. echo " - White Label" | tee -a log-install.txt
  483. echo " - Installation Log --> /root/log-install.txt" | tee -a log-install.txt
  484. echo "" | tee -a log-install.txt
  485. echo " - Dev/Main : Geo" | tee -a log-install.txt
  486. echo " - Telegram :" | tee -a log-install.txt
  487. echo " - Instagram : ~" | tee -a log-install.txt
  488. echo " - Whatsapp : 085333790161" | tee -a log-install.txt
  489. echo " - Facebook : ~" | tee -a log-install.txt
  490. echo "------------------Script Created By Geo-----------------" | tee -a log-install.txt
  491. echo ""
  492. echo " reboot 10 Sec "
  493. sleep 10
  494. rm -f
  495. reboot