123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729 |
- #!/bin/bash
- #PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
- export PATH
- sh_ver="1.0.26"
- filepath=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
- file=$(echo -e "${filepath}"|awk -F "$0" '{print $1}')
- ssr_folder="/usr/local/shadowsocksr"
- config_file="${ssr_folder}/config.json"
- config_user_file="${ssr_folder}/user-config.json"
- config_user_api_file="${ssr_folder}/userapiconfig.py"
- config_user_mudb_file="${ssr_folder}/mudb.json"
- ssr_log_file="${ssr_folder}/ssserver.log"
- Libsodiumr_file="/usr/local/lib/libsodium.so"
- Libsodiumr_ver_backup="1.0.17"
- jq_file="${ssr_folder}/jq"
- masaaktif=30
- exp=`date -d "$masaaktif days" +"%Y-%m-%d"`
- source /etc/os-release
- OS=$ID
- Green_font_prefix="\033[32m" && Red_font_prefix="\033[31m" && Green_background_prefix="\033[42;37m" && Red_background_prefix="\033[41;37m" && Font_color_suffix="\033[0m"
- Info="${Green_font_prefix}[information]${Font_color_suffix}"
- Error="${Red_font_prefix}[error]${Font_color_suffix}"
- Tip="${Green_font_prefix}[note]${Font_color_suffix}"
- Separator_1="——————————————————————————————"
- check_pid(){
- PID=`ps -ef |grep -v grep | grep server.py |awk '{print $2}'`
- }
- SSR_installation_status(){
- [[ ! -e ${ssr_folder} ]] && echo -e "${Error} ShadowsocksR folder not found, please check! "&& exit 1
- }
- Add_iptables(){
- if [[ ! -z "${ssr_port}" ]]; then
- iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport ${ssr_port} -j ACCEPT
- iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${ssr_port} -j ACCEPT
- ip6tables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport ${ssr_port} -j ACCEPT
- ip6tables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${ssr_port} -j ACCEPT
- fi
- }
- Del_iptables(){
- if [[ ! -z "${port}" ]]; then
- iptables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport ${port} -j ACCEPT
- iptables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${port} -j ACCEPT
- ip6tables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport ${port} -j ACCEPT
- ip6tables -D INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport ${port} -j ACCEPT
- fi
- }
- Save_iptables(){
- if [[ ${OS} == "centos" ]]; then
- iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptable
- ip6tables-save > /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables
- else
- iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules
- ip6tables-save > /etc/ip6tables.up.rules
- fi
- }
- Set_iptables(){
- if [[ ${OS} == "centos" ]]; then
- iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptable
- ip6tables-save > /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables
- chkconfig --level 2345 iptables on
- chkconfig --level 2345 ip6tables on
- else
- iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules
- ip6tables-save > /etc/ip6tables.up.rules
- echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.rules\n/sbin/ip6tables-restore < /etc/ip6tables.up.rules' > /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables
- chmod +x /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables
- fi
- }
- # 读取 配置信息
- Get_IP(){
- ip=$(wget -qO- -t1 -T2 ipinfo.io/ip)
- if [[ -z "${ip}" ]]; then
- ip=$(wget -qO- -t1 -T2 api.ip.sb/ip)
- if [[ -z "${ip}" ]]; then
- ip=$(wget -qO- -t1 -T2 members.3322.org/dyndns/getip)
- if [[ -z "${ip}" ]]; then
- ip="VPS_IP"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- }
- Get_User_info(){
- Get_user_port=$1
- user_info_get=$(python mujson_mgr.py -l -p "${Get_user_port}")
- match_info=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "### user ")
- if [[ -z "${match_info}" ]]; then
- echo -e "${Error} Failed to get user information $ {Green Font Prefix} [Port: $ {ssh port}] $ {Font_color Suffix} " && exit 1
- fi
- user_name=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "user :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- port=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "port :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- password=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "passwd :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- method=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "method :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- protocol=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "protocol :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- protocol_param=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "protocol_param :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- [[ -z ${protocol_param} ]] && protocol_param="0(无限)"
- obfs=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "obfs :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- #transfer_enable=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "transfer_enable :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}'|awk -F "ytes" '{print $1}'|sed 's/KB/ KB/;s/MB/ MB/;s/GB/ GB/;s/TB/ TB/;s/PB/ PB/')
- #u=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "u :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- #d=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "d :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- forbidden_port=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "forbidden_port :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- [[ -z ${forbidden_port} ]] && forbidden_port="Allow all"
- speed_limit_per_con=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "speed_limit_per_con :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- speed_limit_per_user=$(echo "${user_info_get}"|grep -w "speed_limit_per_user :"|sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'|awk -F ":" '{print $NF}')
- Get_User_transfer "${port}"
- }
- Get_User_transfer(){
- transfer_port=$1
- #echo "transfer_port=${transfer_port}"
- all_port=$(${jq_file} '.[]|.port' ${config_user_mudb_file})
- #echo "all_port=${all_port}"
- port_num=$(echo "${all_port}"|grep -nw "${transfer_port}"|awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
- #echo "port_num=${port_num}"
- port_num_1=$(expr ${port_num} - 1)
- #echo "port_num_1=${port_num_1}"
- transfer_enable_1=$(${jq_file} ".[${port_num_1}].transfer_enable" ${config_user_mudb_file})
- #echo "transfer_enable_1=${transfer_enable_1}"
- u_1=$(${jq_file} ".[${port_num_1}].u" ${config_user_mudb_file})
- #echo "u_1=${u_1}"
- d_1=$(${jq_file} ".[${port_num_1}].d" ${config_user_mudb_file})
- #echo "d_1=${d_1}"
- transfer_enable_Used_2_1=$(expr ${u_1} + ${d_1})
- #echo "transfer_enable_Used_2_1=${transfer_enable_Used_2_1}"
- transfer_enable_Used_1=$(expr ${transfer_enable_1} - ${transfer_enable_Used_2_1})
- #echo "transfer_enable_Used_1=${transfer_enable_Used_1}"
- if [[ ${transfer_enable_1} -lt 1024 ]]; then
- transfer_enable="${transfer_enable_1} B"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_1} -lt 1048576 ]]; then
- transfer_enable=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_1}'/'1024'}')
- transfer_enable="${transfer_enable} KB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_1} -lt 1073741824 ]]; then
- transfer_enable=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_1}'/'1048576'}')
- transfer_enable="${transfer_enable} MB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_1} -lt 1099511627776 ]]; then
- transfer_enable=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_1}'/'1073741824'}')
- transfer_enable="${transfer_enable} GB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_1} -lt 1125899906842624 ]]; then
- transfer_enable=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_1}'/'1099511627776'}')
- transfer_enable="${transfer_enable} TB"
- fi
- #echo "transfer_enable=${transfer_enable}"
- if [[ ${u_1} -lt 1024 ]]; then
- u="${u_1} B"
- elif [[ ${u_1} -lt 1048576 ]]; then
- u=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${u_1}'/'1024'}')
- u="${u} KB"
- elif [[ ${u_1} -lt 1073741824 ]]; then
- u=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${u_1}'/'1048576'}')
- u="${u} MB"
- elif [[ ${u_1} -lt 1099511627776 ]]; then
- u=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${u_1}'/'1073741824'}')
- u="${u} GB"
- elif [[ ${u_1} -lt 1125899906842624 ]]; then
- u=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${u_1}'/'1099511627776'}')
- u="${u} TB"
- fi
- #echo "u=${u}"
- if [[ ${d_1} -lt 1024 ]]; then
- d="${d_1} B"
- elif [[ ${d_1} -lt 1048576 ]]; then
- d=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${d_1}'/'1024'}')
- d="${d} KB"
- elif [[ ${d_1} -lt 1073741824 ]]; then
- d=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${d_1}'/'1048576'}')
- d="${d} MB"
- elif [[ ${d_1} -lt 1099511627776 ]]; then
- d=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${d_1}'/'1073741824'}')
- d="${d} GB"
- elif [[ ${d_1} -lt 1125899906842624 ]]; then
- d=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${d_1}'/'1099511627776'}')
- d="${d} TB"
- fi
- #echo "d=${d}"
- if [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_1} -lt 1024 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used="${transfer_enable_Used_1} B"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_1} -lt 1048576 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_Used_1}'/'1024'}')
- transfer_enable_Used="${transfer_enable_Used} KB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_1} -lt 1073741824 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_Used_1}'/'1048576'}')
- transfer_enable_Used="${transfer_enable_Used} MB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_1} -lt 1099511627776 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_Used_1}'/'1073741824'}')
- transfer_enable_Used="${transfer_enable_Used} GB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_1} -lt 1125899906842624 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_Used_1}'/'1099511627776'}')
- transfer_enable_Used="${transfer_enable_Used} TB"
- fi
- #echo "transfer_enable_Used=${transfer_enable_Used}"
- if [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_2_1} -lt 1024 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used_2="${transfer_enable_Used_2_1} B"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_2_1} -lt 1048576 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used_2=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_Used_2_1}'/'1024'}')
- transfer_enable_Used_2="${transfer_enable_Used_2} KB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_2_1} -lt 1073741824 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used_2=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_Used_2_1}'/'1048576'}')
- transfer_enable_Used_2="${transfer_enable_Used_2} MB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_2_1} -lt 1099511627776 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used_2=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_Used_2_1}'/'1073741824'}')
- transfer_enable_Used_2="${transfer_enable_Used_2} GB"
- elif [[ ${transfer_enable_Used_2_1} -lt 1125899906842624 ]]; then
- transfer_enable_Used_2=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f\n",'${transfer_enable_Used_2_1}'/'1099511627776'}')
- transfer_enable_Used_2="${transfer_enable_Used_2} TB"
- fi
- #echo "transfer_enable_Used_2=${transfer_enable_Used_2}"
- }
- urlsafe_base64(){
- date=$(echo -n "$1"|base64|sed ':a;N;s/\n/ /g;ta'|sed 's/ //g;s/=//g;s/+/-/g;s/\//_/g')
- echo -e "${date}"
- }
- ssr_link_qr(){
- SSRprotocol=$(echo ${protocol} | sed 's/_compatible//g')
- SSRobfs=$(echo ${obfs} | sed 's/_compatible//g')
- SSRPWDbase64=$(urlsafe_base64 "${password}")
- SSRbase64=$(urlsafe_base64 "${ip}:${port}:${SSRprotocol}:${method}:${SSRobfs}:${SSRPWDbase64}")
- SSRurl="ssr://${SSRbase64}"
- ssr_link=" SSR Link : ${Red_font_prefix}${SSRurl}${Font_color_suffix} \n"
- }
- ss_ssr_determine(){
- protocol_suffix=`echo ${protocol} | awk -F "_" '{print $NF}'`
- obfs_suffix=`echo ${obfs} | awk -F "_" '{print $NF}'`
- ssr_link_qr
- }
- # Display configuration information
- View_User(){
- SSR_installation_status
- List_port_user
- while true
- do
- echo -e "Please enter the user port to view the account information"
- read -e -p "(Default: cancel):" View_user_port
- [[ -z "${View_user_port}" ]] && echo -e "cancel..." && exit 1
- View_user=$(cat "${config_user_mudb_file}"|grep '"port": '"${View_user_port}"',')
- if [[ ! -z ${View_user} ]]; then
- Get_User_info "${View_user_port}"
- View_User_info
- break
- else
- echo -e "${Error} Please enter the correct port !"
- fi
- done
- }
- View_User_info(){
- ip=$(cat ${config_user_api_file}|grep "SERVER_PUB_ADDR = "|awk -F "[']" '{print $2}')
- [[ -z "${ip}" ]] && Get_IP
- ss_ssr_determine
- clear && echo "===================================================" && echo
- echo -e " User [${user_name}] configuration info:" && echo
- echo -e " IP : ${Green_font_prefix}${ip}${Font_color_suffix}"
- echo -e " Port : ${Green_font_prefix}${port}${Font_color_suffix}"
- echo -e " Password : ${Green_font_prefix}${password}${Font_color_suffix}"
- echo -e " Encryption : ${Green_font_prefix}${method}${Font_color_suffix}"
- echo -e " Protocol : ${Red_font_prefix}${protocol}${Font_color_suffix}"
- echo -e " obfs : ${Red_font_prefix}${obfs}${Font_color_suffix}"
- echo -e " Device limit : ${Green_font_prefix}${protocol_param}${Font_color_suffix}"
- echo -e "${ssr_link}"
- echo && echo "==================================================="
- }
- # 设置 配置信息
- Set_config_enable(){
- user_total=$(expr ${user_total} - 1)
- for((integer = 0; integer <= ${user_total}; integer++))
- do
- echo -e "integer=${integer}"
- port_jq=$(${jq_file} ".[${integer}].port" "${config_user_mudb_file}")
- echo -e "port_jq=${port_jq}"
- if [[ "${ssr_port}" == "${port_jq}" ]]; then
- enable=$(${jq_file} ".[${integer}].enable" "${config_user_mudb_file}")
- echo -e "enable=${enable}"
- [[ "${enable}" == "null" ]] && echo -e "${Error} Get the current port[${ssr_port}]Disabled state failed !" && exit 1
- ssr_port_num=$(cat "${config_user_mudb_file}"|grep -n '"port": '${ssr_port}','|awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
- echo -e "ssr_port_num=${ssr_port_num}"
- [[ "${ssr_port_num}" == "null" ]] && echo -e "${Error} Get currentPort[${ssr_port}]Number of rows failed !" && exit 1
- ssr_enable_num=$(expr ${ssr_port_num} - 5)
- echo -e "ssr_enable_num=${ssr_enable_num}"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [[ "${enable}" == "1" ]]; then
- echo -e "Port [${ssr_port}] The account status is:${Green_font_prefix}Enabled ${Font_color_suffix} , switch to ${Red_font_prefix}Disabled${Font_color_suffix} ?[Y/n]"
- read -e -p "(Default: Y):" ssr_enable_yn
- [[ -z "${ssr_enable_yn}" ]] && ssr_enable_yn="y"
- if [[ "${ssr_enable_yn}" == [Yy] ]]; then
- ssr_enable="0"
- else
- echo "Cancel..." && exit 0
- fi
- elif [[ "${enable}" == "0" ]]; then
- echo -e "Port [${ssr_port}] The account status is:${Green_font_prefix}Disabled ${Font_color_suffix} , switch to ${Red_font_prefix}Disabled${Font_color_suffix} ?[Y/n]"
- read -e -p "(Default: Y):" ssr_enable_yn
- [[ -z "${ssr_enable_yn}" ]] && ssr_enable_yn = "y"
- if [[ "${ssr_enable_yn}" == [Yy] ]]; then
- ssr_enable="1"
- else
- echo "cancel..." && exit 0
- fi
- else
- echo -e "${Error} The disabled status of the current port varies[${enable}] !" && exit 1
- fi
- }
- Set_user_api_server_pub_addr(){
- addr=$1
- if [[ "${addr}" == "Modify" ]]; then
- server_pub_addr=$(cat ${config_user_api_file}|grep "SERVER_PUB_ADDR = "|awk -F "[']" '{print $2}')
- if [[ -z ${server_pub_addr} ]]; then
- echo -e "${Error} Failed to obtain the currently configured server IP or domain name!" && exit 1
- else
- echo -e "${Info} The currently configured server IP or domain name is: ${Green_font_prefix}${server_pub_addr}${Font_color_suffix}"
- fi
- fi
- echo "Please enter the server IP or domain name to be displayed in the user's configuration (when the server has multiple IPs, you can specify the IP or domain name displayed in the user's configuration)"
- read -e -p "(Default: Automatic detection of external network IP):" ssr_server_pub_addr
- if [[ -z "${ssr_server_pub_addr}" ]]; then
- Get_IP
- if [[ ${ip} == "VPS_IP" ]]; then
- while true
- do
- read -e -p "${Error} Automatic detection of external network IP failed, please manually enter the server IP or domain name" ssr_server_pub_addr
- if [[ -z "$ssr_server_pub_addr" ]]; then
- echo -e "${Error} Can not be empty!"
- else
- break
- fi
- done
- else
- ssr_server_pub_addr="${ip}"
- fi
- fi
- echo && echo ${Separator_1} && echo -e " IP or domain name : ${Green_font_prefix}${ssr_server_pub_addr}${Font_color_suffix}" && echo ${Separator_1} && echo
- }
- Set_config_all(){
- lal=$1
- if [[ "${lal}" == "Modify" ]]; then
- Set_config_password
- Set_config_method
- Set_config_protocol
- Set_config_obfs
- Set_config_protocol_param
- Set_config_speed_limit_per_con
- Set_config_speed_limit_per_user
- Set_config_transfer
- Set_config_forbid
- else
- Set_config_user
- Set_config_port
- Set_config_password
- Set_config_method
- Set_config_protocol
- Set_config_obfs
- Set_config_protocol_param
- Set_config_speed_limit_per_con
- Set_config_speed_limit_per_user
- Set_config_transfer
- Set_config_forbid
- fi
- }
- Modify_config_password(){
- match_edit=$(python mujson_mgr.py -e -p "${ssr_port}" -k "${ssr_password}"|grep -w "edit user ")
- if [[ -z "${match_edit}" ]]; then
- echo -e "${Error} User password modification failed ${Green_font_prefix}[Port: ${ssr_port}]${Font_color_suffix} " && exit 1
- else
- echo -e "${Info} User password modified successfully ${Green_font_prefix}[Port: ${ssr_port}]${Font_color_suffix} (It may take about 10 seconds to apply the latest configuration)"
- fi
- }
- Modify_config_enable(){
- sed -i "${ssr_enable_num}"'s/"enable": '"$(echo ${enable})"',/"enable": '"$(echo ${ssr_enable})"',/' ${config_user_mudb_file}
- }
- Modify_user_api_server_pub_addr(){
- sed -i "s/SERVER_PUB_ADDR = '${server_pub_addr}'/SERVER_PUB_ADDR = '${ssr_server_pub_addr}'/" ${config_user_api_file}
- }
- centos_View_user_connection_info(){
- format_1=$1
- user_info=$(python mujson_mgr.py -l)
- user_total=$(echo "${user_info}"|wc -l)
- [[ -z ${user_info} ]] && echo -e "${Error} Didn't find the user, please check again !" && exit 1
- IP_total=`netstat -anp |grep 'ESTABLISHED' |grep 'python' |grep 'tcp' | grep '::ffff:' |awk '{print $5}' |awk -F ":" '{print $4}' |sort -u |wc -l`
- user_list_all=""
- for((integer = 1; integer <= ${user_total}; integer++))
- do
- user_port=$(echo "${user_info}"|sed -n "${integer}p"|awk '{print $4}')
- user_IP_1=`netstat -anp |grep 'ESTABLISHED' |grep 'python' |grep 'tcp' |grep ":${user_port} "|grep '::ffff:' |awk '{print $5}' |awk -F ":" '{print $4}' |sort -u`
- if [[ -z ${user_IP_1} ]]; then
- user_IP_total="0"
- else
- user_IP_total=`echo -e "${user_IP_1}"|wc -l`
- if [[ ${format_1} == "IP_address" ]]; then
- get_IP_address
- else
- user_IP=`echo -e "\n${user_IP_1}"`
- fi
- fi
- user_list_all=${user_list_all}"Port: ${Green_font_prefix}"${user_port}"${Font_color_suffix}, The total number of linked IPs: ${Green_font_prefix}"${user_IP_total}"${Font_color_suffix}, Current linked IP: ${Green_font_prefix}${user_IP}${Font_color_suffix}\n"
- user_IP=""
- done
- echo -e "The total number of users: ${Green_background_prefix} "${user_total}" ${Font_color_suffix} ,The total number of linked IPs: ${Green_background_prefix} "${IP_total}" ${Font_color_suffix} "
- echo -e "${user_list_all}"
- }
- debian_View_user_connection_info(){
- format_1=$1
- user_info=$(python mujson_mgr.py -l)
- user_total=$(echo "${user_info}"|wc -l)
- [[ -z ${user_info} ]] && echo -e "${Error} Didn't find the user, please check again! " && exit 1
- IP_total=`netstat -anp |grep 'ESTABLISHED' |grep 'python' |grep 'tcp6' |awk '{print $5}' |awk -F ":" '{print $1}' |sort -u |wc -l`
- user_list_all=""
- for((integer = 1; integer <= ${user_total}; integer++))
- do
- user_port=$(echo "${user_info}"|sed -n "${integer}p"|awk '{print $4}')
- user_IP_1=`netstat -anp |grep 'ESTABLISHED' |grep 'python' |grep 'tcp6' |grep ":${user_port} " |awk '{print $5}' |awk -F ":" '{print $1}' |sort -u`
- if [[ -z ${user_IP_1} ]]; then
- user_IP_total="0"
- else
- user_IP_total=`echo -e "${user_IP_1}"|wc -l`
- if [[ ${format_1} == "IP_address" ]]; then
- get_IP_address
- else
- user_IP=`echo -e "\n${user_IP_1}"`
- fi
- fi
- user_list_all=${user_list_all}"Port: ${Green_font_prefix}"${user_port}"${Font_color_suffix}, The total number of linked IPs: ${Green_font_prefix}"${user_IP_total}"${Font_color_suffix}, Current linked IP: ${Green_font_prefix}${user_IP}${Font_color_suffix}\n"
- user_IP=""
- done
- echo -e "The total number of users: ${Green_background_prefix} "${user_total}" ${Font_color_suffix} ,The total number of linked IPs: ${Green_background_prefix} "${IP_total}" ${Font_color_suffix} "
- echo -e "${user_list_all}"
- }
- View_user_connection_info(){
- SSR_installation_status
- echo && echo -e "Please select the format to display:
- ${Green_font_prefix}1.${Font_color_suffix} display IP
- ${Green_font_prefix}2.${Font_color_suffix} display IP+Resolve the DNS name " && echo
- read -e -p "(Default: 1):" ssr_connection_info
- [[ -z "${ssr_connection_info}" ]] && ssr_connection_info="1"
- if [[ ${ssr_connection_info} == "1" ]]; then
- View_user_connection_info_1 ""
- elif [[ ${ssr_connection_info} == "2" ]]; then
- echo -e "${Tip} Detect IP (ipip.net),it can take longer time if there are many IPs"
- View_user_connection_info_1 "IP_address"
- else
- echo -e "${Error} Please enter the correct number(1-2)" && exit 1
- fi
- }
- View_user_connection_info_1(){
- format=$1
- if [[ ${release} = "centos" ]]; then
- cat /etc/redhat-release |grep 7\..*|grep -i centos>/dev/null
- if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
- debian_View_user_connection_info "$format"
- else
- centos_View_user_connection_info "$format"
- fi
- else
- debian_View_user_connection_info "$format"
- fi
- }
- get_IP_address(){
- if [[ ! -z ${user_IP_1} ]]; then
- for((integer_1 = ${user_IP_total}; integer_1 >= 1; integer_1--))
- do
- IP=`echo "${user_IP_1}" |sed -n "$integer_1"p`
- IP_address=`wget -qO- -t1 -T2 http://freeapi.ipip.net/${IP}|sed 's/\"//g;s/,//g;s/\[//g;s/\]//g'`
- user_IP="${user_IP}\n${IP}(${IP_address})"
- sleep 1s
- done
- fi
- }
- List_port_user(){
- user_info=$(python mujson_mgr.py -l)
- user_total=$(echo "${user_info}"|wc -l)
- [[ -z ${user_info} ]] && echo -e "${Error} Didn't find the user, please check again! " && exit 1
- user_list_all=""
- for((integer = 1; integer <= ${user_total}; integer++))
- do
- user_port=$(echo "${user_info}"|sed -n "${integer}p"|awk '{print $4}')
- user_username=$(echo "${user_info}"|sed -n "${integer}p"|awk '{print $2}'|sed 's/\[//g;s/\]//g')
- Get_User_transfer "${user_port}"
- user_list_all=${user_list_all}"Username: ${Green_font_prefix} "${user_username}"${Font_color_suffix} Port: ${Green_font_prefix}"${user_port}"${Font_color_suffix} Traffic usage (used + remaining = total): ${Green_font_prefix}${transfer_enable_Used_2}${Font_color_suffix} + ${Green_font_prefix}${transfer_enable_Used}${Font_color_suffix} = ${Green_font_prefix}${transfer_enable}${Font_color_suffix}\n"
- done
- echo && echo -e "=== Total of all users ${Green_background_prefix} "${user_total}" ${Font_color_suffix}"
- echo -e ${user_list_all}
- }
- Manually_Modify_Config(){
- SSR_installation_status
- nano ${config_user_mudb_file}
- echo "Do you want to restart ShadowsocksR? [Y/n]" && echo
- read -e -p "(Default: y):" yn
- [[ -z ${yn} ]] && yn="y"
- if [[ ${yn} == [Yy] ]]; then
- Restart_SSR
- fi
- }
- Clear_transfer(){
- SSR_installation_status
- echo && echo -e "What do you want to do?
- ${Green_font_prefix}1.${Font_color_suffix} Clear single user traffic
- ${Green_font_prefix}2.${Font_color_suffix} Clear all user traffic (irreparable)
- ${Green_font_prefix}3.${Font_color_suffix} All user traffic is cleared on startup
- ${Green_font_prefix}4.${Font_color_suffix} Stop timing all user traffic
- ${Green_font_prefix}5.${Font_color_suffix} Modify the timing of all user traffic" && echo
- read -e -p "(Default: batal):" ssr_modify
- [[ -z "${ssr_modify}" ]] && echo "Dibatalkan..." && exit 1
- if [[ ${ssr_modify} == "1" ]]; then
- Clear_transfer_one
- elif [[ ${ssr_modify} == "2" ]]; then
- echo "Are you sure you want to clear all user traffic[y/N]" && echo
- read -e -p "(Default: n):" yn
- [[ -z ${yn} ]] && yn="n"
- if [[ ${yn} == [Yy] ]]; then
- Clear_transfer_all
- else
- echo "cancel..."
- fi
- elif [[ ${ssr_modify} == "3" ]]; then
- check_crontab
- Set_crontab
- Clear_transfer_all_cron_start
- elif [[ ${ssr_modify} == "4" ]]; then
- check_crontab
- Clear_transfer_all_cron_stop
- elif [[ ${ssr_modify} == "5" ]]; then
- check_crontab
- Clear_transfer_all_cron_modify
- else
- echo -e "${Error} Please enter the correct number (1-5) " && exit 1
- fi
- }
- Clear_transfer_one(){
- List_port_user
- while true
- do
- echo -e "Please enter the port of the user who wants to reset the data"
- read -e -p "(Default: batal):" Clear_transfer_user_port
- [[ -z "${Clear_transfer_user_port}" ]] && echo -e "Dibatalkan..." && exit 1
- Clear_transfer_user=$(cat "${config_user_mudb_file}"|grep '"port": '"${Clear_transfer_user_port}"',')
- if [[ ! -z ${Clear_transfer_user} ]]; then
- match_clear=$(python mujson_mgr.py -c -p "${Clear_transfer_user_port}"|grep -w "clear user ")
- if [[ -z "${match_clear}" ]]; then
- echo -e "${Error} Failed to reset data used by the user ${Green_font_prefix}[Port: ${Clear_transfer_user_port}]${Font_color_suffix} "
- else
- echo -e "${Info} Successfully reseted user-used data${Green_font_prefix}[Port: ${Clear_transfer_user_port}]${Font_color_suffix} "
- fi
- break
- else
- echo -e "${Error} Please enter the correct Port!"
- fi
- done
- }
- Clear_transfer_all(){
- cd "${ssr_folder}"
- user_info=$(python mujson_mgr.py -l)
- user_total=$(echo "${user_info}"|wc -l)
- [[ -z ${user_info} ]] && echo -e "${Error} No users were found, please check!" && exit 1
- for((integer = 1; integer <= ${user_total}; integer++))
- do
- user_port=$(echo "${user_info}"|sed -n "${integer}p"|awk '{print $4}')
- match_clear=$(python mujson_mgr.py -c -p "${user_port}"|grep -w "clear user ")
- if [[ -z "${match_clear}" ]]; then
- echo -e "${Error} Failed to reset data used by the user ${Green_font_prefix}[Port: ${user_port}]${Font_color_suffix} "
- else
- echo -e "${Info} The user has successfully reset traffic ${Green_font_prefix}[Port: ${user_port}]${Font_color_suffix} "
- fi
- done
- echo -e "${Info} All user traffic is removed! "
- }
- Clear_transfer_all_cron_start(){
- crontab -l > "$file/crontab.bak"
- sed -i "/ssrmu.sh/d" "$file/crontab.bak"
- echo -e "\n${Crontab_time} /bin/bash $file/ssrmu.sh clearall" >> "$file/crontab.bak"
- crontab "$file/crontab.bak"
- rm -r "$file/crontab.bak"
- cron_config=$(crontab -l | grep "ssrmu.sh")
- if [[ -z ${cron_config} ]]; then
- echo -e "${Error} Failed to reset all user traffic at normal time!" && exit 1
- else
- echo -e "${Info} All user traffic is cleared and it starts successfully!"
- fi
- }
- Clear_transfer_all_cron_stop(){
- crontab -l > "$file/crontab.bak"
- sed -i "/ssrmu.sh/d" "$file/crontab.bak"
- crontab "$file/crontab.bak"
- rm -r "$file/crontab.bak"
- cron_config=$(crontab -l | grep "ssrmu.sh")
- if [[ ! -z ${cron_config} ]]; then
- echo -e "${Error} Fail to clear all user traffic regularly to quit!" && exit 1
- else
- echo -e "${Info}All user traffic is cleaned regularly and stopped successfully!"
- fi
- }
- Clear_transfer_all_cron_modify(){
- Set_crontab
- Clear_transfer_all_cron_stop
- Clear_transfer_all_cron_start
- }
- Set_crontab(){
- echo -e "Please enter an interval to clear the flow
- === Format Description ===
- * * * * * In accordance with the minutes, hours, days, months, weeks
- ${Green_font_prefix} 0 2 1 * * ${Font_color_suffix} On behalf of every month at 2 o'clock on the 1st, clean used traffic
- ${Green_font_prefix} 0 2 15 * * ${Font_color_suffix} On the 15th of each month at 2: 0 pm Remove used traffic
- ${Green_font_prefix} 0 2 */7 * * ${Font_color_suffix} Used traffic will be cleared at 2 o'clock every 7 days
- ${Green_font_prefix} 0 2 * * 0 ${Font_color_suffix} Every Sunday (7) clean the flow used
- ${Green_font_prefix} 0 2 * * 3 ${Font_color_suffix} every Wednesday (3) clear the flow used" && echo
- read -e -p "(Default: 0 2 1 * * 2 o'clock on the 1st of every month):" Crontab_time
- [[ -z "${Crontab_time}" ]] && Crontab_time="0 2 1 * *"
- }
- Start_SSR(){
- SSR_installation_status
- check_pid
- [[ ! -z ${PID} ]] && echo -e "${Error} ShadowsocksR Running! " && exit 1
- /etc/init.d/ssrmu start
- }
- Stop_SSR(){
- SSR_installation_status
- check_pid
- [[ -z ${PID} ]] && echo -e "${Error} ShadowsocksR Is Not Running" && exit 1
- /etc/init.d/ssrmu stop
- }
- Restart_SSR(){
- SSR_installation_status
- check_pid
- [[ ! -z ${PID} ]] && /etc/init.d/ssrmu stop
- /etc/init.d/ssrmu start
- }
- View_Log(){
- SSR_installation_status
- [[ ! -e ${ssr_log_file} ]] && echo -e "${Error} The Shadowsocks log file does not exist! " && exit 1
- echo && echo -e "${Tip} Click ${Red_font_prefix}Ctrl+C${Font_color_suffix} Stop Displaying logs " && echo
- tail -f ${ssr_log_file}
- }
- Update_Shell(){
- echo -e "The current version is [$ {sh_ver}], start checking for the latest version ... "
- sh_new_ver=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alifnurmareta/bc/main/ssrrmu.sh"|grep 'sh_ver="'|awk -F "=" '{print $NF}'|sed 's/\"//g'|head -1) && sh_new_type="github"
- [[ -z ${sh_new_ver} ]] && sh_new_ver=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alifnurmareta/bc/main/ssrrmu.sh"|grep 'sh_ver="'|awk -F "=" '{print $NF}'|sed 's/\"//g'|head -1) && sh_new_type="github"
- [[ -z ${sh_new_ver} ]] && echo -e "${Error} Failed to detect the latest version! " && exit 0
- if [[ ${sh_new_ver} != ${sh_ver} ]]; then
- echo -e "Versi baru ditemukan[ ${sh_new_ver} ],Do you want to be updated? [Y/n]"
- read -e -p "(default: y):" yn
- [[ -z "${yn}" ]] && yn="y"
- if [[ ${yn} == [Yy] ]]; then
- cd "${file}"
- if [[ $sh_new_type == "github" ]]; then
- wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alifnurmareta/bc/main/ssrrmu.sh && chmod +x ssrrmu.sh
- fi
- echo -e "The Script Has Been Updated To The Latest Version..."
- else
- echo && echo "cancel..." && echo
- fi
- else
- echo -e "Currently The Latest Version[ ${sh_new_ver} ] !"
- fi
- exit 0
- }
- menu_status(){
- if [[ -e ${ssr_folder} ]]; then
- check_pid
- if [[ ! -z "${PID}" ]]; then
- echo -e " Current status: ${Green_font_prefix} Installed${Font_color_suffix} & ${Green_font_prefix} Running${Font_color_suffix}"
- else
- echo -e " Current status: ${Green_font_prefix} Installed${Font_color_suffix} but ${Red_font_prefix} Not Running${Font_color_suffix}"
- fi
- cd "${ssr_folder}"
- else
- echo -e " Current status: ${Red_font_prefix}tidak terinstall${Font_color_suffix}"
- fi
- }
- if [[ "${action}" == "clearall" ]]; then
- Clear_transfer_all
- elif [[ "${action}" == "monitor" ]]; then
- crontab_monitor_ssr
- else
- menu_status
- echo -e " Menu ShadowsocksR
- Versi: ${Green_font_prefix}[v${sh_ver}]${Font_color_suffix}
- ${Green_font_prefix}1.${Font_color_suffix} Check the account information
- ${Green_font_prefix}2.${Font_color_suffix} Display the connection information
- ${Green_font_prefix}3.${Font_color_suffix} Change Password User
- ${Green_font_prefix}4.${Font_color_suffix} Manually Modify User Configuration
- ${Green_font_prefix}5.${Font_color_suffix} Clear The Used Traffic
- ${Green_font_prefix}6.${Font_color_suffix} Start ShadowsocksR
- ${Green_font_prefix}7.${Font_color_suffix} Stop ShadowsocksR
- ${Green_font_prefix}8.${Font_color_suffix} Restart ShadowsocksR
- ${Green_font_prefix}9.${Font_color_suffix} Cek ShadowsocksR log
- ${Green_font_prefix}10.${Font_color_suffix} Upgrade script
- ${Tip} Username And User Port Can Not Be Changed, If You Need To Modify, Use The Script To Manually Change The Function!
- "
- echo && read -e -p "Please enter the correct number [1-10]:" num
- case "$num" in
- 1)
- View_User
- ;;
- 2)
- View_user_connection_info
- ;;
- 3)
- Modify_port
- Set_config_password
- Modify_config_password
- ;;
- 4)
- Manually_Modify_Config
- ;;
- 5)
- Clear_transfer
- ;;
- 6)
- Start_SSR
- ;;
- 7)
- Stop_SSR
- ;;
- 8)
- Restart_SSR
- ;;
- 9)
- View_Log
- ;;
- 10)
- Update_Shell
- ;;
- *)
- echo -e "${Error} Please enter the correct number [1-10] "
- ;;
- esac
- fi