Agora vai

Desobediente Civil a73265ba75 Primeira vez que eu faço isto, juro 8 лет назад
bootstrap 309f18761b Movendo arquivos para a raiz 8 лет назад
templates c37e7e1479 TIMTOWTDI 8 лет назад
.gitignore 63b424c613 Adicionando o arquivo óbvio 8 лет назад
LICENSE 4c16c80628 Init commit 8 лет назад
README.markdown b48e8a024a Mudando o nome de novo 8 лет назад
favicon.ico 309f18761b Movendo arquivos para a raiz 8 лет назад
style.css a73265ba75 Primeira vez que eu faço isto, juro 8 лет назад



This is meant to change the look and feel of a ikiwiki site by means of implementing bootstrap into template files.

Other attempts of doing this have been made as can be seen in the theme market, but it hasn't been done the proper way (tm), my last initiative included.