g_items.c 50 KB

  1. // Copyright (c) ZeniMax Media Inc.
  2. // Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0.
  3. #include "g_local.h"
  4. qboolean Pickup_Weapon (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other);
  5. void Use_Weapon (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *inv);
  6. void Use_Weapon2 (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *inv);
  7. void Drop_Weapon (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *inv);
  8. void Weapon_Blaster (edict_t *ent);
  9. void Weapon_Shotgun (edict_t *ent);
  10. void Weapon_SuperShotgun (edict_t *ent);
  11. void Weapon_Machinegun (edict_t *ent);
  12. void Weapon_Chaingun (edict_t *ent);
  13. void Weapon_HyperBlaster (edict_t *ent);
  14. void Weapon_RocketLauncher (edict_t *ent);
  15. void Weapon_Grenade (edict_t *ent);
  16. void Weapon_GrenadeLauncher (edict_t *ent);
  17. void Weapon_Railgun (edict_t *ent);
  18. void Weapon_BFG (edict_t *ent);
  19. // RAFAEL
  20. void Weapon_Ionripper (edict_t *ent);
  21. void Weapon_Phalanx (edict_t *ent);
  22. void Weapon_Trap (edict_t *ent);
  23. gitem_armor_t jacketarmor_info = { 25, 50, .30, .00, ARMOR_JACKET};
  24. gitem_armor_t combatarmor_info = { 50, 100, .60, .30, ARMOR_COMBAT};
  25. gitem_armor_t bodyarmor_info = {100, 200, .80, .60, ARMOR_BODY};
  26. static int jacket_armor_index;
  27. static int combat_armor_index;
  28. static int body_armor_index;
  29. static int power_screen_index;
  30. static int power_shield_index;
  31. #define HEALTH_IGNORE_MAX 1
  32. #define HEALTH_TIMED 2
  33. void Use_Quad (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item);
  34. // RAFAEL
  35. void Use_QuadFire (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item);
  36. static int quad_drop_timeout_hack;
  37. // RAFAEL
  38. static int quad_fire_drop_timeout_hack;
  39. //======================================================================
  40. /*
  41. ===============
  42. GetItemByIndex
  43. ===============
  44. */
  45. gitem_t *GetItemByIndex (int index)
  46. {
  47. if (index == 0 || index >= game.num_items)
  48. return NULL;
  49. return &itemlist[index];
  50. }
  51. /*
  52. ===============
  53. FindItemByClassname
  54. ===============
  55. */
  56. gitem_t *FindItemByClassname (char *classname)
  57. {
  58. int i;
  59. gitem_t *it;
  60. it = itemlist;
  61. for (i=0 ; i<game.num_items ; i++, it++)
  62. {
  63. if (!it->classname)
  64. continue;
  65. if (!Q_stricmp(it->classname, classname))
  66. return it;
  67. }
  68. return NULL;
  69. }
  70. /*
  71. ===============
  72. FindItem
  73. ===============
  74. */
  75. gitem_t *FindItem (char *pickup_name)
  76. {
  77. int i;
  78. gitem_t *it;
  79. it = itemlist;
  80. for (i=0 ; i<game.num_items ; i++, it++)
  81. {
  82. if (!it->pickup_name)
  83. continue;
  84. if (!Q_stricmp(it->pickup_name, pickup_name))
  85. return it;
  86. }
  87. return NULL;
  88. }
  89. //======================================================================
  90. void DoRespawn (edict_t *ent)
  91. {
  92. if (ent->team)
  93. {
  94. edict_t *master;
  95. int count;
  96. int choice;
  97. master = ent->teammaster;
  98. for (count = 0, ent = master; ent; ent = ent->chain, count++)
  99. ;
  100. choice = rand() % count;
  101. for (count = 0, ent = master; count < choice; ent = ent->chain, count++)
  102. ;
  103. }
  104. ent->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
  105. ent->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
  106. gi.linkentity (ent);
  107. // send an effect
  108. ent->s.event = EV_ITEM_RESPAWN;
  109. }
  110. void SetRespawn (edict_t *ent, float delay)
  111. {
  112. ent->flags |= FL_RESPAWN;
  113. ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
  114. ent->solid = SOLID_NOT;
  115. ent->nextthink = level.time + delay;
  116. ent->think = DoRespawn;
  117. gi.linkentity (ent);
  118. }
  119. //======================================================================
  120. qboolean Pickup_Powerup (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  121. {
  122. int quantity;
  123. quantity = other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)];
  124. if ((skill->value == 1 && quantity >= 2) || (skill->value >= 2 && quantity >= 1))
  125. return false;
  126. if ((coop->value) && (ent->item->flags & IT_STAY_COOP) && (quantity > 0))
  127. return false;
  128. other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)]++;
  129. if (deathmatch->value)
  130. {
  131. if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) )
  132. SetRespawn (ent, ent->item->quantity);
  133. if (((int)dmflags->value & DF_INSTANT_ITEMS) || ((ent->item->use == Use_Quad) && (ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_PLAYER_ITEM)))
  134. {
  135. if ((ent->item->use == Use_Quad) && (ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_PLAYER_ITEM))
  136. quad_drop_timeout_hack = (ent->nextthink - level.time) / FRAMETIME;
  137. ent->item->use (other, ent->item);
  138. }
  139. // RAFAEL
  140. else if (((int)dmflags->value & DF_INSTANT_ITEMS) || ((ent->item->use == Use_QuadFire) && (ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_PLAYER_ITEM)))
  141. {
  142. if ((ent->item->use == Use_QuadFire) && (ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_PLAYER_ITEM))
  143. quad_fire_drop_timeout_hack = (ent->nextthink - level.time) / FRAMETIME;
  144. ent->item->use (other, ent->item);
  145. }
  146. }
  147. return true;
  148. }
  149. void Drop_General (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  150. {
  151. Drop_Item (ent, item);
  152. ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)]--;
  153. ValidateSelectedItem (ent);
  154. }
  155. //======================================================================
  156. qboolean Pickup_Adrenaline (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  157. {
  158. if (!deathmatch->value)
  159. other->max_health += 1;
  160. if (other->health < other->max_health)
  161. other->health = other->max_health;
  162. if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) && (deathmatch->value))
  163. SetRespawn (ent, ent->item->quantity);
  164. return true;
  165. }
  166. qboolean Pickup_AncientHead (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  167. {
  168. other->max_health += 2;
  169. if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) && (deathmatch->value))
  170. SetRespawn (ent, ent->item->quantity);
  171. return true;
  172. }
  173. qboolean Pickup_Bandolier (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  174. {
  175. gitem_t *item;
  176. int index;
  177. if (other->client->pers.max_bullets < 250)
  178. other->client->pers.max_bullets = 250;
  179. if (other->client->pers.max_shells < 150)
  180. other->client->pers.max_shells = 150;
  181. if (other->client->pers.max_cells < 250)
  182. other->client->pers.max_cells = 250;
  183. if (other->client->pers.max_slugs < 75)
  184. other->client->pers.max_slugs = 75;
  185. // RAFAEL
  186. if (other->client->pers.max_magslug < 75)
  187. other->client->pers.max_magslug = 75;
  188. item = FindItem("Bullets");
  189. if (item)
  190. {
  191. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  192. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  193. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_bullets)
  194. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_bullets;
  195. }
  196. item = FindItem("Shells");
  197. if (item)
  198. {
  199. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  200. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  201. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_shells)
  202. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_shells;
  203. }
  204. if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) && (deathmatch->value))
  205. SetRespawn (ent, ent->item->quantity);
  206. return true;
  207. }
  208. qboolean Pickup_Pack (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  209. {
  210. gitem_t *item;
  211. int index;
  212. if (other->client->pers.max_bullets < 300)
  213. other->client->pers.max_bullets = 300;
  214. if (other->client->pers.max_shells < 200)
  215. other->client->pers.max_shells = 200;
  216. if (other->client->pers.max_rockets < 100)
  217. other->client->pers.max_rockets = 100;
  218. if (other->client->pers.max_grenades < 100)
  219. other->client->pers.max_grenades = 100;
  220. if (other->client->pers.max_cells < 300)
  221. other->client->pers.max_cells = 300;
  222. if (other->client->pers.max_slugs < 100)
  223. other->client->pers.max_slugs = 100;
  224. // RAFAEL
  225. if (other->client->pers.max_magslug < 100)
  226. other->client->pers.max_magslug = 100;
  227. item = FindItem("Bullets");
  228. if (item)
  229. {
  230. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  231. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  232. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_bullets)
  233. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_bullets;
  234. }
  235. item = FindItem("Shells");
  236. if (item)
  237. {
  238. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  239. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  240. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_shells)
  241. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_shells;
  242. }
  243. item = FindItem("Cells");
  244. if (item)
  245. {
  246. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  247. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  248. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_cells)
  249. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_cells;
  250. }
  251. item = FindItem("Grenades");
  252. if (item)
  253. {
  254. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  255. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  256. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_grenades)
  257. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_grenades;
  258. }
  259. item = FindItem("Rockets");
  260. if (item)
  261. {
  262. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  263. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  264. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_rockets)
  265. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_rockets;
  266. }
  267. item = FindItem("Slugs");
  268. if (item)
  269. {
  270. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  271. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  272. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_slugs)
  273. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_slugs;
  274. }
  275. // RAFAEL
  276. item = FindItem ("Mag Slug");
  277. if (item)
  278. {
  279. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  280. other->client->pers.inventory[index] += item->quantity;
  281. if (other->client->pers.inventory[index] > other->client->pers.max_magslug)
  282. other->client->pers.inventory[index] = other->client->pers.max_magslug;
  283. }
  284. if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) && (deathmatch->value))
  285. SetRespawn (ent, ent->item->quantity);
  286. return true;
  287. }
  288. //======================================================================
  289. void Use_Quad (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  290. {
  291. int timeout;
  292. ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)]--;
  293. ValidateSelectedItem (ent);
  294. if (quad_drop_timeout_hack)
  295. {
  296. timeout = quad_drop_timeout_hack;
  297. quad_drop_timeout_hack = 0;
  298. }
  299. else
  300. {
  301. timeout = 300;
  302. }
  303. if (ent->client->quad_framenum > level.framenum)
  304. ent->client->quad_framenum += timeout;
  305. else
  306. ent->client->quad_framenum = level.framenum + timeout;
  307. gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/damage.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  308. }
  309. // =====================================================================
  310. // RAFAEL
  311. void Use_QuadFire (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  312. {
  313. int timeout;
  314. ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)]--;
  315. ValidateSelectedItem (ent);
  316. if (quad_fire_drop_timeout_hack)
  317. {
  318. timeout = quad_fire_drop_timeout_hack;
  319. quad_fire_drop_timeout_hack = 0;
  320. }
  321. else
  322. {
  323. timeout = 300;
  324. }
  325. if (ent->client->quadfire_framenum > level.framenum)
  326. ent->client->quadfire_framenum += timeout;
  327. else
  328. ent->client->quadfire_framenum = level.framenum + timeout;
  329. gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/quadfire1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  330. }
  331. //======================================================================
  332. void Use_Breather (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  333. {
  334. ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)]--;
  335. ValidateSelectedItem (ent);
  336. if (ent->client->breather_framenum > level.framenum)
  337. ent->client->breather_framenum += 300;
  338. else
  339. ent->client->breather_framenum = level.framenum + 300;
  340. // gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/damage.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  341. }
  342. //======================================================================
  343. void Use_Envirosuit (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  344. {
  345. ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)]--;
  346. ValidateSelectedItem (ent);
  347. if (ent->client->enviro_framenum > level.framenum)
  348. ent->client->enviro_framenum += 300;
  349. else
  350. ent->client->enviro_framenum = level.framenum + 300;
  351. // gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/damage.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  352. }
  353. //======================================================================
  354. void Use_Invulnerability (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  355. {
  356. ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)]--;
  357. ValidateSelectedItem (ent);
  358. if (ent->client->invincible_framenum > level.framenum)
  359. ent->client->invincible_framenum += 300;
  360. else
  361. ent->client->invincible_framenum = level.framenum + 300;
  362. gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/protect.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  363. }
  364. //======================================================================
  365. void Use_Silencer (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  366. {
  367. ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)]--;
  368. ValidateSelectedItem (ent);
  369. ent->client->silencer_shots += 30;
  370. // gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/damage.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  371. }
  372. //======================================================================
  373. qboolean Pickup_Key (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  374. {
  375. if (coop->value)
  376. {
  377. if (strcmp(ent->classname, "key_power_cube") == 0)
  378. {
  379. if (other->client->pers.power_cubes & ((ent->spawnflags & 0x0000ff00)>> 8))
  380. return false;
  381. other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)]++;
  382. other->client->pers.power_cubes |= ((ent->spawnflags & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
  383. }
  384. else
  385. {
  386. if (other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)])
  387. return false;
  388. other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)] = 1;
  389. }
  390. return true;
  391. }
  392. other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)]++;
  393. return true;
  394. }
  395. //======================================================================
  396. qboolean Add_Ammo (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item, int count)
  397. {
  398. int index;
  399. int max;
  400. if (!ent->client)
  401. return false;
  402. if (item->tag == AMMO_BULLETS)
  403. max = ent->client->pers.max_bullets;
  404. else if (item->tag == AMMO_SHELLS)
  405. max = ent->client->pers.max_shells;
  406. else if (item->tag == AMMO_ROCKETS)
  407. max = ent->client->pers.max_rockets;
  408. else if (item->tag == AMMO_GRENADES)
  409. max = ent->client->pers.max_grenades;
  410. else if (item->tag == AMMO_CELLS)
  411. max = ent->client->pers.max_cells;
  412. else if (item->tag == AMMO_SLUGS)
  413. max = ent->client->pers.max_slugs;
  414. // RAFAEL
  415. else if (item->tag == AMMO_MAGSLUG)
  416. max = ent->client->pers.max_magslug;
  417. // RAFAEL
  418. else if (item->tag == AMMO_TRAP)
  419. max = ent->client->pers.max_trap;
  420. else
  421. return false;
  422. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  423. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[index] == max)
  424. return false;
  425. ent->client->pers.inventory[index] += count;
  426. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[index] > max)
  427. ent->client->pers.inventory[index] = max;
  428. return true;
  429. }
  430. qboolean Pickup_Ammo (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  431. {
  432. int oldcount;
  433. int count;
  434. qboolean weapon;
  435. weapon = (ent->item->flags & IT_WEAPON);
  436. if ( (weapon) && ( (int)dmflags->value & DF_INFINITE_AMMO ) )
  437. count = 1000;
  438. else if (ent->count)
  439. count = ent->count;
  440. else
  441. count = ent->item->quantity;
  442. oldcount = other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)];
  443. if (!Add_Ammo (other, ent->item, count))
  444. return false;
  445. if (weapon && !oldcount)
  446. {
  447. if (other->client->pers.weapon != ent->item && ( !deathmatch->value || other->client->pers.weapon == FindItem("blaster") ) )
  448. other->client->newweapon = ent->item;
  449. }
  450. if (!(ent->spawnflags & (DROPPED_ITEM | DROPPED_PLAYER_ITEM)) && (deathmatch->value))
  451. SetRespawn (ent, 30);
  452. return true;
  453. }
  454. void Drop_Ammo (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  455. {
  456. edict_t *dropped;
  457. int index;
  458. index = ITEM_INDEX(item);
  459. dropped = Drop_Item (ent, item);
  460. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[index] >= item->quantity)
  461. dropped->count = item->quantity;
  462. else
  463. dropped->count = ent->client->pers.inventory[index];
  464. if (ent->client->pers.weapon &&
  465. ent->client->pers.weapon->tag == AMMO_GRENADES &&
  466. item->tag == AMMO_GRENADES &&
  467. ent->client->pers.inventory[index] - dropped->count <= 0) {
  468. gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Can't drop current weapon\n");
  469. G_FreeEdict(dropped);
  470. return;
  471. }
  472. ent->client->pers.inventory[index] -= dropped->count;
  473. ValidateSelectedItem (ent);
  474. }
  475. //======================================================================
  476. void MegaHealth_think (edict_t *self)
  477. {
  478. if (self->owner->health > self->owner->max_health)
  479. {
  480. self->nextthink = level.time + 1;
  481. self->owner->health -= 1;
  482. return;
  483. }
  484. if (!(self->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) && (deathmatch->value))
  485. SetRespawn (self, 20);
  486. else
  487. G_FreeEdict (self);
  488. }
  489. qboolean Pickup_Health (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  490. {
  491. if (!(ent->style & HEALTH_IGNORE_MAX))
  492. if (other->health >= other->max_health)
  493. return false;
  494. other->health += ent->count;
  495. if (!(ent->style & HEALTH_IGNORE_MAX))
  496. {
  497. if (other->health > other->max_health)
  498. other->health = other->max_health;
  499. }
  500. if (ent->style & HEALTH_TIMED)
  501. {
  502. ent->think = MegaHealth_think;
  503. ent->nextthink = level.time + 5;
  504. ent->owner = other;
  505. ent->flags |= FL_RESPAWN;
  506. ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
  507. ent->solid = SOLID_NOT;
  508. }
  509. else
  510. {
  511. if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) && (deathmatch->value))
  512. SetRespawn (ent, 30);
  513. }
  514. return true;
  515. }
  516. //======================================================================
  517. int ArmorIndex (edict_t *ent)
  518. {
  519. if (!ent->client)
  520. return 0;
  521. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[jacket_armor_index] > 0)
  522. return jacket_armor_index;
  523. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[combat_armor_index] > 0)
  524. return combat_armor_index;
  525. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[body_armor_index] > 0)
  526. return body_armor_index;
  527. return 0;
  528. }
  529. qboolean Pickup_Armor (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  530. {
  531. int old_armor_index;
  532. gitem_armor_t *oldinfo;
  533. gitem_armor_t *newinfo;
  534. int newcount;
  535. float salvage;
  536. int salvagecount;
  537. // get info on new armor
  538. newinfo = (gitem_armor_t *)ent->item->info;
  539. old_armor_index = ArmorIndex (other);
  540. // handle armor shards specially
  541. if (ent->item->tag == ARMOR_SHARD)
  542. {
  543. if (!old_armor_index)
  544. other->client->pers.inventory[jacket_armor_index] = 2;
  545. else
  546. other->client->pers.inventory[old_armor_index] += 2;
  547. }
  548. // if player has no armor, just use it
  549. else if (!old_armor_index)
  550. {
  551. other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)] = newinfo->base_count;
  552. }
  553. // use the better armor
  554. else
  555. {
  556. // get info on old armor
  557. if (old_armor_index == jacket_armor_index)
  558. oldinfo = &jacketarmor_info;
  559. else if (old_armor_index == combat_armor_index)
  560. oldinfo = &combatarmor_info;
  561. else // (old_armor_index == body_armor_index)
  562. oldinfo = &bodyarmor_info;
  563. if (newinfo->normal_protection > oldinfo->normal_protection)
  564. {
  565. // calc new armor values
  566. salvage = oldinfo->normal_protection / newinfo->normal_protection;
  567. salvagecount = salvage * other->client->pers.inventory[old_armor_index];
  568. newcount = newinfo->base_count + salvagecount;
  569. if (newcount > newinfo->max_count)
  570. newcount = newinfo->max_count;
  571. // zero count of old armor so it goes away
  572. other->client->pers.inventory[old_armor_index] = 0;
  573. // change armor to new item with computed value
  574. other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)] = newcount;
  575. }
  576. else
  577. {
  578. // calc new armor values
  579. salvage = newinfo->normal_protection / oldinfo->normal_protection;
  580. salvagecount = salvage * newinfo->base_count;
  581. newcount = other->client->pers.inventory[old_armor_index] + salvagecount;
  582. if (newcount > oldinfo->max_count)
  583. newcount = oldinfo->max_count;
  584. // if we're already maxed out then we don't need the new armor
  585. if (other->client->pers.inventory[old_armor_index] >= newcount)
  586. return false;
  587. // update current armor value
  588. other->client->pers.inventory[old_armor_index] = newcount;
  589. }
  590. }
  591. if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) && (deathmatch->value))
  592. SetRespawn (ent, 20);
  593. return true;
  594. }
  595. //======================================================================
  596. int PowerArmorType (edict_t *ent)
  597. {
  598. if (!ent->client)
  599. return POWER_ARMOR_NONE;
  600. if (!(ent->flags & FL_POWER_ARMOR))
  601. return POWER_ARMOR_NONE;
  602. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[power_shield_index] > 0)
  603. return POWER_ARMOR_SHIELD;
  604. if (ent->client->pers.inventory[power_screen_index] > 0)
  605. return POWER_ARMOR_SCREEN;
  606. return POWER_ARMOR_NONE;
  607. }
  608. void Use_PowerArmor (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  609. {
  610. int index;
  611. if (ent->flags & FL_POWER_ARMOR)
  612. {
  613. ent->flags &= ~FL_POWER_ARMOR;
  614. gi.sound(ent, CHAN_AUTO, gi.soundindex("misc/power2.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  615. }
  616. else
  617. {
  618. index = ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("cells"));
  619. if (!ent->client->pers.inventory[index])
  620. {
  621. gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "No cells for power armor.\n");
  622. return;
  623. }
  624. ent->flags |= FL_POWER_ARMOR;
  625. gi.sound(ent, CHAN_AUTO, gi.soundindex("misc/power1.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  626. }
  627. }
  628. qboolean Pickup_PowerArmor (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other)
  629. {
  630. int quantity;
  631. quantity = other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)];
  632. other->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(ent->item)]++;
  633. if (deathmatch->value)
  634. {
  635. if (!(ent->spawnflags & DROPPED_ITEM) )
  636. SetRespawn (ent, ent->item->quantity);
  637. // auto-use for DM only if we didn't already have one
  638. if (!quantity)
  639. ent->item->use (other, ent->item);
  640. }
  641. return true;
  642. }
  643. void Drop_PowerArmor (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  644. {
  645. if ((ent->flags & FL_POWER_ARMOR) && (ent->client->pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(item)] == 1))
  646. Use_PowerArmor (ent, item);
  647. Drop_General (ent, item);
  648. }
  649. //======================================================================
  650. /*
  651. ===============
  652. Touch_Item
  653. ===============
  654. */
  655. void Touch_Item (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other, cplane_t *plane, csurface_t *surf)
  656. {
  657. qboolean taken;
  658. if (!other->client)
  659. return;
  660. if (other->health < 1)
  661. return; // dead people can't pickup
  662. if (!ent->item->pickup)
  663. return; // not a grabbable item?
  664. taken = ent->item->pickup(ent, other);
  665. if (taken)
  666. {
  667. // flash the screen
  668. other->client->bonus_alpha = 0.25;
  669. // show icon and name on status bar
  670. other->client->ps.stats[STAT_PICKUP_ICON] = gi.imageindex(ent->item->icon);
  671. other->client->ps.stats[STAT_PICKUP_STRING] = CS_ITEMS+ITEM_INDEX(ent->item);
  672. other->client->pickup_msg_time = level.time + 3.0;
  673. // change selected item
  674. if (ent->item->use)
  675. other->client->pers.selected_item = other->client->ps.stats[STAT_SELECTED_ITEM] = ITEM_INDEX(ent->item);
  676. if (ent->item->pickup == Pickup_Health)
  677. {
  678. if (ent->count == 2)
  679. gi.sound(other, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/s_health.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  680. else if (ent->count == 10)
  681. gi.sound(other, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/n_health.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  682. else if (ent->count == 25)
  683. gi.sound(other, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/l_health.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  684. else // (ent->count == 100)
  685. gi.sound(other, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex("items/m_health.wav"), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  686. }
  687. else if (ent->item->pickup_sound)
  688. {
  689. gi.sound(other, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex(ent->item->pickup_sound), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0);
  690. }
  691. }
  692. if (!(ent->spawnflags & ITEM_TARGETS_USED))
  693. {
  694. G_UseTargets (ent, other);
  695. ent->spawnflags |= ITEM_TARGETS_USED;
  696. }
  697. if (!taken)
  698. return;
  699. if (!((coop->value) && (ent->item->flags & IT_STAY_COOP)) || (ent->spawnflags & (DROPPED_ITEM | DROPPED_PLAYER_ITEM)))
  700. {
  701. if (ent->flags & FL_RESPAWN)
  702. ent->flags &= ~FL_RESPAWN;
  703. else
  704. G_FreeEdict (ent);
  705. }
  706. }
  707. //======================================================================
  708. static void drop_temp_touch (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other, cplane_t *plane, csurface_t *surf)
  709. {
  710. if (other == ent->owner)
  711. return;
  712. Touch_Item (ent, other, plane, surf);
  713. }
  714. static void drop_make_touchable (edict_t *ent)
  715. {
  716. ent->touch = Touch_Item;
  717. if (deathmatch->value)
  718. {
  719. ent->nextthink = level.time + 29;
  720. ent->think = G_FreeEdict;
  721. }
  722. }
  723. edict_t *Drop_Item (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  724. {
  725. edict_t *dropped;
  726. vec3_t forward, right;
  727. vec3_t offset;
  728. dropped = G_Spawn();
  729. dropped->classname = item->classname;
  730. dropped->item = item;
  731. dropped->spawnflags = DROPPED_ITEM;
  732. dropped->s.effects = item->world_model_flags;
  733. dropped->s.renderfx = RF_GLOW;
  734. VectorSet (dropped->mins, -15, -15, -15);
  735. VectorSet (dropped->maxs, 15, 15, 15);
  736. gi.setmodel (dropped, dropped->item->world_model);
  737. dropped->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
  738. dropped->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
  739. dropped->touch = drop_temp_touch;
  740. dropped->owner = ent;
  741. if (ent->client)
  742. {
  743. trace_t trace;
  744. AngleVectors (ent->client->v_angle, forward, right, NULL);
  745. VectorSet(offset, 24, 0, -16);
  746. G_ProjectSource (ent->s.origin, offset, forward, right, dropped->s.origin);
  747. trace = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, dropped->mins, dropped->maxs,
  748. dropped->s.origin, ent, CONTENTS_SOLID);
  749. VectorCopy (trace.endpos, dropped->s.origin);
  750. }
  751. else
  752. {
  753. AngleVectors (ent->s.angles, forward, right, NULL);
  754. VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, dropped->s.origin);
  755. }
  756. VectorScale (forward, 100, dropped->velocity);
  757. dropped->velocity[2] = 300;
  758. dropped->think = drop_make_touchable;
  759. dropped->nextthink = level.time + 1;
  760. gi.linkentity (dropped);
  761. return dropped;
  762. }
  763. void Use_Item (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other, edict_t *activator)
  764. {
  765. ent->svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;
  766. ent->use = NULL;
  767. if (ent->spawnflags & ITEM_NO_TOUCH)
  768. {
  769. ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
  770. ent->touch = NULL;
  771. }
  772. else
  773. {
  774. ent->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
  775. ent->touch = Touch_Item;
  776. }
  777. gi.linkentity (ent);
  778. }
  779. //======================================================================
  780. /*
  781. ================
  782. droptofloor
  783. ================
  784. */
  785. void droptofloor (edict_t *ent)
  786. {
  787. trace_t tr;
  788. vec3_t dest;
  789. float *v;
  790. v = tv(-15,-15,-15);
  791. VectorCopy (v, ent->mins);
  792. v = tv(15,15,15);
  793. VectorCopy (v, ent->maxs);
  794. if (ent->model)
  795. gi.setmodel (ent, ent->model);
  796. else
  797. gi.setmodel (ent, ent->item->world_model);
  798. ent->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
  799. ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
  800. ent->touch = Touch_Item;
  801. v = tv(0,0,-128);
  802. VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, v, dest);
  803. tr = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, dest, ent, MASK_SOLID);
  804. if (tr.startsolid)
  805. {
  806. // RAFAEL
  807. if (strcmp (ent->classname, "foodcube") == 0)
  808. {
  809. VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, tr.endpos);
  810. ent->velocity[2] = 0;
  811. }
  812. else
  813. {
  814. gi.dprintf ("droptofloor: %s startsolid at %s\n", ent->classname, vtos(ent->s.origin));
  815. G_FreeEdict (ent);
  816. return;
  817. }
  818. }
  819. VectorCopy (tr.endpos, ent->s.origin);
  820. if (ent->team)
  821. {
  822. ent->flags &= ~FL_TEAMSLAVE;
  823. ent->chain = ent->teamchain;
  824. ent->teamchain = NULL;
  825. ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
  826. ent->solid = SOLID_NOT;
  827. if (ent == ent->teammaster)
  828. {
  829. ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
  830. ent->think = DoRespawn;
  831. }
  832. }
  833. if (ent->spawnflags & ITEM_NO_TOUCH)
  834. {
  835. ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
  836. ent->touch = NULL;
  837. ent->s.effects &= ~EF_ROTATE;
  838. ent->s.renderfx &= ~RF_GLOW;
  839. }
  840. if (ent->spawnflags & ITEM_TRIGGER_SPAWN)
  841. {
  842. ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
  843. ent->solid = SOLID_NOT;
  844. ent->use = Use_Item;
  845. }
  846. gi.linkentity (ent);
  847. }
  848. /*
  849. ===============
  850. PrecacheItem
  851. Precaches all data needed for a given item.
  852. This will be called for each item spawned in a level,
  853. and for each item in each client's inventory.
  854. ===============
  855. */
  856. void PrecacheItem (gitem_t *it)
  857. {
  858. char *s, *start;
  859. char data[MAX_QPATH];
  860. int len;
  861. gitem_t *ammo;
  862. if (!it)
  863. return;
  864. if (it->pickup_sound)
  865. gi.soundindex (it->pickup_sound);
  866. if (it->world_model)
  867. gi.modelindex (it->world_model);
  868. if (it->view_model)
  869. gi.modelindex (it->view_model);
  870. if (it->icon)
  871. gi.imageindex (it->icon);
  872. // parse everything for its ammo
  873. if (it->ammo && it->ammo[0])
  874. {
  875. ammo = FindItem (it->ammo);
  876. if (ammo != it)
  877. PrecacheItem (ammo);
  878. }
  879. // parse the space seperated precache string for other items
  880. s = it->precaches;
  881. if (!s || !s[0])
  882. return;
  883. while (*s)
  884. {
  885. start = s;
  886. while (*s && *s != ' ')
  887. s++;
  888. len = s-start;
  889. if (len >= MAX_QPATH || len < 5)
  890. gi.error ("PrecacheItem: %s has bad precache string", it->classname);
  891. memcpy (data, start, len);
  892. data[len] = 0;
  893. if (*s)
  894. s++;
  895. // determine type based on extension
  896. if (!strcmp(data+len-3, "md2"))
  897. gi.modelindex (data);
  898. else if (!strcmp(data+len-3, "sp2"))
  899. gi.modelindex (data);
  900. else if (!strcmp(data+len-3, "wav"))
  901. gi.soundindex (data);
  902. if (!strcmp(data+len-3, "pcx"))
  903. gi.imageindex (data);
  904. }
  905. }
  906. /*
  907. ============
  908. SpawnItem
  909. Sets the clipping size and plants the object on the floor.
  910. Items can't be immediately dropped to floor, because they might
  911. be on an entity that hasn't spawned yet.
  912. ============
  913. */
  914. void SpawnItem (edict_t *ent, gitem_t *item)
  915. {
  916. PrecacheItem (item);
  917. if (ent->spawnflags)
  918. {
  919. if (strcmp(ent->classname, "key_power_cube") != 0)
  920. {
  921. ent->spawnflags = 0;
  922. gi.dprintf("%s at %s has invalid spawnflags set\n", ent->classname, vtos(ent->s.origin));
  923. }
  924. }
  925. // some items will be prevented in deathmatch
  926. if (deathmatch->value)
  927. {
  928. if ( (int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_ARMOR )
  929. {
  930. if (item->pickup == Pickup_Armor || item->pickup == Pickup_PowerArmor)
  931. {
  932. G_FreeEdict (ent);
  933. return;
  934. }
  935. }
  936. if ( (int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_ITEMS )
  937. {
  938. if (item->pickup == Pickup_Powerup)
  939. {
  940. G_FreeEdict (ent);
  941. return;
  942. }
  943. }
  944. if ( (int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_HEALTH )
  945. {
  946. if (item->pickup == Pickup_Health || item->pickup == Pickup_Adrenaline || item->pickup == Pickup_AncientHead)
  947. {
  948. G_FreeEdict (ent);
  949. return;
  950. }
  951. }
  952. if ( (int)dmflags->value & DF_INFINITE_AMMO )
  953. {
  954. if ( (item->flags == IT_AMMO) || (strcmp(ent->classname, "weapon_bfg") == 0) )
  955. {
  956. G_FreeEdict (ent);
  957. return;
  958. }
  959. }
  960. }
  961. if (coop->value && (strcmp(ent->classname, "key_power_cube") == 0))
  962. {
  963. ent->spawnflags |= (1 << (8 + level.power_cubes));
  964. level.power_cubes++;
  965. }
  966. // don't let them drop items that stay in a coop game
  967. if ((coop->value) && (item->flags & IT_STAY_COOP))
  968. {
  969. item->drop = NULL;
  970. }
  971. ent->item = item;
  972. ent->nextthink = level.time + 2 * FRAMETIME; // items start after other solids
  973. ent->think = droptofloor;
  974. ent->s.effects = item->world_model_flags;
  975. ent->s.renderfx = RF_GLOW;
  976. if (ent->model)
  977. gi.modelindex (ent->model);
  978. }
  979. //======================================================================
  980. gitem_t itemlist[] =
  981. {
  982. {
  983. NULL
  984. }, // leave index 0 alone
  985. //
  986. // ARMOR
  987. //
  988. /*QUAKED item_armor_body (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  989. */
  990. {
  991. "item_armor_body",
  992. Pickup_Armor,
  993. NULL,
  994. NULL,
  995. NULL,
  996. "misc/ar1_pkup.wav",
  997. "models/items/armor/body/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  998. NULL,
  999. /* icon */ "i_bodyarmor",
  1000. /* pickup */ "Body Armor",
  1001. /* width */ 3,
  1002. 0,
  1003. NULL,
  1004. IT_ARMOR,
  1005. 0,
  1006. &bodyarmor_info,
  1007. ARMOR_BODY,
  1008. /* precache */ ""
  1009. },
  1010. /*QUAKED item_armor_combat (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1011. */
  1012. {
  1013. "item_armor_combat",
  1014. Pickup_Armor,
  1015. NULL,
  1016. NULL,
  1017. NULL,
  1018. "misc/ar1_pkup.wav",
  1019. "models/items/armor/combat/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1020. NULL,
  1021. /* icon */ "i_combatarmor",
  1022. /* pickup */ "Combat Armor",
  1023. /* width */ 3,
  1024. 0,
  1025. NULL,
  1026. IT_ARMOR,
  1027. 0,
  1028. &combatarmor_info,
  1030. /* precache */ ""
  1031. },
  1032. /*QUAKED item_armor_jacket (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1033. */
  1034. {
  1035. "item_armor_jacket",
  1036. Pickup_Armor,
  1037. NULL,
  1038. NULL,
  1039. NULL,
  1040. "misc/ar1_pkup.wav",
  1041. "models/items/armor/jacket/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1042. NULL,
  1043. /* icon */ "i_jacketarmor",
  1044. /* pickup */ "Jacket Armor",
  1045. /* width */ 3,
  1046. 0,
  1047. NULL,
  1048. IT_ARMOR,
  1049. 0,
  1050. &jacketarmor_info,
  1052. /* precache */ ""
  1053. },
  1054. /*QUAKED item_armor_shard (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1055. */
  1056. {
  1057. "item_armor_shard",
  1058. Pickup_Armor,
  1059. NULL,
  1060. NULL,
  1061. NULL,
  1062. "misc/ar2_pkup.wav",
  1063. "models/items/armor/shard/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1064. NULL,
  1065. /* icon */ "i_jacketarmor",
  1066. /* pickup */ "Armor Shard",
  1067. /* width */ 3,
  1068. 0,
  1069. NULL,
  1070. IT_ARMOR,
  1071. 0,
  1072. NULL,
  1073. ARMOR_SHARD,
  1074. /* precache */ ""
  1075. },
  1076. /*QUAKED item_power_screen (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1077. */
  1078. {
  1079. "item_power_screen",
  1080. Pickup_PowerArmor,
  1081. Use_PowerArmor,
  1082. Drop_PowerArmor,
  1083. NULL,
  1084. "misc/ar3_pkup.wav",
  1085. "models/items/armor/screen/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1086. NULL,
  1087. /* icon */ "i_powerscreen",
  1088. /* pickup */ "Power Screen",
  1089. /* width */ 0,
  1090. 60,
  1091. NULL,
  1092. IT_ARMOR,
  1093. 0,
  1094. NULL,
  1095. 0,
  1096. /* precache */ ""
  1097. },
  1098. /*QUAKED item_power_shield (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1099. */
  1100. {
  1101. "item_power_shield",
  1102. Pickup_PowerArmor,
  1103. Use_PowerArmor,
  1104. Drop_PowerArmor,
  1105. NULL,
  1106. "misc/ar3_pkup.wav",
  1107. "models/items/armor/shield/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1108. NULL,
  1109. /* icon */ "i_powershield",
  1110. /* pickup */ "Power Shield",
  1111. /* width */ 0,
  1112. 60,
  1113. NULL,
  1114. IT_ARMOR,
  1115. 0,
  1116. NULL,
  1117. 0,
  1118. /* precache */ "misc/power2.wav misc/power1.wav"
  1119. },
  1120. //
  1121. // WEAPONS
  1122. //
  1123. /* weapon_blaster (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1124. always owned, never in the world
  1125. */
  1126. {
  1127. "weapon_blaster",
  1128. NULL,
  1129. Use_Weapon,
  1130. NULL,
  1131. Weapon_Blaster,
  1132. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1133. NULL, 0,
  1134. "models/weapons/v_blast/tris.md2",
  1135. /* icon */ "w_blaster",
  1136. /* pickup */ "Blaster",
  1137. 0,
  1138. 0,
  1139. NULL,
  1142. NULL,
  1143. 0,
  1144. /* precache */ "weapons/blastf1a.wav misc/lasfly.wav"
  1145. },
  1146. /*QUAKED weapon_shotgun (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1147. */
  1148. {
  1149. "weapon_shotgun",
  1150. Pickup_Weapon,
  1151. Use_Weapon,
  1152. Drop_Weapon,
  1153. Weapon_Shotgun,
  1154. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1155. "models/weapons/g_shotg/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1156. "models/weapons/v_shotg/tris.md2",
  1157. /* icon */ "w_shotgun",
  1158. /* pickup */ "Shotgun",
  1159. 0,
  1160. 1,
  1161. "Shells",
  1164. NULL,
  1165. 0,
  1166. /* precache */ "weapons/shotgf1b.wav weapons/shotgr1b.wav"
  1167. },
  1168. /*QUAKED weapon_supershotgun (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1169. */
  1170. {
  1171. "weapon_supershotgun",
  1172. Pickup_Weapon,
  1173. Use_Weapon,
  1174. Drop_Weapon,
  1175. Weapon_SuperShotgun,
  1176. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1177. "models/weapons/g_shotg2/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1178. "models/weapons/v_shotg2/tris.md2",
  1179. /* icon */ "w_sshotgun",
  1180. /* pickup */ "Super Shotgun",
  1181. 0,
  1182. 2,
  1183. "Shells",
  1186. NULL,
  1187. 0,
  1188. /* precache */ "weapons/sshotf1b.wav"
  1189. },
  1190. /*QUAKED weapon_machinegun (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1191. */
  1192. {
  1193. "weapon_machinegun",
  1194. Pickup_Weapon,
  1195. Use_Weapon,
  1196. Drop_Weapon,
  1197. Weapon_Machinegun,
  1198. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1199. "models/weapons/g_machn/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1200. "models/weapons/v_machn/tris.md2",
  1201. /* icon */ "w_machinegun",
  1202. /* pickup */ "Machinegun",
  1203. 0,
  1204. 1,
  1205. "Bullets",
  1208. NULL,
  1209. 0,
  1210. /* precache */ "weapons/machgf1b.wav weapons/machgf2b.wav weapons/machgf3b.wav weapons/machgf4b.wav weapons/machgf5b.wav"
  1211. },
  1212. /*QUAKED weapon_chaingun (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1213. */
  1214. {
  1215. "weapon_chaingun",
  1216. Pickup_Weapon,
  1217. Use_Weapon,
  1218. Drop_Weapon,
  1219. Weapon_Chaingun,
  1220. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1221. "models/weapons/g_chain/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1222. "models/weapons/v_chain/tris.md2",
  1223. /* icon */ "w_chaingun",
  1224. /* pickup */ "Chaingun",
  1225. 0,
  1226. 1,
  1227. "Bullets",
  1230. NULL,
  1231. 0,
  1232. /* precache */ "weapons/chngnu1a.wav weapons/chngnl1a.wav weapons/machgf3b.wav` weapons/chngnd1a.wav"
  1233. },
  1234. /*QUAKED ammo_grenades (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1235. */
  1236. {
  1237. "ammo_grenades",
  1238. Pickup_Ammo,
  1239. Use_Weapon,
  1240. Drop_Ammo,
  1241. Weapon_Grenade,
  1242. "misc/am_pkup.wav",
  1243. "models/items/ammo/grenades/medium/tris.md2", 0,
  1244. "models/weapons/v_handgr/tris.md2",
  1245. /* icon */ "a_grenades",
  1246. /* pickup */ "Grenades",
  1247. /* width */ 3,
  1248. 5,
  1249. "grenades",
  1252. NULL,
  1254. /* precache */ "weapons/hgrent1a.wav weapons/hgrena1b.wav weapons/hgrenc1b.wav weapons/hgrenb1a.wav weapons/hgrenb2a.wav "
  1255. },
  1256. /*QUAKED ammo_trap (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1257. */
  1258. {
  1259. "ammo_trap",
  1260. Pickup_Ammo,
  1261. Use_Weapon,
  1262. Drop_Ammo,
  1263. Weapon_Trap,
  1264. "misc/am_pkup.wav",
  1265. "models/weapons/g_trap/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1266. "models/weapons/v_trap/tris.md2",
  1267. /* icon */ "a_trap",
  1268. /* pickup */ "Trap",
  1269. /* width */ 3,
  1270. 1,
  1271. "trap",
  1273. 0,
  1274. NULL,
  1275. AMMO_TRAP,
  1276. /* precache */ "weapons/trapcock.wav weapons/traploop.wav weapons/trapsuck.wav weapons/trapdown.wav"
  1277. // "weapons/hgrent1a.wav weapons/hgrena1b.wav weapons/hgrenc1b.wav weapons/hgrenb1a.wav weapons/hgrenb2a.wav "
  1278. },
  1279. /*QUAKED weapon_grenadelauncher (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1280. */
  1281. {
  1282. "weapon_grenadelauncher",
  1283. Pickup_Weapon,
  1284. Use_Weapon,
  1285. Drop_Weapon,
  1286. Weapon_GrenadeLauncher,
  1287. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1288. "models/weapons/g_launch/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1289. "models/weapons/v_launch/tris.md2",
  1290. /* icon */ "w_glauncher",
  1291. /* pickup */ "Grenade Launcher",
  1292. 0,
  1293. 1,
  1294. "Grenades",
  1297. NULL,
  1298. 0,
  1299. /* precache */ "models/objects/grenade/tris.md2 weapons/grenlf1a.wav weapons/grenlr1b.wav weapons/grenlb1b.wav"
  1300. },
  1301. /*QUAKED weapon_rocketlauncher (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1302. */
  1303. {
  1304. "weapon_rocketlauncher",
  1305. Pickup_Weapon,
  1306. Use_Weapon,
  1307. Drop_Weapon,
  1308. Weapon_RocketLauncher,
  1309. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1310. "models/weapons/g_rocket/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1311. "models/weapons/v_rocket/tris.md2",
  1312. /* icon */ "w_rlauncher",
  1313. /* pickup */ "Rocket Launcher",
  1314. 0,
  1315. 1,
  1316. "Rockets",
  1319. NULL,
  1320. 0,
  1321. /* precache */ "models/objects/rocket/tris.md2 weapons/rockfly.wav weapons/rocklf1a.wav weapons/rocklr1b.wav models/objects/debris2/tris.md2"
  1322. },
  1323. /*QUAKED weapon_hyperblaster (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1324. */
  1325. {
  1326. "weapon_hyperblaster",
  1327. Pickup_Weapon,
  1328. // RAFAEL
  1329. Use_Weapon2,
  1330. Drop_Weapon,
  1331. Weapon_HyperBlaster,
  1332. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1333. "models/weapons/g_hyperb/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1334. "models/weapons/v_hyperb/tris.md2",
  1335. /* icon */ "w_hyperblaster",
  1336. /* pickup */ "HyperBlaster",
  1337. 0,
  1338. 1,
  1339. "Cells",
  1342. NULL,
  1343. 0,
  1344. /* precache */ "weapons/hyprbu1a.wav weapons/hyprbl1a.wav weapons/hyprbf1a.wav weapons/hyprbd1a.wav misc/lasfly.wav"
  1345. },
  1346. /*QUAKED weapon_boomer (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1347. */
  1348. {
  1349. "weapon_boomer",
  1350. Pickup_Weapon,
  1351. Use_Weapon,
  1352. Drop_Weapon,
  1353. Weapon_Ionripper,
  1354. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1355. "models/weapons/g_boom/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1356. "models/weapons/v_boomer/tris.md2",
  1357. /* icon */ "w_ripper",
  1358. /* pickup */ "Ionripper",
  1359. 0,
  1360. 2,
  1361. "Cells",
  1362. IT_WEAPON,
  1363. WEAP_BOOMER,
  1364. NULL,
  1365. 0,
  1366. /* precache */ "weapons/rg_hum.wav weapons/rippfire.wav"
  1367. },
  1368. // END 14-APR-98
  1369. /*QUAKED weapon_railgun (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1370. */
  1371. {
  1372. "weapon_railgun",
  1373. Pickup_Weapon,
  1374. // RAFAEL
  1375. Use_Weapon2,
  1376. Drop_Weapon,
  1377. Weapon_Railgun,
  1378. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1379. "models/weapons/g_rail/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1380. "models/weapons/v_rail/tris.md2",
  1381. /* icon */ "w_railgun",
  1382. /* pickup */ "Railgun",
  1383. 0,
  1384. 1,
  1385. "Slugs",
  1388. NULL,
  1389. 0,
  1390. /* precache */ "weapons/rg_hum.wav"
  1391. },
  1392. // RAFAEL 14-APR-98
  1393. /*QUAKED weapon_phalanx (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1394. */
  1395. {
  1396. "weapon_phalanx",
  1397. Pickup_Weapon,
  1398. Use_Weapon,
  1399. Drop_Weapon,
  1400. Weapon_Phalanx,
  1401. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1402. "models/weapons/g_shotx/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1403. "models/weapons/v_shotx/tris.md2",
  1404. /* icon */ "w_phallanx",
  1405. /* pickup */ "Phalanx",
  1406. 0,
  1407. 1,
  1408. "Mag Slug",
  1409. IT_WEAPON,
  1411. NULL,
  1412. 0,
  1413. /* precache */ "weapons/plasshot.wav"
  1414. },
  1415. /*QUAKED weapon_bfg (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1416. */
  1417. {
  1418. "weapon_bfg",
  1419. Pickup_Weapon,
  1420. Use_Weapon,
  1421. Drop_Weapon,
  1422. Weapon_BFG,
  1423. "misc/w_pkup.wav",
  1424. "models/weapons/g_bfg/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1425. "models/weapons/v_bfg/tris.md2",
  1426. /* icon */ "w_bfg",
  1427. /* pickup */ "BFG10K",
  1428. 0,
  1429. 50,
  1430. "Cells",
  1432. WEAP_BFG,
  1433. NULL,
  1434. 0,
  1435. /* precache */ "sprites/s_bfg1.sp2 sprites/s_bfg2.sp2 sprites/s_bfg3.sp2 weapons/bfg__f1y.wav weapons/bfg__l1a.wav weapons/bfg__x1b.wav weapons/bfg_hum.wav"
  1436. },
  1437. //
  1438. // AMMO ITEMS
  1439. //
  1440. /*QUAKED ammo_shells (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1441. */
  1442. {
  1443. "ammo_shells",
  1444. Pickup_Ammo,
  1445. NULL,
  1446. Drop_Ammo,
  1447. NULL,
  1448. "misc/am_pkup.wav",
  1449. "models/items/ammo/shells/medium/tris.md2", 0,
  1450. NULL,
  1451. /* icon */ "a_shells",
  1452. /* pickup */ "Shells",
  1453. /* width */ 3,
  1454. 10,
  1455. NULL,
  1456. IT_AMMO,
  1457. 0,
  1458. NULL,
  1459. AMMO_SHELLS,
  1460. /* precache */ ""
  1461. },
  1462. /*QUAKED ammo_bullets (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1463. */
  1464. {
  1465. "ammo_bullets",
  1466. Pickup_Ammo,
  1467. NULL,
  1468. Drop_Ammo,
  1469. NULL,
  1470. "misc/am_pkup.wav",
  1471. "models/items/ammo/bullets/medium/tris.md2", 0,
  1472. NULL,
  1473. /* icon */ "a_bullets",
  1474. /* pickup */ "Bullets",
  1475. /* width */ 3,
  1476. 50,
  1477. NULL,
  1478. IT_AMMO,
  1479. 0,
  1480. NULL,
  1482. /* precache */ ""
  1483. },
  1484. /*QUAKED ammo_cells (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1485. */
  1486. {
  1487. "ammo_cells",
  1488. Pickup_Ammo,
  1489. NULL,
  1490. Drop_Ammo,
  1491. NULL,
  1492. "misc/am_pkup.wav",
  1493. "models/items/ammo/cells/medium/tris.md2", 0,
  1494. NULL,
  1495. /* icon */ "a_cells",
  1496. /* pickup */ "Cells",
  1497. /* width */ 3,
  1498. 50,
  1499. NULL,
  1500. IT_AMMO,
  1501. 0,
  1502. NULL,
  1503. AMMO_CELLS,
  1504. /* precache */ ""
  1505. },
  1506. /*QUAKED ammo_rockets (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1507. */
  1508. {
  1509. "ammo_rockets",
  1510. Pickup_Ammo,
  1511. NULL,
  1512. Drop_Ammo,
  1513. NULL,
  1514. "misc/am_pkup.wav",
  1515. "models/items/ammo/rockets/medium/tris.md2", 0,
  1516. NULL,
  1517. /* icon */ "a_rockets",
  1518. /* pickup */ "Rockets",
  1519. /* width */ 3,
  1520. 5,
  1521. NULL,
  1522. IT_AMMO,
  1523. 0,
  1524. NULL,
  1526. /* precache */ ""
  1527. },
  1528. /*QUAKED ammo_slugs (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1529. */
  1530. {
  1531. "ammo_slugs",
  1532. Pickup_Ammo,
  1533. NULL,
  1534. Drop_Ammo,
  1535. NULL,
  1536. "misc/am_pkup.wav",
  1537. "models/items/ammo/slugs/medium/tris.md2", 0,
  1538. NULL,
  1539. /* icon */ "a_slugs",
  1540. /* pickup */ "Slugs",
  1541. /* width */ 3,
  1542. 10,
  1543. NULL,
  1544. IT_AMMO,
  1545. 0,
  1546. NULL,
  1547. AMMO_SLUGS,
  1548. /* precache */ ""
  1549. },
  1550. /*QUAKED ammo_magslug (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1551. */
  1552. {
  1553. "ammo_magslug",
  1554. Pickup_Ammo,
  1555. NULL,
  1556. Drop_Ammo,
  1557. NULL,
  1558. "misc/am_pkup.wav",
  1559. "models/objects/ammo/tris.md2", 0,
  1560. NULL,
  1561. /* icon */ "a_mslugs",
  1562. /* pickup */ "Mag Slug",
  1563. /* width */ 3,
  1564. 10,
  1565. NULL,
  1566. IT_AMMO,
  1567. 0,
  1568. NULL,
  1570. /* precache */ ""
  1571. },
  1572. //
  1573. // POWERUP ITEMS
  1574. //
  1575. /*QUAKED item_quad (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1576. */
  1577. {
  1578. "item_quad",
  1579. Pickup_Powerup,
  1580. Use_Quad,
  1581. Drop_General,
  1582. NULL,
  1583. "items/pkup.wav",
  1584. "models/items/quaddama/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1585. NULL,
  1586. /* icon */ "p_quad",
  1587. /* pickup */ "Quad Damage",
  1588. /* width */ 2,
  1589. 60,
  1590. NULL,
  1591. IT_POWERUP,
  1592. 0,
  1593. NULL,
  1594. 0,
  1595. /* precache */ "items/damage.wav items/damage2.wav items/damage3.wav"
  1596. },
  1597. /*QUAKED item_quadfire (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1598. */
  1599. {
  1600. "item_quadfire",
  1601. Pickup_Powerup,
  1602. Use_QuadFire,
  1603. Drop_General,
  1604. NULL,
  1605. "items/pkup.wav",
  1606. "models/items/quadfire/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1607. NULL,
  1608. /* icon */ "p_quadfire",
  1609. /* pickup */ "DualFire Damage",
  1610. /* width */ 2,
  1611. 60,
  1612. NULL,
  1613. IT_POWERUP,
  1614. 0,
  1615. NULL,
  1616. 0,
  1617. /* precache */ "items/quadfire1.wav items/quadfire2.wav items/quadfire3.wav"
  1618. },
  1619. /*QUAKED item_invulnerability (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1620. */
  1621. {
  1622. "item_invulnerability",
  1623. Pickup_Powerup,
  1624. Use_Invulnerability,
  1625. Drop_General,
  1626. NULL,
  1627. "items/pkup.wav",
  1628. "models/items/invulner/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1629. NULL,
  1630. /* icon */ "p_invulnerability",
  1631. /* pickup */ "Invulnerability",
  1632. /* width */ 2,
  1633. 300,
  1634. NULL,
  1635. IT_POWERUP,
  1636. 0,
  1637. NULL,
  1638. 0,
  1639. /* precache */ "items/protect.wav items/protect2.wav items/protect4.wav"
  1640. },
  1641. /*QUAKED item_silencer (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1642. */
  1643. {
  1644. "item_silencer",
  1645. Pickup_Powerup,
  1646. Use_Silencer,
  1647. Drop_General,
  1648. NULL,
  1649. "items/pkup.wav",
  1650. "models/items/silencer/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1651. NULL,
  1652. /* icon */ "p_silencer",
  1653. /* pickup */ "Silencer",
  1654. /* width */ 2,
  1655. 60,
  1656. NULL,
  1657. IT_POWERUP,
  1658. 0,
  1659. NULL,
  1660. 0,
  1661. /* precache */ ""
  1662. },
  1663. /*QUAKED item_breather (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1664. */
  1665. {
  1666. "item_breather",
  1667. Pickup_Powerup,
  1668. Use_Breather,
  1669. Drop_General,
  1670. NULL,
  1671. "items/pkup.wav",
  1672. "models/items/breather/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1673. NULL,
  1674. /* icon */ "p_rebreather",
  1675. /* pickup */ "Rebreather",
  1676. /* width */ 2,
  1677. 60,
  1678. NULL,
  1680. 0,
  1681. NULL,
  1682. 0,
  1683. /* precache */ "items/airout.wav"
  1684. },
  1685. /*QUAKED item_enviro (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1686. */
  1687. {
  1688. "item_enviro",
  1689. Pickup_Powerup,
  1690. Use_Envirosuit,
  1691. Drop_General,
  1692. NULL,
  1693. "items/pkup.wav",
  1694. "models/items/enviro/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1695. NULL,
  1696. /* icon */ "p_envirosuit",
  1697. /* pickup */ "Environment Suit",
  1698. /* width */ 2,
  1699. 60,
  1700. NULL,
  1702. 0,
  1703. NULL,
  1704. 0,
  1705. /* precache */ "items/airout.wav"
  1706. },
  1707. /*QUAKED item_ancient_head (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1708. Special item that gives +2 to maximum health
  1709. */
  1710. {
  1711. "item_ancient_head",
  1712. Pickup_AncientHead,
  1713. NULL,
  1714. NULL,
  1715. NULL,
  1716. "items/pkup.wav",
  1717. "models/items/c_head/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1718. NULL,
  1719. /* icon */ "i_fixme",
  1720. /* pickup */ "Ancient Head",
  1721. /* width */ 2,
  1722. 60,
  1723. NULL,
  1724. 0,
  1725. 0,
  1726. NULL,
  1727. 0,
  1728. /* precache */ ""
  1729. },
  1730. /*QUAKED item_adrenaline (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1731. gives +1 to maximum health
  1732. */
  1733. {
  1734. "item_adrenaline",
  1735. Pickup_Adrenaline,
  1736. NULL,
  1737. NULL,
  1738. NULL,
  1739. "items/pkup.wav",
  1740. "models/items/adrenal/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1741. NULL,
  1742. /* icon */ "p_adrenaline",
  1743. /* pickup */ "Adrenaline",
  1744. /* width */ 2,
  1745. 60,
  1746. NULL,
  1747. 0,
  1748. 0,
  1749. NULL,
  1750. 0,
  1751. /* precache */ ""
  1752. },
  1753. /*QUAKED item_bandolier (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1754. */
  1755. {
  1756. "item_bandolier",
  1757. Pickup_Bandolier,
  1758. NULL,
  1759. NULL,
  1760. NULL,
  1761. "items/pkup.wav",
  1762. "models/items/band/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1763. NULL,
  1764. /* icon */ "p_bandolier",
  1765. /* pickup */ "Bandolier",
  1766. /* width */ 2,
  1767. 60,
  1768. NULL,
  1769. 0,
  1770. 0,
  1771. NULL,
  1772. 0,
  1773. /* precache */ ""
  1774. },
  1775. /*QUAKED item_pack (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1776. */
  1777. {
  1778. "item_pack",
  1779. Pickup_Pack,
  1780. NULL,
  1781. NULL,
  1782. NULL,
  1783. "items/pkup.wav",
  1784. "models/items/pack/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1785. NULL,
  1786. /* icon */ "i_pack",
  1787. /* pickup */ "Ammo Pack",
  1788. /* width */ 2,
  1789. 180,
  1790. NULL,
  1791. 0,
  1792. 0,
  1793. NULL,
  1794. 0,
  1795. /* precache */ ""
  1796. },
  1797. //
  1798. // KEYS
  1799. //
  1800. /*QUAKED key_data_cd (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1801. key for computer centers
  1802. */
  1803. {
  1804. "key_data_cd",
  1805. Pickup_Key,
  1806. NULL,
  1807. Drop_General,
  1808. NULL,
  1809. "items/pkup.wav",
  1810. "models/items/keys/data_cd/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1811. NULL,
  1812. "k_datacd",
  1813. "Data CD",
  1814. 2,
  1815. 0,
  1816. NULL,
  1818. 0,
  1819. NULL,
  1820. 0,
  1821. /* precache */ ""
  1822. },
  1823. /*QUAKED key_power_cube (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) TRIGGER_SPAWN NO_TOUCH
  1824. warehouse circuits
  1825. */
  1826. {
  1827. "key_power_cube",
  1828. Pickup_Key,
  1829. NULL,
  1830. Drop_General,
  1831. NULL,
  1832. "items/pkup.wav",
  1833. "models/items/keys/power/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1834. NULL,
  1835. "k_powercube",
  1836. "Power Cube",
  1837. 2,
  1838. 0,
  1839. NULL,
  1841. 0,
  1842. NULL,
  1843. 0,
  1844. /* precache */ ""
  1845. },
  1846. /*QUAKED key_pyramid (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1847. key for the entrance of jail3
  1848. */
  1849. {
  1850. "key_pyramid",
  1851. Pickup_Key,
  1852. NULL,
  1853. Drop_General,
  1854. NULL,
  1855. "items/pkup.wav",
  1856. "models/items/keys/pyramid/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1857. NULL,
  1858. "k_pyramid",
  1859. "Pyramid Key",
  1860. 2,
  1861. 0,
  1862. NULL,
  1864. 0,
  1865. NULL,
  1866. 0,
  1867. /* precache */ ""
  1868. },
  1869. /*QUAKED key_data_spinner (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1870. key for the city computer
  1871. */
  1872. {
  1873. "key_data_spinner",
  1874. Pickup_Key,
  1875. NULL,
  1876. Drop_General,
  1877. NULL,
  1878. "items/pkup.wav",
  1879. "models/items/keys/spinner/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1880. NULL,
  1881. "k_dataspin",
  1882. "Data Spinner",
  1883. 2,
  1884. 0,
  1885. NULL,
  1887. 0,
  1888. NULL,
  1889. 0,
  1890. /* precache */ ""
  1891. },
  1892. /*QUAKED key_pass (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1893. security pass for the security level
  1894. */
  1895. {
  1896. "key_pass",
  1897. Pickup_Key,
  1898. NULL,
  1899. Drop_General,
  1900. NULL,
  1901. "items/pkup.wav",
  1902. "models/items/keys/pass/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1903. NULL,
  1904. "k_security",
  1905. "Security Pass",
  1906. 2,
  1907. 0,
  1908. NULL,
  1910. 0,
  1911. NULL,
  1912. 0,
  1913. /* precache */ ""
  1914. },
  1915. /*QUAKED key_blue_key (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1916. normal door key - blue
  1917. */
  1918. {
  1919. "key_blue_key",
  1920. Pickup_Key,
  1921. NULL,
  1922. Drop_General,
  1923. NULL,
  1924. "items/pkup.wav",
  1925. "models/items/keys/key/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1926. NULL,
  1927. "k_bluekey",
  1928. "Blue Key",
  1929. 2,
  1930. 0,
  1931. NULL,
  1933. 0,
  1934. NULL,
  1935. 0,
  1936. /* precache */ ""
  1937. },
  1938. /*QUAKED key_red_key (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1939. normal door key - red
  1940. */
  1941. {
  1942. "key_red_key",
  1943. Pickup_Key,
  1944. NULL,
  1945. Drop_General,
  1946. NULL,
  1947. "items/pkup.wav",
  1948. "models/items/keys/red_key/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1949. NULL,
  1950. "k_redkey",
  1951. "Red Key",
  1952. 2,
  1953. 0,
  1954. NULL,
  1956. 0,
  1957. NULL,
  1958. 0,
  1959. /* precache */ ""
  1960. },
  1961. // RAFAEL
  1962. /*QUAKED key_green_key (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1963. normal door key - blue
  1964. */
  1965. {
  1966. "key_green_key",
  1967. Pickup_Key,
  1968. NULL,
  1969. Drop_General,
  1970. NULL,
  1971. "items/pkup.wav",
  1972. "models/items/keys/green_key/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  1973. NULL,
  1974. "k_green",
  1975. "Green Key",
  1976. 2,
  1977. 0,
  1978. NULL,
  1980. 0,
  1981. NULL,
  1982. 0,
  1983. /* precache */ ""
  1984. },
  1985. /*QUAKED key_commander_head (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  1986. tank commander's head
  1987. */
  1988. {
  1989. "key_commander_head",
  1990. Pickup_Key,
  1991. NULL,
  1992. Drop_General,
  1993. NULL,
  1994. "items/pkup.wav",
  1995. "models/monsters/commandr/head/tris.md2", EF_GIB,
  1996. NULL,
  1997. /* icon */ "k_comhead",
  1998. /* pickup */ "Commander's Head",
  1999. /* width */ 2,
  2000. 0,
  2001. NULL,
  2003. 0,
  2004. NULL,
  2005. 0,
  2006. /* precache */ ""
  2007. },
  2008. /*QUAKED key_airstrike_target (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  2009. tank commander's head
  2010. */
  2011. {
  2012. "key_airstrike_target",
  2013. Pickup_Key,
  2014. NULL,
  2015. Drop_General,
  2016. NULL,
  2017. "items/pkup.wav",
  2018. "models/items/keys/target/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
  2019. NULL,
  2020. /* icon */ "i_airstrike",
  2021. /* pickup */ "Airstrike Marker",
  2022. /* width */ 2,
  2023. 0,
  2024. NULL,
  2026. 0,
  2027. NULL,
  2028. 0,
  2029. /* precache */ ""
  2030. },
  2031. {
  2032. NULL,
  2033. Pickup_Health,
  2034. NULL,
  2035. NULL,
  2036. NULL,
  2037. "items/pkup.wav",
  2038. NULL, 0,
  2039. NULL,
  2040. /* icon */ "i_health",
  2041. /* pickup */ "Health",
  2042. /* width */ 3,
  2043. 0,
  2044. NULL,
  2045. 0,
  2046. 0,
  2047. NULL,
  2048. 0,
  2049. /* precache */ "items/s_health.wav items/n_health.wav items/l_health.wav items/m_health.wav"
  2050. },
  2051. // end of list marker
  2052. {NULL}
  2053. };
  2054. /*QUAKED item_health (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  2055. */
  2056. void SP_item_health (edict_t *self)
  2057. {
  2058. if ( deathmatch->value && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_HEALTH) )
  2059. {
  2060. G_FreeEdict (self);
  2061. return;
  2062. }
  2063. self->model = "models/items/healing/medium/tris.md2";
  2064. self->count = 10;
  2065. SpawnItem (self, FindItem ("Health"));
  2066. gi.soundindex ("items/n_health.wav");
  2067. }
  2068. /*QUAKED item_health_small (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  2069. */
  2070. void SP_item_health_small (edict_t *self)
  2071. {
  2072. if ( deathmatch->value && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_HEALTH) )
  2073. {
  2074. G_FreeEdict (self);
  2075. return;
  2076. }
  2077. self->model = "models/items/healing/stimpack/tris.md2";
  2078. self->count = 2;
  2079. SpawnItem (self, FindItem ("Health"));
  2080. self->style = HEALTH_IGNORE_MAX;
  2081. gi.soundindex ("items/s_health.wav");
  2082. }
  2083. /*QUAKED item_health_large (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  2084. */
  2085. void SP_item_health_large (edict_t *self)
  2086. {
  2087. if ( deathmatch->value && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_HEALTH) )
  2088. {
  2089. G_FreeEdict (self);
  2090. return;
  2091. }
  2092. self->model = "models/items/healing/large/tris.md2";
  2093. self->count = 25;
  2094. SpawnItem (self, FindItem ("Health"));
  2095. gi.soundindex ("items/l_health.wav");
  2096. }
  2097. /*QUAKED item_health_mega (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
  2098. */
  2099. void SP_item_health_mega (edict_t *self)
  2100. {
  2101. if ( deathmatch->value && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_HEALTH) )
  2102. {
  2103. G_FreeEdict (self);
  2104. return;
  2105. }
  2106. self->model = "models/items/mega_h/tris.md2";
  2107. self->count = 100;
  2108. SpawnItem (self, FindItem ("Health"));
  2109. gi.soundindex ("items/m_health.wav");
  2110. self->style = HEALTH_IGNORE_MAX|HEALTH_TIMED;
  2111. }
  2112. // RAFAEL
  2113. void SP_item_foodcube (edict_t *self)
  2114. {
  2115. if ( deathmatch->value && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_NO_HEALTH) )
  2116. {
  2117. G_FreeEdict (self);
  2118. return;
  2119. }
  2120. self->model = "models/objects/trapfx/tris.md2";
  2121. SpawnItem (self, FindItem ("Health"));
  2122. self->spawnflags |= DROPPED_ITEM;
  2123. self->style = HEALTH_IGNORE_MAX;
  2124. gi.soundindex ("items/s_health.wav");
  2125. self->classname = "foodcube";
  2126. }
  2127. void InitItems (void)
  2128. {
  2129. game.num_items = sizeof(itemlist)/sizeof(itemlist[0]) - 1;
  2130. }
  2131. /*
  2132. ===============
  2133. SetItemNames
  2134. Called by worldspawn
  2135. ===============
  2136. */
  2137. void SetItemNames (void)
  2138. {
  2139. int i;
  2140. gitem_t *it;
  2141. for (i=0 ; i<game.num_items ; i++)
  2142. {
  2143. it = &itemlist[i];
  2144. gi.configstring (CS_ITEMS+i, it->pickup_name);
  2145. }
  2146. jacket_armor_index = ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("Jacket Armor"));
  2147. combat_armor_index = ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("Combat Armor"));
  2148. body_armor_index = ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("Body Armor"));
  2149. power_screen_index = ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("Power Screen"));
  2150. power_shield_index = ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("Power Shield"));
  2151. }