EntityDlg.cpp 36 KB

  1. /*
  2. ===========================================================================
  3. Doom 3 GPL Source Code
  4. Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
  5. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
  6. Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  7. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  8. the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  9. (at your option) any later version.
  10. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13. GNU General Public License for more details.
  14. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15. along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  16. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
  17. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
  18. ===========================================================================
  19. */
  20. #include "../../idlib/precompiled.h"
  21. #pragma hdrstop
  22. #include "qe3.h"
  23. #include "Radiant.h"
  24. #include "GLWidget.h"
  25. #include "PropertyList.h"
  26. #include "entitydlg.h"
  27. #include "PreviewDlg.h"
  28. #include "CurveDlg.h"
  29. #include "../../renderer/model_local.h" // for idRenderModelPrt
  30. void Select_Ungroup();
  31. // CEntityDlg dialog
  32. IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CEntityDlg, CDialog)
  33. CEntityDlg::CEntityDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
  34. : CDialog(CEntityDlg::IDD, pParent)
  35. {
  36. editEntity = NULL;
  37. multipleEntities = false;
  38. currentAnimation = NULL;
  39. }
  40. CEntityDlg::~CEntityDlg()
  41. {
  42. }
  43. void CEntityDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
  44. {
  45. CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
  46. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_KEYVAL, listKeyVal);
  47. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_CLASS, comboClass);
  48. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_KEY, editKey);
  49. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_VAL, editVal);
  50. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_TITLE, staticTitle);
  51. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_KEY, staticKey);
  52. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_VAL, staticVal);
  53. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE, btnBrowse);
  54. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_135, btn135);
  55. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_90, btn90);
  56. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_45, btn45);
  57. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_180, btn180);
  58. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_0, btn360);
  59. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_225, btn225);
  60. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_270, btn270);
  61. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_315, btn315);
  62. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_UP, btnUp);
  63. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_E_DOWN, btnDown);
  64. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_MODEL, btnModel);
  65. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_SOUND, btnSound);
  66. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_GUI, btnGui);
  67. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_PARTICLE, btnParticle);
  68. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_SKIN, btnSkin);
  69. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_CURVE, btnCurve);
  70. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_CREATE, btnCreate);
  71. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_VARS, listVars);
  72. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ENTITY_ANIMATIONS , cbAnimations);
  73. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ANIMATION_SLIDER , slFrameSlider);
  74. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ENTITY_CURRENT_ANIM , staticFrame);
  75. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ENTITY_PLAY_ANIM , btnPlayAnim);
  76. DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ENTITY_STOP_ANIM , btnStopAnim);
  77. }
  78. BOOL CEntityDlg::OnInitDialog()
  79. {
  80. CDialog::OnInitDialog();
  81. listKeyVal.SetUpdateInspectors(true);
  82. listKeyVal.SetDivider(100);
  83. listVars.SetDivider(100);
  84. staticFrame.SetWindowText ( "0" );
  85. return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
  86. // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
  87. }
  88. int CEntityDlg::OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI) const
  89. {
  90. // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
  91. return CDialog::OnToolHitTest(point, pTI);
  92. }
  93. void CEntityDlg::AddClassNames() {
  94. comboClass.ResetContent();
  95. for (eclass_t *pec = eclass; pec; pec = pec->next) {
  96. comboClass.AddString(pec->name);
  97. }
  98. }
  99. BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CEntityDlg, CDialog)
  100. ON_WM_SIZE()
  101. ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO_CLASS, OnCbnSelchangeComboClass)
  102. ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_LIST_KEYVAL, OnLbnSelchangeListkeyval)
  103. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_135, OnBnClickedE135)
  104. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_90, OnBnClickedE90)
  105. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_45, OnBnClickedE45)
  106. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_180, OnBnClickedE180)
  107. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_0, OnBnClickedE0)
  108. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_225, OnBnClickedE225)
  109. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_270, OnBnClickedE270)
  110. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_315, OnBnClickedE315)
  111. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_UP, OnBnClickedEUp)
  112. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_E_DOWN, OnBnClickedEDown)
  113. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_MODEL, OnBnClickedButtonModel)
  114. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_SOUND, OnBnClickedButtonSound)
  115. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_GUI, OnBnClickedButtonGui)
  116. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE, OnBnClickedButtonBrowse)
  117. ON_CBN_DBLCLK(IDC_COMBO_CLASS, OnCbnDblclkComboClass)
  118. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_CREATE, OnBnClickedButtonCreate)
  119. ON_LBN_DBLCLK(IDC_LIST_KEYVAL, OnLbnDblclkListkeyval)
  120. ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_LIST_VARS, OnLbnSelchangeListVars)
  121. ON_LBN_DBLCLK(IDC_LIST_VARS, OnLbnDblclkListVars)
  123. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_PARTICLE, OnBnClickedButtonParticle)
  124. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_SKIN, OnBnClickedButtonSkin)
  125. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_CURVE, OnBnClickedButtonCurve)
  127. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ENTITY_PLAY_ANIM , OnBnClickedStartAnimation)
  128. ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ENTITY_STOP_ANIM , OnBnClickedStopAnimation)
  129. ON_WM_TIMER()
  132. void CEntityDlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
  133. {
  134. if (staticTitle.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) {
  135. return;
  136. }
  137. CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
  138. CRect rect, crect, crect2;
  139. GetClientRect(rect);
  140. int bh = (float)rect.Height() * (rect.Height() - 210) / rect.Height() / 2;
  141. staticTitle.GetWindowRect(crect);
  142. staticTitle.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, 4, rect.Width() -8, crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  143. int top = 4 + crect.Height() + 4;
  144. comboClass.GetWindowRect(crect);
  145. btnCreate.GetWindowRect(crect2);
  146. comboClass.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, top, rect.Width() - 12 - crect2.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  147. btnCreate.SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.Width() - crect2.Width() - 4, top, crect2.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  148. top += crect.Height() + 4;
  149. listVars.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, top, rect.Width() - 8, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  150. top += bh + 4;
  151. listKeyVal.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, top, rect.Width() - 8, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  152. top += bh + 4;
  153. staticKey.GetWindowRect(crect);
  154. staticKey.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, top + 2, crect.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  155. int left = 4 + crect.Width() + 4;
  156. int pad = crect.Width();
  157. editKey.GetWindowRect(crect);
  158. editKey.SetWindowPos(NULL, left, top, rect.Width() - 12 - pad, crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  159. top += crect.Height() + 4;
  160. staticVal.GetWindowRect(crect);
  161. staticVal.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, top + 2, crect.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  162. editVal.GetWindowRect(crect);
  163. bh = crect.Height();
  164. editVal.SetWindowPos(NULL, left, top, rect.Width() - 16 - bh - pad, crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  165. btnBrowse.SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.right - 4 - bh, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  166. top += crect.Height() + 8;
  167. btnModel.GetWindowRect(crect);
  168. btnModel.SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.right - 4 - crect.Width(), top + 8, crect.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  169. btnSound.SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.right - 4 - crect.Width(), top + 12 + crect.Height(), crect.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  170. btnGui.SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.right - 4 - crect.Width(), top + 16 + crect.Height() * 2, crect.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  171. btnParticle.SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.right - 8 - (crect.Width() * 2), top + 16 + crect.Height() * 2, crect.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  172. btnSkin.SetWindowPos( NULL, rect.right - 8 - ( crect.Width() * 2 ), top + 12 + crect.Height(), crect.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
  173. btnCurve.SetWindowPos( NULL, rect.right - 8 - ( crect.Width() * 2 ), top + 8, crect.Width(), crect.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
  174. //*************************************
  175. //animation controls
  176. //*************************************
  177. int rightAnimAreaBorder = rect.right - 75 - crect.Width (); /*models, etc button width*/
  178. btnStopAnim.GetWindowRect(crect);
  179. btnStopAnim.SetWindowPos(NULL,rightAnimAreaBorder - crect.Width (),
  180. top + 8 ,crect.Width(),crect.Height(),SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  181. left = rightAnimAreaBorder - crect.Width() - 4;
  182. btnPlayAnim.GetWindowRect(crect);
  183. btnPlayAnim.SetWindowPos(NULL,left-crect.Width () ,top + 8 , crect.Width(),crect.Height(),SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  184. left -= crect.Width() + 4;
  185. cbAnimations.GetWindowRect(crect);
  186. cbAnimations.SetWindowPos(NULL,left-crect.Width (),top + 8 ,crect.Width(),crect.Height(),SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  187. staticFrame.GetWindowRect(crect);
  188. staticFrame.SetWindowPos(NULL,rightAnimAreaBorder - crect.Width (),
  189. top + 34 ,crect.Width(),crect.Height(),SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  190. left = rightAnimAreaBorder - crect.Width () - 4;
  191. slFrameSlider.GetWindowRect(crect);
  192. slFrameSlider.SetWindowPos(NULL,left - crect.Width (),
  193. top + 32 ,crect.Width(),crect.Height(),SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  194. //*************************************
  195. //*************************************
  196. btn135.GetWindowRect(crect);
  197. bh = crect.Width();
  198. btn135.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  199. btn90.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4 + 2 + bh, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  200. btn45.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4 + 2 + 2 + bh * 2, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  201. btnUp.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4 + 2 + 2 + 6 + bh * 3, top + bh / 2,bh,bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  202. btnDown.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4 + 2 + 2 + 6 + bh *3, top + bh / 2 + bh + 2,bh,bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  203. top += bh + 2;
  204. btn180.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  205. btn360.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4 + 2 + 2 + bh * 2, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  206. top += bh + 2;
  207. btn225.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  208. btn270.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4 + 2 + bh, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  209. btn315.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4 + 2 + 2 + bh * 2, top, bh, bh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
  210. Invalidate();
  211. }
  212. void CEntityDlg::OnCbnSelchangeComboClass()
  213. {
  214. int index = comboClass.GetCurSel();
  215. if (index != LB_ERR) {
  216. CString str;
  217. comboClass.GetLBText(index, str);
  218. eclass_t *ent = Eclass_ForName (str, false);
  219. if (ent) {
  220. if (selected_brushes.next == &selected_brushes) {
  221. editEntity = world_entity;
  222. multipleEntities = false;
  223. } else {
  224. editEntity = selected_brushes.next->owner;
  225. for (brush_t *b = selected_brushes.next->next; b != &selected_brushes; b = b->next) {
  226. if (b->owner != editEntity) {
  227. multipleEntities = true;
  228. break;
  229. }
  230. }
  231. }
  232. listVars.ResetContent();
  233. CPropertyItem *pi = new CPropertyItem("Usage:", ent->desc.c_str(), PIT_VAR, "");
  234. listVars.AddPropItem(pi);
  235. int c = ent->vars.Num();
  236. for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
  237. pi = new CPropertyItem(ent->vars[i].name.c_str(), ent->vars[i].desc.c_str(), PIT_VAR, "");
  238. pi->SetData(ent->vars[i].type);
  239. listVars.AddPropItem(pi);
  240. }
  241. listVars.Invalidate();
  242. SetKeyValPairs();
  243. }
  244. }
  245. }
  246. const char *CEntityDlg::TranslateString(const char *buf) {
  247. static char buf2[32768];
  248. int i, l;
  249. char *out;
  250. l = strlen(buf);
  251. out = buf2;
  252. for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
  253. if (buf[i] == '\n') {
  254. *out++ = '\r';
  255. *out++ = '\n';
  256. }
  257. else {
  258. *out++ = buf[i];
  259. }
  260. }
  261. *out++ = 0;
  262. return buf2;
  263. }
  264. void CEntityDlg::UpdateFromListBox() {
  265. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  266. return;
  267. }
  268. int c = listKeyVal.GetCount();
  269. for (int i = 0 ; i < c; i++) {
  270. CPropertyItem* pItem = (CPropertyItem*)listKeyVal.GetItemDataPtr(i);
  271. if (pItem) {
  272. editEntity->epairs.Set(pItem->m_propName, pItem->m_curValue);
  273. }
  274. }
  275. SetKeyValPairs();
  276. }
  277. void CEntityDlg::SetKeyValPairs( bool updateAnims ) {
  278. if (editEntity) {
  279. listKeyVal.ResetContent();
  280. int c = editEntity->epairs.GetNumKeyVals();
  281. for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
  282. const idKeyValue *kv = editEntity->epairs.GetKeyVal(i);
  283. CPropertyItem *pi = new CPropertyItem(kv->GetKey().c_str(), kv->GetValue().c_str(), PIT_EDIT, "");
  284. bool found = false;
  285. int vc = editEntity->eclass->vars.Num();
  286. for (int j = 0; j < vc; j++) {
  287. if (editEntity->eclass->vars[j].name.Icmp(kv->GetKey()) == 0) {
  288. switch (editEntity->eclass->vars[j].type) {
  289. case EVAR_STRING :
  290. case EVAR_INT :
  291. case EVAR_FLOAT :
  292. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_EDIT;
  293. break;
  294. case EVAR_BOOL :
  295. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_EDIT;
  296. //pi->m_cmbItems = "0|1";
  297. break;
  298. case EVAR_COLOR :
  299. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_COLOR;
  300. break;
  301. case EVAR_MATERIAL :
  302. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_MATERIAL;
  303. break;
  304. case EVAR_MODEL :
  305. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_MODEL;
  306. break;
  307. case EVAR_GUI :
  308. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_GUI;
  309. break;
  310. case EVAR_SOUND :
  311. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_SOUND;
  312. break;
  313. }
  314. found = true;
  315. break;
  316. }
  317. }
  318. if (!found) {
  319. if (kv->GetKey().Icmp("model") == 0) {
  320. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_MODEL;
  321. }
  322. if (kv->GetKey().Icmp("_color") == 0) {
  323. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_COLOR;
  324. }
  325. if (kv->GetKey().Icmp("gui") == 0) {
  326. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_GUI;
  327. }
  328. if (kv->GetKey().Icmp("gui2") == 0) {
  329. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_GUI;
  330. }
  331. if (kv->GetKey().Icmp("gui3") == 0) {
  332. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_GUI;
  333. }
  334. if (kv->GetKey().Icmp("s_shader") == 0) {
  335. pi->m_nItemType = PIT_SOUND;
  336. }
  337. }
  338. listKeyVal.AddPropItem(pi);
  339. }
  340. if ( updateAnims ) {
  341. int i, num;
  342. cbAnimations.ResetContent();
  343. num = gameEdit->ANIM_GetNumAnimsFromEntityDef( &editEntity->eclass->defArgs );
  344. for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
  345. cbAnimations.AddString( gameEdit->ANIM_GetAnimNameFromEntityDef( &editEntity->eclass->defArgs, i ) );
  346. }
  347. const idKeyValue* kv = editEntity->epairs.FindKey ( "anim" );
  348. if ( kv ) {
  349. int selIndex = cbAnimations.FindStringExact( 0 , kv->GetValue().c_str() );
  350. if ( selIndex != -1 ) {
  351. cbAnimations.SetCurSel( selIndex );
  352. OnCbnAnimationChange ();
  353. }
  354. }
  355. }
  356. }
  357. }
  358. void CEntityDlg::UpdateEntitySel(eclass_t *ent) {
  359. assert ( ent );
  360. assert ( ent->name );
  361. int index = comboClass.FindString(-1, ent->name);
  362. if (index != LB_ERR) {
  363. comboClass.SetCurSel(index);
  364. OnCbnSelchangeComboClass();
  365. }
  366. }
  367. void CEntityDlg::OnLbnSelchangeListkeyval()
  368. {
  369. int index = listKeyVal.GetCurSel();
  370. if (index != LB_ERR) {
  371. CString str;
  372. listKeyVal.GetText(index, str);
  373. int i;
  374. for (i = 0; str[i] != '\t' && str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
  375. }
  376. idStr key = str.Left(i);
  377. while (str[i] == '\t' && str[i] != '\0') {
  378. i++;
  379. }
  380. idStr val = str.Right(str.GetLength() - i);
  381. editKey.SetWindowText(key);
  382. editVal.SetWindowText(val);
  383. }
  384. }
  385. static int TabOrder[] = {
  388. //IDC_EDIT_INFO,
  390. IDC_EDIT_KEY,
  391. IDC_EDIT_VAL,
  393. IDC_E_135,
  394. IDC_E_90,
  395. IDC_E_45,
  396. IDC_E_180,
  397. IDC_E_0,
  398. IDC_E_225,
  399. IDC_E_270,
  400. IDC_E_315,
  401. IDC_E_UP,
  402. IDC_E_DOWN,
  407. };
  408. int TabCount = sizeof(TabOrder) / sizeof(int);
  409. void CEntityDlg::DelProp() {
  410. CString key;
  411. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  412. return;
  413. }
  414. editKey.GetWindowText(key);
  415. if (multipleEntities) {
  416. for (brush_t *b = selected_brushes.next; b != &selected_brushes; b = b->next) {
  417. DeleteKey(b->owner, key);
  418. Entity_UpdateCurveData( b->owner );
  419. }
  420. } else {
  421. DeleteKey(editEntity, key);
  422. Entity_UpdateCurveData( editEntity );
  423. }
  424. // refresh the prop listbox
  425. SetKeyValPairs();
  426. Sys_UpdateWindows( W_ENTITY | W_XY | W_CAMERA );
  427. }
  428. BOOL CEntityDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
  429. {
  430. if (pMsg->hwnd == editVal.GetSafeHwnd()) {
  431. if (pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
  432. editVal.SetFocus();
  433. return TRUE;
  434. }
  435. }
  436. if (pMsg->hwnd == editKey.GetSafeHwnd()) {
  437. if (pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
  438. editKey.SetFocus();
  439. return TRUE;
  440. }
  441. }
  442. if (GetFocus() == &editVal || GetFocus() == &editKey) {
  443. if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN ) {
  444. AddProp();
  445. return TRUE;
  446. }
  447. }
  448. if (GetFocus() == listKeyVal.GetEditBox()) {
  449. if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN ) {
  450. listKeyVal.OnChangeEditBox();
  451. listKeyVal.OnSelchange();
  452. listKeyVal.OnKillfocusEditBox();
  453. AddProp();
  454. SetKeyValPairs();
  455. return TRUE;
  456. }
  457. }
  458. if (GetFocus() == &listKeyVal) {
  459. if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_DELETE && editEntity) {
  460. DelProp();
  461. return TRUE;
  462. }
  463. }
  464. if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE) {
  465. if (pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE) {
  466. g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->SetFocus();
  467. Select_Deselect();
  468. }
  469. return TRUE;
  470. }
  471. if ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN ) {
  472. // keeps ENTER from closing the dialog
  473. return TRUE;
  474. }
  475. if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB) {
  476. if (GetFocus()) {
  477. int id = GetFocus()->GetDlgCtrlID();
  478. for (int i = 0; i < TabCount; i++) {
  479. if (TabOrder[i] == id) {
  480. i++;
  481. if (i >= TabCount) {
  482. i = 0;
  483. }
  484. CWnd *next = GetDlgItem(TabOrder[i]);
  485. if (next) {
  486. next->SetFocus();
  487. if (TabOrder[i] == IDC_EDIT_VAL) {
  488. editVal.SetSel(0, -1);
  489. }
  490. return TRUE;
  491. }
  492. }
  493. }
  494. }
  495. }
  496. if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_RIGHT && pMsg->hwnd == slFrameSlider.GetSafeHwnd()) {
  497. int pos = slFrameSlider.GetPos() + 1;
  498. pos = (pos % slFrameSlider.GetRangeMax());
  499. slFrameSlider.SetPos ( pos );
  500. UpdateFromAnimationFrame ();
  501. return TRUE;
  502. }
  503. if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_LEFT && pMsg->hwnd == slFrameSlider.GetSafeHwnd()) {
  504. int pos = slFrameSlider.GetPos() - 1;
  505. if ( pos < 1 ) {
  506. pos = slFrameSlider.GetRangeMax();
  507. }
  508. slFrameSlider.SetPos ( pos );
  509. UpdateFromAnimationFrame ();
  510. return TRUE;
  511. }
  512. return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
  513. }
  514. /*
  515. =======================================================================================================================
  516. AddProp
  517. =======================================================================================================================
  518. */
  519. void CEntityDlg::AddProp() {
  520. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  521. return;
  522. }
  523. CString Key, Value;
  524. editKey.GetWindowText(Key);
  525. editVal.GetWindowText(Value);
  526. bool isName = (stricmp(Key, "name") == 0);
  527. bool isModel = static_cast<bool>((stricmp(Key, "model") == 0 && Value.GetLength() > 0));
  528. bool isOrigin = ( idStr::Icmp( Key, "origin" ) == 0 );
  529. if (multipleEntities) {
  530. brush_t *b;
  531. for (b = selected_brushes.next; b != &selected_brushes; b = b->next) {
  532. if (isName) {
  533. Entity_SetName(b->owner, Value);
  534. } else {
  535. if ( ! ( ( isModel || isOrigin ) && ( b->owner->eclass->nShowFlags & ECLASS_WORLDSPAWN ) ) ) {
  536. SetKeyValue(b->owner, Key, Value);
  537. }
  538. }
  539. }
  540. }
  541. else {
  542. if (isName) {
  543. Entity_SetName(editEntity, Value);
  544. } else {
  545. if ( ! ( ( isModel || isOrigin ) && ( editEntity->eclass->nShowFlags & ECLASS_WORLDSPAWN ) ) ) {
  546. SetKeyValue(editEntity, Key, Value);
  547. }
  548. }
  549. if ( isModel && !( editEntity->eclass->nShowFlags & ECLASS_WORLDSPAWN ) ) {
  550. idBounds bo;
  551. idVec3 mins, maxs;
  552. selected_brushes.next->modelHandle = renderModelManager->FindModel( Value );
  553. if ( dynamic_cast<idRenderModelPrt*>( selected_brushes.next->modelHandle ) || dynamic_cast<idRenderModelLiquid*>( selected_brushes.next->modelHandle ) ) {
  554. bo.Zero();
  555. bo.ExpandSelf( 12.0f );
  556. } else {
  557. bo = selected_brushes.next->modelHandle->Bounds( NULL );
  558. }
  559. VectorCopy(bo[0], mins);
  560. VectorCopy(bo[1], maxs);
  561. VectorAdd(mins, editEntity->origin, mins);
  562. VectorAdd(maxs, editEntity->origin, maxs);
  563. Brush_RebuildBrush(selected_brushes.next, mins, maxs, false);
  564. Brush_Build ( selected_brushes.next , false, false , false, true );
  565. }
  566. }
  567. // refresh the prop listbox
  568. SetKeyValPairs();
  569. Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL);
  570. }
  571. const char *CEntityDlg::AngleKey() {
  572. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  573. return "";
  574. }
  575. if (editEntity->eclass->nShowFlags & ECLASS_MOVER) {
  576. return "movedir";
  577. }
  578. return "angle";
  579. }
  580. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedE135()
  581. {
  582. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  583. return;
  584. }
  585. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  586. editVal.SetWindowText("135");
  587. AddProp();
  588. }
  589. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedE90()
  590. {
  591. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  592. return;
  593. }
  594. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  595. editVal.SetWindowText("90");
  596. AddProp();
  597. }
  598. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedE45()
  599. {
  600. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  601. return;
  602. }
  603. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  604. editVal.SetWindowText("45");
  605. AddProp();
  606. }
  607. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedE180()
  608. {
  609. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  610. return;
  611. }
  612. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  613. editVal.SetWindowText("180");
  614. AddProp();
  615. }
  616. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedE0()
  617. {
  618. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  619. return;
  620. }
  621. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  622. editVal.SetWindowText("0");
  623. AddProp();
  624. }
  625. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedE225()
  626. {
  627. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  628. return;
  629. }
  630. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  631. editVal.SetWindowText("225");
  632. AddProp();
  633. }
  634. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedE270()
  635. {
  636. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  637. return;
  638. }
  639. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  640. editVal.SetWindowText("270");
  641. AddProp();
  642. }
  643. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedE315()
  644. {
  645. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  646. return;
  647. }
  648. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  649. editVal.SetWindowText("315");
  650. AddProp();
  651. }
  652. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedEUp()
  653. {
  654. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  655. return;
  656. }
  657. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  658. editVal.SetWindowText("-1");
  659. AddProp();
  660. }
  661. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedEDown()
  662. {
  663. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  664. return;
  665. }
  666. editKey.SetWindowText(AngleKey());
  667. editVal.SetWindowText("-2");
  668. AddProp();
  669. }
  670. CPreviewDlg *CEntityDlg::ShowModelChooser() {
  671. static CPreviewDlg modelDlg;
  672. modelDlg.SetMode(CPreviewDlg::MODELS);
  673. modelDlg.SetModal();
  674. if (modelDlg.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) {
  676. }
  677. modelDlg.ShowWindow( SW_SHOW );
  678. modelDlg.BringWindowToTop();
  679. while (modelDlg.Waiting()) {
  680. }
  681. return &modelDlg;
  682. }
  683. CPreviewDlg *CEntityDlg::ShowParticleChooser() {
  684. static CPreviewDlg modelDlg;
  685. modelDlg.SetMode(CPreviewDlg::PARTICLES);
  686. modelDlg.SetModal();
  687. if (modelDlg.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) {
  689. }
  690. modelDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
  691. modelDlg.BringWindowToTop();
  692. while (modelDlg.Waiting()) {
  693. }
  694. return &modelDlg;
  695. }
  696. CPreviewDlg *CEntityDlg::ShowSkinChooser(entity_t *ent) {
  697. static CPreviewDlg modelDlg;
  698. modelDlg.SetMode(CPreviewDlg::SKINS);
  699. modelDlg.SetModal();
  700. if (modelDlg.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) {
  702. }
  703. modelDlg.RebuildTree( ( ent ) ? ent->epairs.GetString( "model" ) : "" );
  704. modelDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
  705. modelDlg.BringWindowToTop();
  706. while (modelDlg.Waiting()) {
  707. }
  708. return &modelDlg;
  709. }
  710. CPreviewDlg *CEntityDlg::ShowGuiChooser() {
  711. static CPreviewDlg guiDlg;
  712. guiDlg.SetMode(CPreviewDlg::GUIS);
  713. guiDlg.SetModal();
  714. if (guiDlg.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) {
  716. }
  717. guiDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
  718. guiDlg.BringWindowToTop();
  719. while (guiDlg.Waiting()) {
  720. }
  721. return &guiDlg;
  722. }
  723. CPreviewDlg *CEntityDlg::ShowSoundChooser() {
  724. static CPreviewDlg soundDlg;
  725. soundDlg.SetMode(CPreviewDlg::SOUNDS);
  726. soundDlg.SetModal();
  727. if (soundDlg.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) {
  729. }
  730. soundDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
  731. while (soundDlg.Waiting()) {
  732. }
  733. return &soundDlg;
  734. }
  735. CPreviewDlg *CEntityDlg::ShowMaterialChooser() {
  736. static CPreviewDlg matDlg;
  737. matDlg.SetMode(CPreviewDlg::MATERIALS);
  738. matDlg.SetModal();
  739. if (matDlg.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) {
  741. }
  742. matDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);
  743. matDlg.BringWindowToTop();
  744. while (matDlg.Waiting()) {
  745. }
  746. return &matDlg;
  747. }
  748. void CEntityDlg::AssignModel ()
  749. {
  750. OnBnClickedButtonModel();
  751. }
  752. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonModel() {
  753. CPreviewDlg *dlg = ShowModelChooser();
  754. if (dlg->returnCode == IDOK) {
  755. editKey.SetWindowText("model");
  756. editVal.SetWindowText(dlg->mediaName);
  757. AddProp();
  758. }
  759. }
  760. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonSound() {
  761. CPreviewDlg *dlg = ShowSoundChooser();
  762. if (dlg->returnCode == IDOK) {
  763. editKey.SetWindowText("s_shader");
  764. editVal.SetWindowText(dlg->mediaName);
  765. AddProp();
  766. }
  767. }
  768. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonGui() {
  769. CPreviewDlg *dlg = ShowGuiChooser();
  770. if (dlg->returnCode == IDOK) {
  771. editKey.SetWindowText("gui");
  772. editVal.SetWindowText(dlg->mediaName);
  773. AddProp();
  774. }
  775. }
  776. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonParticle() {
  777. CPreviewDlg *dlg = ShowParticleChooser();
  778. if (dlg->returnCode == IDOK) {
  779. editKey.SetWindowText("model");
  780. editVal.SetWindowText(dlg->mediaName);
  781. AddProp();
  782. }
  783. }
  784. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonSkin() {
  785. CPreviewDlg *dlg = ShowSkinChooser( editEntity );
  786. if (dlg->returnCode == IDOK) {
  787. editKey.SetWindowText("skin");
  788. editVal.SetWindowText(dlg->mediaName);
  789. AddProp();
  790. }
  791. }
  792. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonCurve() {
  793. CCurveDlg dlg;
  794. if ( dlg.DoModal() == IDOK ) {
  795. if ( editEntity ) {
  796. idStr str = "curve_" + dlg.strCurveType;
  797. editKey.SetWindowText( str );
  798. idVec3 org = editEntity->origin;
  799. str = "3 ( ";
  800. str += org.ToString();
  801. org.x += 64;
  802. str += " ";
  803. str += org.ToString();
  804. org.y += 64;
  805. str += " ";
  806. str += org.ToString();
  807. str += " )";
  808. editVal.SetWindowText( str );
  809. AddProp();
  810. Entity_SetCurveData( editEntity );
  811. }
  812. }
  813. }
  814. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonBrowse() {
  815. DelProp();
  816. }
  817. void CEntityDlg::OnCbnDblclkComboClass()
  818. {
  819. // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
  820. }
  821. //
  822. // =======================================================================================================================
  823. // CreateEntity Creates a new entity based on the currently selected brush and entity type.
  824. // =======================================================================================================================
  825. //
  826. void CEntityDlg::CreateEntity() {
  827. entity_t *petNew;
  828. bool forceFixed = false;
  829. // check to make sure we have a brush
  830. CXYWnd *pWnd = g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY();
  831. if (pWnd) {
  832. CRect rctZ;
  833. pWnd->GetClientRect(rctZ);
  834. brush_t *pBrush;
  835. if (selected_brushes.next == &selected_brushes) {
  836. pBrush = CreateEntityBrush(g_nSmartX, rctZ.Height() - 1 - g_nSmartY, pWnd);
  837. forceFixed = true;
  838. }
  839. }
  840. else {
  841. if (selected_brushes.next == &selected_brushes) {
  842. MessageBox("You must have a selected brush to create an entity", "info", 0);
  843. return;
  844. }
  845. }
  846. int index = comboClass.GetCurSel();
  847. if (index == LB_ERR) {
  848. MessageBox("You must have a selected class to create an entity", "info", 0);
  849. return;
  850. }
  851. CString str;
  852. comboClass.GetLBText(index, str);
  853. if (!stricmp(str, "worldspawn")) {
  854. MessageBox("Can't create an entity with worldspawn.", "info", 0);
  855. return;
  856. }
  857. eclass_t *pecNew = Eclass_ForName (str, false);
  858. // create it
  859. if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)) {
  860. // MAJOR hack for xian
  861. extern void Brush_CopyList(brush_t *pFrom, brush_t *pTo);
  862. brush_t temp_brushes;
  863. temp_brushes.next = &temp_brushes;
  864. Brush_CopyList(&selected_brushes, &temp_brushes);
  865. Select_Deselect();
  866. brush_t *pBrush = temp_brushes.next;
  867. while (pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &temp_brushes) {
  868. brush_t *pNext = pBrush->next;
  869. Brush_RemoveFromList(pBrush);
  870. Brush_AddToList(pBrush, &selected_brushes);
  871. pBrush = pNext;
  872. petNew = Entity_Create(pecNew, forceFixed);
  873. Select_Deselect();
  874. }
  875. } else if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000)) {
  876. Select_Ungroup();
  877. petNew = Entity_Create(pecNew, forceFixed);
  878. } else {
  879. petNew = Entity_Create(pecNew, forceFixed);
  880. }
  881. if (petNew == NULL) {
  882. MessageBox("Failed to create entity.", "info", 0);
  883. return;
  884. }
  885. if (selected_brushes.next == &selected_brushes) {
  886. editEntity = world_entity;
  887. }
  888. else {
  889. editEntity = selected_brushes.next->owner;
  890. }
  891. SetKeyValPairs();
  892. Select_Deselect();
  893. Select_Brush(editEntity->brushes.onext);
  894. Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL);
  895. }
  896. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedButtonCreate()
  897. {
  898. CreateEntity();
  899. }
  900. void CEntityDlg::OnLbnDblclkListkeyval()
  901. {
  902. CString Key, Value;
  903. idStr work;
  904. editKey.GetWindowText( Key );
  905. editVal.GetWindowText( Value );
  906. if ( stricmp( Key, "script" ) == 0 ) {
  907. Key = Value;
  908. Value = "script/" + Key;
  909. if ( fileSystem->ReadFile( Value, NULL, NULL ) == -1) {
  910. sprintf( work, "// Script for %s\n// \n\nvoid main() {\n\n}\n\n", currentmap );
  911. fileSystem->WriteFile( Value, work.c_str(), work.Length(), "fs_devpath" );
  912. }
  913. work = fileSystem->RelativePathToOSPath( Value );
  914. WinExec( va( "notepad.exe %s", work.c_str() ), SW_SHOW );
  915. }
  916. }
  917. void CEntityDlg::OnLbnSelchangeListVars() {
  918. }
  919. void CEntityDlg::OnLbnDblclkListVars() {
  920. if (editEntity == NULL) {
  921. return;
  922. }
  923. int sel = listVars.GetCurSel();
  924. CPropertyItem *pi = (CPropertyItem*)listVars.GetItemDataPtr(sel);
  925. if (pi) {
  926. if (editEntity->epairs.FindKey(pi->m_propName) == NULL) {
  927. editKey.SetWindowText(pi->m_propName);
  928. editVal.SetWindowText("");
  929. editVal.SetFocus();
  930. }
  931. }
  932. }
  933. void CEntityDlg::UpdateKeyVal(const char *key, const char *val) {
  934. if (editEntity) {
  935. editEntity->epairs.Set(key, val);
  936. SetKeyValPairs();
  937. g_pParentWnd->GetCamera()->BuildEntityRenderState(editEntity, true);
  938. Entity_UpdateSoundEmitter(editEntity);
  939. }
  940. }
  941. void CEntityDlg::OnNMReleasedcaptureSlider1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
  942. {
  943. if ( !editEntity )
  944. {
  945. return;
  946. }
  947. UpdateFromAnimationFrame ();
  948. *pResult = 0;
  949. }
  950. void CEntityDlg::UpdateFromAnimationFrame ( bool updateKeyValueDisplay )
  951. {
  952. int frame = slFrameSlider.GetPos ();
  953. editEntity->epairs.SetInt( "frame" , frame );
  954. SetDlgItemText ( IDC_ENTITY_CURRENT_ANIM , va ( "%i" , frame));
  955. if ( updateKeyValueDisplay ) {
  956. SetKeyValPairs();
  957. }
  958. g_pParentWnd->GetCamera ()->BuildEntityRenderState (editEntity , true );
  959. Sys_UpdateWindows ( W_ALL );
  960. }
  961. void CEntityDlg::OnCbnAnimationChange ()
  962. {
  963. if ( !editEntity )
  964. {
  965. return;
  966. }
  967. int sel = cbAnimations.GetCurSel();
  968. CString animName;
  969. currentAnimation = NULL;
  970. int currFrame = 0;
  971. if ( sel != -1 ) {
  972. cbAnimations.GetLBText( sel , animName );
  973. if ( animName.GetLength() > 0 ) {
  974. //preserve the existing frame number
  975. currFrame = editEntity->epairs.GetInt ( "frame" , "1" );
  976. editEntity->epairs.Set("anim" , animName.GetBuffer(0));
  977. SetKeyValPairs(false/*don't update anims combo box :)*/ );
  978. //update the slider
  979. currentAnimation = gameEdit->ANIM_GetAnimFromEntityDef(editEntity->eclass->name , animName.GetBuffer(0));
  980. currentAnimationFrame = 0;
  981. if ( currentAnimation ) {
  982. slFrameSlider.SetRange( 1 , gameEdit->ANIM_GetNumFrames( currentAnimation ), TRUE );
  983. slFrameSlider.SetPos( currFrame );
  984. currentAnimationFrame = currFrame;
  985. }
  986. Sys_UpdateWindows(W_ALL);
  987. }
  988. }
  989. }
  990. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedStartAnimation()
  991. {
  992. if (!editEntity) {
  993. return;
  994. }
  995. SetTimer ( 0 , 1000/24 , NULL );
  996. }
  997. void CEntityDlg::OnBnClickedStopAnimation()
  998. {
  999. KillTimer ( 0 );
  1000. }
  1001. void CEntityDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
  1002. {
  1003. if ( !editEntity ) {
  1004. OnBnClickedStopAnimation ();
  1005. return;
  1006. }
  1007. if ( currentAnimation ) {
  1008. currentAnimationFrame = ( (currentAnimationFrame++) % gameEdit->ANIM_GetNumFrames( currentAnimation ) );
  1009. editEntity->epairs.SetInt ( "frame" , currentAnimationFrame );
  1010. slFrameSlider.SetPos ( currentAnimationFrame );
  1011. UpdateFromAnimationFrame (false/*don't update key/value display*/);
  1012. Sys_UpdateWindows ( W_CAMERA | W_XY );
  1013. }
  1014. }
  1015. void CEntityDlg::AddCurvePoints() {
  1016. if ( editEntity == NULL || editEntity->curve == NULL ) {
  1017. return;
  1018. }
  1019. // add one point 64 units from the direction of the two points int he curve
  1020. int c = editEntity->curve->GetNumValues();
  1021. idVec3 start;
  1022. idVec3 end;
  1023. if ( c > 1 ) {
  1024. start = editEntity->curve->GetValue( c - 2 );
  1025. end = editEntity->curve->GetValue( c - 1 );
  1026. idVec3 dir = end - start;
  1027. dir.Normalize();
  1028. start = end + 64 * dir;
  1029. } else if ( c > 0 ) {
  1030. start = editEntity->curve->GetValue( 0 );
  1031. start.x += 64;
  1032. start.y += 64;
  1033. } else {
  1034. start = editEntity->origin;
  1035. }
  1036. editEntity->curve->AddValue( editEntity->curve->GetNumValues() * 100, start );
  1037. if ( g_qeglobals.d_select_mode == sel_editpoint ) {
  1038. g_qeglobals.d_select_mode = sel_brush;
  1039. EditCurvePoints();
  1040. }
  1041. Sys_UpdateWindows( W_CAMERA | W_XY );
  1042. }
  1043. void CEntityDlg::EditCurvePoints() {
  1044. if ( editEntity == NULL || editEntity->curve == NULL ) {
  1045. return;
  1046. }
  1047. if ( g_qeglobals.d_select_mode == sel_editpoint ) {
  1048. g_qeglobals.d_select_mode = sel_brush;
  1049. return;
  1050. }
  1051. g_qeglobals.d_select_mode = sel_editpoint;
  1052. g_qeglobals.d_numpoints = 0;
  1053. g_qeglobals.d_num_move_points = 0;
  1054. int c = editEntity->curve->GetNumValues();
  1055. for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
  1056. if ( g_qeglobals.d_numpoints < MAX_POINTS - 1 ) {
  1057. g_qeglobals.d_points[g_qeglobals.d_numpoints++] = editEntity->curve->GetValue( i );
  1058. }
  1059. }
  1060. Sys_UpdateWindows( W_XY | W_CAMERA );
  1061. }
  1062. void CEntityDlg::InsertCurvePoint() {
  1063. if ( editEntity == NULL || editEntity->curve == NULL ) {
  1064. return;
  1065. }
  1066. if ( g_qeglobals.d_select_mode != sel_editpoint ) {
  1067. return;
  1068. }
  1069. if ( g_qeglobals.d_num_move_points == 0 ) {
  1070. return;
  1071. }
  1072. for ( int i = 0; i < editEntity->curve->GetNumValues(); i++ ) {
  1073. if ( PointInMoveList( editEntity->curve->GetValueAddress( i ) ) >= 0 ) {
  1074. if ( i == editEntity->curve->GetNumValues() - 1 ) {
  1075. // just do an add
  1076. AddCurvePoints();
  1077. } else {
  1078. idCurve<idVec3> *newCurve = Entity_MakeCurve( editEntity );
  1079. if ( newCurve == NULL ) {
  1080. return;
  1081. }
  1082. for ( int j = 0; j < editEntity->curve->GetNumValues(); j++ ) {
  1083. if ( j == i ) {
  1084. idVec3 start;
  1085. idVec3 end;
  1086. if ( i > 0 ) {
  1087. start = editEntity->curve->GetValue( i - 1 );
  1088. end = editEntity->curve->GetValue( i );
  1089. start += end;
  1090. start *= 0.5f;
  1091. } else {
  1092. start = editEntity->curve->GetValue( 0 );
  1093. if ( editEntity->curve->GetNumValues() > 1 ) {
  1094. end = start;
  1095. start = editEntity->curve->GetValue ( 1 );
  1096. idVec3 dir = end - start;
  1097. dir.Normalize();
  1098. start = end + 64 * dir;
  1099. } else {
  1100. end = start;
  1101. end.x += 64;
  1102. end.y += 64;
  1103. }
  1104. }
  1105. newCurve->AddValue( newCurve->GetNumValues() * 100, start );
  1106. }
  1107. newCurve->AddValue( newCurve->GetNumValues() * 100, editEntity->curve->GetValue( j ) );
  1108. }
  1109. delete editEntity->curve;
  1110. editEntity->curve = newCurve;
  1111. }
  1112. g_qeglobals.d_num_move_points = 0;
  1113. break;
  1114. }
  1115. }
  1116. UpdateEntityCurve();
  1117. Sys_UpdateWindows( W_XY | W_CAMERA );
  1118. }
  1119. void CEntityDlg::DeleteCurvePoint() {
  1120. if ( editEntity == NULL || editEntity->curve == NULL ) {
  1121. return;
  1122. }
  1123. if ( g_qeglobals.d_select_mode != sel_editpoint ) {
  1124. return;
  1125. }
  1126. if ( g_qeglobals.d_num_move_points == 0 ) {
  1127. return;
  1128. }
  1129. for ( int i = 0; i < editEntity->curve->GetNumValues(); i++ ) {
  1130. if ( PointInMoveList( editEntity->curve->GetValueAddress( i ) ) >= 0 ) {
  1131. editEntity->curve->RemoveIndex( i );
  1132. g_qeglobals.d_num_move_points = 0;
  1133. break;
  1134. }
  1135. }
  1136. UpdateEntityCurve();
  1137. Sys_UpdateWindows( W_XY | W_CAMERA );
  1138. }
  1139. void CEntityDlg::UpdateEntityCurve() {
  1140. if ( editEntity == NULL ) {
  1141. return;
  1142. }
  1143. Entity_UpdateCurveData( editEntity );
  1144. if ( g_qeglobals.d_select_mode == sel_editpoint ) {
  1145. g_qeglobals.d_numpoints = 0;
  1146. int c = editEntity->curve->GetNumValues();
  1147. for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
  1148. if ( g_qeglobals.d_numpoints < MAX_POINTS - 1 ) {
  1149. g_qeglobals.d_points[g_qeglobals.d_numpoints++] = editEntity->curve->GetValue( i );
  1150. }
  1151. }
  1152. }
  1153. Sys_UpdateWindows( W_ENTITY );
  1154. }
  1155. void CEntityDlg::SelectCurvePointByRay(const idVec3 &org, const idVec3 &dir, int buttons) {
  1156. int i, besti;
  1157. float d, bestd;
  1158. idVec3 temp;
  1159. if ( editEntity == NULL ) {
  1160. return;
  1161. }
  1162. // find the point closest to the ray
  1163. float scale = g_pParentWnd->ActiveXY()->Scale();
  1164. besti = -1;
  1165. bestd = 8 / scale / 2;
  1166. //bestd = 8;
  1167. for (i = 0; i < g_qeglobals.d_numpoints; i++) {
  1168. temp = g_qeglobals.d_points[i] - org;
  1169. d = temp * dir;
  1170. temp = org + d * dir;
  1171. temp = g_qeglobals.d_points[i] - temp;
  1172. d = temp.Length();
  1173. if ( d <= bestd ) {
  1174. bestd = d;
  1175. besti = i;
  1176. }
  1177. }
  1178. if (besti == -1) {
  1179. return;
  1180. }
  1181. g_qeglobals.d_num_move_points = 0;
  1182. assert ( besti < editEntity->curve->GetNumValues() );
  1183. g_qeglobals.d_move_points[ g_qeglobals.d_num_move_points++ ] = editEntity->curve->GetValueAddress( besti );
  1184. }