123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337 |
- /*
- ===========================================================================
- Doom 3 GPL Source Code
- Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
- This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
- Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
- If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
- ===========================================================================
- */
- #ifndef __DECLMANAGER_H__
- #define __DECLMANAGER_H__
- /*
- ===============================================================================
- Declaration Manager
- All "small text" data types, like materials, sound shaders, fx files,
- entity defs, etc. are managed uniformly, allowing reloading, purging,
- listing, printing, etc. All "large text" data types that never have more
- than one declaration in a given file, like maps, models, AAS files, etc.
- are not handled here.
- A decl will never, ever go away once it is created. The manager is
- garranteed to always return the same decl pointer for a decl type/name
- combination. The index of a decl in the per type list also stays the
- same throughout the lifetime of the engine. Although the pointer to
- a decl always stays the same, one should never maintain pointers to
- data inside decls. The data stored in a decl is not garranteed to stay
- the same for more than one engine frame.
- The decl indexes of explicitely defined decls are garrenteed to be
- consistent based on the parsed decl files. However, the indexes of
- implicit decls may be different based on the order in which levels
- are loaded.
- The decl namespaces are separate for each type. Comments for decls go
- above the text definition to keep them associated with the proper decl.
- During decl parsing, errors should never be issued, only warnings
- followed by a call to MakeDefault().
- ===============================================================================
- */
- typedef enum {
- // new decl types can be added here
- } declType_t;
- typedef enum {
- DS_DEFAULTED, // set if a parse failed due to an error, or the lack of any source
- } declState_t;
- const int DECL_LEXER_FLAGS = LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | // multiple strings seperated by whitespaces are not concatenated
- LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS | // no escape characters inside strings
- LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES | // allow path seperators in names
- LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | // allow multi character literals
- LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT | // allow multiple strings seperated by '\' to be concatenated
- LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS; // just set a flag instead of fatal erroring
- class idDeclBase {
- public:
- virtual ~idDeclBase() {};
- virtual const char * GetName( void ) const = 0;
- virtual declType_t GetType( void ) const = 0;
- virtual declState_t GetState( void ) const = 0;
- virtual bool IsImplicit( void ) const = 0;
- virtual bool IsValid( void ) const = 0;
- virtual void Invalidate( void ) = 0;
- virtual void Reload( void ) = 0;
- virtual void EnsureNotPurged( void ) = 0;
- virtual int Index( void ) const = 0;
- virtual int GetLineNum( void ) const = 0;
- virtual const char * GetFileName( void ) const = 0;
- virtual void GetText( char *text ) const = 0;
- virtual int GetTextLength( void ) const = 0;
- virtual void SetText( const char *text ) = 0;
- virtual bool ReplaceSourceFileText( void ) = 0;
- virtual bool SourceFileChanged( void ) const = 0;
- virtual void MakeDefault( void ) = 0;
- virtual bool EverReferenced( void ) const = 0;
- virtual bool SetDefaultText( void ) = 0;
- virtual const char * DefaultDefinition( void ) const = 0;
- virtual bool Parse( const char *text, const int textLength ) = 0;
- virtual void FreeData( void ) = 0;
- virtual size_t Size( void ) const = 0;
- virtual void List( void ) const = 0;
- virtual void Print( void ) const = 0;
- };
- class idDecl {
- public:
- // The constructor should initialize variables such that
- // an immediate call to FreeData() does no harm.
- idDecl( void ) { base = NULL; }
- virtual ~idDecl( void ) {};
- // Returns the name of the decl.
- const char * GetName( void ) const { return base->GetName(); }
- // Returns the decl type.
- declType_t GetType( void ) const { return base->GetType(); }
- // Returns the decl state which is usefull for finding out if a decl defaulted.
- declState_t GetState( void ) const { return base->GetState(); }
- // Returns true if the decl was defaulted or the text was created with a call to SetDefaultText.
- bool IsImplicit( void ) const { return base->IsImplicit(); }
- // The only way non-manager code can have an invalid decl is if the *ByIndex()
- // call was used with forceParse = false to walk the lists to look at names
- // without touching the media.
- bool IsValid( void ) const { return base->IsValid(); }
- // Sets state back to unparsed.
- // Used by decl editors to undo any changes to the decl.
- void Invalidate( void ) { base->Invalidate(); }
- // if a pointer might possible be stale from a previous level,
- // call this to have it re-parsed
- void EnsureNotPurged( void ) { base->EnsureNotPurged(); }
- // Returns the index in the per-type list.
- int Index( void ) const { return base->Index(); }
- // Returns the line number the decl starts.
- int GetLineNum( void ) const { return base->GetLineNum(); }
- // Returns the name of the file in which the decl is defined.
- const char * GetFileName( void ) const { return base->GetFileName(); }
- // Returns the decl text.
- void GetText( char *text ) const { base->GetText( text ); }
- // Returns the length of the decl text.
- int GetTextLength( void ) const { return base->GetTextLength(); }
- // Sets new decl text.
- void SetText( const char *text ) { base->SetText( text ); }
- // Saves out new text for the decl.
- // Used by decl editors to replace the decl text in the source file.
- bool ReplaceSourceFileText( void ) { return base->ReplaceSourceFileText(); }
- // Returns true if the source file changed since it was loaded and parsed.
- bool SourceFileChanged( void ) const { return base->SourceFileChanged(); }
- // Frees data and makes the decl a default.
- void MakeDefault( void ) { base->MakeDefault(); }
- // Returns true if the decl was ever referenced.
- bool EverReferenced( void ) const { return base->EverReferenced(); }
- public:
- // Sets textSource to a default text if necessary.
- // This may be overridden to provide a default definition based on the
- // decl name. For instance materials may default to an implicit definition
- // using a texture with the same name as the decl.
- virtual bool SetDefaultText( void ) { return base->SetDefaultText(); }
- // Each declaration type must have a default string that it is guaranteed
- // to parse acceptably. When a decl is not explicitly found, is purged, or
- // has an error while parsing, MakeDefault() will do a FreeData(), then a
- // Parse() with DefaultDefinition(). The defaultDefintion should start with
- // an open brace and end with a close brace.
- virtual const char * DefaultDefinition( void ) const { return base->DefaultDefinition(); }
- // The manager will have already parsed past the type, name and opening brace.
- // All necessary media will be touched before return.
- // The manager will have called FreeData() before issuing a Parse().
- // The subclass can call MakeDefault() internally at any point if
- // there are parse errors.
- virtual bool Parse( const char *text, const int textLength ) { return base->Parse( text, textLength ); }
- // Frees any pointers held by the subclass. This may be called before
- // any Parse(), so the constructor must have set sane values. The decl will be
- // invalid after issuing this call, but it will always be immediately followed
- // by a Parse()
- virtual void FreeData( void ) { base->FreeData(); }
- // Returns the size of the decl in memory.
- virtual size_t Size( void ) const { return base->Size(); }
- // If this isn't overridden, it will just print the decl name.
- // The manager will have printed 7 characters on the line already,
- // containing the reference state and index number.
- virtual void List( void ) const { base->List(); }
- // The print function will already have dumped the text source
- // and common data, subclasses can override this to dump more
- // explicit data.
- virtual void Print( void ) const { base->Print(); }
- public:
- idDeclBase * base;
- };
- template< class type >
- ID_INLINE idDecl *idDeclAllocator( void ) {
- return new type;
- }
- class idMaterial;
- class idDeclSkin;
- class idSoundShader;
- class idDeclManager {
- public:
- virtual ~idDeclManager( void ) {}
- virtual void Init( void ) = 0;
- virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
- virtual void Reload( bool force ) = 0;
- virtual void BeginLevelLoad() = 0;
- virtual void EndLevelLoad() = 0;
- // Registers a new decl type.
- virtual void RegisterDeclType( const char *typeName, declType_t type, idDecl *(*allocator)( void ) ) = 0;
- // Registers a new folder with decl files.
- virtual void RegisterDeclFolder( const char *folder, const char *extension, declType_t defaultType ) = 0;
- // Returns a checksum for all loaded decl text.
- virtual int GetChecksum( void ) const = 0;
- // Returns the number of decl types.
- virtual int GetNumDeclTypes( void ) const = 0;
- // Returns the type name for a decl type.
- virtual const char * GetDeclNameFromType( declType_t type ) const = 0;
- // Returns the decl type for a type name.
- virtual declType_t GetDeclTypeFromName( const char *typeName ) const = 0;
- // If makeDefault is true, a default decl of appropriate type will be created
- // if an explicit one isn't found. If makeDefault is false, NULL will be returned
- // if the decl wasn't explcitly defined.
- virtual const idDecl * FindType( declType_t type, const char *name, bool makeDefault = true ) = 0;
- virtual const idDecl* FindDeclWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char *name, bool makeDefault = true ) = 0;
- virtual void ReloadFile( const char* filename, bool force ) = 0;
- // Returns the number of decls of the given type.
- virtual int GetNumDecls( declType_t type ) = 0;
- // The complete lists of decls can be walked to populate editor browsers.
- // If forceParse is set false, you can get the decl to check name / filename / etc.
- // without causing it to parse the source and load media.
- virtual const idDecl * DeclByIndex( declType_t type, int index, bool forceParse = true ) = 0;
- // List and print decls.
- virtual void ListType( const idCmdArgs &args, declType_t type ) = 0;
- virtual void PrintType( const idCmdArgs &args, declType_t type ) = 0;
- // Creates a new default decl of the given type with the given name in
- // the given file used by editors to create a new decls.
- virtual idDecl * CreateNewDecl( declType_t type, const char *name, const char *fileName ) = 0;
- // BSM - Added for the material editors rename capabilities
- virtual bool RenameDecl( declType_t type, const char* oldName, const char* newName ) = 0;
- // When media files are loaded, a reference line can be printed at a
- // proper indentation if decl_show is set
- virtual void MediaPrint( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0;
- virtual void WritePrecacheCommands( idFile *f ) = 0;
- // Convenience functions for specific types.
- virtual const idMaterial * FindMaterial( const char *name, bool makeDefault = true ) = 0;
- virtual const idDeclSkin * FindSkin( const char *name, bool makeDefault = true ) = 0;
- virtual const idSoundShader * FindSound( const char *name, bool makeDefault = true ) = 0;
- virtual const idMaterial * MaterialByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true ) = 0;
- virtual const idDeclSkin * SkinByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true ) = 0;
- virtual const idSoundShader * SoundByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true ) = 0;
- };
- extern idDeclManager * declManager;
- template< declType_t type >
- ID_INLINE void idListDecls_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
- declManager->ListType( args, type );
- }
- template< declType_t type >
- ID_INLINE void idPrintDecls_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
- declManager->PrintType( args, type );
- }
- #endif /* !__DECLMANAGER_H__ */