123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400 |
- /*
- ===========================================================================
- Doom 3 GPL Source Code
- Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
- This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
- Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
- If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
- ===========================================================================
- */
- #ifndef __SPLINES_H__
- #define __SPLINES_H__
- extern void glBox(idVec4 &color, idVec3 &point, float size);
- extern void glLabeledPoint(idVec4 &color, idVec3 &point, float size, const char *label);
- class idPointListInterface {
- public:
- idPointListInterface() { selectedPoints.Clear(); };
- ~idPointListInterface() {};
- virtual int numPoints() { return 0; }
- virtual void addPoint( const float x, const float y, const float z ) {}
- virtual void addPoint( const idVec3 &v ) {}
- virtual void removePoint( int index ) {}
- virtual idVec3 * getPoint( int index ) { return NULL; }
- int numSelectedPoints() { return selectedPoints.Num(); }
- idVec3 * getSelectedPoint( int index );
- int selectPointByRay( const idVec3 &origin, const idVec3 &direction, bool single );
- int isPointSelected( int index );
- int selectPoint( int index, bool single );
- void selectAll();
- void deselectAll();
- virtual void updateSelection( const idVec3 &move );
- void drawSelection();
- protected:
- idList<int> selectedPoints;
- };
- class idSplineList {
- friend class idCamera;
- public:
- idSplineList() { clear(); }
- idSplineList( const char *p ) { clear(); name = p; }
- ~idSplineList() { clear(); }
- void clearControl();
- void clearSpline();
- void parse( idParser *src );
- void write( idFile *f, const char *name );
- void clear();
- void initPosition( long startTime, long totalTime );
- const idVec3 * getPosition( long time );
- void draw( bool editMode );
- void addToRenderer();
- void setSelectedPoint( idVec3 *p );
- idVec3 * getSelectedPoint() { return selected; }
- void addPoint( const idVec3 &v ) { controlPoints.Append(new idVec3(v) ); dirty = true; }
- void addPoint( float x, float y, float z ) { controlPoints.Append(new idVec3(x, y, z)); dirty = true; }
- void updateSelection(const idVec3 &move);
- void startEdit() { editMode = true; }
- void stopEdit() { editMode = false; }
- void buildSpline();
- void setGranularity( float f ) { granularity = f; }
- float getGranularity() { return granularity; }
- int numPoints() { return controlPoints.Num(); }
- idVec3 * getPoint(int index) { assert(index >= 0 && index < controlPoints.Num()); return controlPoints[index]; }
- idVec3 * getSegmentPoint(int index) { assert(index >= 0 && index < splinePoints.Num()); return splinePoints[index]; }
- void setSegmentTime(int index, int time) { assert(index >= 0 && index < splinePoints.Num()); splineTime[index] = time; }
- int getSegmentTime(int index) { assert(index >= 0 && index < splinePoints.Num()); return splineTime[index]; }
- void addSegmentTime(int index, int time) { assert(index >= 0 && index < splinePoints.Num()); splineTime[index] += time; }
- float totalDistance();
- int getActiveSegment() { return activeSegment; }
- void setActiveSegment( int i ) { /* assert(i >= 0 && (splinePoints.Num() > 0 && i < splinePoints.Num())); */ activeSegment = i; }
- int numSegments() { return splinePoints.Num(); }
- void setColors(idVec4 &path, idVec4 &segment, idVec4 &control, idVec4 &active);
- const char * getName() { return name.c_str(); }
- void setName( const char *p ) { name = p; }
- bool validTime();
- void setTime( long t ) { time = t; }
- void setBaseTime( long t ) { baseTime = t; }
- protected:
- idStr name;
- float calcSpline(int step, float tension);
- idList<idVec3*> controlPoints;
- idList<idVec3*> splinePoints;
- idList<double> splineTime;
- idVec3 * selected;
- idVec4 pathColor, segmentColor, controlColor, activeColor;
- float granularity;
- bool editMode;
- bool dirty;
- int activeSegment;
- long baseTime;
- long time;
- };
- // time in milliseconds
- // velocity where 1.0 equal rough walking speed
- struct idVelocity {
- idVelocity( long start, long duration, float s ) { startTime = start; time = duration; speed = s; }
- long startTime;
- long time;
- float speed;
- };
- // can either be a look at or origin position for a camera
- class idCameraPosition : public idPointListInterface {
- public:
- idCameraPosition() { time = 0; name = "position"; }
- idCameraPosition( const char *p ) { name = p; }
- idCameraPosition( long t ) { time = t; }
- virtual ~idCameraPosition() { clear(); }
- // this can be done with RTTI syntax but i like the derived classes setting a type
- // makes serialization a bit easier to see
- //
- enum positionType {
- FIXED = 0x00,
- };
- virtual void clearVelocities();
- virtual void clear() { editMode = false; time = 5000; clearVelocities(); }
- virtual void start( long t ) { startTime = t; }
- long getTime() { return time; }
- virtual void setTime(long t) { time = t; }
- float getVelocity( long t );
- float getBaseVelocity() { return baseVelocity; }
- void addVelocity( long start, long duration, float speed ) { velocities.Append(new idVelocity(start, duration, speed)); }
- virtual const idVec3 *getPosition( long t ) { return NULL; }
- virtual void draw( bool editMode ) {};
- virtual void parse( idParser *src ) {};
- virtual void write( idFile *f, const char *name);
- virtual bool parseToken( const idStr &key, idParser *src );
- const char * getName() { return name.c_str(); }
- void setName( const char *p ) { name = p; }
- virtual void startEdit() { editMode = true; }
- virtual void stopEdit() { editMode = false; }
- virtual void draw() {};
- const char * typeStr() { return positionStr[static_cast<int>(type)]; }
- void calcVelocity( float distance ) { float secs = (float)time / 1000; baseVelocity = distance / secs; }
- protected:
- static const char * positionStr[POSITION_COUNT];
- long startTime;
- long time;
- positionType type;
- idStr name;
- bool editMode;
- idList<idVelocity*> velocities;
- float baseVelocity;
- };
- class idFixedPosition : public idCameraPosition {
- public:
- idFixedPosition() : idCameraPosition() { init(); }
- idFixedPosition(idVec3 p) : idCameraPosition() { init(); pos = p; }
- ~idFixedPosition() { }
- void init() { pos.Zero(); type = idCameraPosition::FIXED; }
- virtual void addPoint( const idVec3 &v ) { pos = v; }
- virtual void addPoint( const float x, const float y, const float z ) { pos.Set(x, y, z); }
- virtual const idVec3 *getPosition( long t ) { return &pos; }
- void parse( idParser *src );
- void write( idFile *f, const char *name );
- virtual int numPoints() { return 1; }
- virtual idVec3 * getPoint( int index ) { assert( index == 0 ); return &pos; }
- virtual void draw( bool editMode ) { glLabeledPoint(colorBlue, pos, (editMode) ? 5 : 3, "Fixed point"); }
- protected:
- idVec3 pos;
- };
- class idInterpolatedPosition : public idCameraPosition {
- public:
- idInterpolatedPosition() : idCameraPosition() { init(); }
- idInterpolatedPosition( idVec3 start, idVec3 end, long time ) : idCameraPosition(time) { init(); startPos = start; endPos = end; }
- ~idInterpolatedPosition() { }
- void init() { type = idCameraPosition::INTERPOLATED; first = true; startPos.Zero(); endPos.Zero(); }
- virtual const idVec3 *getPosition(long t);
- void parse( idParser *src );
- void write( idFile *f, const char *name );
- virtual int numPoints() { return 2; }
- virtual idVec3 * getPoint( int index );
- virtual void addPoint( const float x, const float y, const float z );
- virtual void addPoint( const idVec3 &v );
- virtual void draw( bool editMode );
- virtual void start( long t );
- protected:
- bool first;
- idVec3 startPos;
- idVec3 endPos;
- long lastTime;
- float distSoFar;
- };
- class idSplinePosition : public idCameraPosition {
- public:
- idSplinePosition() : idCameraPosition() { init(); }
- idSplinePosition( long time ) : idCameraPosition( time ) { init(); }
- ~idSplinePosition() { }
- void init() { type = idCameraPosition::SPLINE; }
- virtual void start( long t );
- virtual const idVec3 *getPosition( long t );
- void addControlPoint( idVec3 &v ) { target.addPoint(v); }
- void parse( idParser *src );
- void write( idFile *f, const char *name );
- virtual int numPoints() { return target.numPoints(); }
- virtual idVec3 * getPoint( int index ) { return target.getPoint(index); }
- virtual void addPoint( const idVec3 &v ) { target.addPoint( v ); }
- virtual void draw( bool editMode ) { target.draw( editMode ); }
- virtual void updateSelection( const idVec3 &move ) { idCameraPosition::updateSelection(move); target.buildSpline(); }
- protected:
- idSplineList target;
- long lastTime;
- float distSoFar;
- };
- class idCameraFOV {
- public:
- idCameraFOV() { time = 0; fov = 90; }
- idCameraFOV( int v ) { time = 0; fov = v; }
- idCameraFOV( int s, int e, long t ) { startFOV = s; endFOV = e; time = t; }
- ~idCameraFOV() { }
- void SetFOV( float f ) { fov = f; }
- float GetFOV( long t );
- void start( long t ) { startTime = t; }
- void reset( float startfov, float endfov, int start, int len );
- void parse( idParser *src );
- void write( idFile *f, const char *name );
- protected:
- float fov;
- float startFOV;
- float endFOV;
- int startTime;
- int time;
- int length;
- };
- class idCameraEvent {
- public:
- enum eventType {
- EVENT_NA = 0x00,
- };
- idCameraEvent() { paramStr = ""; type = EVENT_NA; time = 0; }
- idCameraEvent( eventType t, const char *param, long n ) { type = t; paramStr = param; time = n; }
- ~idCameraEvent() { }
- eventType getType() { return type; }
- const char * typeStr() { return eventStr[static_cast<int>(type)]; }
- const char * getParam() { return paramStr.c_str(); }
- long getTime() { return time; }
- void setTime(long n) { time = n; }
- void parse( idParser *src );
- void write( idFile *f, const char *name );
- void setTriggered( bool b ) { triggered = b; }
- bool getTriggered() { return triggered; }
- static const char * eventStr[EVENT_COUNT];
- protected:
- eventType type;
- idStr paramStr;
- long time;
- bool triggered;
- };
- class idCameraDef {
- public:
- idCameraDef() { cameraPosition = NULL; clear(); }
- ~idCameraDef() { clear(); }
- void clear();
- idCameraPosition * startNewCamera(idCameraPosition::positionType type);
- void addEvent( idCameraEvent::eventType t, const char *param, long time );
- void addEvent( idCameraEvent *event );
- static int sortEvents( const void *p1, const void *p2 );
- int numEvents() { return events.Num(); }
- idCameraEvent * getEvent(int index) { assert(index >= 0 && index < events.Num()); return events[index]; }
- void parse( idParser *src );
- bool load( const char *filename );
- void save( const char *filename );
- void buildCamera();
- void addTarget( const char *name, idCameraPosition::positionType type );
- idCameraPosition * getActiveTarget();
- idCameraPosition * getActiveTarget( int index );
- int numTargets() { return targetPositions.Num(); }
- void setActiveTargetByName(const char *name);
- void setActiveTarget( int index );
- void setRunning( bool b ) { cameraRunning = b; }
- void setBaseTime( float f ) { baseTime = f; }
- float getBaseTime() { return baseTime; }
- float getTotalTime() { return totalTime; }
- void startCamera( long t );
- void stopCamera() { cameraRunning = true; }
- void getActiveSegmentInfo(int segment, idVec3 &origin, idVec3 &direction, float *fv);
- bool getCameraInfo(long time, idVec3 &origin, idVec3 &direction, float *fv);
- void draw( bool editMode );
- int numPoints();
- const idVec3 * getPoint( int index );
- void stopEdit();
- void startEdit( bool camera );
- bool waitEvent( int index );
- const char * getName() { return name.c_str(); }
- void setName( const char *p ) { name = p; }
- idCameraPosition * getPositionObj();
- static idCameraPosition *newFromType( idCameraPosition::positionType t );
- protected:
- idStr name;
- int currentCameraPosition;
- idVec3 lastDirection;
- bool cameraRunning;
- idCameraPosition * cameraPosition;
- idList<idCameraPosition*> targetPositions;
- idList<idCameraEvent*> events;
- idCameraFOV fov;
- int activeTarget;
- float totalTime;
- float baseTime;
- long startTime;
- bool cameraEdit;
- bool editMode;
- };
- extern bool g_splineMode;
- extern idCameraDef *g_splineList;
- #endif /* !__SPLINES_H__ */