123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263 |
- /*
- ===========================================================================
- Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
- Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
- This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
- Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
- If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
- ===========================================================================
- */
- #ifndef __PACKET_PROCESSOR_H__
- #define __PACKET_PROCESSOR_H__
- /*
- ================================================
- idPacketProcessor
- ================================================
- */
- class idPacketProcessor {
- public:
- static const int RETURN_TYPE_NONE = 0;
- static const int RETURN_TYPE_OOB = 1;
- static const int RETURN_TYPE_INBAND = 2;
- typedef uint16 sessionId_t;
- static const int NUM_LOBBY_TYPE_BITS = 2;
- static const int LOBBY_TYPE_MASK = ( 1 << NUM_LOBBY_TYPE_BITS ) - 1;
- static const sessionId_t SESSION_ID_INVALID = 0;
- static const sessionId_t SESSION_ID_CONNECTIONLESS_PARTY = 1;
- static const sessionId_t SESSION_ID_CONNECTIONLESS_GAME = 2;
- static const sessionId_t SESSION_ID_CONNECTIONLESS_GAME_STATE = 3;
- static const int BANDWIDTH_AVERAGE_PERIOD = 250;
- idPacketProcessor() {
- Reset();
- }
- void Reset() {
- msgWritePos = 0;
- fragmentSequence = 0;
- droppedFrags = 0;
- fragmentedSend = false;
- reliable = idDataQueue< MAX_RELIABLE_QUEUE, MAX_MSG_SIZE >();
- reliableSequenceSend = 1;
- reliableSequenceRecv = 0;
- numReliable = 0;
- queuedReliableAck = -1;
- unsentMsg = idBitMsg();
- lastSendTime = 0;
- outgoingRateTime = 0;
- outgoingRateBytes = 0.0f;
- incomingRateTime = 0;
- incomingRateBytes = 0.0f;
- outgoingBytes = 0;
- incomingBytes = 0;
- currentOutgoingRate = 0;
- lastOutgoingRateTime = 0;
- lastOutgoingBytes = 0;
- currentIncomingRate = 0;
- lastIncomingRateTime = 0;
- lastIncomingBytes = 0;
- fragmentAccumulator = 0;
- }
- static const int MAX_MSG_SIZE = 8000; // This is the max size you can pass into ProcessOutgoing
- static const int MAX_FINAL_PACKET_SIZE = 1200; // Lowest/safe MTU across all our platforms to avoid fragmentation at the transport layer (which is poorly supported by consumer hardware and may cause nasty latency side effects)
- static const int MAX_RELIABLE_QUEUE = 64;
- // TypeInfo doesn't like sizeof( sessionId_t )?? and then fails to understand the #ifdef/#else/#endif
- //static const int MAX_PACKET_SIZE = MAX_FINAL_PACKET_SIZE - 6 - sizeof( sessionId_t ); // Largest possible packet before headers and such applied (subtract some for various internal header data, and session id)
- static const int MAX_PACKET_SIZE = MAX_FINAL_PACKET_SIZE - 6 - 2; // Largest possible packet before headers and such applied (subtract some for various internal header data, and session id)
- static const int MAX_OOB_MSG_SIZE = MAX_PACKET_SIZE - 1; // We don't allow fragmentation for out-of-band msg's, and we need a byte for the header
- private:
- void QueueReliableAck( int lastReliable );
- int FinalizeRead( idBitMsg & inMsg, idBitMsg & outMsg, int & userValue );
- public:
- bool CanSendMoreData() const;
- void UpdateOutgoingRate( const int time, const int size );
- void UpdateIncomingRate( const int time, const int size );
- void RefreshRates( int time ) { UpdateOutgoingRate( time, 0 ); UpdateIncomingRate( time, 0 ); }
- // Used to queue reliable msg's, to be sent on the next ProcessOutgoing
- bool QueueReliableMessage( byte type, const byte * data, int dataLen );
- // Used to process a msg ready to be sent, could get fragmented into multiple fragments
- bool ProcessOutgoing( const int time, const idBitMsg & msg, bool isOOB, int userData );
- // Used to get each fragment for sending through the actual net connection
- bool GetSendFragment( const int time, sessionId_t sessionID, idBitMsg & outMsg );
- // Used to process a fragment received. Returns true when msg was reconstructed.
- int ProcessIncoming( int time, sessionId_t expectedSessionID, idBitMsg & msg, idBitMsg & out, int & userData, const int peerNum );
- // Returns true if there are more fragments to send
- bool HasMoreFragments() const { return ( unsentMsg.GetRemainingData() > 0 ); }
- // Num reliables not ack'd
- int NumQueuedReliables() { return reliable.Num(); }
- // True if we need to send a reliable ack
- int NeedToSendReliableAck() { return queuedReliableAck >= 0 ? true : false; }
- // Used for out-of-band non connected peers
- // This doesn't actually support fragmentation, it is just simply here to hide the
- // header structure, so the caller doesn't have to skip over the header data.
- static bool ProcessConnectionlessOutgoing( idBitMsg & msg, idBitMsg & out, int lobbyType, int userData );
- static bool ProcessConnectionlessIncoming( idBitMsg & msg, idBitMsg & out, int & userData );
- // Used to "peek" at a session id of a message fragment
- static sessionId_t GetSessionID( idBitMsg & msg );
- int GetNumReliables() const { return numReliable; }
- const byte * GetReliable( int i ) const { return reliableMsgPtrs[ i ]; }
- int GetReliableSize( int i ) const { return reliableMsgSize[ i ]; }
- void SetLastSendTime( int i ) { lastSendTime = i; }
- int GetLastSendTime() const { return lastSendTime; }
- float GetOutgoingRateBytes() const { return outgoingRateBytes; }
- int GetOutgoingBytes() const { return outgoingBytes; }
- float GetIncomingRateBytes() const { return incomingRateBytes; }
- int GetIncomingBytes() const { return incomingBytes; }
- // more reliable computation, based on a suitably small interval
- int GetOutgoingRate2() const { return currentOutgoingRate; }
- int GetIncomingRate2() const { return currentIncomingRate; }
- // decrease a fragmentation counter, so we reflect how much we're maxing the MTU
- bool TickFragmentAccumulator() { if ( fragmentAccumulator > 0 ) { fragmentAccumulator--; return true; } return false; }
- int GetReliableDataSize() const { return reliable.GetDataLength(); }
- void VerifyEmptyReliableQueue( byte keepMsgBelowThis, byte replaceWithThisMsg );
- private:
- // Packet header types
- static const int PACKET_TYPE_INBAND = 0; // In-band. Number of reliable msg's stored in userData portion of header
- static const int PACKET_TYPE_OOB = 1; // Out-of-band. userData free to use by the caller. Cannot fragment.
- static const int PACKET_TYPE_RELIABLE_ACK = 2; // Header type used to piggy-back on top of msgs to ack reliable msg's
- static const int PACKET_TYPE_FRAGMENTED = 3; // The msg is fragmented, fragment type stored in the userData portion of header
- // PACKET_TYPE_FRAGMENTED userData values
- static const int FRAGMENT_START = 0;
- static const int FRAGMENT_MIDDLE = 1;
- static const int FRAGMENT_END = 2;
- class idOuterPacketHeader {
- public:
- idOuterPacketHeader() : sessionID( SESSION_ID_INVALID ) {}
- idOuterPacketHeader( sessionId_t sessionID_ ) : sessionID( sessionID_ ) {}
- void WriteToMsg( idBitMsg & msg ) {
- msg.WriteUShort( sessionID );
- }
- void ReadFromMsg( idBitMsg & msg ) {
- sessionID = msg.ReadUShort();
- }
- sessionId_t GetSessionID() { return sessionID; }
- private:
- sessionId_t sessionID;
- };
- class idInnerPacketHeader {
- public:
- idInnerPacketHeader() : type( 0 ), userData( 0 ) {}
- idInnerPacketHeader( int inType, int inData ) : type( inType ), userData( inData ) {}
- void WriteToMsg( idBitMsg & msg ) {
- msg.WriteBits( type, 2 );
- msg.WriteBits( userData, 6 );
- }
- void ReadFromMsg( idBitMsg & msg ) {
- type = msg.ReadBits( 2 );
- userData = msg.ReadBits( 6 );
- }
- int Type() { return type; }
- int Value() { return userData; }
- private:
- int type;
- int userData;
- };
- byte msgBuffer[ MAX_MSG_SIZE ]; // Buffer used to reconstruct the msg
- int msgWritePos; // Write position into the msg reconstruction buffer
- int fragmentSequence; // Fragment sequence number
- int droppedFrags; // Number of dropped fragments
- bool fragmentedSend; // Used to determine if the current send requires fragmenting
- idDataQueue< MAX_RELIABLE_QUEUE, MAX_MSG_SIZE > reliable; // list of unacknowledged reliable messages
- int reliableSequenceSend; // sequence number of the next reliable packet we're going to send to this peer
- int reliableSequenceRecv; // sequence number of the last reliable packet we received from this peer
- // These are for receiving reliables, you need to get these before the next process call or they will get cleared
- int numReliable;
- byte reliableBuffer[ MAX_MSG_SIZE ]; // We shouldn't have to hold more than this
- const byte * reliableMsgPtrs[ MAX_RELIABLE_QUEUE ];
- int reliableMsgSize[ MAX_RELIABLE_QUEUE ];
- int queuedReliableAck; // Used to piggy back on the next send to ack reliables
- idBitMsg unsentMsg;
- byte unsentBuffer[ MAX_MSG_SIZE ]; // Buffer used hold the current msg until it's all sent
- int lastSendTime;
- // variables to keep track of the rate
- int outgoingRateTime;
- float outgoingRateBytes; // B/S
- int incomingRateTime;
- float incomingRateBytes; // B/S
- int outgoingBytes;
- int incomingBytes;
- int currentOutgoingRate;
- int lastOutgoingRateTime;
- int lastOutgoingBytes;
- int currentIncomingRate;
- int lastIncomingRateTime;
- int lastIncomingBytes;
- int fragmentAccumulator; // counts max size packets we are sending for the net debug hud
- };
- #endif /* !__PACKET_PROCESSOR_H__ */