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Familiarizing Yourself With Wordpress


Specific php files

    You can find more vocab words specific to wordpress [[https://codex.wordpress.org/Glossary][in the glossary,]] and in the [[https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Semantics][Semantics]]
  • posts are the elements that make up a web page. Every time someone makes a blog post, they create a post.
  • media pictures, video, etc. that enhance a blog.
  • categories are a hierarchically taxonomies. Each post is filed under 1 or more categories, and some categories can have parent categories.
  • tags are keywords that hint at the content in a post. Tags are flat taxonomies. They have no parent or child tags.
  • taxonomies are grouping constructs, of which the two default are tags and categories.
  • custom taxonomies are user created taxonomies that allow the end-user, which is the user visiting the site, to better search for posts, pages, or custom post types. You could create a custom taxonomy called "post size", that would group
  • posts based on their length. So if a post had many words, it would be large, then there would be a medium, and small. You could then let a user select posts based on the post's length.
  • custom post types are web developer defined post types. You could create a custom taxonomy to post types
  • post meta data is the information associated with a post. This includes tags, categories, custom taxonomies, the author, date of publication, etc. It is like the tag on a t-shirt. It gives you extra information about the product, but the tag is not the product.
  • Meta Section a section on the wordpress site that allows a user to log in. It is like a front door in that you can walk and see the inside of the site if you log in, just like walking in a door.
  • Pages are static pages that are usually not changed often.
  • custom post types are like accrisoft's custom directories. They group data in ways that can be queries and posted to the page. They are like a new genetically engineered cloned new animal. There is no other animal on earth like these clones, but I can create as many of them as I want.
  • The Loop processes the display of posts. This is at the core of wordpress. It loops over the title of an article, the excerpt, content, category, tag, etc.
  • Template Tags are a group of php functions that perform an action or display info. ie: wp_page_title ()
  • Template Files contain the programming things that control how a wordpress site looks
  • widgets are little programs that can be added to pages
  • menus a list of navigational items that help your user navigate the site
  • Post Formats allow one to control the display of a specific post
  • Plugins are add-ons that extend wordpress
  • rtl.css
  • The right to left stylesheet that is included automatically if this in an english blog
  • The Loop displays the contents of the main area of your site.
  • index.php This is the main template file. It is required in all themes. If home.php does not exist, and if your site does NOT

A working index.php can look like this:


    #+END_EXAMPLE have a specified static homepage, then *index.php* will be loaded (by default to list the latest blog posts).
  • home.php This is the home page by default, and it normally shows the latest blog posts. BUT if you specify that your site should have a static front page, then front-page.php will be used instead.
  • front-page.php This page is loaded if a static front page is specified under Admin > Settings > Reading.
  • header.php
  • Displays the header of the website and sets the html element "meta" values.
  • single.php displays a single post. So, when read you read a post in the blog, single.php generated it. You can also specify if you want a sidebar to show here as well. For this page and for all others, index.php is used if the query template is not present.
  • single-{post-type}.php This is user when the user views a single post from a custom post type. For example, single-book.php is what wordpress would use to display a specific book that that user clicks on: ie: Chronicles of Narnia.
  • archive-{post-type}.php displays old archive posts from a specific post type. ie: archive-books.php will display an archive of posts from the custom post type "books". Do archive pages show many posts? 1, 2, or 3? Or none? If the user clicks on a specific post type but archive-{post-type}.php does not exist, then wordpress uses archive.php to load the page.
  • archive.php When viewing 10 or so archived articles blurbs, archive.php will configure how their appear on the page.
  • page.php controls what individual pages look like. I can even specify sidebars or other element that I so desire. I can apparently create new page templates by copying page.php, renaming it to whatever I want, then pasting in the following code:


Removing functions from wordpress themes

Removing functions from from hooks via remove/add_action

Define the function in your child theme's function.php file

    But how would that work? If I copy page.php on the server, then there would be 2 files: page.php & page.phpCopy. This would not add a new page type. If I copied page.php into a child theme, this would /not/ work either, because the child theme's page.php would over-ride the parent theme. hmmm?
  • page-{slug}.php This determines what the user will see when visiting a specific page. For example, when a user visits about.php, wordpress uses page-about.php to display the page.
  • category.php is word when users request posts by categories.
  • tag.php is used when when visitors request posts by tag.
  • taxonomy.php is used when a user of the site selects a sub-taxonomy in a costum taxonomy.php. So perhaps you have a taxonomy called
  • people. You could have a sub-taxonomy called a /term/ Nationality with values in the database "Irish" and "German".
  • comments.php control the output of the comments
  • single-.php displays single custom defined posts. For example, if you define a custom post type called "review", then you would call your file single-review.php, and somehow magic happens.
  • wp-admin is the directory in wordpress that manage the admin view of wordpress
  • wp-content is the dir where your wordpress site is stored
  • plugins houses your wordpress plugins
  • themes house your wordpress themes
  • uploads are probably your media files
  • wp-include
  • are the core files of wordpress. It is how wordpress communicates to the database.
  • wp-config.php is at the base of the wordpress install and it has all the information for your database connections.
  • [[http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/a-guide-to-overriding-parent-theme-functions-in-your-child-theme--cms-22623][removing functions in wordpress]] Your child theme is loaded just before the parent theme, and if the parent theme is written properly, then the child's functions will override the parent's.

    The parent's function has to be written like this:

      if ( ! function_exists( 'storefront_footer_widgets' ) ) {
         /* some content here */

    So if your child theme's function.php has the function

      function storefront_footer_widgets () {
      /* some code here */

    Then your child theme's function will overwrite the parent's function. Cool eh? 2085 Puget Drive West Lafayette, * wordpress template hierarchy

    The default "20" themes and _s (Underscores) theme

    When wordpress views a specific webpage, it selects in page that is the highest in the hierarchy. wordpress wrote "20 14", "20 23", "20 12", and "20 10", for developers to study! I can learn how wordpress builds themes by studying those themes.

    Theme Handbook I am more or less copying the theme handbook verbatium

    Theme basics

    Template Files

      Developers should use the Underscores theme as a base for developing new themes. It is a starter theme. I can learn more about it here: http://underscores.me/ I'm going to learn theme files and post types. I'll also learn about the loop, which Well it sureis what pulls information out of the wordpress database.
    • Page Templates only to specific pages, groups of pages, or a page section. Page Templates intended to change a page/s look and feel. \\
    • So a page template is like a liquid file for shoppify. A page template is like a the metal structure that encases a dam before workers pour concrete in the holes to fill it up. The structure that builds a dam marks sections where concrete will be filled. In this case the structure is the template and the concrete is the data that is filled.
    • Template tags are php functions that expand during the php execution. ie:


    Template tags are like the titles of the temp workers at the dam. There's a supervisor (Jim), concrete pourer (Rick), structural specialist (Don), etc. During construction of the dam, you refer to these people as supervisor or boss, but when it's time to get execute processing of payment (executing the php code), then you have to expand the supervisor's name to "John Fullname".

    Ajax links

    • "Template hierarchy" is the chronological list that wordpress goes through to determine which theme template files to use.
    • [[http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com/resources/programming/xmlhttprequest/examples][Ajax Links]] [[http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/WP_Ajax_Response][Ajax Response]] https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/load-posts-ajax/

    for my test of wordpress I should know important wordpress glossary words that are found here Glossary

    I can generate cool wordpress stuff via this site: https://generatewp.com/

    STARTED Building a test that I need to pass to "learn" wordpress

    DONE What's the difference between a taxonomy and a custom post type?

      :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2016-02-17 Wed 09:21]--[2016-02-17 Wed 09:28] => 0:07 CLOCK: [2016-02-16 Tue 17:08]--[2016-02-16 Tue 17:45] => 0:37 CLOCK: [2016-02-16 Tue 16:26]--[2016-02-16 Tue 16:52] => 0:26 CLOCK: [2016-02-16 Tue 15:28]--[2016-02-16 Tue 16:03] => 0:35 CLOCK: [2016-02-12 Fri 09:21]--[2016-02-12 Fri 09:29] => 0:08 CLOCK: [2016-02-11 Thu 13:37]--[2016-02-11 Thu 13:46] => 0:09 CLOCK: [2016-02-11 Thu 10:36]--[2016-02-11 Thu 11:55] => 1:19 CLOCK: [2016-02-11 Thu 10:02]--[2016-02-11 Thu 10:06] => 0:04 CLOCK: [2016-02-10 Wed 15:48]--[2016-02-10 Wed 15:58] => 0:10 CLOCK: [2016-02-10 Wed 15:24]--[2016-02-10 Wed 15:29] => 0:05 CLOCK: [2016-02-10 Wed 14:29]--[2016-02-10 Wed 15:22] => 0:53 CLOCK: [2016-02-10 Wed 13:59]--[2016-02-10 Wed 14:05] => 0:06 :END: CLOSED: [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35] :LOGBOOK:
    • State "DONE" from [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35]
    • :END: A taxonomy is a way of grouping things. categories and tags are taxonomies.

    A post is content that a user inserts into wordpress.

    How do I add a new page templates?

    How do I use the loop? to implement pagination? to add various new content to a page? ie 5 posts

    Widgets included with Wordpress are what?

    What can widgets do?

    What can plugins do?

    can I use Ajax? How?

    DONE what's the wordpress version of a custom directory?

    DONE What's the wordpress version of a lister?

    DONE What's the wordpress version of a default detail layout?

    DONE What's wordpresses's vocab word for page layouts?

    How can I embed a form on wordpress?

    How do I send email w/ wordpress?

    How do I over-write a parent theme's function?

      The default post type is just the content that displays on every page. So when a user browses the home page, the Loop queries the database for the post that is supposed to be on the home page. That particular post is displayed. CLOSED: [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35] :LOGBOOK:
    • State "DONE" from [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35]
    • :END: A custom post type. CLOSED: [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35] :LOGBOOK:
    • State "DONE" from [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35]
    • :END: A php query that uses the loop. CLOSED: [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35] :LOGBOOK:
    • State "DONE" from [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35]
    • :END: A page template CLOSED: [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35] :LOGBOOK:
    • State "DONE" from [2016-12-13 Tue 13:35]
    • :END: A page template
    • How do you nullify a parent theme's function?
    • You can make the parent theme's function do nothing. Ie: your child theme's functions.php has this:

    #+BEGIN_SRC /* make the woocommerce_breadcrumb do nothing */ function woocommerce_breadcrumb () {

    I should know at least 30% or the common action hooks and filter hooks that wordpress uses:

    Understand wordpress conceptually

    know 95% of wordpress' vocab found here:


      } #+END_SRC
    • How do you how do I hook in a function to run after a specified event?
    • How do a remove a parent-theme's function in the child theme?
    • http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference [[https://codex.wordpress.org/Glossary][in the glossary,]] and in the [[https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Semantics][Semantics]] An action is (it is also a type of hook) an event that happens on the server side when a client requests a page. wp_loaded (when wordpress is fully loaded), shutdown (php execution is about to end), get_header (is the event that happens to load the top part of your webpage).







    • wp_head/wp_footer are the actions that load in the header and the footer
    • init is the action that is performed before any headers are sent to the client. So If you wanted to redirect
    • a user to a different page, you could do this here:
    • wp_enqueue_scripts is the event that adds js files to your sites
    • post_class & body_class are actions that let you customize the classes that your post and body have. This
    • makes it nice to give certain pages various css styles to affect how things look. The permission to perform some task. Some users of a wordpress site have certain abilities to perform some tasks, that others lack. So a newbie admin might not have the ability to edit the home page Common Gateway Interface specifies how the server can communicate with the client (web browser). Forms use this. Is the information stored in a post. It can be text, images, video? these functions or variables will soon be obsolete or are already document object model is a standard that allows programmers to to dynamically and programatically access HTML on the page A filter is a php function that associates itself with an action (a php function that runs at a certain point). It can filter some existing action to do anything else. ie: A /custom filter/ (add_filter ()), replaces code from an action. This is called "hooking."


    An Action hook (also called an action)
    • the_content
    • You can filter (replace/update/remove) any of the stuff in the content with this.
    • the_excerpt
    • You can filter (replace/update/remove) any of the stuff in the except with this filter. Each post can have an associated gallery! When you are editing a post, you can click on the gallery tab! This lets you upload lots of images to your post! When you have have more than 1 image in your gallery, the bottom of the gallery tab includes a shortcode that you can insert to display the photos. This lets you run your own code at certain events. A hook can either be an action or a filter. A hook lets you change all sorts of things about wordpress w/o diving into the core files, which is very nice. A list of all hooks is available here: http://adambrown.info/p/wp_hooks/version/4.1 Actions do things. ie: add content, perform some calculation, go to the mall, you name it. An action hook lets you specify that your code should run at a specific point. It does not change existing content.
    A filter hook (also called a filter)

    An action is like drinking dirty water. You do something: ie drink dirty water. Filters change things.

    A filter hook lets you use a php function to do something to data before it is displayed. ie:

    $title = apply_filters('wp_title', $title, $sep, $seplocation);

    This above is a code snippet from wordpress core that lets you do something to the title before it is rendered on the page, like truncating it if the title is too long, etc.

    what is nonce?

    learn how to use REST [/]

    to display excerpts and titles of posts

    to implement pagination

    DONE hooks (actions vs. filters)

      A filter changes things. So a filter is like filtering water. You don't get changed. The water doesn't really go anyplace special. It just gets filtered. It is a number used once. It part of an authentication method. CLOSED: [2016-12-13 Tue 14:04] :LOGBOOK:
    • State "DONE" from [2016-12-13 Tue 14:04]
    • :END: Both actions and filters are hooks, but they are subtly different.

    general security info

    actions let a developer modify or add to wordpress functionality filters let a developer alter content before the user sees it https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/jbranso/support/wordpress_adv

    members.nearlyfreespeech.net Advanced WordPress Configuration - NearlyFreeSpeech.NET Member Interface

    Note: Everything on this page assumes that you set up WordPress in accordance with our installation guide and that you are running WordPress on at least Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.4. If any of these assumptions are not correct, the instructions below may fail horribly. Recommended Plugins Spam filtering

    We recommend Akismet, which comes standard with WordPress. To activate it with WP-CLI:

    wp plugin activate akismet

    Additional configuration will be required from the WordPress dashboard "Plugins" section once Akismet is activated; visit that section and you should see a prompt to activate your Akismet account. Stopping Login Attacks

    If you encounter frequent problems with attackers using bulk attempts to attempt to hack their way into your WordPress blog, you may want to consider relocating the login script. This can be accomplished using the sf-move-login plugin.

    Before continuing, make sure you are already logged in to the admin interface for your blog.

    Install the plugin like any other:

    wp plugin install sf-move-login wp plugin activate sf-move-login

    Once this is done, there are still two additional steps to make this work.

    First, you will need to set the new login link. To do this, go to the "Settings" entry on the WordPress admin panel's sidebar, and then select the "Move Login" entry under that. On the "Move Login" Settings page, enter the new login path (e.g. secretdoor). You can also change the URLs of other common actions from here, but login is by far the most commonly attacked. Click the "Save Changes" button to save your entry.

    Next, you must edit your .htaccess file. After you click "Save Changes" the page will reload. Right below that button, the page will list the code you need. Cut and paste the contents of the textbox into your .htaccess file. (Make sure to do this after you save any changes.)

    After completing all the steps, this will have the effect of changing your blog's login page from /wp-login.php to /secretdoor. You can (and should) customize secretdoor to whatever you want to use. You may also wish to edit your theme to remove references to the login page, but that is optional.

    We recommend that you configure and test this with two different browsers open (e.g. Chrome and Firefox), one that is logged in to the WordPress Dashboard that you can use for the configuration, and one that is not that you can use for testing.

    If something doesn't go according to plan and you wind up locked out of your blog, you can add this line to your wp-config.php file to temporarily disable the plugin so you can get logged in:

    define( 'SFML_ALLOW_LOGIN_ACCESS', true ); # Do NOT use unless locked out.

    Make sure not to add this blindly or leave it in there if needed, as it will defeat the purpose of the plugin. Blocking Pingbacks

    Unfortunately, the "pingback" feature of WordPress can be used to attack other sites. And when attackers use it to attack other sites, it will generally block any legitimate visitors from your site as well. To help keep the Internet (and your own site) safe, you should strongly consider blocking pingbacks.

    XML-RPC is used by remote posting tools like mobile apps or third-party sites that post to your blog. If you don't use XML-RPC at all, and most people don't, you can change the permissions of xmlrpc.php to 600 after each update and completely immunize your site from this issue: it will stop your site from being used in attacks, and will prevent would-be attackers from wasting your resources. (Incidentally, this is what we will do if we see your site participating in this type of attack.)

    If you do use XML-RPC, you can use a simple plugin that disables the pingback feature but leaves the other functions intact:

    wp plugin install disable-xml-rpc-pingback wp plugin activate disable-xml-rpc-pingback

    This plugin doesn't need any configuration. It isn't 100% effective like disabling XML-RPC entirely, but it's easy, minimally invasive, and still very effective in greatly reducing resources wasted by would-be attackers. General security

    Try Wordfence. To install and activate it with WP-CLI:

    wp plugin install wordfence wp plugin activate wordfence

    Additional configuration will be required from the dashboard "Plugins" section once it is activated; visit that section and you should see a prompt to start a tour of the plugin. In the left-hand navigation column, it also adds its own "Wordfence" section from which you can access the tour, tools and configuration options.

    In most cases, the defaults are good, but you should check the following options:

    Make sure the options for firewall, login security, Live Traffic View, and automatic scheduled scans are enabled. Disable the option to automatically update Wordfence; it won't work. When you get an email that Wordfence (or WordPress itself, or another theme or plugin) needs an update, just pop in and update it with WP-CLI.

    Depending on your personal situation and desires, many of the other options can be safely tweaked as well. Content caching

    Content caching can speed up your site and is highly recommended for WordPress site that experiences even occasional bursts of activity. We have tested and recommend Hyper Cache.

    First, in the root directory of your WordPress installation (home/public for these instructions), do:

    chmod 775 wp-content/ chgrp web wp-content/

    This plugin also requires switching to "pretty" permalinks; visit Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress dashboard. First choose your format (we like "day and name"), save the change, and then you'll need to add a few lines to an .htaccess file in your blog's root directory. Those lines will be shown at the bottom of the permalinks configuration page; be sure to select all of them before pasting them into your .htaccess file. Once you've set this up, in WP-CLI, do:

    wp plugin install hyper-cache wp plugin activate hyper-cache

    Then add the following line to your wp-config.php file (at the beginning just under the

    define( 'WP_CACHE', true );

    Then at the command line, in the WordPress base directory do:

    mkdir -p wp-content/cache chgrp web wp-content/cache chmod 775 wp-content/cache mkdir -p wp-content/cache/hyper-cache chgrp web wp-content/cache/hyper-cache chgrp web wp-content/plugins/hyper-cache/*.php

    (The directories might have been created for you already, but if so they'll still need permissions and ownership set.)

    After this, you can tweak settings for Hyper Cache from the WordPress dashboard at Settings > Hyper Cache. Be sure to visit their site for more information about how to verify that Hyper Cache is working, and how to customize it. Receiving update notifications

    It's a good idea to set up a way to find out when your WordPress core, plugins and themes have updates available. Here are a few good options:

    WP Updates Notifier: This plugin provides email-based notifications that include detailed information about the update and its expected compatibility with your version of WordPress. Pushover Notifications for WordPress: This plugin can send basic notifications to your iOS or Android device. It also requires the purchase of the corresponding Pushover app (iOS, Android). You can also subscribe to the WordPress announcement mailing list for information about new releases of the WordPress core and other news.

    Securing your WordPress installation PHP Script Access Limitation

    In your wp-content directory, you might want to consider adding the following lines to an .htaccess file to deny access to all .php scripts. This might break a few plugins or themes that use requests that bypass the regular WordPress system, but it will also break most hacking attempts, and should be included in any directory that contains uploaded or cached content. You can paste this (including the last line break) at the command line:

    cat >>.htaccess <

    Require all denied


    To reverse this restriction for a subdirectory if needed, switch to that subdirectory and enter:

    cat >>.htaccess <

    Require all granted


    Using HTTPS (SSL/TLS)

    For WordPress 4.0 and later, no special plugin is required. To configure HTTPS for a WordPress 4.0 or later blog, follow these instructions:

    First, be sure that you've set up and enabled SSL for your site, and that it's working. Add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

    if ( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO' ] == 'https' ) $_SERVER[ 'HTTPS' ] = 'on';

    In your WordPress dashboard, under Settings > General, update your "WordPress Address (URL)" and "Site Address (URL)" from "http" to "https".

    For versions of WordPress prior to 4.0, to allow your WordPress site to be accessed via https, follow these steps:

    First, be sure that you've set up and enabled SSL for your site, and that it's working. Install and activate Wordpress HTTPS. From WP-CLI: wp plugin install wordpress-https wp plugin activate wordpress-https Read the Wordpress HTTPS Installation Guide. In your WordPress dashboard, under Settings > General, update your "WordPress Address (URL)" and "Site Address (URL)" from "http" to "https". (Optional) After everything above is complete and working, you can require that absolutely everything on your site be accessed only via HTTPS by editing the .htaccess file at the root of your site (/home/public) to add these two lines just below "RewriteEngine On:"

    RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https

    RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L]

    Other optimization considerations Fix wp-cron!

    WordPress includes the ability to set posts to appear in the future, and has a couple of other features that are time-sensitive. To implement this functionality, a default WordPress install will call a script called wp-cron.php every time it is accessed.

    This behavior causes all sorts of problems, especially on busy sites. Getting called on every hit when there's almost always nothing to do is already wasteful (and "wasteful" on a service like ours that bills for resources is a code word for "unnecessarily expensive"), but the real problem comes when things get out of hand. This program has a history of locking problems, so when a site gets busy it can go crazy and wind up running dozens of times at once trying to figure out if it should be running at all (and the answer is almost always "no"). Say goodbye to your blog performance!

    Fixing this issue takes two easy steps.

    Simply add this text to your wp-config.php file:

    define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );

    Go to the site info panel and add an hourly scheduled task for your site to run wp-cron:

    Tag wpcron URL or Shell Command http://example.nfshost.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron User me (not used with URLs) Hour Day of Week * Date

    (Replace example.nfshost.com with your site's actual name and adjust the URL as necessary if you didn't install WordPress directly in the public directory.) You don't need to use curl or wget; a scheduled task that has a URL as its command will automatically be treated as a web request.

    This approach has the additional benefit that if something weird happens while WordPress is doing its thing internally, you'll be much more likely to be get notified about it in an email message. With the default setup, those error messages may disappear into the void, never to be seen again. Preventing robots.txt and favicon.ico 404 errors

    Requests for these two files can generate many 404 errors if the files don't exist. The way WordPress handles 404 errors is very inefficient, and can result in unnecessary strain on high-traffic sites if either of these files do not exist. You can create these files according to your preferences, but if you don't need them and just want to avoid the performance penalty and resource cost of having requests for them return 404 errors, it's well worth creating two empty files via ssh command line in the root directory of your site:

    wordpress core APIs

    graph paper press starter themes


      touch robots.txt touch favicon.ico https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/core-apis/
    • widgets
    • database
    • filesystem
    • HTTP
    • metadata
    • options
    • plugin
    • quick tags
    • Allow a wordpress developer to add additional buttons to the HTML mode of the Wordpress Editor
    • shortcode [some shortcode]
    • Allow people to add some functionality in a theme
    • theme customization
    • widgets API
    • adding rest to custom post types http://v2.wp-api.org/extending/custom-content-types/ https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/glossary/ https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/

    Get a post by a post ID

    learning wordpress

    theme development

    updating wordpress

    headturningfitness.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/ https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/35-resources-for-kick-ass-wordpress-developers/?wpcv=b&utm_expid=3606929-93.spVh-aR3SwGklKzL4HJQQg.1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com%2F https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development

    Wordpress can update itself if the user running the webserver ownes those files.

    nginx configuration

    how to properly add js and css files

      I need to figure out what user is running nginx, and then make the html files owned by that person. https://codex.wordpress.org/Nginx#Per_Site_configuration
    • js
    • This is actually a php script...obviously. Put this in your functions.php file. #+BEGIN_SRC js function adding_matoma () { wp_register_script('matomo', '/wp-content/themes/author-landing-page-child/js/matomo.js', '', '1.1', false); wp_enqueue_script ('matomo'); } add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'adding_matoma'); #+END_SRC
    • css

    This script is obviously a php script. Put this inside your functions.php file. #+BEGIN_SRC js function adding_loading_css () { wp_register_style ('my_loading_css', '/wp-content/themes/author-landing-page-child/css/my-loading.css', '1.1'); wp_enqueue_style ('my_loading_css'); } add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'adding_loading_css'); #+END_SRC