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Introduction to Accrisoft

Accrisoft is a CMS (Content management System) that is build on php. It does NOT allow you to upload php files. In this way, it caters to web designers that do not understand how to include php files. It tries to manage all of your include files in layouts, all of your CSS stylesheet, and by default all of your paths to content are graphics/path/to/your/file. Ie: if you upload “boy.png” to Accrisoft in the images folder, then the image can be found in graphics/images/boy.png.

The same is true for all of your js files and bootstrap files. So if you upload a “bootstrap.min.css” or a “script.js” in the css and js folder respectively, then their paths are “graphics/css/bootstrap.min.css” and “graphics/js/script.js”

So if your index.php looks like this:

include <?php header.php; ?>~ ~Hello world!~ ~include <?php footer.php; ?>

You have a problem, namely that accrisoft does not let you upload a php file to the server. You have to turn the header.php into a layout I believe, and then include it.

More annoying than that, Accrisoft does not allow any of your pages to include php code. If you try to save a file with php code, Accrisoft will change the php tags to html comments.

Accrisoft has a blue section and a green section. The blue section is where a non-developer can include content. The green section is where a developer configures the website.

Accrisoft has a [[Content] ] variable. This variable lets the client insert content on a specific page.


Accrisoft’s Layouts are how one designs a webpage. Page layouts are files that contain html. These files can then be added into or included by any other webpage.

There are 4 default page layouts:

  • Home, which determines the home page’s layout
  • default, which determines the intererior page layouts
  • landing, is used is a layout that is shown before the actual site is shown. You could use this as a language selection button
  • or a flash intro.
  • The default layout determines how the other pages are designed.

I’ve created a header and a footer layout. The header and footer layout are inserted in all pages that use them. A default page might look like this;

[[page.header] ]

[[Content] ]

[[page.footer] ]

Layout Modules

Freedom allows you to create layout modules, are are tiny html snippets. Then you can add these layout modules anywhere in your website and the client can edit that content at any time.


Freedom also lets you create specific classes that the client can apply to various html elements, though I image the client will only do this text. Consider this example, suppose the client wants a default green bold h1 tag. To make this possible, in the green screen, click on stylesheets > Blue stylesheet. Then you can create a custom stylesheet that the client can use in accrisoft What You See Is What You Get editor. Then the client can type some text in the editor, and to apply the green bold banner to it, he or she can add the style to it, by highlighting the text, and then selecting the style from the Styles drop down menu.

Modules: Directories

Apparently these are a way of storing client’s information and then easily displaying it. But it sounds like this is for displaying multiple data points on a page. Like having a list of the latest blog titles.

Restricting what the client can edit in the blue interface

Display Types

These provide a way to make certain pages unique. Suppose the client wants a different menu to appear on one page, or certain jQuery to be run on another. Display types let you handle this.

Display types can be assigned to a single web page, form, module categories, or to an entire module.