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Introduction to Magit

Basic commands

Many commands in magit pop up a small buffer prompting you to specify options. To see the commits for a specific file, in the git status buffer type "l -f ". Then you will see all of the commits for 1 file! cool! You typically start a magit section by running magit-status. You can stage un-staged with "s". You can commit those changes with "cc". You can push those changes with "Pp".

magit commands in the status buffer

Un-staging commits can be done via "u".

  • $ will add another buffer that shows you the commands magit is commiting
  • s on a modified file will stage it
  • S will stage all modified files
  • i will add the current file to the project’s git ignore
  • u will unstage the current modified file
  • c c will commit your staged changes. Type in a message in the buffer that appears, and then hit C-c C-c to close the buffer
  • P P will push your changes
  • F F will pull your changes
  • y will take you to the branch manager

history commands

Branch Manager commands

  • l r l will allow you to see the commits that make two branches differ. This happens when branch "master" is behind branch "new feature". You can see the differences between the two branches and cherrypick them.
  • a will apple the current commit to your current branch. This allows me to cherry pick changes from one "bug fix" branch to the
  • "master" branch.
  • A does the same as above, but it tries to automatically commit the changes if there are no merge conflicts.
  • v will revert the commit. It will apply the changes made by a commit in reverse. But you still need to commit the changes.
  • ~.~ toggle mark on a commit
  • C-c u unmark marked commits
  • = show the differ between the marked commit and the commit under point
  • k will delete the branch under point
  • C-u k will force delete a branch under point
  • c will create a new branch
  • r renames the branch

magit bisect

magit blame

  • T on a local branch changes which remote branch it tracks
  • Wow! Super easy way to narrow down to commit that caused an issue! Visit a magit buffer and run ~magit-blame~. Magit will divide the buffer into regions, and list which region belongs to which git author and in what commit. It awesome!

M-w saves the hash of the current region to the kill ring.

split up a commit with magit

"n" and "p" move to the next and previous hunks.

Put point on a commit you want to split open:

Rebase -> m modify a commmit

magit-reset (x) RET head~ RET

This puts head at the position before the commit you want to modify. And you are free to split the commit.

rebase -> c continue for complete the action