#8 Design & implement albums/releases which lack cover art

2 سال پیش باز شده توسط towerofnix · 0 دیدگاه

See hsmusic/hsmusic-data#20 - from @Niklink:

Sometimes, music releases just don't have cover art of any kind! Right now if you include an album with no art you end up with a huge monochrome square that leads you to an error when you click on it. The wiki should be able to handle this better at some point. Although it may be necessary to have a default 'NO ART AVAILABLE' fallback or something for galleries.

See https://notabug.org/hsmusic/hsmusic-data/issues/20 - from @Niklink: > Sometimes, music releases just don't have cover art of any kind! Right now if you include an album with no art you end up with a huge monochrome square that leads you to an error when you click on it. The wiki should be able to handle this better at some point. Although it may be necessary to have a default 'NO ART AVAILABLE' fallback or something for galleries.
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