#61 Divide references by Beyond in addition to Official and Fandom

otvorené 2 rokov pred užívateľom towerofnix · 1 komentárov

In the future I'd like to generalize "divide by group" behavior, but it might come with generalizing field behavior as a whole, which is definitely a long ways off - so hard-code Beyond into the existing split for now.

In the future I'd like to generalize "divide by group" behavior, but it might come with generalizing field behavior as a whole, which is definitely a long ways off - so hard-code Beyond into the existing split for now.
(quasar) nebula okomentoval 2 rokov pred

Done in f6bd91ea9b. Too bad about the hard-coded behavior: I removed it!

Done in f6bd91ea9beef64e0ff0865560219a64a367bb5b. Too bad about the hard-coded behavior: I removed it!
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