dreamers-diarchy.yaml 1.9 KB

  1. Album: Dreamer's Diarchy
  2. Artists:
  3. - Circlejourney
  4. Date: December 30, 2023
  5. Date Added: April 13, 2024
  6. URLs:
  7. - https://circlejourney.bandcamp.com/album/dreamers-diarchy
  8. - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mahCzQIKyRvfYODHroBaogloPcg71GbuQ
  9. - https://open.spotify.com/album/5fbFy6HpjqrzC92dDmSjTC
  10. - https://music.apple.com/album/dreamers-diarchy-single/1723638785
  11. Cover Artists:
  12. - Circlejourney
  13. Cover Art File Extension: png
  14. Wallpaper Artists:
  15. - Circlejourney
  16. - Niklink (edits for wiki)
  17. Wallpaper File Extension: png
  18. Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 0.6;'
  19. Art Tags:
  20. - Prospit
  21. - Derse
  22. Color: '#cc44cc'
  23. Groups:
  24. - Circlejourney
  25. - Fandom
  26. Commentary: |-
  27. <i>Circlejourney:</i>
  28. A Homestuck fan release about Prospit and Derse.
  29. I have had these track drafts sitting on my hard drive as MIDIs since 2017, and I'm pleased that they are finally seeing the light of day. They were originally made for a concept album about celestial bodies in Homestuck, but all the other tracks got released elsewhere, so I'll be releasing the last few in parts.
  30. ---
  31. Track: Promenade
  32. Directory: promenade-dreamers-diarchy
  33. Always Reference By Directory: true
  34. Duration: '03:52'
  35. Color: '#ffcc00'
  36. Referenced Tracks:
  37. - The Golden Towers
  38. - Prospit Dreamers
  39. - Center of Brilliance
  40. URLs:
  41. - https://circlejourney.bandcamp.com/track/promenade
  42. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXGGv7GFMM8
  43. - https://open.spotify.com/track/4yU8NRU1fp7Uj0tRpm7bKc
  44. - https://music.apple.com/album/promenade/1723638785?i=1723638786
  45. ---
  46. Track: Dirge
  47. Directory: dirge-dreamers-diarchy
  48. Always Reference By Directory: true
  49. Duration: '03:52'
  50. Cover Artists:
  51. - Circlejourney
  52. Cover Art File Extension: png
  53. Art Tags:
  54. - Derse
  55. - Prospit
  56. Referenced Tracks:
  57. - Derse Dreamers
  58. - Showtime (Original Mix)
  59. - Even In Death
  60. URLs:
  61. - https://circlejourney.bandcamp.com/track/dirge
  62. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chhay34e2Qs
  63. - https://open.spotify.com/track/0cgqt4eyNs0UhZi7tLWZjy
  64. - https://music.apple.com/album/dirge/1723638785?i=1723638787