#80 oh, 2017? (entertaining sound) missing reference to "crash" near the end

Créé il y a 2 ans par towerofnix · 0 commentaires

From the reference list nata put together:

# 2017

1998 - All Your Base
1999 - Smoke Weed Everyday
2000 - Everybody, Everybody!
2001 - All Star
2002 - Peanut Butter Jelly Time
2003 - Badger Badger Badger
2004 - Running in the 90s (lol internet)
2006 - Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
2007 - Rickroll
2008 - Caramelldansen
2009 - Showtime (haunting piano refrain) 
2010 - Nyanyanyanyanya!
2011 - Friday
2012 - Gangnam Style
2013 - I Knew You Were Trouble (screaming goat)
2014 - Yee
2015 - Megalovania
2016 - We Are Number One

2017 -

wow wow
I Really, Really, Really Like This Image
midi unicorn
classical gas
ditty "angry cat no banana"
jump up superstar
that song used in "what year is it" from 17776 football
hotel mario
roblox death sound
I suppose you think that's cute
funiculi funicula
crash <---------------------------- this one
two trucks
big enough

I have no idea what this is referring to and am not even close to capable of picking it out from the aural cacophony that is oh, 2017?.

From the reference list nata put together: ``` # 2017 1998 - All Your Base 1999 - Smoke Weed Everyday 2000 - Everybody, Everybody! 2001 - All Star 2002 - Peanut Butter Jelly Time 2003 - Badger Badger Badger 2004 - Running in the 90s (lol internet) 2005 - HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA 2006 - Marisa Stole the Precious Thing 2007 - Rickroll 2008 - Caramelldansen 2009 - Showtime (haunting piano refrain) 2010 - Nyanyanyanyanya! 2011 - Friday 2012 - Gangnam Style 2013 - I Knew You Were Trouble (screaming goat) 2014 - Yee 2015 - Megalovania 2016 - We Are Number One 2017 - wow wow I Really, Really, Really Like This Image midi unicorn classical gas ditty "angry cat no banana" jump up superstar fireflies voidfish that song used in "what year is it" from 17776 football hotel mario redbone roblox death sound I suppose you think that's cute funiculi funicula crash <---------------------------- this one two trucks big enough ``` I have no idea what this is referring to and am not even close to capable of picking it out from the aural cacophony that is oh, 2017?.
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