mapispi.h 24 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright 2005 - 2016 Zarafa and its licensors
  3. *
  4. * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  5. * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
  6. * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  7. *
  8. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11. * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
  12. *
  13. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
  14. * along with this program. If not, see <>.
  15. *
  16. */
  17. #ifndef __M4L_MAPISPI_H_
  18. #define __M4L_MAPISPI_H_
  19. #define MAPISPI_H
  20. #include <kopano/platform.h>
  21. #include <initializer_list>
  22. #include <mapidefs.h>
  23. #include <mapicode.h>
  24. #include <mapiguid.h>
  25. #include <mapitags.h>
  26. /* The MAPI SPI has a version number. MAPIX.DLL knows and supports
  27. * one or more versions of the SPI. Each provider supports one or
  28. * more versions of the SPI. Checks are performed in both MAPIX.DLL
  29. * and in the provider to ensure that they agree to use exactly one
  30. * version of the MAPI SPI.
  31. *
  32. * The SPI version number is composed of a major (8-bit) version,
  33. * minor (8-bit) version, and micro (16-bit) version. The first
  34. * retail ship of MAPI 1.0 is expected to be version 1.0.0.
  35. * The major version number changes rarely.
  36. * The minor version number changes opon each retail ship of
  37. * MAPI if the SPI has been modified.
  38. * The micro version number changes internally at Microsoft
  39. * during development of MAPI.
  40. *
  41. * The version of the SPI documented by this set of header files
  42. * is ALWAYS known as "CURRENT_SPI_VERSION". If you write a
  43. * service provider, and get a new set of header files, and update
  44. * your code to the new interface, you'll be at the "current" version.
  45. */
  46. #define CURRENT_SPI_VERSION 0x00010010L
  47. /* Here are some well-known SPI version numbers:
  48. * (These will eventually be useful for provider-writers who
  49. * might choose to make provider DLLs that support more than
  50. * one version of the MAPI SPI.
  51. */
  52. #define PDK1_SPI_VERSION 0x00010000L /* 0.1.0 MAPI PDK1 Spring 1993 */
  53. #define PDK2_SPI_VERSION 0x00010008L /* 0.1.8 MAPI PDK2 Spring 1994 */
  54. #define PDK3_SPI_VERSION 0x00010010L /* 0.1.16 MAPI PDK3 Fall 1994 */
  55. /*
  56. * Forward declaration of interface pointers specific to the service
  57. * provider interface.
  58. */
  59. class IMAPISupport;
  60. typedef IMAPISupport* LPMAPISUP;
  61. /*
  62. * IMAPISupport Interface
  63. */
  64. /* Notification key structure for the MAPI notification engine */
  65. struct NOTIFKEY {
  66. NOTIFKEY(void) = delete;
  67. template<typename _T> NOTIFKEY(std::initializer_list<_T>) = delete;
  68. ULONG cb; /* How big the key is */
  69. BYTE ab[MAPI_DIM]; /* Key contents */
  70. };
  71. typedef struct NOTIFKEY *LPNOTIFKEY;
  72. #define CbNewNOTIFKEY(_cb) (offsetof(NOTIFKEY,ab) + (_cb))
  73. #define CbNOTIFKEY(_lpkey) (offsetof(NOTIFKEY,ab) + (_lpkey)->cb)
  74. #define SizedNOTIFKEY(_cb, _name) \
  75. struct _NOTIFKEY_ ## _name { \
  76. ULONG cb; \
  77. BYTE ab[_cb]; \
  78. } _name
  79. /* For Subscribe() */
  80. #define NOTIFY_SYNC ((ULONG) 0x40000000)
  81. /* For Notify() */
  82. #define NOTIFY_CANCELED ((ULONG) 0x80000000)
  83. /* From the Notification Callback function (well, this is really a ulResult) */
  84. #define CALLBACK_DISCONTINUE ((ULONG) 0x80000000)
  85. /* For Transport's SpoolerNotify() */
  86. #define NOTIFY_NEWMAIL ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  87. #define NOTIFY_READYTOSEND ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
  88. #define NOTIFY_SENTDEFERRED ((ULONG) 0x00000004)
  89. #define NOTIFY_CRITSEC ((ULONG) 0x00001000)
  90. #define NOTIFY_NONCRIT ((ULONG) 0x00002000)
  91. #define NOTIFY_CONFIG_CHANGE ((ULONG) 0x00004000)
  92. #define NOTIFY_CRITICAL_ERROR ((ULONG) 0x10000000)
  93. /* For Message Store's SpoolerNotify() */
  94. #define NOTIFY_NEWMAIL_RECEIVED ((ULONG) 0x20000000)
  95. /* For ModifyStatusRow() */
  96. #define STATUSROW_UPDATE ((ULONG) 0x10000000)
  97. /* For IStorageFromStream() */
  98. #define STGSTRM_RESET ((ULONG) 0x00000000)
  99. #define STGSTRM_CURRENT ((ULONG) 0x10000000)
  100. #define STGSTRM_MODIFY ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
  101. #define STGSTRM_CREATE ((ULONG) 0x00001000)
  102. /* For ReadReceipt() */
  103. #define MAPI_NON_READ ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  104. /* Preprocessor calls: */
  105. /* PreprocessMessage, first ordinal in RegisterPreprocessor(). */
  107. LPVOID lpvSession,
  108. LPMESSAGE lpMessage,
  109. LPADRBOOK lpAdrBook,
  110. LPMAPIFOLDER lpFolder,
  111. LPALLOCATEBUFFER AllocateBuffer,
  112. LPALLOCATEMORE AllocateMore,
  113. LPFREEBUFFER FreeBuffer,
  114. ULONG* lpcOutbound,
  115. LPMESSAGE** lpppMessage,
  116. LPADRLIST* lppRecipList);
  117. /* RemovePreprocessInfo, second ordinal in RegisterPreprocessor(). */
  119. /* Function pointer for GetReleaseInfo */
  120. // we don't want this in linux
  121. //#warning "please correctly define LPSTORAGE!!"
  122. //#define LPSTORAGE void*
  123. class IMAPISupport : public virtual IUnknown {
  124. public:
  125. // virtual ~IMAPISupport() = 0;
  126. virtual HRESULT GetLastError(HRESULT hResult, ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPIERROR * lppMAPIError) = 0;
  127. virtual HRESULT GetMemAllocRoutines(LPALLOCATEBUFFER * lpAllocateBuffer, LPALLOCATEMORE * lpAllocateMore,
  128. LPFREEBUFFER * lpFreeBuffer) = 0;
  129. virtual HRESULT Subscribe(LPNOTIFKEY lpKey, ULONG ulEventMask, ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPIADVISESINK lpAdviseSink,
  130. ULONG * lpulConnection) = 0;
  131. virtual HRESULT Unsubscribe(ULONG ulConnection) = 0;
  132. virtual HRESULT Notify(LPNOTIFKEY lpKey, ULONG cNotification, LPNOTIFICATION lpNotifications, ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  133. virtual HRESULT ModifyStatusRow(ULONG cValues, LPSPropValue lpColumnVals, ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  134. virtual HRESULT OpenProfileSection(LPMAPIUID lpUid, ULONG ulFlags, LPPROFSECT * lppProfileObj) = 0;
  135. virtual HRESULT RegisterPreprocessor(LPMAPIUID lpMuid, LPTSTR lpszAdrType, LPTSTR lpszDLLName, LPSTR lpszPreprocess,
  136. LPSTR lpszRemovePreprocessInfo, ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  137. virtual HRESULT NewUID(LPMAPIUID lpMuid) = 0;
  138. virtual HRESULT MakeInvalid(ULONG ulFlags, LPVOID lpObject, ULONG ulRefCount, ULONG cMethods) = 0;
  139. virtual HRESULT SpoolerYield(ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  140. virtual HRESULT SpoolerNotify(ULONG ulFlags, LPVOID lpvData) = 0;
  141. virtual HRESULT CreateOneOff(LPTSTR lpszName, LPTSTR lpszAdrType, LPTSTR lpszAddress, ULONG ulFlags,
  142. ULONG * lpcbEntryID, LPENTRYID * lppEntryID) = 0;
  143. virtual HRESULT SetProviderUID(LPMAPIUID lpProviderID, ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  144. virtual HRESULT CompareEntryIDs(ULONG cbEntry1, LPENTRYID lpEntry1, ULONG cbEntry2, LPENTRYID lpEntry2,
  145. ULONG ulCompareFlags, ULONG * lpulResult) = 0;
  146. virtual HRESULT OpenTemplateID(ULONG cbTemplateID, LPENTRYID lpTemplateID, ULONG ulTemplateFlags, LPMAPIPROP lpMAPIPropData,
  147. LPCIID lpInterface, LPMAPIPROP * lppMAPIPropNew, LPMAPIPROP lpMAPIPropSibling) = 0;
  148. virtual HRESULT OpenEntry(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulOpenFlags, ULONG * lpulObjType,
  149. LPUNKNOWN * lppUnk) = 0;
  150. virtual HRESULT GetOneOffTable(ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPITABLE * lppTable) = 0;
  151. virtual HRESULT Address(ULONG * lpulUIParam, LPADRPARM lpAdrParms, LPADRLIST * lppAdrList) = 0;
  152. virtual HRESULT Details(ULONG * lpulUIParam, LPFNDISMISS lpfnDismiss, LPVOID lpvDismissContext, ULONG cbEntryID,
  153. LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPFNBUTTON lpfButtonCallback, LPVOID lpvButtonContext, LPTSTR lpszButtonText,
  154. ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  155. virtual HRESULT NewEntry(ULONG ulUIParam, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG cbEIDContainer, LPENTRYID lpEIDContainer, ULONG cbEIDNewEntryTpl,
  156. LPENTRYID lpEIDNewEntryTpl, ULONG * lpcbEIDNewEntry, LPENTRYID * lppEIDNewEntry) = 0;
  157. virtual HRESULT DoConfigPropsheet(ULONG ulUIParam, ULONG ulFlags, LPTSTR lpszTitle, LPMAPITABLE lpDisplayTable,
  158. LPMAPIPROP lpCOnfigData, ULONG ulTopPage) = 0;
  159. virtual HRESULT CopyMessages(LPCIID lpSrcInterface, LPVOID lpSrcFolder, LPENTRYLIST lpMsgList, LPCIID lpDestInterface,
  160. LPVOID lpDestFolder, ULONG ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress, ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  161. virtual HRESULT CopyFolder(LPCIID lpSrcInterface, LPVOID lpSrcFolder, ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPCIID lpDestInterface,
  162. LPVOID lpDestFolder, LPTSTR lszNewFolderName, ULONG ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress,
  163. ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  164. virtual HRESULT DoCopyTo(LPCIID lpSrcInterface, LPVOID lpSrcObj, ULONG ciidExclude, LPCIID rgiidExclude, const SPropTagArray *lpExcludeProps, ULONG ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress, LPCIID lpDestInterface, LPVOID lpDestObj, ULONG ulFlags, LPSPropProblemArray *lppProblems) = 0;
  165. virtual HRESULT DoCopyProps(LPCIID lpSrcInterface, LPVOID lpSrcObj, const SPropTagArray *lpIncludeProps, ULONG ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress, LPCIID lpDestInterface, LPVOID lpDestObj, ULONG ulFlags, LPSPropProblemArray *lppProblems) = 0;
  166. virtual HRESULT DoProgressDialog(ULONG ulUIParam, ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPIPROGRESS * lppProgress) = 0;
  167. virtual HRESULT ReadReceipt(ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpReadMessage, LPMESSAGE * lppEmptyMessage) = 0;
  168. virtual HRESULT PrepareSubmit(LPMESSAGE lpMessage, ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  169. virtual HRESULT ExpandRecips(LPMESSAGE lpMessage, ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  170. virtual HRESULT UpdatePAB(ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpMessage) = 0;
  171. virtual HRESULT DoSentMail(ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpMessage) = 0;
  172. virtual HRESULT OpenAddressBook(LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulFlags, LPADRBOOK * lppAdrBook) = 0;
  173. virtual HRESULT Preprocess(ULONG ulFlags, ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID) = 0;
  174. virtual HRESULT CompleteMsg(ULONG ulFlags, ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID) = 0;
  175. virtual HRESULT StoreLogoffTransports(ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  176. virtual HRESULT StatusRecips(LPMESSAGE lpMessage, LPADRLIST lpRecipList) = 0;
  177. virtual HRESULT WrapStoreEntryID(ULONG cbOrigEntry, LPENTRYID lpOrigEntry, ULONG * lpcbWrappedEntry,
  178. LPENTRYID * lppWrappedEntry) = 0;
  179. virtual HRESULT ModifyProfile(ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  180. virtual HRESULT IStorageFromStream(LPUNKNOWN lpUnkIn, LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulFlags, LPSTORAGE * lppStorageOut) = 0;
  181. virtual HRESULT GetSvcConfigSupportObj(ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPISUP * lppSvcSupport) = 0;
  182. };
  183. /********************************************************************/
  184. /* */
  185. /* ADDRESS BOOK SPI */
  186. /* */
  187. /********************************************************************/
  188. /* Address Book Provider ------------------------------------------------- */
  189. /* OpenTemplateID() */
  190. #define FILL_ENTRY ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  191. /* For Logon() */
  192. class IABProvider;
  193. typedef IABProvider* LPABPROVIDER;
  194. class IABLogon;
  195. typedef IABLogon* LPABLOGON;
  196. class IABProvider : public IUnknown {
  197. public:
  198. // virtual ~IABProvider() = 0;
  199. virtual HRESULT Shutdown(ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  200. virtual HRESULT Logon(LPMAPISUP lpMAPISup, ULONG ulUIParam, LPTSTR lpszProfileName, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulpcbSecurity,
  201. LPBYTE * lppbSecurity, LPMAPIERROR * lppMAPIError, LPABLOGON * lppABLogon) = 0;
  202. };
  203. class IABLogon : public IUnknown {
  204. public:
  205. // virtual ~IABLogon() = 0;
  206. virtual HRESULT GetLastError(HRESULT hResult, ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPIERROR * lppMAPIError) = 0;
  207. virtual HRESULT Logoff(ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  208. virtual HRESULT OpenEntry(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulObjType,
  209. LPUNKNOWN * lppUnk) = 0;
  210. virtual HRESULT CompareEntryIDs(ULONG cbEntryID1, LPENTRYID lpEntryID1, ULONG cbEntryID2, LPENTRYID lpEntryID2,
  211. ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulResult) = 0;
  212. virtual HRESULT Advise(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, ULONG ulEventMask, LPMAPIADVISESINK lpAdviseSink,
  213. ULONG * lpulConnection) = 0;
  214. virtual HRESULT Unadvise(ULONG ulConnection) = 0;
  215. virtual HRESULT OpenStatusEntry(LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulObjType, LPMAPISTATUS * lppEntry) = 0;
  216. virtual HRESULT OpenTemplateID(ULONG cbTemplateID, LPENTRYID lpTemplateID, ULONG ulTemplateFlags, LPMAPIPROP lpMAPIPropData,
  217. LPCIID lpInterface, LPMAPIPROP * lppMAPIPropNew, LPMAPIPROP lpMAPIPropSibling) = 0;
  218. virtual HRESULT GetOneOffTable(ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPITABLE * lppTable) = 0;
  219. virtual HRESULT PrepareRecips(ULONG ulFlags, const SPropTagArray *lpPropTagArray, LPADRLIST lpRecipList) = 0;
  220. };
  221. extern "C" {
  223. HINSTANCE hInstance,
  224. LPMALLOC lpMalloc,
  225. LPALLOCATEBUFFER lpAllocateBuffer,
  226. LPALLOCATEMORE lpAllocateMore,
  227. LPFREEBUFFER lpFreeBuffer,
  228. ULONG ulFlags,
  229. ULONG ulMAPIVer,
  230. ULONG * lpulProviderVer,
  231. LPABPROVIDER * lppABProvider
  232. );
  233. ABPROVIDERINIT ABProviderInit;
  234. }
  235. /********************************************************************/
  236. /* */
  237. /* TRANSPORT SPI */
  238. /* */
  239. /********************************************************************/
  240. /* For DeinitTransport */
  241. #define DEINIT_NORMAL ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  242. #define DEINIT_HURRY ((ULONG) 0x80000000)
  243. /* For TransportLogon */
  244. /* Flags that the Spooler may pass to the transport: */
  245. #define LOGON_NO_DIALOG ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  246. #define LOGON_NO_CONNECT ((ULONG) 0x00000004)
  247. #define LOGON_NO_INBOUND ((ULONG) 0x00000008)
  248. #define LOGON_NO_OUTBOUND ((ULONG) 0x00000010)
  249. /*#define MAPI_UNICODE ((ULONG) 0x80000000) in mapidefs.h */
  250. /* Flags that the transport may pass to the Spooler: */
  251. #define LOGON_SP_IDLE ((ULONG) 0x00010000)
  252. #define LOGON_SP_POLL ((ULONG) 0x00020000)
  253. #define LOGON_SP_RESOLVE ((ULONG) 0x00040000)
  254. class IXPProvider;
  255. typedef IXPProvider* LPXPPROVIDER;
  256. class IXPLogon;
  257. typedef IXPLogon* LPXPLOGON;
  258. class IXPProvider : public IUnknown {
  259. public:
  260. // virtual ~IXPProvider() = 0;
  261. virtual HRESULT Shutdown(ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  262. virtual HRESULT TransportLogon(LPMAPISUP lpMAPISup, ULONG ulUIParam, LPTSTR lpszProfileName,
  263. ULONG * lpulFlags, LPMAPIERROR * lppMAPIError, LPXPLOGON * lppXPLogon) = 0;
  264. };
  265. /* OptionData returned from call to RegisterOptions */
  266. #define OPTION_TYPE_RECIPIENT ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  267. #define OPTION_TYPE_MESSAGE ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
  268. struct OPTIONDATA {
  270. LPGUID lpRecipGUID; /* Same as returned by AddressTypes() */
  271. LPTSTR lpszAdrType; /* Same as returned by AddressTypes() */
  272. LPTSTR lpszDLLName; /* Options DLL */
  273. ULONG ulOrdinal; /* Ordinal in that DLL */
  274. ULONG cbOptionsData; /* Count of bytes in lpbOptionsData */
  275. LPBYTE lpbOptionsData; /* Providers per [recip|message] option data */
  276. ULONG cOptionsProps; /* Count of Options default prop values */
  277. LPSPropValue lpOptionsProps; /* Default Options property values */
  278. };
  279. typedef struct OPTIONDATA *LPOPTIONDATA;
  280. typedef SCODE (OPTIONCALLBACK)(
  281. HINSTANCE hInst,
  282. LPMALLOC lpMalloc,
  283. ULONG ulFlags,
  284. ULONG cbOptionData,
  285. LPBYTE lpbOptionData,
  287. LPMAPIPROP lpDataSource,
  288. LPMAPIPROP * lppWrappedSource,
  289. LPMAPIERROR * lppMAPIError);
  290. /* For TransportNotify */
  291. #define NOTIFY_ABORT_DEFERRED ((ULONG) 0x40000000)
  292. #define NOTIFY_CANCEL_MESSAGE ((ULONG) 0x80000000)
  293. #define NOTIFY_BEGIN_INBOUND ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  294. #define NOTIFY_END_INBOUND ((ULONG) 0x00010000)
  295. #define NOTIFY_BEGIN_OUTBOUND ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
  296. #define NOTIFY_END_OUTBOUND ((ULONG) 0x00020000)
  297. #define NOTIFY_BEGIN_INBOUND_FLUSH ((ULONG) 0x00000004)
  298. #define NOTIFY_END_INBOUND_FLUSH ((ULONG) 0x00040000)
  299. #define NOTIFY_BEGIN_OUTBOUND_FLUSH ((ULONG) 0x00000008)
  300. #define NOTIFY_END_OUTBOUND_FLUSH ((ULONG) 0x00080000)
  301. /* For TransportLogoff */
  302. #define LOGOFF_NORMAL ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  303. #define LOGOFF_HURRY ((ULONG) 0x80000000)
  304. /* For SubmitMessage */
  305. #define BEGIN_DEFERRED ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  306. /* For EndMessage */
  307. /* Flags that the Spooler may pass to the Transport: */
  308. /* Flags that the transport may pass to the Spooler: */
  309. #define END_RESEND_NOW ((ULONG) 0x00010000)
  310. #define END_RESEND_LATER ((ULONG) 0x00020000)
  311. #define END_DONT_RESEND ((ULONG) 0x00040000)
  312. class IXPLogon : public IUnknown {
  313. public:
  314. // virtual ~IXPLogon() = 0;
  315. virtual HRESULT AddressTypes(ULONG * lpulFlags, ULONG * lpcAdrType, LPTSTR** lpppAdrTypeArray,
  316. ULONG * lpcMAPIUID, LPMAPIUID * * lpppUIDArray) = 0;
  317. virtual HRESULT RegisterOptions(ULONG * lpulFlags, ULONG * lpcOptions, LPOPTIONDATA * lppOptions) = 0;
  318. virtual HRESULT TransportNotify(ULONG * lpulFlags, LPVOID * lppvData) = 0;
  319. virtual HRESULT Idle(ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  320. virtual HRESULT TransportLogoff(ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  321. virtual HRESULT SubmitMessage(ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpMessage, ULONG * lpulMsgRef, ULONG * lpulReturnParm) = 0;
  322. virtual HRESULT EndMessage(ULONG ulMsgRef, ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  323. virtual HRESULT Poll(ULONG * lpulIncoming) = 0;
  324. virtual HRESULT StartMessage(ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpMessage, ULONG * lpulMsgRef) = 0;
  325. virtual HRESULT OpenStatusEntry(LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulObjType, LPMAPISTATUS * lppEntry) = 0;
  326. virtual HRESULT ValidateState(ULONG ulUIParam, ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  327. virtual HRESULT FlushQueues(ULONG ulUIParam, ULONG cbTargetTransport, LPENTRYID lpTargetTransport, ULONG ulFlags) = 0;
  328. };
  329. /* Transport Provider Entry Point */
  330. extern "C" {
  332. HINSTANCE hInstance,
  333. LPMALLOC lpMalloc,
  334. LPALLOCATEBUFFER lpAllocateBuffer,
  335. LPALLOCATEMORE lpAllocateMore,
  336. LPFREEBUFFER lpFreeBuffer,
  337. ULONG ulFlags,
  338. ULONG ulMAPIVer,
  339. ULONG * lpulProviderVer,
  340. LPXPPROVIDER * lppXPProvider);
  341. XPPROVIDERINIT XPProviderInit;
  342. }
  343. /********************************************************************/
  344. /* */
  345. /* MESSAGE STORE SPI */
  346. /* */
  347. /********************************************************************/
  348. /* Flags and enums */
  349. /* GetCredentials, SetCredentials */
  350. #define LOGON_SP_TRANSPORT ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  351. #define LOGON_SP_PROMPT ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
  352. #define LOGON_SP_NEWPW ((ULONG) 0x00000004)
  353. #define LOGON_CHANGED ((ULONG) 0x00000008)
  354. /* DoMCDialog */
  355. #define DIALOG_FOLDER ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  356. #define DIALOG_MESSAGE ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
  357. #define DIALOG_PROP ((ULONG) 0x00000004)
  358. #define DIALOG_ATTACH ((ULONG) 0x00000008)
  359. #define DIALOG_MOVE ((ULONG) 0x00000010)
  360. #define DIALOG_COPY ((ULONG) 0x00000020)
  361. #define DIALOG_DELETE ((ULONG) 0x00000040)
  362. #define DIALOG_ALLOW_CANCEL ((ULONG) 0x00000080)
  363. #define DIALOG_CONFIRM_CANCEL ((ULONG) 0x00000100)
  364. /* ExpandRecips */
  365. #define NEEDS_PREPROCESSING ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  366. #define NEEDS_SPOOLER ((ULONG) 0x00000002)
  367. /* PrepareSubmit */
  368. #define CHECK_SENDER ((ULONG) 0x00000001)
  369. #define NON_STANDARD ((ULONG) 0x00010000)
  370. class IMSLogon;
  371. typedef IMSLogon* LPMSLOGON;
  372. class IMSProvider;
  373. typedef IMSProvider* LPMSPROVIDER;
  374. /* Message Store Provider Interface (IMSPROVIDER) */
  375. class IMSProvider : public IUnknown {
  376. public:
  377. // virtual ~IMSProvider() = 0;
  378. virtual HRESULT Shutdown(ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  379. virtual HRESULT Logon(LPMAPISUP lpMAPISup, ULONG ulUIParam, LPTSTR lpszProfileName, ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID,
  380. ULONG ulFlags, LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG * lpcbSpoolSecurity, LPBYTE * lppbSpoolSecurity,
  381. LPMAPIERROR * lppMAPIError, LPMSLOGON * lppMSLogon, LPMDB * lppMDB) = 0;
  382. virtual HRESULT SpoolerLogon(LPMAPISUP lpMAPISup, ULONG ulUIParam, LPTSTR lpszProfileName, ULONG cbEntryID,
  383. LPENTRYID lpEntryID, ULONG ulFlags, LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG cbSpoolSecurity,
  384. LPBYTE lpbSpoolSecurity, LPMAPIERROR * lppMAPIError, LPMSLOGON * lppMSLogon, LPMDB * lppMDB) = 0;
  385. virtual HRESULT CompareStoreIDs(ULONG cbEntryID1, LPENTRYID lpEntryID1, ULONG cbEntryID2, LPENTRYID lpEntryID2,
  386. ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulResult) = 0;
  387. };
  388. /* The MSLOGON object is returned by the Logon() method of the
  389. * MSPROVIDER interface. This object is for use by MAPIX.DLL.
  390. */
  391. class IMSLogon : public IUnknown {
  392. public:
  393. // virtual ~IMSLogon() = 0;
  394. virtual HRESULT GetLastError(HRESULT hResult, ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPIERROR * lppMAPIError) = 0;
  395. virtual HRESULT Logoff(ULONG * lpulFlags) = 0;
  396. virtual HRESULT OpenEntry(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulObjType,
  397. LPUNKNOWN * lppUnk) = 0;
  398. virtual HRESULT CompareEntryIDs(ULONG cbEntryID1, LPENTRYID lpEntryID1, ULONG cbEntryID2, LPENTRYID lpEntryID2,
  399. ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulResult) = 0;
  400. virtual HRESULT Advise(ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, ULONG ulEventMask, LPMAPIADVISESINK lpAdviseSink,
  401. ULONG * lpulConnection) = 0;
  402. virtual HRESULT Unadvise(ULONG ulConnection) = 0;
  403. virtual HRESULT OpenStatusEntry(LPCIID lpInterface, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * lpulObjType, LPVOID * lppEntry) = 0;
  404. };
  405. /* Message Store Provider Entry Point */
  406. extern "C" {
  408. HINSTANCE hInstance,
  409. LPMALLOC lpMalloc, /* AddRef() if you keep it */
  410. LPALLOCATEBUFFER lpAllocateBuffer, /* -> AllocateBuffer */
  411. LPALLOCATEMORE lpAllocateMore, /* -> AllocateMore */
  412. LPFREEBUFFER lpFreeBuffer, /* -> FreeBuffer */
  413. ULONG ulFlags,
  414. ULONG ulMAPIVer,
  415. ULONG * lpulProviderVer,
  416. LPMSPROVIDER * lppMSProvider
  417. );
  418. MSPROVIDERINIT MSProviderInit;
  419. }
  420. /********************************************************************/
  421. /* */
  423. /* */
  424. /********************************************************************/
  425. /* Flags for service configuration entry point */
  426. #define MSG_SERVICE_UI_READ_ONLY 0x00000008 /* display parameters only */
  427. #define SERVICE_LOGON_FAILED 0x00000020 /* reconfigure provider */
  428. /* Contexts for service configuration entry point */
  429. #define MSG_SERVICE_INSTALL 0x00000001
  430. #define MSG_SERVICE_CREATE 0x00000002
  431. #define MSG_SERVICE_CONFIGURE 0x00000003
  432. #define MSG_SERVICE_DELETE 0x00000004
  433. #define MSG_SERVICE_UNINSTALL 0x00000005
  434. #define MSG_SERVICE_PROVIDER_CREATE 0x00000006
  435. #define MSG_SERVICE_PROVIDER_DELETE 0x00000007
  436. /* Prototype for service configuration entry point */
  437. extern "C" {
  439. HINSTANCE hInstance,
  440. LPMALLOC lpMalloc,
  442. ULONG ulUIParam,
  443. ULONG ulFlags,
  444. ULONG ulContext,
  445. ULONG cValues,
  446. LPSPropValue lpProps,
  447. LPPROVIDERADMIN lpProviderAdmin,
  448. LPMAPIERROR *lppMapiError
  449. );
  451. }
  452. #endif /* MAPISPI_H */