123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231 |
- /*
- * Copyright 2005 - 2016 Zarafa and its licensors
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
- // ECSessionManager.h: interface for the ECSessionManager class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <kopano/zcdefs.h>
- #include "ECSession.h"
- #include <condition_variable>
- #include <list>
- #include <map>
- #include <mutex>
- #include <set>
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include <kopano/lockhelper.hpp>
- #include "ECUserManagement.h"
- #include "ECSearchFolders.h"
- #include "ECDatabaseFactory.h"
- #include "ECCacheManager.h"
- #include "ECPluginFactory.h"
- #include "ECServerEntrypoint.h"
- #include "ECSessionGroup.h"
- #include "ECNotificationManager.h"
- #include "ECLockManager.h"
- struct soap;
- namespace KC {
- class ECLogger;
- class ECTPropsPurge;
- using namespace std;
- typedef hash_map<ECSESSIONGROUPID, ECSessionGroup*>::Type EC_SESSIONGROUPMAP;
- typedef hash_map<ECSESSIONID, BTSession*>::Type SESSIONMAP;
- typedef hash_map<ECSESSIONID, unsigned int>::Type PERSISTENTBYSESSION;
- typedef hash_map<unsigned int, ECSESSIONID>::Type PERSISTENTBYCONNECTION;
- unsigned int ulRootObjectId;
- unsigned int ulObjectType;
- unsigned int ulObjectFlags;
- bool operator==(const TABLESUBSCRIPTION &b) const { return memcmp(this, &b, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
- bool operator<(const TABLESUBSCRIPTION &b) const { return memcmp(this, &b, sizeof(*this)) < 0; }
- };
- struct sSessionManagerStats {
- struct {
- ULONG ulItems;
- ULONG ulLocked;
- ULONG ulOpenTables;
- ULONGLONG ullSize;
- ULONGLONG ulTableSize;
- }session;
- struct {
- ULONG ulItems;
- ULONGLONG ullSize;
- } group;
- ULONG ulPersistentByConnection;
- ULONG ulPersistentByConnectionSize;
- ULONG ulPersistentBySession;
- ULONG ulPersistentBySessionSize;
- ULONG ulTableSubscriptions;
- ULONG ulObjectSubscriptions;
- ULONG ulTableSubscriptionSize;
- ULONG ulObjectSubscriptionSize;
- };
- class SOURCEKEY;
- class _kc_export ECSessionManager _kc_final {
- public:
- _kc_hidden ECSessionManager(ECConfig *, ECLogger *audit, bool hosted, bool distributed);
- _kc_hidden virtual ~ECSessionManager(void);
- _kc_hidden virtual ECRESULT CreateAuthSession(struct soap *, unsigned int caps, ECSESSIONID *, ECAuthSession **, bool register_ses, bool lock_ses);
- // Creates a session based on passed credentials
- _kc_hidden virtual ECRESULT CreateSession(struct soap *, const char *name, const char *pass, const char *imp_user, const char *cl_vers, const char *cl_app, const char *cl_app_ver, const char *cl_app_misc, unsigned int caps, ECSESSIONGROUPID, ECSESSIONID *, ECSession **, bool lock_ses, bool allow_uid_auth);
- // Creates a session without credential checking (caller must check credentials)
- _kc_hidden virtual ECRESULT RegisterSession(ECAuthSession *, ECSESSIONGROUPID, const char *cl_ver, const char *cl_app, const char *cl_app_ver, const char *cl_app_misc, ECSESSIONID *, ECSession **, bool lock_ses);
- virtual ECRESULT CreateSessionInternal(ECSession **, unsigned int user_id = KOPANO_UID_SYSTEM);
- _kc_hidden virtual ECRESULT RemoveSession(ECSESSIONID);
- virtual void RemoveSessionInternal(ECSession *);
- // Persistent connections: sessions with persistent connections (named pipes) are guaranteed not to timeout
- // between calls to SetSessionPersistentConnection() and RemoveSessionPersistentConnection. The persistent connection ID
- // is implementation-specific, but must be unique for each session.
- _kc_hidden virtual ECRESULT SetSessionPersistentConnection(ECSESSIONID, unsigned int conn_id);
- _kc_hidden virtual ECRESULT RemoveSessionPersistentConnection(unsigned int conn_id);
- _kc_hidden virtual ECRESULT GetSessionGroup(ECSESSIONGROUPID, ECSession *, ECSessionGroup **);
- _kc_hidden virtual ECRESULT DeleteIfOrphaned(ECSessionGroup *);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT RemoveAllSessions(void);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT CancelAllSessions(ECSESSIONID except = 0);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT ForEachSession(void (*cb)(ECSession *, void *), void *obj);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT LoadSettings(void);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT CheckUserLicense(void);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT UpdateTables(ECKeyTable::UpdateType, unsigned int flags, unsigned int obj_id, unsigned int child_id, unsigned int obj_type);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT UpdateTables(ECKeyTable::UpdateType, unsigned int flags, unsigned int obj_id, std::list<unsigned int> &objects, unsigned int obj_type);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT UpdateOutgoingTables(ECKeyTable::UpdateType, unsigned int store_id, unsigned int obj_id, unsigned int flags, unsigned int obj_type);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT NotificationModified(unsigned int obj_type, unsigned int obj_id, unsigned int parent_id = 0);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT NotificationCreated(unsigned int obj_type, unsigned int obj_id, unsigned int parent_id);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT NotificationMoved(unsigned int obj_type, unsigned int obj_id, unsigned int parent_id, unsigned int old_parent_id, entryId *old_eid = nullptr);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT NotificationCopied(unsigned int obj_type, unsigned int obj_id, unsigned int parent_id, unsigned int old_obj_id, unsigned int old_parent_id);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT NotificationDeleted(unsigned int obj_type, unsigned int obj_id, unsigned int store_id, entryId *eid, unsigned int folder_id, unsigned int flags);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT NotificationSearchComplete(unsigned int obj_id, unsigned int store_id);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT NotificationChange(const std::set<unsigned int> &sync_ids, unsigned int change_id, unsigned int change_type);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT ValidateSession(struct soap *, ECSESSIONID, ECAuthSession **, bool lock_ses = false);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT ValidateSession(struct soap *, ECSESSIONID, ECSession **, bool lock_ses = false);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT AddSessionClocks(ECSESSIONID, double user, double system, double real);
- ECRESULT RemoveBusyState(ECSESSIONID ecSessionID, pthread_t thread);
- _kc_hidden static void *SessionCleaner(void *tmp_ses_mgr);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT AddNotification(notification *item, unsigned int key, unsigned int store_id = 0, unsigned int folder_id = 0, unsigned int flags = 0);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT DeferNotificationProcessing(ECSESSIONID, struct soap *);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT NotifyNotificationReady(ECSESSIONID);
- _kc_hidden void GetStats(void (*cb)(const std::string &, const std::string &, const std::string &, void *), void *obj);
- _kc_hidden void GetStats(sSessionManagerStats &);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT DumpStats(void);
- _kc_hidden bool IsHostedSupported(void) { return m_bHostedKopano; }
- _kc_hidden bool IsDistributedSupported(void) { return m_bDistributedKopano; }
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT GetLicensedUsers(unsigned int svc_type, unsigned int *licusers);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT GetServerGUID(GUID *);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT GetNewSourceKey(SOURCEKEY *);
- // Requests that table change events of a specific table are sent to a
- // session. Events are published to the 'UpdateTables()' function or
- // 'UpdateOutgoingTables()' function of the session.
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT SubscribeTableEvents(TABLE_ENTRY::TABLE_TYPE, unsigned int tbl_root_obj_id, unsigned int obj_type, unsigned int obj_flags, ECSESSIONID);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT UnsubscribeTableEvents(TABLE_ENTRY::TABLE_TYPE, unsigned int tbl_root_obj_id, unsigned int obj_type, unsigned int obj_flags, ECSESSIONID);
- // Requests that object notifications for a certain store are dispatched to a sessiongroup. Events
- // are published to the 'AddNotification()' function for the session's sessiongroup.
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT SubscribeObjectEvents(unsigned int store_id, ECSESSIONGROUPID);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT UnsubscribeObjectEvents(unsigned int store_id, ECSESSIONGROUPID);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT GetNewSequence(SEQUENCE, unsigned long long *seq_id);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT CreateDatabaseConnection(void);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT GetStoreSortLCID(ULONG store_id, ULONG *id);
- _kc_hidden LPCSTR GetDefaultSortLocaleID(void);
- _kc_hidden ULONG GetSortLCID(ULONG store_id);
- _kc_hidden ECLocale GetSortLocale(ULONG store_id);
- _kc_hidden ECCacheManager *GetCacheManager(void) { return m_lpECCacheManager; }
- _kc_hidden ECSearchFolders *GetSearchFolders(void) { return m_lpSearchFolders; }
- _kc_hidden ECConfig *GetConfig(void) { return m_lpConfig; }
- _kc_hidden ECLogger *GetAudit(void) { return m_lpAudit; }
- _kc_hidden ECPluginFactory *GetPluginFactory(void) { return m_lpPluginFactory; }
- _kc_hidden ECLockManager *GetLockManager(void) { return m_ptrLockManager.get(); }
- protected:
- _kc_hidden BTSession *GetSession(ECSESSIONID, bool lock_ses = false);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT ValidateBTSession(struct soap *, ECSESSIONID, BTSession **, bool lock_ses = false);
- _kc_hidden BOOL IsSessionPersistent(ECSESSIONID );
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT UpdateSubscribedTables(ECKeyTable::UpdateType, TABLESUBSCRIPTION, std::list<unsigned int> &child_id);
- _kc_hidden ECRESULT SaveSourceKeyAutoIncrement(unsigned long long new_src_key_autoincr);
- EC_SESSIONGROUPMAP m_mapSessionGroups; ///< map of all the session groups
- SESSIONMAP m_mapSessions; ///< map of all the sessions
- KC::shared_mutex m_hCacheRWLock; ///< locking of the sessionMap
- KC::shared_mutex m_hGroupLock; ///< locking of session group map and lonely list
- std::mutex m_hExitMutex; /* Mutex needed for the release signal */
- std::condition_variable m_hExitSignal; /* Signal that should be send to the sessionncleaner when to exit */
- pthread_t m_hSessionCleanerThread;///< Thread that is used for the sessioncleaner
- bool m_bTerminateThread;
- ECConfig* m_lpConfig;
- bool bExit = false;
- ECCacheManager* m_lpECCacheManager;
- ECLogger* m_lpAudit;
- ECDatabaseFactory* m_lpDatabaseFactory;
- ECPluginFactory* m_lpPluginFactory;
- ECSearchFolders* m_lpSearchFolders;
- bool m_bHostedKopano;
- bool m_bDistributedKopano;
- GUID *m_lpServerGuid = nullptr;
- unsigned long long m_ullSourceKeyAutoIncrement = 0;
- unsigned int m_ulSourceKeyQueue = 0;
- std::mutex m_hSourceKeyAutoIncrementMutex;
- ECDatabase *m_lpDatabase = nullptr;
- std::mutex m_mutexPersistent;
- PERSISTENTBYSESSION m_mapPersistentBySession; ///< map of all persistent sessions mapped to their connection id
- PERSISTENTBYCONNECTION m_mapPersistentByConnection; ///< map of all persistent connections mapped to their sessions
- std::mutex m_mutexTableSubscriptions;
- unsigned int m_ulTableSubscriptionId;
- TABLESUBSCRIPTIONMULTIMAP m_mapTableSubscriptions; ///< Maps a table subscription to the subscriber
- std::mutex m_mutexObjectSubscriptions;
- OBJECTSUBSCRIPTIONSMULTIMAP m_mapObjectSubscriptions; ///< Maps an object notification subscription (store id) to the subscriber
- ECNotificationManager *m_lpNotificationManager;
- ECTPropsPurge *m_lpTPropsPurge;
- ECLockManagerPtr m_ptrLockManager;
- // Sequences
- std::mutex m_hSeqMutex;
- unsigned long long m_ulSeqIMAP = 0;
- unsigned int m_ulSeqIMAPQueue = 0;
- };
- extern _kc_export ECSessionManager *g_lpSessionManager;
- } /* namespace */
- #endif // #ifndef ECSESSIONMANAGER