123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from contextlib import closing
- import codecs
- import fcntl
- import os.path
- from multiprocessing import Queue, Value
- import time
- import sys
- # Upgrading from Python 2 to Python 3 is not supported
- try:
- import dbhash
- from Queue import Empty
- except ImportError:
- import dbm as dbhash
- from queue import Empty
- from kopano_search import plaintext
- import kopano
- from kopano import log_exc, Config
- sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__)) # XXX for __import__ to work
- """
- kopano-search v3 - a process-based indexer and query handler built on python-kopano
- initial indexing is performed in parallel using N instances of class IndexWorker, fed with a queue containing folder-ids.
- incremental indexing is later performed in the same fashion. when there is no pending work, we
- check if there are reindex requests and handle one of these (again parallellized). so incremental syncing is currently paused
- during reindexing.
- search queries from outlook/webapp are dealt with by a single instance of class SearchWorker.
- since ICS does not know for deletion changes which store they belong to, we remember ourselves using a berkeleydb file ("serverguid_mapping").
- we also maintain folder and server ICS states in a berkeleydb file, for example so we can resume initial indexing ("serverguid_state").
- after initial indexing folder states are not updated anymore.
- the used search engine is pluggable, but by default we use xapian (plugin_xapian.py).
- a tricky bit is that outlook/exchange perform 'prefix' searches by default and we want to be compatible with this, so terms get an
- implicit '*' at the end. not every search engine may perform well for this, but we could make this configurable perhaps.
- """
- CONFIG = {
- 'coredump_enabled': Config.ignore(),
- 'index_attachments': Config.boolean(default=True),
- 'index_attachment_extension_filter': Config.ignore(),
- 'index_attachment_mime_filter': Config.ignore(),
- 'index_attachment_max_size': Config.size(default=2**24),
- 'index_attachment_parser': Config.ignore(),
- 'index_attachment_parser_max_memory': Config.ignore(),
- 'index_attachment_parser_max_cputime': Config.ignore(),
- # 0x678E: PR_EC_IMAP_BODY
- # 0x001A: PR_MESSAGE_CLASS # XXX add to cfg
- 'index_exclude_properties': Config.integer(multiple=True, base=16, default=[0x007D, 0x0064, 0x0C1E, 0x0075, 0x678E, 0x678F, 0x001A]),
- 'index_path': Config.string(default='/var/lib/kopano/search/'),
- 'index_processes': Config.integer(default=1),
- 'limit_results': Config.integer(default=0),
- 'optimize_age': Config.ignore(),
- 'optimize_start': Config.ignore(),
- 'optimize_stop': Config.ignore(),
- 'run_as_user': Config.string(default="kopano"),
- 'run_as_group': Config.string(default="kopano"),
- 'search_engine': Config.string(default='xapian'),
- 'suggestions': Config.boolean(default=True),
- 'index_junk': Config.boolean(default=True),
- 'server_bind_name': Config.string(default='file:///var/run/kopano/search.sock'),
- 'ssl_private_key_file': Config.path(default=None, check=False), # XXX don't check when default=None?
- 'ssl_certificate_file': Config.path(default=None, check=False),
- 'term_cache_size': Config.size(default=64000000),
- }
- def db_get(db_path, key):
- """ get value from db file """
- with closing(dbhash.open(db_path, 'c')) as db:
- return db.get(key)
- def db_put(db_path, key, value):
- """ store key, value in db file """
- with open(db_path+'.lock', 'w') as lockfile:
- fcntl.flock(lockfile.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
- with closing(dbhash.open(db_path, 'c')) as db:
- db[key] = value
- if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000:
- def _is_unicode(s):
- return isinstance(s, str)
- def _decode(s):
- return s
- def _encode(s):
- return s.encode()
- else:
- def _is_unicode(s):
- return isinstance(s, unicode)
- def _decode(s):
- return s.decode(getattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding', 'utf8') or 'utf8')
- def _encode(s):
- return s.encode(getattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding', 'utf8') or 'utf8')
- class SearchWorker(kopano.Worker):
- """ process which handles search requests coming from outlook/webapp, according to our internal protocol """
- def main(self):
- config, plugin = self.service.config, self.service.plugin
- def response(conn, msg):
- self.log.info('Response: %s', msg)
- conn.sendall(_encode(msg) + _encode('\r\n'))
- s = kopano.server_socket(config['server_bind_name'], ssl_key=config['ssl_private_key_file'], ssl_cert=config['ssl_certificate_file'], log=self.log)
- while True:
- with log_exc(self.log):
- conn, _ = s.accept()
- fields_terms = []
- for data in conn.makefile():
- data = _decode(data.strip())
- self.log.info('Command: %s', data)
- cmd, args = data.split()[0], data.split()[1:]
- if cmd == 'PROPS':
- response(conn, 'OK:'+' '.join(map(str, config['index_exclude_properties'])))
- break
- if cmd == 'SYNCRUN': # wait for syncing to be up-to-date (only used in tests)
- self.syncrun.value = time.time()
- while self.syncrun.value:
- time.sleep(1)
- response(conn, 'OK:')
- break
- elif cmd == 'SCOPE':
- server_guid, store_guid, folder_ids = args[0], args[1], args[2:]
- response(conn, 'OK:')
- elif cmd == 'FIND':
- pos = data.find(':')
- fields = map(int, data[:pos].split()[1:])
- orig = data[pos+1:].lower()
- # Limit number of terms (32) so people do not
- # inadvertently DoS it if they paste prose.
- terms = plugin.extract_terms(orig)[:32]
- if fields and terms:
- fields_terms.append((fields, terms))
- response(conn, 'OK:')
- elif cmd == 'SUGGEST':
- suggestion = u''
- if config['suggestions'] and len(fields_terms) == 1:
- for fields, terms in fields_terms:
- suggestion = plugin.suggest(server_guid, store_guid, terms, orig, self.log)
- if suggestion == orig:
- suggestion = u''
- response(conn, 'OK: '+suggestion)
- elif cmd == 'QUERY':
- t0 = time.time()
- restrictions = []
- if folder_ids:
- restrictions.append('('+' OR '.join(['folderid:%s' % f for f in folder_ids])+')')
- for fields, terms in fields_terms:
- if fields:
- restrictions.append('('+' OR '.join('('+' AND '.join('mapi%d:%s*' % (f, term) for term in terms)+')' for f in fields)+')')
- else:
- restrictions.append('('+' AND '.join('%s*' % term for term in terms)+')')
- query = ' AND '.join(restrictions) # plugin doesn't have to use this relatively standard query format
- docids = plugin.search(server_guid, store_guid, folder_ids, fields_terms, query, self.log)
- docids = docids[:config['limit_results'] or len(docids)]
- response(conn, 'OK: '+' '.join(map(str, docids)))
- self.log.info('found %d results in %.2f seconds', len(docids), time.time()-t0)
- break
- elif cmd == 'REINDEX':
- self.reindex_queue.put(args[0])
- response(conn, 'OK:')
- self.log.info("queued store %s for reindexing", args[0])
- break
- conn.close()
- class IndexWorker(kopano.Worker):
- """ process which gets folders from input queue and indexes them, putting the nr of changes in output queue """
- def main(self):
- config, server, plugin = self.service.config, self.service.server, self.service.plugin
- state_db = os.path.join(config['index_path'], server.guid+'_state')
- while True:
- changes = 0
- with log_exc(self.log):
- (_, storeguid, folderid, reindex) = self.iqueue.get()
- store = server.store(storeguid)
- folder = kopano.Folder(store, folderid)
- if (folder not in (store.root, store.outbox, store.drafts)) and \
- (folder != store.junk or config['index_junk']):
- suggestions = config['suggestions'] and folder != store.junk
- self.log.info('syncing folder: %s %s', storeguid, folder.name)
- importer = FolderImporter(server.guid, config, plugin, suggestions, self.log)
- state = db_get(state_db, folder.entryid) if not reindex else None
- if state:
- self.log.info('found previous folder sync state: %s', state)
- t0 = time.time()
- new_state = folder.sync(importer, state, log=self.log)
- if new_state != state:
- plugin.commit(suggestions)
- db_put(state_db, folder.entryid, new_state)
- self.log.info('saved folder sync state: %s', new_state)
- changes = importer.changes + importer.deletes
- self.log.info('syncing folder %s %s took %.2f seconds (%d changes, %d attachments)', storeguid, folder.name, time.time()-t0, changes, importer.attachments)
- self.oqueue.put(changes)
- class FolderImporter:
- """ tracks changes for a given folder """
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.serverid, self.config, self.plugin, self.suggestions, self.log = args
- self.changes = self.deletes = self.attachments = 0
- self.mapping_db = os.path.join(self.config['index_path'], self.serverid+'_mapping')
- self.excludes = set(self.config['index_exclude_properties']+[0x1000, 0x1009, 0x1013, 0x678C]) # PR_BODY, PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, PR_HTML, PR_EC_IMAP_EMAIL
- self.term_cache_size = 0
- def update(self, item, flags):
- """ called for a new or changed item; get mapi properties, attachments and pass to indexing plugin """
- with log_exc(self.log):
- self.changes += 1
- storeid, folderid, entryid, sourcekey, docid = item.storeid, item.folderid, item.entryid, item.sourcekey, item.docid
- self.log.debug('store %s, folder %d: new/updated document with entryid %s, sourcekey %s, docid %d', storeid, folderid, entryid, sourcekey, docid)
- doc = {'serverid': self.serverid, 'storeid': storeid, 'folderid': folderid, 'docid': docid, 'sourcekey': item.sourcekey}
- for prop in item.props():
- if prop.id_ not in self.excludes:
- if _is_unicode(prop.value):
- if prop.value:
- doc['mapi%d' % prop.id_] = prop.value
- elif isinstance(prop.value, list):
- doc['mapi%d' % prop.id_] = u' '.join(x for x in prop.value if _is_unicode(x))
- attach_text = []
- if self.config['index_attachments']:
- for a in item.attachments():
- self.log.debug('checking attachment (filename=%s, size=%d, mimetag=%s)', a.filename, len(a), a.mimetype)
- if 0 < len(a) < self.config['index_attachment_max_size'] and a.filename != 'inline.txt': # XXX inline attachment check
- self.attachments += 1
- attach_text.append(plaintext.get(a, mimetype=a.mimetype, log=self.log))
- attach_text.append(u' '+(a.filename or u''))
- doc['mapi4096'] = item.body.text + u' ' + u' '.join(attach_text) # PR_BODY
- doc['mapi3098'] = u' '.join([item.sender.name, item.sender.email, item.from_.name, item.from_.email]) # PR_SENDER_NAME
- doc['mapi3588'] = u' '.join([a.name + u' ' + a.email for a in item.to]) # PR_DISPLAY_TO
- doc['mapi3587'] = u' '.join([a.name + u' ' + a.email for a in item.cc]) # PR_DISPLAY_CC
- doc['mapi3586'] = u' '.join([a.name + u' ' + a.email for a in item.bcc]) # PR_DISPLAY_BCC
- doc['data'] = 'subject: %s\n' % item.subject
- db_put(self.mapping_db, item.sourcekey, '%s %s' % (storeid, item.folder.entryid)) # ICS doesn't remember which store a change belongs to..
- self.plugin.update(doc)
- self.term_cache_size += sum(len(v) for k, v in doc.items() if k.startswith('mapi'))
- if (8*self.term_cache_size) > self.config['term_cache_size']:
- self.plugin.commit(self.suggestions)
- self.term_cache_size = 0
- def delete(self, item, flags):
- """ for a deleted item, determine store and ask indexing plugin to delete """
- with log_exc(self.log):
- self.deletes += 1
- ids = db_get(self.mapping_db, item.sourcekey)
- if ids: # when a 'new' item is deleted right away (spooler?), the 'update' function may not have been called
- storeid, folderid = ids.split()
- doc = {'serverid': self.serverid, 'storeid': storeid, 'sourcekey': item.sourcekey}
- self.log.debug('store %s: deleted document with sourcekey %s', doc['storeid'], item.sourcekey)
- self.plugin.delete(doc)
- class ServerImporter:
- """ tracks changes for a server node; queues encountered folders for updating """ # XXX improve ICS to track changed folders?
- def __init__(self, serverid, config, iqueue, log):
- self.mapping_db = os.path.join(config['index_path'], serverid+'_mapping')
- self.iqueue = iqueue
- self.queued = set() # sync each folder at most once
- def update(self, item, flags):
- self.queue((0, item.storeid, item.folder.entryid))
- def delete(self, item, flags):
- ids = db_get(self.mapping_db, item.sourcekey)
- if ids:
- self.queue((0,) + tuple(ids.split()))
- def queue(self, folder):
- if folder not in self.queued:
- self.iqueue.put(folder+(False,))
- self.queued.add(folder)
- class Service(kopano.Service):
- """ main search process """
- def main(self):
- """ start initial syncing if no state found. then start query process and switch to incremental syncing """
- self.reindex_queue = Queue()
- index_path = self.config['index_path']
- os.umask(0o77)
- if not os.path.exists(index_path):
- os.makedirs(index_path)
- self.state_db = os.path.join(index_path, self.server.guid+'_state')
- self.plugin = __import__('plugin_%s' % self.config['search_engine']).Plugin(index_path, self.log)
- self.iqueue, self.oqueue = Queue(), Queue()
- self.index_processes = self.config['index_processes']
- workers = [IndexWorker(self, 'index%d'%i, nr=i, iqueue=self.iqueue, oqueue=self.oqueue) for i in range(self.index_processes)]
- for worker in workers:
- worker.start()
- self.state = db_get(self.state_db, 'SERVER')
- if self.state:
- self.log.info('found previous server sync state: %s', self.state)
- else:
- self.log.info('starting initial sync')
- new_state = self.server.state # syncing will reach at least the current state
- self.initial_sync(self.server.stores())
- self.state = new_state
- db_put(self.state_db, 'SERVER', self.state)
- self.log.info('saved server sync state = %s', self.state)
- self.syncrun = Value('d', 0)
- SearchWorker(self, 'query', reindex_queue=self.reindex_queue, syncrun=self.syncrun).start()
- self.log.info('starting incremental sync')
- self.incremental_sync()
- def initial_sync(self, stores, reindex=False):
- """ queue all folders for given stores """
- folders = [(f.count, s.guid, f.entryid, reindex) for s in stores for f in s.folders()]
- for f in sorted(folders, reverse=True):
- self.iqueue.put(f)
- itemcount = sum(f[0] for f in folders)
- self.log.info('queued %d folders (~%d changes) for parallel indexing (%s processes)', len(folders), itemcount, self.index_processes)
- t0 = time.time()
- changes = sum([self.oqueue.get() for i in range(len(folders))]) # blocking
- self.log.info('queue processed in %.2f seconds (%d changes, ~%.2f/sec)', time.time()-t0, changes, changes/(time.time()-t0))
- def incremental_sync(self):
- """ process changes in real-time (not yet parallelized); if no pending changes handle reindex requests """
- while True:
- with log_exc(self.log):
- try:
- storeid = self.reindex_queue.get(block=False)
- self.log.info('handling reindex request for store %s', storeid)
- store = self.server.store(storeid)
- self.plugin.reindex(self.server.guid, store.guid)
- self.initial_sync([store], reindex=True)
- except Empty:
- pass
- importer = ServerImporter(self.server.guid, self.config, self.iqueue, self.log)
- t0 = time.time()
- new_state = self.server.sync(importer, self.state, log=self.log)
- if new_state != self.state:
- changes = sum([self.oqueue.get() for i in range(len(importer.queued))]) # blocking
- for f in importer.queued:
- self.iqueue.put(f+(False,)) # make sure folders are at least synced to new_state
- changes += sum([self.oqueue.get() for i in range(len(importer.queued))]) # blocking
- self.log.info('queue processed in %.2f seconds (%d changes, ~%.2f/sec)', time.time()-t0, changes, changes/(time.time()-t0))
- self.state = new_state
- db_put(self.state_db, 'SERVER', self.state)
- self.log.info('saved server sync state = %s', self.state)
- if t0 > self.syncrun.value+1:
- self.syncrun.value = 0
- time.sleep(5)
- def reindex(self):
- """ pass usernames/store-ids given on command-line to running search process """
- for key in self.options.reindex: # usernames supported for convenience/backward compatibility
- store = self.server.get_store(key)
- if not store:
- user = self.server.get_user(key)
- if user:
- store = user.store
- if store: # XXX check all keys first
- with closing(kopano.client_socket(self.config['server_bind_name'], ssl_cert=self.config['ssl_certificate_file'])) as s:
- s.sendall('REINDEX %s\r\n' % store.guid)
- s.recv(1024)
- else:
- print("no such user/store: %s" % key)
- sys.exit(1)
- def main():
- parser = kopano.parser('ckpsFl') # select common cmd-line options
- parser.add_option('-r', '--reindex', dest='reindex', action='append', default=[], help='Reindex user/store', metavar='USER')
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- service = Service('search', config=CONFIG, options=options)
- if options.reindex:
- service.reindex()
- else:
- service.start()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()