1234567891011121314151617181920212223 |
- #!/bin/bash
- [% IF c("var/sign_build") -%]
- # var/set_default_env will reset HOME. We need to restore it to use gpg.
- old_HOME="$HOME"
- [% END -%]
- [% c("var/set_default_env") -%]
- [% IF c("var/nightly") -%]
- cd [% shell_quote(path(dest_dir)) %]/[% c("version") %]
- [% ELSE -%]
- cd [% shell_quote(path(dest_dir)) %]/[% c("var/signed_status") %]/[% c("version") %]-[% c("var/torbrowser_build") %]
- [% END -%]
- if ls -1 | grep -q '\.incremental\.mar$'
- then
- sha256sum `ls -1 | grep '\.incremental\.mar$' | sort` > sha256sums-[% c("var/signed_status") %]-build.incrementals.txt
- else
- echo 'No incrementals were found' >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- [% IF c("var/sign_build") -%]
- export HOME="$old_HOME"
- gpg -abs [% c("var/sign_build_gpg_opts") %] sha256sums-[% c("var/signed_status") %]-build.incrementals.txt
- [% END -%]