123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259 |
- from event import Event
- import random
- import difflib
- import time
- import re
- try:
- import requests
- except (ImportError, SystemError):
- print("Warning: meme module requires requests.")
- requests = object
- try:
- from meme_credentials import MemeCredentials as mc
- except (ImportError, SystemError):
- print("Warning: meme module requires credentials in modules/meme_credentials.py")
- class PhonyMc:
- imgflip_userid = "None"
- imgflip_password = "None"
- mc = PhonyMc()
- """
- the imgflip api requires credentials, which are bad to put directly into source code. in order to use this module, you will need a file in modules/ called meme_credentials, whose content follows this pattern:
- class MemeCredentials:
- imgflip_userid = "YOUR_USERID"
- imgflip_password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"
- Dassit.
- """
- class meme:
- def __init__(self, events=None, printer_handle=None, bot=None, say=None):
- self.events = events
- self.printer = printer_handle
- self.interests = ['__privmsg__']# should be first event in the listing.. so lines being added is a priority
- self.bot = bot
- self.say = say
- self.imgflip_userid = mc.imgflip_userid
- self.imgflip_password = mc.imgflip_password
- self.top_memes_list = self.get_top_memes()
- self.cmd = ".meme"
- self.help = ".meme [nickname]"
- self.ignore_list = [self.bot.NICK, 'TSDBot', 'Bonk-Bot']
- self.ignore_nicks = self.create_ignore_nicks_tuple()
- self.RATE_LIMIT = 30 #rate limit in seconds
- self.bot.mem_store['meme'] = {}
- for event in events:
- if event._type in self.interests:
- event.subscribe(self)
- def get_top_memes(self):
- """Makes an API call to imgflip to get top 100 most popular memes. Returns a list of results"""
- url = "https://api.imgflip.com/get_memes"
- try:
- top_memes = requests.get(url)
- except ConnectionError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("ConnectionError in get_top_memes(): ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- #check for HTTP errors
- try:
- top_memes.raise_for_status()
- except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("HTTPError in get_top_memes(): ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- return
- #return list if successful
- try:
- top_memes_list = top_memes.json()['data']['memes']
- return top_memes_list
- except KeyError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("KeyError in get_top_memes(): ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- return
- def create_ignore_nicks_tuple(self):
- """creates a tuple with all nicks from self.ignore_list in <>"""
- nick_list = []
- for nick in self.ignore_list:
- nick_list.append("<"+nick+">")
- return tuple(nick_list)
- def get_random_meme_id(self):
- """Selects a random id from the top_memes_list"""
- try:
- return random.choice(self.top_memes_list)['id']
- except KeyError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("KeyError in get_random_meme_id(): ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- return
- def compare_description(self, meme_name, user_description):
- """compares two strings. if greater than 67% similarity, returns true"""
- comparison = difflib.SequenceMatcher()
- comparison.set_seq1(meme_name.lower())
- comparison.set_seq2(user_description.lower())
- if comparison.ratio() >= 0.67:
- return True
- return False
- def get_line(self, array_of_lines):
- """Given an array of lines from which to pick, randomly
- select an appropriate line, clean it up, and return the string."""
- line = ""
- #our counter so we don't get caught in an infinite loop when too few good lines exist
- counter = 0
- #make sure we get a line from someone speaking
- try:
- while not line.startswith("<") and counter < 20:
- counter += 1
- line = random.choice(array_of_lines)
- if not self.is_valid_line(line):
- line = ""
- except Exception as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("Error in get_random_line(): ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- return
- #format the string for use in the meme and return it
- return self.format_string(line)
- def is_valid_line(self, line):
- """Given a line from the qdb buffer, return True if certain conditions are met
- that make it good for meme selection. Return False if not"""
- formatted_line = self.format_string(line) #strips the nick off the beginning
- if (formatted_line.startswith(".") or #reject .commands
- formatted_line.startswith("#") or #reject #commands meant for BonkBot
- formatted_line.startswith("s/") or #reject s// substitution lines
- self.contains_url(line) or #reject lines with URLs
- line.startswith(self.ignore_nicks) or #reject lines spoken by bots
- "TSDBot" in line): #reject any line with "TSDBot" due to mass printout summoning
- return False
- return True
- def get_user_lines(self, channel, nick):
- """Given a specific nick and channel, create a list of all their lines in the buffer"""
- line_list = []
- for line in self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][channel]:
- if line.lower().startswith("<"+nick.lower()+">"):
- line_list.append(line)
- return line_list
- def format_string(self, line):
- """Given an appropriate line, strip out <nick>. Otherwise return unmodified line"""
- if line.startswith("<"):
- return line.split("> ", 1)[1]
- else:
- return line
- def create_meme(self, meme_id, top_line, bottom_line):
- """Given a meme id from imgflip and two lines, top and bottom, submit a request
- to imgflip for a new meme and return the URL"""
- url = "https://api.imgflip.com/caption_image"
- payload = {'template_id':meme_id, 'username':self.imgflip_userid,
- 'password':self.imgflip_password, 'text0':top_line, 'text1':bottom_line}
- try:
- meme = requests.post(url, payload)
- except ConnectionError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("ConnectionError in create_meme(): ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- return
- #check for HTTP errors
- try:
- meme.raise_for_status()
- except request.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("HTTPError in create_meme(): ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- return
- try:
- return meme.json()['data']['url']
- except KeyError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("KeyError in create_meme(): ")
- self.bot.debug_print("User: " + self.imgflip_userid + " Password: " + self.imgflip_password)
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- self.bot.debug_print(str(meme.json()))
- return
- def get_last_meme_time(self, nick):
- """Given a channel name, return the last time .meme was called in that channel, return 0 if never used"""
- try:
- return self.bot.mem_store['meme'][nick]
- except KeyError:
- self.set_last_meme_time(nick)
- return 0
- def set_last_meme_time(self, nick):
- """Upon calling meme, set the last time it was used by that nick"""
- self.bot.mem_store['meme'][nick] = int(time.time())
- return
- def contains_url(self, line):
- """Given a string, returns True if there is a url present"""
- urls = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', line)
- if urls:
- return True
- return False
- def check_rate(self, nick):
- """Check to see if the given nick has allowed enough time to pass before calling meme again. Return True and set
- the new last meme time if true. Warn nick and return False if not."""
- time_diff = int(time.time()) - self.get_last_meme_time(nick)
- if time_diff > self.RATE_LIMIT:
- self.set_last_meme_time(nick)
- return True
- else:
- self.say(nick, "WOOP WOOP! Meme Police! You must wait " + str(self.RATE_LIMIT - time_diff) + " seconds to use .meme again.")
- return False
- def get_random_flavor(self):
- """Change up the flavor text when returning memes. It got boring before"""
- flavors = ["Tip top: ",
- "Only the dankest: ",
- "It's a trap!: ",
- "[10] outta 10: ",
- "A mastapeece: ",
- "Not sure if want: ",
- "*holds up spork*: ",
- "Da Fuq?: "
- ]
- return random.choice(flavors)
- def handle(self, event):
- if event.msg.startswith(".meme"):
- #just return help. we won't bother people with rate limits for this
- if event.msg == ".meme help":
- self.say(event.channel, "Top meme descriptions here: https://api.imgflip.com/popular_meme_ids")
- self.say(event.channel, "Usage: .meme [[description of meme image] [| nick of user to pull lines from]]")
- return
- #check the rate first, then continue with processing
- if not self.check_rate(event.user):
- return
- #just a random meme please
- if event.msg == ".meme":
- line_array = self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][event.channel]
- top_line = self.get_line(line_array)
- bottom_line = self.get_line(line_array)
- #more detail requested
- else:
- nick = event.msg[5:].strip().split(None)[0]
- line_array = self.get_user_lines(event.channel, nick)
- if not line_array:
- self.say(event.channel, "That memer hasn't spoken or doesn't exist. Using randoms.")
- line_array = self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][event.channel]
- top_line = self.get_line(line_array)
- bottom_line = self.get_line(line_array)
- meme_id = self.get_random_meme_id()
- meme_url = self.create_meme(meme_id, top_line, bottom_line)
- if meme_url:
- self.say(event.channel, self.get_random_flavor() + meme_url)
- else:
- self.say(event.channel, "It's all ogre. Memery broken.")
- return