123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413 |
- from event import Event
- import re
- import difflib
- try:
- import imgurpython
- except (ImportError, SystemError):
- print("Warning: QDB module requires imgurpython.")
- imgurpython = object
- try:
- import requests
- except (ImportError, SystemError):
- print("Warning: QDB module requires requests.")
- requests = object
- class QDB:
- def __init__(self, events=None, printer_handle=None, bot=None, say=None):
- self.events = events
- self.printer = printer_handle
- self.interests = ['__.qdb__', '1__all_lines__'] # should be first event in the listing.. so lines being added is a priority
- self.bot = bot
- self.say = say
- try:
- from imgur_credentials import ImgurCredentials as ic
- except (ImportError, SystemError):
- print("Warning: imgur module requires credentials in modules/imgur_credentials.py")
- class PhonyIc:
- imgur_client_id = "None"
- imgur_client_secret = "None"
- ic = PhonyIc()
- self.imgur_client_id = ic.imgur_client_id
- self.imgur_client_secret = ic.imgur_client_secret
- # prevent unecessarily clearing our mem_store['qdb'] dict
- if not "qdb" in self.bot.mem_store:
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb'] = {}
- #define a key for _recent since that will not be a potential channel name
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb']['_recent'] = []
- for event in events:
- if event._type in self.interests:
- event.subscribe(self)
- self.help = ".qdb <search string of first line> | <search string of last line>"
- self.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 500
- self.MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 10
- def _imgurify(self, url):
- client = imgurpython.ImgurClient(self.imgur_client_id, self.imgur_client_secret)
- replacement_values = list()
- if type(url) is list:
- for u in url:
- resp = client.upload_from_url(u)
- replacement_values.append(resp)
- else:
- try:
- resp = client.upload_from_url(url)
- replacement_values.append(resp)
- except imgurpython.helpers.error.ImgurClientError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("ImgurClientError: ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- except UnboundLocalError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("UnboundLocalError: ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- except requests.ConnectionError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("ConnectionError: ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- return replacement_values
- def _detect_url(self, quote):
- """
- for tsd printouts and imgflip (.meme)
- follows this format:
- http://irc.teamschoolyd.org/printouts/8xnK5DmfMz
- http://i.imgflip.com/zs1e6.jpg
- """
- tsd_regex = "(?P<url>http://irc\.teamschoolyd\.org/printouts/\w+)"
- if_regex = "(?P<url>http://i\.imgflip\.com/\w+.jpg)"
- # to allow us to check both variables at the end
- tsd_url, if_url = None, None
- try:
- tsd_url = re.search(tsd_regex, quote).group("url")
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- try:
- if_url = re.search(if_regex, quote).group("url")
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if not tsd_url and not if_url:
- return quote
- if tsd_url:
- url = tsd_url
- if if_url:
- url = if_url
- repl = self._imgurify(url)
- if tsd_url:
- new_quote = re.sub(tsd_regex, repl[0]['link'], quote)
- if if_url:
- new_quote = re.sub(if_regex, repl[0]['link'], quote)
- return new_quote
- def strip_formatting(self, msg):
- """Uses regex to replace any special formatting in IRC (bold, colors) with nothing"""
- return re.sub('([\x02\x1D\x1F\x16\x0F]|\x03([0-9]{2})?)', '', msg)
- def add_buffer(self, event=None, debug=False):
- """Takes a channel name and line passed to it and stores them in the bot's mem_store dict
- for future access. The dict will have channel as key. The value to that key will be a list
- of formatted lines of activity.
- If the buffer size is not yet exceeded, lines are just added. If the buffer
- is maxed out, the oldest line is removed and newest one inserted at the beginning.
- """
- if debug:
- print("Line: " + event.line)
- print("Verb: " + event.verb)
- print("Channel: " + event.channel)
- print("")
- if not event:
- return
- #there are certain things we want to record in history, like nick changes and quits
- #these often add to the humor of a quote. however, these are not specific to a channel
- #in IRC and our bot does not maintain a userlist per channel. Therefore, when nick
- #changes and quits occur, we will add them to every buffer. This is not technically
- #correct behavior and could very well lead to quits/nick changes that are not visible
- #showing up in a quote, but it's the best we can do at the moment
- if not event.channel:
- #discard events with unwanted verbs
- if event.verb not in ["QUIT", "NICK"]:
- return
- try:
- for chan in list(self.bot.mem_store['qdb'].keys()):
- if chan != '_recent':
- if len(self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][chan]) >= self.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE:
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][chan].pop()
- line = self.format_line(event)
- if line:
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][chan].insert(0, line)
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- print("QDB add_buffer() error when no event channel")
- #now we continue with normal, per channel line addition
- #create a dictionary associating the channel with an empty list if it doesn't exist yet
- else:
- if event.channel not in self.bot.mem_store['qdb']:
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][event.channel] = []
- try:
- #check for the length of the buffer. if it's too long, pop the last item
- if len(self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][event.channel]) >= self.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE:
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][event.channel].pop()
- #get a line by passing event to format_line
- #insert the line into the first position in the list
- line = self.format_line(event)
- if line:
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][event.channel].insert(0, line)
- except IndexError:
- print("QDB add_buffer() error. Couldn't access the list index.")
- def format_line(self, event):
- """Takes an event and formats a string appropriate for quotation from it"""
- # first strip out printout urls and replace them with imgur mirrors
- # commenting out for now to avoid uploading to imgur so often
- #event.msg = self._detect_url(event.msg)
- #format all strings based on the verb
- if event.verb == "":
- return ''
- elif event.verb == "PRIVMSG":
- #special formatting for ACTION strings
- if event.msg.startswith('\001ACTION'):
- #strip out the word ACTION from the msg
- return ' * %s %s\n' % (event.user, event.msg[7:])
- else:
- return '<%s> %s\n' % (event.user, self.strip_formatting(event.msg))
- elif event.verb == "JOIN":
- return ' --> %s has joined channel %s\n' % (event.user, event.channel)
- elif event.verb == "PART":
- return ' <-- %s has left channel %s\n' % (event.user, event.channel)
- elif event.verb == "NICK":
- return ' -- %s has changed their nick to %s\n' % (event.user, event.msg)
- elif event.verb == "TOPIC":
- return ' -- %s has changed the topic for %s to "%s"\n' % (event.user, event.channel, event.msg)
- elif event.verb == "QUIT":
- return ' <-- %s has quit (%s)\n' % (event.user, event.msg)
- elif event.verb == "KICK":
- #this little bit of code finds the kick target by getting the last
- #thing before the event message begins
- target = event.line.split(":", 2)[1].split()[-1]
- return ' <--- %s has kicked %s from %s (%s)\n' % (event.user, target, event.channel, event.msg)
- elif event.verb == "NOTICE":
- return ' --NOTICE from %s: %s\n' % (event.user, event.msg)
- else:
- #no matching verbs found. just ignore the line
- return ''
- def get_qdb_submission(self, channel=None, start_msg='', end_msg='', strict=False):
- """Given two strings, start_msg and end_msg, this function will assemble a submission for the QDB.
- start_msg is a substring to search for and identify a starting line. end_msg similarly is used
- to search for the last desired line in the submission. This function returns a string ready
- for submission to the QDB if it finds the desired selection. If not, it returns None.
- """
- if not channel:
- return None
- #must have at least one msg to search for and channel to look it up in
- if len(start_msg) == 0 or not channel:
- return None
- #first, check to see if we are doing a single string submission.
- if end_msg == '':
- for line in self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][channel]:
- if start_msg.lower() in line.lower():
- return self._detect_url(line) #removing temporary printout urls and replacing with imgur
- #making sure we get out of the function if no matching strings were found
- #don't want to search for a nonexistent second string later
- return None
- #search for a matching start and end string and get the buffer index for the start and end message
- start_index = -1
- end_index = -1
- """Finds matching string for beginning line. Buffer is traversed in reverse-chronological order
- .qdb -> strict = False -> earliest occurence
- .qdbs -> strict = True -> latest occurence
- """
- for index, line in enumerate(self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][channel]):
- #print "evaluating line for beginning: {}".format(line)
- if start_msg.encode('utf-8','ignore').lower() in line.encode('utf-8','ignore').lower():
- #print "found match, start_index={}".format(index)
- start_index = index
- if strict:
- break
- #finds newest matching string for ending line
- for index, line in enumerate(self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][channel]):
- #print "evaluating line for end: {}".format(line)
- if end_msg.lower() in line.lower():
- #print "found match, end_index={}".format(index)
- end_index = index
- break
- #check to see if index values are positive. if not, string was not found and we're done
- if start_index == -1 or end_index == -1 or start_index < end_index:
- return None
- #now we generate the string to be returned for submission
- submission = ''
- try:
- for i in reversed(list(range(end_index, start_index + 1))):
- #print 'Index number is ' + str(i) + ' and current submission is ' + submission
- submission += self._detect_url(self.bot.mem_store['qdb'][channel][i]) #detect temporary printout urls and replace with imgur
- except IndexError:
- print("QDB get_qdb_submission() error when accessing list index")
- return submission
- def submit(self, qdb_submission, debug=False):
- """Given a string, qdb_submission, this function will upload the string to hlmtre's qdb
- server. Returns a string with status of submission. If it worked, includes a link to new quote.
- """
- if debug:
- print("Submission is:")
- print(qdb_submission)
- print("Current buffer is:")
- print(self.bot.mem_store['qdb'])
- print("")
- return ''
- #accessing hlmtre's qdb api
- url = 'https://qdb.zero9f9.com/api.php'
- payload = {'q':'new', 'quote': qdb_submission.rstrip('\n')}
- try:
- qdb = requests.post(url, payload)
- except ConnectionError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print("ConnectionError: ")
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- #check for any HTTP errors and return False if there were any
- try:
- qdb.raise_for_status()
- except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print('HTTPError: ')
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- self.bot.debug_print("Perhaps informative:")
- self.bot.debug_print(url)
- self.bot.debug_print(str(payload))
- return "HTTPError encountered when submitting to QDB"
- try:
- q_url = qdb.json()
- self.add_recently_submitted(q_url['id'], qdb_submission)
- return "QDB submission successful! https://qdb.zero9f9.com/quote.php?id=" + str(q_url['id'])
- except (KeyError, UnicodeDecodeError):
- return "Error getting status of quote submission."
- return "That was probably successful since no errors came up, but no status available."
- def delete(self, user, post_id='', passcode=''):
- """A special function that allows certain users to delete posts"""
- #accessing hlmtre's qdb api
- url = 'http://qdb.zero9f9.com/api.php'
- payload = {'q':'delete', 'user':user, 'id':post_id, 'code':passcode}
- deletion = requests.get(url, params=payload)
- #check for any HTTP errors and return False if there were any
- try:
- deletion.raise_for_status()
- except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
- self.bot.debug_print('HTTPError: ')
- self.bot.debug_print(str(e))
- return "HTTPError encountered when accessing QDB"
- try:
- del_status = deletion.json()
- if del_status['success'] == "true":
- for quote in self.bot.mem_store['qdb']['_recent']: # they're a list of dicts
- if int(post_id) in quote:
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb']['_recent'].remove(quote)
- return "QDB deletion succeeded."
- return "QDB deletion failed."
- except (KeyError, UnicodeDecodeError):
- return "Error getting status of quote deletion."
- def recently_submitted(self, submission):
- """Checks to see if the given submission is string is at least 75% similar to the strings
- in the list of recently submitted quotes.
- Returns the id of the quote if it was recently submitted. If not, returns -1.
- """
- #set up a difflib SequenceMatcher with the first string to test
- comparer = difflib.SequenceMatcher()
- comparer.set_seq1(submission)
- #if we find that it has 75% similarity or greater to a recent submission, return True
- try:
- for recent_quote in self.bot.mem_store['qdb']['_recent']:
- comparer.set_seq2(list(recent_quote.values())[0])
- if comparer.ratio() >= .75:
- return list(recent_quote.keys())[0]
- except TypeError:
- return -1
- except KeyError:
- return -1
- except IndexError:
- return -1
- return -1
- def add_recently_submitted(self, q_id, submission):
- """Takes a string, submission, and adds it to the list of recent submissions.
- Also we do length checking, only keep record of the previous MAX_HISTORY_SIZE quotes.
- """
- #first, see if we have reached the maximum history size. if so, remove last item
- if len(self.bot.mem_store['qdb']['_recent']) >= self.MAX_HISTORY_SIZE:
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb']['_recent'].pop()
- #inserting a dict with the qdb id of the submission and the submission content
- self.bot.mem_store['qdb']['_recent'].insert(0, {q_id:submission})
- def handle(self, event):
- #first check to see if there is a special deletion going on
- if event.msg.startswith(".qdbdelete") and event.is_pm:
- deletion = event.msg.split(' ', 2)
- try:
- #requires the format ".qdbdelete <post_id> <password>"
- self.say(event.user, self.delete(event.user, deletion[1], deletion[2]))
- except IndexError:
- self.say(event.user, "Not enough parameters provided for deletion.")
- return
- """
- See if we're going to generate a qdb submission, or just add the line to the buffer.
- .qdb is the standard, generous implementation selected after hours of testing and ideal for a significant number of situations where lines are repeated. Use specific search strings. the start_index of the submission will be the EARLIEST occurrence of the substring in the buffer.
- .qdbs is the strict implementation. The start_index will be the LATEST occurrence of the substring.
- """
- if event.msg.startswith(".qdb ") or event.msg.startswith(".qdbs "):
- #split the msg with '.qdb[s] ' stripped off beginning and divide into 1 or 2 search strings
- #e.g. ".qdb string1|string2" -> [".qdb", "string1|string2"]
- cmd_parts = event.msg.split(None,1)
- if len(cmd_parts) < 2:
- #do something here to handle '.qdb[s]'
- return
- #determine if using strict mode
- strict_mode = cmd_parts[0] == ".qdbs"
- #split the search parameter(s)
- #e.g. "string1|string2" -> ["string1", "string2"]
- string_token = cmd_parts[1].split('|', 1)
- start_msg = string_token[0].rstrip()
- #see if we only have a one line submission
- if len(string_token) == 1:
- #s is the string to submit
- s = self.get_qdb_submission(event.channel, start_msg)
- recent = self.recently_submitted(s)
- if recent > 0:
- q_url = "http://qdb.zero9f9.com/quote.php?id=" + str(recent)
- self.printer("PRIVMSG " + event.channel + " :QDB Error: A quote of >75% similarity has already been posted here: " + q_url + "\n")
- return
- if not s:
- self.printer("PRIVMSG " + event.channel + ' :QDB Error: Could not find requested string.\n')
- return
- #Print the link to the newly submitted quote
- self.printer("PRIVMSG " + event.channel + ' :' + self.submit(s) + '\n')
- return
- #We should only get here if there are two items in string_token
- end_msg = string_token[1].lstrip()
- s = self.get_qdb_submission(event.channel, start_msg, end_msg, strict_mode)
- recent = self.recently_submitted(s)
- if recent > 0:
- q_url = "http://qdb.zero9f9.com/quote.php?id=" + str(recent)
- self.printer("PRIVMSG " + event.channel + " :QDB Error: A quote of >75% similarity has already been posted here: " + q_url + "\n")
- return
- #if there's nothing found for the submission, then we alert the channel and gtfo
- if not s:
- self.printer("PRIVMSG " + event.channel + ' :QDB Error: Could not find requested quotes or parameters were not specific enough.\n')
- return
- #print the link to the new submission
- self.printer("PRIVMSG " + event.channel + ' :' + self.submit(s) + '\n')
- return
- self.add_buffer(event)