Mounir IDRASSI 70e9868c8e Windows: fix buffer overrun caused by wrong use of wmemset 3 anos atrás
Boot 2d3771c45d Increment version to 1.25.7 and update Release Notes 3 anos atrás
Build 2d3771c45d Increment version to 1.25.7 and update Release Notes 3 anos atrás
Common 768effbe96 Windows: Add missing string in Language.xml 3 anos atrás
Core e7b3ca7334 Linux: try to fix some rare issues when invoking sudo using fork by waiting 1 second for forked process to start 3 anos atrás
Crypto fb1a4893b8 Windows: Fix some VS static analyzed warnings 3 anos atrás
Driver 656b1c5902 Update Release Notes and add signed Windows driver. 3 anos atrás
ExpandVolume 2d3771c45d Increment version to 1.25.7 and update Release Notes 3 anos atrás
Format 70e9868c8e Windows: fix buffer overrun caused by wrong use of wmemset 3 anos atrás
Main abfef8821d MacOSX: remove write permission also from group on application bundle 3 anos atrás
Mount 2d3771c45d Increment version to 1.25.7 and update Release Notes 3 anos atrás
PKCS11 11716ed2da Remove trailing whitespace 8 anos atrás
Platform 7c3355a2d1 Make system devices work under FreeBSD (#777) 3 anos atrás
Release fcb220e39a Merge branch 'master' of into e2Security-master 3 anos atrás
Resources 1b76823ea5 Add copyright and license information of JitterEntropy library by Stephan Mueller 6 anos atrás
Setup fcb220e39a Merge branch 'master' of into e2Security-master 3 anos atrás
SetupDLL 0d92195c91 Windows MSI: set minimum support for MSI installation to Windows 8 as it was before 3 anos atrás
Signing fcb220e39a Merge branch 'master' of into e2Security-master 3 anos atrás
Volume d448713e61 MacOSX: Make AESNI availability linked to compiler target and not compilation host 3 anos atrás
LICENSE 6ebc83bbed Update dates on some copyrights statements 7 anos atrás
License.html eafac3be5c Update various copyright dates. 7 anos atrás
License.txt eafac3be5c Update various copyright dates. 7 anos atrás
Makefile 32052f214b Minor cleanup of the repo (#822) 3 anos atrás
NOTICE 6ebc83bbed Update dates on some copyrights statements 7 anos atrás
Readme.txt ce733d547e Update copyright year to 2022 3 anos atrás
VeraCrypt.sln a21b2270e8 Windows: Implement TESTSIGNING build configuration that allows running under Windows Vista,7, 8 and 8.1. 3 anos atrás
VeraCrypt_vs2019.sln 9881744c95 Windows: Add support for ARM64 platform (e.g. Microsoft Surface Pro X). System encryption still not implemented on ARM64 4 anos atrás


This archive contains the source code of VeraCrypt.
It is based on original TrueCrypt 7.1a with security enhancements and modifications.


You may use the source code contained in this archive only if you accept and
agree to the license terms contained in the file 'License.txt', which is
included in this archive.

Note that the license specifies, for example, that a derived work must not be
called 'TrueCrypt' or 'VeraCrypt'


I. Windows
Requirements for Building VeraCrypt for Windows.
Instructions for Building VeraCrypt for Windows.
Instructions for Signing and Packaging VeraCrypt for Windows.

II. Linux and Mac OS X
Requirements for Building VeraCrypt for Linux and Mac OS X.
Instructions for Building VeraCrypt for Linux and Mac OS X.
Mac OS X specifics


IV. Third-Party Developers (Contributors)

V. Legal Information

VI. Further Information

I. Windows

Requirements for Building VeraCrypt for Windows:

- Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 (Professional Edition or compatible)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2019
- Microsoft Visual C++ 1.52 (available from MSDN Subscriber Downloads)
- Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7.1 (configured for Visual C++ 2010)
- Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 8.1 (needed for SHA-256 code signing)
- Microsoft Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 (build 7600.16385.1)
- NASM assembler 2.08 or compatible
- YASM 1.3.0 or newer.
- gzip compressor
- upx packer (available at


The 64-bit editions of Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, and in
some cases (e.g. playback of HD DVD content) also the 32-bit editions, do not
allow the VeraCrypt driver to run without an appropriate digital signature.
Therefore, all .sys files in official VeraCrypt binary packages are digitally
signed with the digital certificate of the IDRIX, which was issued by
GlobalSign certification authority. At the end of each official .exe and
.sys file, there are embedded digital signatures and all related certificates
(i.e. all certificates in the relevant certification chain, such as the
certification authority certificates, CA-MS cross-certificate, and the
IDRIX certificate).
Keep this in mind if you compile VeraCrypt and compare your binaries with the
official binaries. If your binaries are unsigned, the sizes of the official
binaries will usually be approximately 10 KiB greater than sizes of your
binaries (there may be further differences if you use a different version of
the compiler, or if you install a different or no service pack for Visual
Studio, or different hotfixes for it, or if you use different versions of
the required SDKs).

Instructions for Building VeraCrypt for Windows:

1) Create an environment variable 'MSVC16_ROOT' pointing to the folder 'MSVC15'
extracted from the Visual C++ 1.52 self-extracting package.

Note: The 16-bit installer MSVC15\SETUP.EXE cannot be run on 64-bit Windows,
but it is actually not necessary to run it. You only need to extract the
folder 'MSVC15', which contains the 32-bit binaries required to build the
VeraCrypt Boot Loader.

2) If you have installed the Windows Driver Development Kit in another
directory than '%SYSTEMDRIVE%\WinDDK', create an environment variable
'WINDDK_ROOT' pointing to the DDK installation directory.

3) Open the solution file 'VeraCrypt.sln' in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

4) Select 'All' as the active solution configuration and WIN32 as the active

5) Build the solution.

6) Select x64 as the active platform and build the solution again.

7) Open the solution file 'VeraCrypt_vs2019.sln' in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

8) Select 'All' as the active solution configuration and ARM64 as the active

9) Build the solution.

6) If successful, there should be newly built VeraCrypt binaries in the
'Release\Setup Files' folder.

Instructions for Signing and Packaging VeraCrypt for Windows:

First, create an environment variable 'WSDK81' pointing to the Windows SDK
for Windows 8.1 installation directory.
The folder "Signing" contains a batch file (sign.bat) that will sign all
VeraCrypt components using a code signing certificate present on the
certificate store and also build the final installation setup and MSI package.
The batch file suppose that the code signing certificate is issued by
GlobalSign. This is the case for IDRIX's certificate. If yours is issued by
another CA, then you should put its intermediate certificates in the "Signing"
folder and modify sign.bat accordingly.

In order to generate MSI packages, WiX Toolset v3.11 must be installed.

VeraCrypt EFI Boot Loader:

VeraCrypt source code contains pre-built EFI binaries under src\Boot\EFI.
The source code of VeraCrypt EFI Boot Loader is licensed under LGPL and
it is available at
For build instructions, please refer to the file src\Boot\EFI\Readme.txt.

II. Linux and Mac OS X

Requirements for Building VeraCrypt for Linux and Mac OS X:

- GNU Make
- GNU C++ Compiler 4.0 or compatible
- Apple Xcode (Mac OS X only)
- YASM 1.3.0 or newer (Linux only, x86/x64 architecture only)
- pkg-config
- wxWidgets 3.0 shared library and header files installed or
wxWidgets 3.0 library source code (available at
- FUSE library and header files (available at

Instructions for Building VeraCrypt for Linux and Mac OS X:

1) Change the current directory to the root of the VeraCrypt source code.

2) If you have no wxWidgets shared library installed, run the following
command to configure the wxWidgets static library for VeraCrypt and to
build it:

$ make WXSTATIC=1 WX_ROOT=/usr/src/wxWidgets wxbuild

The variable WX_ROOT must point to the location of the source code of the
wxWidgets library. Output files will be placed in the './wxrelease/'

3) To build VeraCrypt, run the following command:

$ make

or if you have no wxWidgets shared library installed:

$ make WXSTATIC=1

4) If successful, the VeraCrypt executable should be located in the directory

By default, a universal executable supporting both graphical and text user
interface (through the switch --text) is built.
On Linux, a console-only executable, which requires no GUI library, can be
built using the 'NOGUI' parameter:

$ make NOGUI=1 WXSTATIC=1 WX_ROOT=/usr/src/wxWidgets wxbuild

On MacOSX, building a console-only executable is not supported.

Mac OS X specifics:

Under MacOSX, the SDK for OSX 11.3 is used by default. To use another version
of the SDK (i.e. 10.15), you can export the environment variable VC_OSX_TARGET:

$ export VC_OSX_TARGET=10.15

Before building under MacOSX, pkg-config must be installed if not yet available.
Get it from and
compile using the following commands :

$ ./configure --with-internal-glib
$ make
$ sudo make install

After making sure pkg-config is available, download and install OSXFuse from

The script available under "src/Build" performs the
full build of VeraCrypt including the creation of the installer pkg. It expects
to find the wxWidgets 3.1.2 sources at the same level as where you put
VeraCrypt sources (i.e. if "src" path is "/Users/joe/Projects/VeraCrypt/src"
then wxWidgets should be at "/Users/joe/Projects/wxWidgets-3.1.2")

The build process uses Code Signing certificates whose ID is specified in
src/Main/Main.make (look for lines containing "Developer ID Application" and
"Developer ID Installer"). You'll have to modify these lines to put the ID of
your Code Signing certificates or comment them if you don't have one.

Because of incompatibility issues with OSXFUSE, the SDK 10.9 generates a
VeraCrypt binary that has issues communicating with the OSXFUSE kernel extension.
Thus, we recommend using a different OSX SDK version for building VeraCrypt.


FreeBSD is supported starting from version 11.
The build requirements and instructions are the same as Linux except that gmake
should be used instead of make.

IV. Third-Party Developers (Contributors)

If you intend to implement a feature, please contact us first to make sure:

1) That the feature has not been implemented (we may have already implemented
it, but haven't released the code yet).
2) That the feature is acceptable.
3) Whether we need help of third-party developers with implementing the feature.

Information on how to contact us can be found at:

V. Legal Information

Copyright Information

This software as a whole:
Copyright (c) 2013-2022 IDRIX. All rights reserved.

Portions of this software:
Copyright (c) 2013-2022 IDRIX. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Paul Le Roux. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
Copyright (c) 2016 Disk Cryptography Services for EFI (DCS), Alex Kolotnikov
Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Dieter Baron and Thomas Klausner.
Copyright (c) 2013, Alexey Degtyarev. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Jack Lloyd. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Stephan Mueller

For more information, please see the legal notices attached to parts of the
source code.

Trademark Information

Any trademarks contained in the source code, binaries, and/or in the
documentation, are the sole property of their respective owners.

VI. Further Information