readme.txt 802 B

  1. What is the import folder for?
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. The folder provides a way for you to change your config settings without having
  4. to update the files every time you update your server. You store your changes,
  5. and the rest is updated with Hercules (usually though GIT).
  6. How does this work?
  7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Place only the settings you have changed in the import files.
  9. For example, if you want to change a value in conf/battle/exp.conf:
  10. // Rate at which exp. is given. (Note 2)
  11. base_exp_rate: 700
  12. You could instead copy the setting into conf/import/battle_conf.txt,
  13. and you'll eliminate any problems updating in the future.
  14. Neat, isn't it?
  15. - Semi-guide by Ajarn / Euphy