123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """CSS Minifier functions for CSS-HTML-JS-Minify."""
- import re
- import itertools
- from .variables import EXTENDED_NAMED_COLORS, CSS_PROPS_TEXT
- __all__ = ('css_minify', 'condense_semicolons')
- def _compile_props(props_text, grouped=False):
- """Take a list of props and prepare them."""
- props, prefixes = [], "-webkit-,-khtml-,-epub-,-moz-,-ms-,-o-,".split(",")
- for propline in props_text.strip().lower().splitlines():
- props += [pre + pro for pro in propline.split(" ") for pre in prefixes]
- props = filter(lambda line: not line.startswith('#'), props)
- if not grouped:
- props = list(filter(None, props))
- return props, [0]*len(props)
- final_props, groups, g_id = [], [], 0
- for prop in props:
- if prop.strip():
- final_props.append(prop)
- groups.append(g_id)
- else:
- g_id += 1
- return final_props, groups
- def _prioritify(line_of_css, css_props_text_as_list):
- """Return args priority, priority is integer and smaller means higher."""
- sorted_css_properties, groups_by_alphabetic_order = css_props_text_as_list
- priority_integer, group_integer = 9999, 0
- for css_property in sorted_css_properties:
- if css_property.lower() == line_of_css.split(":")[0].lower().strip():
- priority_integer = sorted_css_properties.index(css_property)
- group_integer = groups_by_alphabetic_order[priority_integer]
- break
- return priority_integer, group_integer
- def _props_grouper(props, pgs):
- """Return groups for properties."""
- if not props:
- return props
- # props = sorted([
- # _ if _.strip().endswith(";")
- # and not _.strip().endswith("*/") and not _.strip().endswith("/*")
- # else _.rstrip() + ";\n" for _ in props])
- props_pg = zip(map(lambda prop: _prioritify(prop, pgs), props), props)
- props_pg = sorted(props_pg, key=lambda item: item[0][1])
- props_by_groups = map(
- lambda item: list(item[1]),
- itertools.groupby(props_pg, key=lambda item: item[0][1]))
- props_by_groups = map(lambda item: sorted(
- item, key=lambda item: item[0][0]), props_by_groups)
- props = []
- for group in props_by_groups:
- group = map(lambda item: item[1], group)
- props += group
- props += ['\n']
- props.pop()
- return props
- def sort_properties(css_unsorted_string):
- """CSS Property Sorter Function.
- This function will read buffer argument, split it to a list by lines,
- sort it by defined rule, and return sorted buffer if it's CSS property.
- This function depends on '_prioritify' function.
- """
- css_pgs = _compile_props(CSS_PROPS_TEXT, grouped=False) # Do Not Group.
- pattern = re.compile(r'(.*?{\r?\n?)(.*?)(}.*?)|(.*)',
- matched_patterns = pattern.findall(css_unsorted_string)
- sorted_patterns, sorted_buffer = [], css_unsorted_string
- re_prop = re.compile(r'((?:.*?)(?:;)(?:.*?\n)|(?:.*))',
- if len(matched_patterns) != 0:
- for matched_groups in matched_patterns:
- sorted_patterns += matched_groups[0].splitlines(True)
- props = map(lambda line: line.lstrip('\n'),
- re_prop.findall(matched_groups[1]))
- props = list(filter(lambda line: line.strip('\n '), props))
- props = _props_grouper(props, css_pgs)
- sorted_patterns += props
- sorted_patterns += matched_groups[2].splitlines(True)
- sorted_patterns += matched_groups[3].splitlines(True)
- sorted_buffer = ''.join(sorted_patterns)
- return sorted_buffer
- def remove_comments(css):
- """Remove all CSS comment blocks."""
- iemac, preserve = False, False
- comment_start = css.find("/*")
- while comment_start >= 0: # Preserve comments that look like `/*!...*/`.
- # Slicing is used to make sure we dont get an IndexError.
- preserve = css[comment_start + 2:comment_start + 3] == "!"
- comment_end = css.find("*/", comment_start + 2)
- if comment_end < 0:
- if not preserve:
- css = css[:comment_start]
- break
- elif comment_end >= (comment_start + 2):
- if css[comment_end - 1] == "\\":
- # This is an IE Mac-specific comment; leave this one and the
- # following one alone.
- comment_start = comment_end + 2
- iemac = True
- elif iemac:
- comment_start = comment_end + 2
- iemac = False
- elif not preserve:
- css = css[:comment_start] + css[comment_end + 2:]
- else:
- comment_start = comment_end + 2
- comment_start = css.find("/*", comment_start)
- return css
- def remove_unnecessary_whitespace(css):
- """Remove unnecessary whitespace characters."""
- def pseudoclasscolon(css):
- """Prevent 'p :link' from becoming 'p:link'.
- Translates 'p :link' into 'p ___PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___link'.
- This is translated back again later.
- """
- regex = re.compile(r"(^|\})(([^\{\:])+\:)+([^\{]*\{)")
- match = regex.search(css)
- while match:
- css = ''.join([
- css[:match.start()],
- match.group().replace(":", "___PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___"),
- css[match.end():]])
- match = regex.search(css)
- return css
- css = pseudoclasscolon(css)
- # Remove spaces from before things.
- css = re.sub(r"\s+([!{};:>\(\)\],])", r"\1", css)
- # If there is a `@charset`, then only allow one, and move to beginning.
- css = re.sub(r"^(.*)(@charset \"[^\"]*\";)", r"\2\1", css)
- css = re.sub(r"^(\s*@charset [^;]+;\s*)+", r"\1", css)
- # Put the space back in for a few cases, such as `@media screen` and
- # `(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)`.
- css = re.sub(r"\band\(", "and (", css)
- # Put the colons back.
- css = css.replace('___PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___', ':')
- # Remove spaces from after things.
- css = re.sub(r"([!{}:;>\(\[,])\s+", r"\1", css)
- return css
- def remove_unnecessary_semicolons(css):
- """Remove unnecessary semicolons."""
- return re.sub(r";+\}", "}", css)
- def remove_empty_rules(css):
- """Remove empty rules."""
- return re.sub(r"[^\}\{]+\{\}", "", css)
- def normalize_rgb_colors_to_hex(css):
- """Convert `rgb(51,102,153)` to `#336699`."""
- regex = re.compile(r"rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9,\s]+)\s*\)")
- match = regex.search(css)
- while match:
- colors = map(lambda s: s.strip(), match.group(1).split(","))
- hexcolor = '#%.2x%.2x%.2x' % tuple(map(int, colors))
- css = css.replace(match.group(), hexcolor)
- match = regex.search(css)
- return css
- def condense_zero_units(css):
- """Replace `0(px, em, %, etc)` with `0`."""
- return re.sub(r"([\s:])(0)(px|em|%|in|q|ch|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex|rem|s|ms|"
- r"deg|grad|rad|turn|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|fr)", r"\1\2", css)
- def condense_multidimensional_zeros(css):
- """Replace `:0 0 0 0;`, `:0 0 0;` etc. with `:0;`."""
- return css.replace(":0 0 0 0;", ":0;").replace(
- ":0 0 0;", ":0;").replace(":0 0;", ":0;").replace(
- "background-position:0;", "background-position:0 0;").replace(
- "transform-origin:0;", "transform-origin:0 0;")
- def condense_floating_points(css):
- """Replace `0.6` with `.6` where possible."""
- return re.sub(r"(:|\s)0+\.(\d+)", r"\1.\2", css)
- def condense_hex_colors(css):
- """Shorten colors from #AABBCC to #ABC where possible."""
- regex = re.compile(
- r"""([^\"'=\s])(\s*)#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])"""
- r"""([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])""", re.I | re.S)
- match = regex.search(css)
- while match:
- first = match.group(3) + match.group(5) + match.group(7)
- second = match.group(4) + match.group(6) + match.group(8)
- if first.lower() == second.lower():
- css = css.replace(
- match.group(), match.group(1) + match.group(2) + '#' + first)
- match = regex.search(css, match.end() - 3)
- else:
- match = regex.search(css, match.end())
- return css
- def condense_whitespace(css):
- """Condense multiple adjacent whitespace characters into one."""
- return re.sub(r"\s+", " ", css)
- def condense_semicolons(css):
- """Condense multiple adjacent semicolon characters into one."""
- return re.sub(r";;+", ";", css)
- def wrap_css_lines(css, line_length=80):
- """Wrap the lines of the given CSS to an approximate length."""
- lines, line_start = [], 0
- for i, char in enumerate(css):
- # Its safe to break after } characters.
- if char == '}' and (i - line_start >= line_length):
- lines.append(css[line_start:i + 1])
- line_start = i + 1
- if line_start < len(css):
- lines.append(css[line_start:])
- return '\n'.join(lines)
- def condense_font_weight(css):
- """Condense multiple font weights into shorter integer equals."""
- return css.replace('font-weight:normal;', 'font-weight:400;').replace(
- 'font-weight:bold;', 'font-weight:700;')
- def condense_std_named_colors(css):
- """Condense named color values to shorter replacement using HEX."""
- for color_name, color_hexa in iter(tuple({
- ':aqua;': ':#0ff;', ':blue;': ':#00f;',
- ':fuchsia;': ':#f0f;', ':yellow;': ':#ff0;'}.items())):
- css = css.replace(color_name, color_hexa)
- return css
- def condense_xtra_named_colors(css):
- """Condense named color values to shorter replacement using HEX."""
- for k, v in iter(tuple(EXTENDED_NAMED_COLORS.items())):
- same_color_but_rgb = 'rgb({0},{1},{2})'.format(v[0], v[1], v[2])
- if len(k) > len(same_color_but_rgb):
- css = css.replace(k, same_color_but_rgb)
- return css
- def remove_url_quotes(css):
- """Fix for url() does not need quotes."""
- return re.sub(r'url\((["\'])([^)]*)\1\)', r'url(\2)', css)
- def condense_border_none(css):
- """Condense border:none; to border:0;."""
- return css.replace("border:none;", "border:0;")
- def add_encoding(css):
- """Add @charset 'UTF-8'; if missing."""
- return '@charset "utf-8";' + css if "@charset" not in css.lower() else css
- def restore_needed_space(css):
- """Fix CSS for some specific cases where a white space is needed."""
- return css.replace("!important", " !important").replace( # !important
- "@media(", "@media (").replace( # media queries # jpeg > jpg
- "data:image/jpeg;base64,", "data:image/jpg;base64,").rstrip("\n;")
- def unquote_selectors(css):
- """Fix CSS for some specific selectors where Quotes is not needed."""
- return re.compile('([a-zA-Z]+)="([a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+)"]').sub(r'\1=\2]', css)
- def css_minify(css, wrap=False, comments=False, sort=False, noprefix=False):
- """Minify CSS main function."""
- css = remove_comments(css) if not comments else css
- css = sort_properties(css) if sort else css
- css = unquote_selectors(css)
- css = condense_whitespace(css)
- css = remove_url_quotes(css)
- css = condense_xtra_named_colors(css)
- css = condense_font_weight(css)
- css = remove_unnecessary_whitespace(css)
- css = condense_std_named_colors(css)
- css = remove_unnecessary_semicolons(css)
- css = condense_zero_units(css)
- css = condense_multidimensional_zeros(css)
- css = condense_floating_points(css)
- css = normalize_rgb_colors_to_hex(css)
- css = condense_hex_colors(css)
- css = condense_border_none(css)
- css = wrap_css_lines(css, 80) if wrap else css
- css = condense_semicolons(css)
- css = add_encoding(css) if not noprefix else css
- css = restore_needed_space(css)
- return css.strip()