Arduino Chicken Brooder
Arduino program to control the environment of day-old chickens until
they grow feathers and are ready for the chook house.
- Adjustable temperature and temperature variance via menu
- Keeps total time lamp and fan have run for and the average
heat/cool time
- Adjustable backlight brightness
- Adjustable LCD backlight stand-by for power saving
- Loops through menu items (after the last, restarts on the first)
Build an insulated box with a heatlamp and fan wired through a relay
board to the arduino. A computer power supply does well to power it
all. Put the temperature sensor in the box, wire it all up, turn it
- Press "select" to wake up
- Press "select" again to enter menu
- Press "up" or "down" to select menu item
- Press "left" or "right" to change values
- Press "select" or wait for the backlight to turn off to exit menu
Relays are required to actuate the fan and lamp.
5 button, 2x16 LCD shield
DHT22 library (Temperature/Humidity sensor)
Compilation instructions
- Replace DHT22 sensor with something more acurate or read the value
several times and use an average
- Save menu options and statistics to EEPROM
- Remove C++ garbage and use ANSI C instead