fixtures.vala 15 KB

  1. /********************************************************************
  2. # Copyright 2016-2017 Daniel 'grindhold' Brendle
  3. #
  4. # This file is part of liboparl.
  5. #
  6. # liboparl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
  7. # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
  8. # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
  9. # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
  10. # version.
  11. #
  12. # liboparl is distributed in the hope that it will be
  13. # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
  15. # PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
  16. #
  17. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  18. # License along with liboparl.
  19. # If not, see
  20. *********************************************************************/
  21. using OParl;
  22. namespace OParlTest.Fixtures {
  23. public const string object_sane = """
  24. {
  25. "id": "",
  26. "type": "",
  27. "name": "Testsystem und so",
  28. "shortName": "Testsystem",
  29. "license": "CC-BY-SA",
  30. "created": "2016-01-01T13:12:22+00:00",
  31. "modified": "2016-05-23T21:18:29+00:00",
  32. "keyword": ["some","neat","object"],
  33. "web": "https://foobar.invalid",
  34. "deleted": false
  35. }
  36. """;
  37. public const string object_sane_vendor_attrs = """
  38. {
  39. "id": "",
  40. "type": "",
  41. "name": "Testsystem und so",
  42. "shortName": "Testsystem",
  43. "license": "CC-BY-SA",
  44. "created": "2016-01-01T13:12:22+00:00",
  45. "modified": "2016-05-23T21:18:29+00:00",
  46. "keyword": ["some","neat","object"],
  47. "web": "https://foobar.invalid",
  48. "deleted": false,
  49. "ris:state":"old",
  50. "ris:vendor":"somerisvendor"
  51. }
  52. """;
  53. public const string system_sane = """
  54. {
  55. "id": "",
  56. "type": "",
  57. "oparlVersion": "",
  58. "body": "",
  59. "name": "Beispiel-System",
  60. "contactEmail": "",
  61. "contactName": "Allgemeiner OParl Kontakt",
  62. "website": "",
  63. "vendor": "",
  64. "product": "",
  65. "otherOparlVersions": [""]
  66. }
  67. """;
  68. public const string body_list_sane = """
  69. {
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  71. "totalElements":1,
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  76. "data": [
  77. """+ body_sane +"""
  78. ],
  79. "links":{}
  80. }
  81. """;
  82. public const string legislative_term_sane_1 = """
  83. {
  84. "id": "",
  85. "type": "",
  86. "body": "",
  87. "name": "21. Wahlperiode",
  88. "startDate": "2010-12-03",
  89. "endDate": "2013-12-03"
  90. }
  91. """;
  92. public const string legislative_term_sane_2 = """
  93. {
  94. "id": "",
  95. "type": "",
  96. "body": "",
  97. "name": "21. Wahlperiode",
  98. "startDate": "2014-01-01T14:28:31.568+0000",
  99. "endDate": "2015-01-01T14:28:31.568+0000"
  100. }
  101. """;
  102. public const string body_sane = """
  103. {
  104. "id": "",
  105. "type": "",
  106. "system": "",
  107. "contactEmail": "",
  108. "contactName": "RIS-Betreuung",
  109. "ags": "05315000",
  110. "rgs": "053150000000",
  111. "equivalent": [
  112. "",
  113. ""
  114. ],
  115. "shortName": "Köln",
  116. "name": "Stadt Köln, kreisfreie Stadt",
  117. "website": "",
  118. "license": "",
  119. "licenseValidSince": "2015-01-01T14:28:31.568+0000",
  120. "oparlSince": "2014-01-01T14:28:31.568+0000",
  121. "organization": "",
  122. "person": "",
  123. "meeting": "",
  124. "paper": "",
  125. "legislativeTerm": [
  126. """ + legislative_term_sane_1 + """,
  127. """ + legislative_term_sane_2 + """
  128. ],
  129. "location": """+ location_sane +""",
  130. "classification": "Kreisfreie Stadt",
  131. "created": "2014-01-08T14:28:31.568+0100",
  132. "modified": "2014-01-08T14:28:31.568+0100"
  133. }
  134. """;
  135. public const string organization_sane = """
  136. {
  137. "id": "",
  138. "type": "",
  139. "body": "",
  140. "name": "Ausschuss für Haushalt und Finanzen",
  141. "shortName": "Finanzausschuss",
  142. "startDate": "2012-07-17",
  143. "endDate": "2014-07-17",
  144. "organizationType": "Gremium",
  145. "location": """ + location_sane + """,
  146. "post": [
  147. "Vorsitzender",
  148. "1. Stellvertreter",
  149. "Mitglied"
  150. ],
  151. "meeting": "",
  152. "membership": [
  153. ""
  154. ],
  155. "classification": "Ausschuss",
  156. "keyword": [
  157. "finanzen",
  158. "haushalt"
  159. ],
  160. "created": "2012-07-16",
  161. "modified": "2012-08-16"
  162. }
  163. """;
  164. public const string organization_list_sane = """
  165. {
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  168. "elementsPerPage":1,
  169. "currentPage":1,
  170. "totalPages":1
  171. },
  172. "data": [
  173. """+ organization_sane +"""
  174. ],
  175. "links":{}
  176. }
  177. """;
  178. public const string membership_sane_1 = """
  179. {
  180. "id": "",
  181. "type": "",
  182. "organization": "",
  183. "role": "Vorsitzende",
  184. "votingRight": true,
  185. "startDate": "2013-12-03"
  186. }
  187. """;
  188. public const string membership_sane_2 = """
  189. {
  190. "id": "",
  191. "type": "",
  192. "organization": "",
  193. "onBehalfOf": "",
  194. "role": "Sachkundige Bürgerin",
  195. "votingRight": false,
  196. "startDate": "2013-12-02",
  197. "endDate": "2014-07-27"
  198. }
  199. """;
  200. public const string person_sane = """
  201. {
  202. "id": "",
  203. "type": "",
  204. "body": "",
  205. "name": "Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann",
  206. "familyName": "Mustermann",
  207. "givenName": "Max",
  208. "title": [
  209. "Prof.",
  210. "Dr."
  211. ],
  212. "formOfAddress": "Ratsfrau",
  213. "gender": "male",
  214. "email": [""],
  215. "phone": ["+493012345678"],
  216. "status": [
  217. "Bezirksbürgermeister"
  218. ],
  219. "membership": [
  220. """ + membership_sane_1 + """,
  221. """ + membership_sane_2 + """
  222. ],
  223. "created": "2011-11-11T11:11:00+00:00",
  224. "modified": "2012-08-16T14:05:27+00:00"
  225. }
  226. """;
  227. public const string person_list_sane = """
  228. {
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  231. "elementsPerPage":1,
  232. "currentPage":1,
  233. "totalPages":1
  234. },
  235. "data": [
  236. """ + person_sane + """
  237. ],
  238. "links":{}
  239. }
  240. """;
  241. public const string membership_sane = """
  242. {
  243. "id": "",
  244. "type": "",
  245. "organization": "",
  246. "onBehalfOf": "",
  247. "person": "",
  248. "role": "Sachkundige Bürgerin",
  249. "votingRight": false,
  250. "startDate": "2013-12-02",
  251. "endDate": "2014-07-27"
  252. }
  253. """;
  254. public const string meeting_sane = """
  255. {
  256. "id": "",
  257. "type": "",
  258. "name": "4. Sitzung des Finanzausschusses",
  259. "cancelled": false,
  260. "start": "2013-01-04T08:00:00+00:00",
  261. "end": "2013-01-04T12:00:00+00:00",
  262. "location": """ + location_sane + """,
  263. "organization": [
  264. ""
  265. ],
  266. "participant": [
  267. ""
  268. ],
  269. "invitation": """ + file_sane + """,
  270. "resultsProtocol": """ + file_sane + """,
  271. "verbatimProtocol": """ + file_sane + """,
  272. "auxiliaryFile": ["""+ file_sane + """],
  273. "agendaItem": ["""+ agenda_item_sane + """],
  274. "created": "2012-01-06T12:01:00+00:00",
  275. "modified": "2012-01-08T14:05:27+00:00"
  276. }
  277. """;
  278. public const string meeting_list_sane = """
  279. {
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  281. "totalElements":1,
  282. "elementsPerPage":1,
  283. "currentPage":1,
  284. "totalPages":1
  285. },
  286. "data": [
  287. """ + meeting_sane + """
  288. ],
  289. "links":{}
  290. }
  291. """;
  292. public const string location_sane = """
  293. {
  294. "id": "",
  295. "type": "",
  296. "description": "Rathaus der Beispielstadt, Ratshausplatz 1, 12345 Beispielstadt",
  297. "streetAddress": "Rathausplatz 1",
  298. "room": "1337",
  299. "postalCode": "13337",
  300. "subLocality": "Beispielbezirk",
  301. "locality": "Beispielstadt",
  302. "bodies": [
  303. ""
  304. ],
  305. "organizations": [
  306. ""
  307. ],
  308. "meetings": [
  309. ""
  310. ],
  311. "papers": [
  312. ""
  313. ],
  314. "geojson": {
  315. "type": "Feature",
  316. "geometry": {
  317. "type": "Point",
  318. "coordinates": [
  319. 50.1234,
  320. 10.4321
  321. ]
  322. },
  323. "properties": {
  324. "name": "Rathausplatz"
  325. }
  326. }
  327. }
  328. """;
  329. public const string file_sane = """
  330. {
  331. "id": "",
  332. "type": "",
  333. "name": "Nachtrags-Tagesordnung",
  334. "fileName": "nachtrag-TO.pdf",
  335. "mimeType": "application/pdf",
  336. "date": "2012-01-08",
  337. "sha1Checksum": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709",
  338. "size": 82930,
  339. "accessUrl": "",
  340. "downloadUrl": "",
  341. "externalServiceUrl": "",
  342. "masterFile" : "",
  343. "derivativeFile" : [""],
  344. "fileLicense": "",
  345. "modified": "2012-01-08T14:05:27+00:00",
  346. "text": "blablatextblabla",
  347. "meeting": [ ""],
  348. "agendaItem": [ ""],
  349. "paper": [ ""]
  350. }
  351. """;
  352. public const string paper_sane = """
  353. {
  354. "id": "",
  355. "type": "",
  356. "body": "",
  357. "name": "Antwort auf Anfrage 1200/2014",
  358. "reference": "1234/2014",
  359. "date": "2014-04-04",
  360. "paperType": "Beantwortung einer Anfrage",
  361. "relatedPaper": [
  362. ""
  363. ],
  364. "mainFile": {
  365. "id": "",
  366. "type": "",
  367. "name": "Anlage 1 zur Anfrage",
  368. "fileName": "anlage_1_zur_anfrage.pdf",
  369. "mimeType": "application/pdf",
  370. "date": "2013-01-04",
  371. "sha1Checksum": "d749751af44a32c818b9b1e1515251c67734f5d2",
  372. "size": 82930,
  373. "accessUrl": "",
  374. "downloadUrl": "",
  375. "license": "",
  376. "created": "2013-01-04T07:54:13+01:00",
  377. "modified": "2013-01-04T07:54:13+01:00"
  378. },
  379. "auxiliaryFile": [ """ + file_sane + """ ],
  380. "location": [
  381. {
  382. "id": "",
  383. "type": "",
  384. "description": "Honschaftsstraße 312, Köln",
  385. "geometry": {
  386. "type": "Point",
  387. "coordinates": [
  388. 7.03291,
  389. 50.98249
  390. ]
  391. }
  392. }
  393. ],
  394. "originatorPerson": [
  395. ""
  396. ],
  397. "originatorOrganization": [
  398. ""
  399. ],
  400. "consultation": [""" + consultation_sane + """],
  401. "underDirectionOf": [
  402. ""
  403. ],
  404. "created": "2013-01-08T12:05:27+00:00",
  405. "modified": "2013-01-08T12:05:27+00:00"
  406. }
  407. """;
  408. public const string paper_list_sane = """
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  416. "data": [
  417. """+ paper_sane +"""
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  420. }
  421. """;
  422. public const string agenda_item_sane = """
  423. {
  424. "id": "",
  425. "type": "",
  426. "meeting": "",
  427. "number": "10.1",
  428. "name": "Satzungsänderung für Ausschreibungen",
  429. "public": true,
  430. "consultation": "",
  431. "result": "Geändert beschlossen",
  432. "resolutionText": "Der Beschluss weicht wie folgt vom Antrag ab: ...",
  433. "resolutionFile": """+ file_sane +""",
  434. "auxiliaryFile": ["""+ file_sane +"""],
  435. "start": "2012-02-06T12:01:00+00:00",
  436. "end": "2012-02-08T14:05:27+00:00",
  437. "created": "2012-01-06T12:01:00+00:00",
  438. "modified": "2012-08-16T14:05:27+00:00"
  439. }
  440. """;
  441. public const string consultation_sane = """
  442. {
  443. "id": "",
  444. "type": "",
  445. "agendaItem": "",
  446. "meeting": "",
  447. "organization": [""],
  448. "authoritative": false,
  449. "role": "Beschlussfassung"
  450. }
  451. """;
  452. }