interlocking.log 25 KB

  1. This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=latex 2018.10.18) 15 JAN 2019 21:06
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  126. (./interlocking.tmp)
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  145. version 2017-03-30-16:04
  146. )
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  163. version 2018-02-21-09:31
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  174. hes of tex4ht.c)
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  179. hes of tex4ht.c)
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  228. version 2018-01-12-14:38
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  232. ine option `refcaption'
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  242. ption `minitoc<'
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  246. e option `enumerate+'
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  269. onts'
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  277. version 2017-03-30-16:04
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  286. -m' (not recommended!!)
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  290. he command line option `pic-m+' (not safe!!)
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  317. ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/html4-math.4ht
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  320. exlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/html4.4ht
  321. version 2018-02-21-09:31
  322. --------------------------------------
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  325. pixels in the bitmaps (e.g., 110).
  326. --------------------------------------
  327. --------------------------------------
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  329. en bounding box is unavailable try `Gin-dim+'; neither is recommended
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  332. version 2017-03-30-16:04
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  339. )) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/babel.4ht
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  343. ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/html4-math.4ht
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  350. version 2017-03-30-16:04
  351. )) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/html4.4ht
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  444. _Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-32-48.png ---
  445. l.117 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"3_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
  446. st_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-27-25.xbb"' not found ---
  447. l.117 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "3_home_moritz
  448. _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-27-2
  449. 5.xbb" (no BoundingBox) ---
  450. l. 117 --- needs --- 3_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img
  451. _Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-27-25.png ---
  452. l.121 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"4_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
  453. st_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-28-32.xbb"' not found ---
  454. l.121 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "4_home_moritz
  455. _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-28-3
  456. 2.xbb" (no BoundingBox) ---
  457. l. 121 --- needs --- 4_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img
  458. _Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-28-32.png ---
  459. [4]
  460. l.173 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"5_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
  461. st_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-51-25.xbb"' not found ---
  462. l.173 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "5_home_moritz
  463. _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-51-2
  464. 5.xbb" (no BoundingBox) ---
  465. l. 173 --- needs --- 5_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img
  466. _Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-51-25.png ---
  467. [5] [6] [7]
  468. l.344 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"6_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
  469. st_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex1.xbb"' not found ---
  470. l.344 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "6_home_moritz
  471. _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex1.xbb" (
  472. no BoundingBox) ---
  473. l. 344 --- needs --- 6_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrai
  474. ns_assets_lyx_img_route_ex1.png ---
  475. [8]
  476. l.370 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"7_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
  477. st_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex2.xbb"' not found ---
  478. l.370 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "7_home_moritz
  479. _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex2.xbb" (
  480. no BoundingBox) ---
  481. l. 370 --- needs --- 7_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrai
  482. ns_assets_lyx_img_route_ex2.png ---
  483. l.401 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"8_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
  484. st_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_assign_signal.xbb"' not found ---
  485. l.401 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "8_home_moritz
  486. _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_assign_signal.xb
  487. b" (no BoundingBox) ---
  488. l. 401 --- needs --- 8_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrai
  489. ns_assets_lyx_img_assign_signal.png ---
  490. l.432 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"9_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
  491. st_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex3.xbb"' not found ---
  492. l.432 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "9_home_moritz
  493. _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex3.xbb" (
  494. no BoundingBox) ---
  495. l. 432 --- needs --- 9_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrai
  496. ns_assets_lyx_img_route_ex3.png ---
  497. [9] [10]
  498. l.529 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"10_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minet
  499. est_____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2019-01-15_19-28-09.xbb"' not found ---
  500. l.529 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "10_home_morit
  501. z_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2019-01-15_19-28-0
  502. 9.xbb" (no BoundingBox) ---
  503. l. 529 --- needs --- 10_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_____lyx_img
  504. _Bildschirmfoto_2019-01-15_19-28-09.png ---
  505. [11] [12]
  506. l.661 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"11_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minet
  507. est_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex1.xbb"' not found ---
  508. l.661 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "11_home_morit
  509. z_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex1.xbb"
  510. (no BoundingBox) ---
  511. l. 661 --- needs --- 11_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtra
  512. ins_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex1.png ---
  513. l.667 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"12_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minet
  514. est_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex2.xbb"' not found ---
  515. l.667 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "12_home_morit
  516. z_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex2.xbb"
  517. (no BoundingBox) ---
  518. l. 667 --- needs --- 12_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtra
  519. ins_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex2.png ---
  520. l.685 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"13_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minet
  521. est_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_ars_ex1.xbb"' not found ---
  522. l.685 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "13_home_morit
  523. z_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_ars_ex1.xbb" (n
  524. o BoundingBox) ---
  525. l. 685 --- needs --- 13_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtra
  526. ins_assets_lyx_img_ars_ex1.png ---
  527. [13] [14] (./interlocking.aux) )
  528. Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
  529. 5182 strings out of 494848
  530. 65027 string characters out of 6179105
  531. 253348 words of memory out of 5000000
  532. 8396 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
  533. 14893 words of font info for 31 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
  534. 59 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
  535. 28i,6n,29p,763b,465s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s
  536. Output written on interlocking.dvi (14 pages, 65604 bytes).