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- st_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-28-32.xbb"' not found ---
- l.121 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "4_home_moritz
- _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-28-3
- 2.xbb" (no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 121 --- needs --- 4_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img
- _Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-28-32.png ---
- [4]
- l.173 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"5_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
- st_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-51-25.xbb"' not found ---
- l.173 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "5_home_moritz
- _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-51-2
- 5.xbb" (no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 173 --- needs --- 5_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_m____lyx_img
- _Bildschirmfoto_2018-08-30_14-51-25.png ---
- [5] [6] [7]
- l.344 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"6_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
- st_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex1.xbb"' not found ---
- l.344 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "6_home_moritz
- _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex1.xbb" (
- no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 344 --- needs --- 6_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrai
- ns_assets_lyx_img_route_ex1.png ---
- [8]
- l.370 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"7_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
- st_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex2.xbb"' not found ---
- l.370 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "7_home_moritz
- _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex2.xbb" (
- no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 370 --- needs --- 7_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrai
- ns_assets_lyx_img_route_ex2.png ---
- l.401 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"8_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
- st_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_assign_signal.xbb"' not found ---
- l.401 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "8_home_moritz
- _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_assign_signal.xb
- b" (no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 401 --- needs --- 8_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrai
- ns_assets_lyx_img_assign_signal.png ---
- l.432 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"9_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minete
- st_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex3.xbb"' not found ---
- l.432 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "9_home_moritz
- _Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_route_ex3.xbb" (
- no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 432 --- needs --- 9_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrai
- ns_assets_lyx_img_route_ex3.png ---
- [9] [10]
- l.529 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"10_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minet
- est_____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2019-01-15_19-28-09.xbb"' not found ---
- l.529 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "10_home_morit
- z_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_____lyx_img_Bildschirmfoto_2019-01-15_19-28-0
- 9.xbb" (no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 529 --- needs --- 10_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_____lyx_img
- _Bildschirmfoto_2019-01-15_19-28-09.png ---
- [11] [12]
- l.661 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"11_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minet
- est_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex1.xbb"' not found ---
- l.661 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "11_home_morit
- z_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex1.xbb"
- (no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 661 --- needs --- 11_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtra
- ins_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex1.png ---
- l.667 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"12_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minet
- est_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex2.xbb"' not found ---
- l.667 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "12_home_morit
- z_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex2.xbb"
- (no BoundingBox) ---
- l. 667 --- needs --- 12_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtra
- ins_assets_lyx_img_arslin_ex2.png ---
- l.685 --- TeX4ht warning --- File `"13_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minet
- est_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_ars_ex1.xbb"' not found ---
- l.685 --- TeX4ht warning --- Cannot determine size of graphic in "13_home_morit
- z_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtrains_assets_lyx_img_ars_ex1.xbb" (n
- o BoundingBox) ---
- l. 685 --- needs --- 13_home_moritz_Home_Projekte_Minetest_minetest_mods_advtra
- ins_assets_lyx_img_ars_ex1.png ---
- [13] [14] (./interlocking.aux) )
- Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
- 5182 strings out of 494848
- 65027 string characters out of 6179105
- 253348 words of memory out of 5000000
- 8396 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
- 14893 words of font info for 31 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
- 59 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
- 28i,6n,29p,763b,465s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s
- Output written on interlocking.dvi (14 pages, 65604 bytes).