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MAC Changer

MAC is media access control, a permanent address to network devices, and it's unique.

Changing a MAC address can also be useful to impersonate other devices.

We can change the MAC address using ifconfig like so:

  ifconfig [interface] down
  ifconfig [interface] hw ether [mac:address]
  ifconfig [interface] up

We can also use macchanger like this:

  macchanger -r [interface] # to get a random mac
  macchanger -m [mac:address] [interface] # to set a custom mac

Changing Mac Address Manually

We can change the MAC address manually:

ifconfig [interface_name] down ifconfig [interface_name] hw ether [new:mac:address] ifconfig [interface_name] up


Proxies and Proxychains

Proxychains are set up to be used with tor by default. They can be ran as:

  proxychains nmap

The proxychains configuration can be modified at /etc/proxychains4.conf. Proxies can be added like this:

  http 3128
  socks4 1080
  https     80
  http   3128
    There are two modes: dynamic chain, and strict chain.
  • dynamic chain: each connection will be made via chained proxies,
  • and all proxies will be chained in the order as they appear in the list, dead proxies are skipped.
  • strict chain: same as dynamic chain, but all proxies must be
  • online to play in chain.