title: Compiling our malware section: "Finishing our malware" course: code_malware
Now, we are ready to compile - again - our malware so we can send it to our victim. We already know the commands needed to do so. First, let's compile the server:
gcc Server.c -o Server
Note: If some of these compiling commands returns you an error, go and post it with your code in "Ask the Tutor" section.
And compile the backdoor:
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -o malware.exe Backdoor.c -lwsock32 -lwininet
Note: Sometimes a compilation made with MinGW could be incomplete, so make sure you check it and if there is any problem, compile the Backdoor.c file again.
Make sure the IP addresses and ports in both files are right, and check the commands we added throughout the code: